Today we conclude our 3 Part discussion of Genesis 1:14-19.
Previously, we learned that Moses did not intend to write a scientific explanation of how the sun, moon, and stars came into existence, but instead wanted the Hebrew people to understand how Yahweh was different and better than the gods of Canaan, Egypt, and Babylon, with which the Hebrew people were familiar.
In the previous episode, we really only saw that Moses was in fact writing a polemic against the gods of these other religions and cultures.
This episode concludes this study of Genesis 1:14-19 by showing the seven ways that Moses differentiates Yahweh from the deities of these surrounding nations and cultures.
The Text of Genesis 1:14-19
Genesis 1:14-19. Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light to the earth”; and it was so.
Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good.
So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
In this discussion of Genesis 1:14-19 we look at:
- Why the sunrise is not the pinnacle of creation.
- Why Moses waited until Day 4 to introduce the sun, moon, and stars.
- Why time existed prior to the sun, moon, and stars.
- The significance of Moses not even naming the sun and moon.
- The theological truth about the stars being nearly ignored on Day 4.
- The reason Moses repeats the phrase, “and it was evening, and it was morning.”
- The truth that God faces no battles for our continued, daily existence.
- – Helping you and your Theology Look Like Jesus
- Atkinson, Genesis 1-11 – Amazon or CBD
- Greidanus, Preaching Christ, Amazon or CBD
- Hamilton, Genesis 1–17 – Amazon or CBD
- Hasel Article on Genesis 1
- Johnston Article on Genesis 1
- Miller and Soden, In the Beginning – Amazon or CBD
- Ross, Creation & Blessing – Amazon or CBD
- Wenham, Genesis – Amazon or CBD
- Subscribe and Leave a Review on iTunes
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Hey Jeremy, I have been following your blog for a few years now, and I am enjoying your podcast. I love how you are presenting the text. Sometimes, we forget that these texts were written in a time and place unlike our own. When we forget to do that, then we read ourselves back into the texts, which sadly distorts the message the authors were trying to get across. I look forward to hearing more and reading more. If you can, I have a blog I wish to tell you about. I would love it if you could swing over and check it out and give me any comments and critiques as you can. At the moment, I only have one post up, its new. I am planning to do a weekly post. Anyway, I can’t wait for more of you stuff. I am eating it up.
I like your angle of reading and analyzing the bible.. we really have to go back o the history of the texts to enable us understand the context, and the historical activities during those times. Thank you very much for your comments