While I do not believe that Genesis 1 speaks directly against the theory of evolution, I do believe that the theology behind the theory of evolution has been around a lot longer than the theory itself.
In fact, the theology behind the theory of evolution has been around since the very beginning.
The verses we will look at today, Genesis 1:24-25, speak directly against these theological ideas. Listen to this episode to learn how.
The Text of Genesis 1:24-25
Genesis 1:24-25. Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth the living creature according to its kind: cattle and creeping thing and beast of the earth, each according to its kind”; and it was so. And God made the beast of the earth according to its kind, cattle according to its kind, and everything that creeps on the earth according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.
In this discussion of Genesis 1:24-25 we look at:
- The first part of the sixth day of creation is the creation of the animals.
- How the creation of the animals is different than the creation of the plants.
- The three categories of animals that were created.
- Similarities of Genesis 1:24-25 with other creation accounts, and how the Genesis account is polemical against them.
- How Genesis 1:24-25 refutes the theology of evolution, even if it doesn’t speak to evolution itself.
- Become a Patron of the Podcast
- Collins, Genesis 1-4 – Amazon or CBD
- Hamilton, Genesis 1–17 – Amazon or CBD
- Keil & Delitzsch, Genesis – Amazon or CBD
- Morris, The Genesis Record – Amazon or CBD
- Ross, H. The Genesis Question – Amazon
- Sailhamer, EBC: Genesis – Amazon or CBD
- Sailhamer, Genesis Unbound – Amazon
- Walton, Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds – Amazon or CBD
- Walton, Lost World of Genesis One, Amazon or CBD
- Wenham, Genesis – Amazon or CBD
- Babylonian Account of the Creation of the Beasts of the Field
- fm – Helping you and your Theology Look Like Jesus
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Hi Jeremy,
I just finished “binge” listening to all of the podcasts (I’m prepping and cooking for Thanksgiving), and now I’m up to date. I love the new knowledge I am gaining because of your hard work.
It’s hard to believe that there is so much information about this one chapter, and most of what you are saying contradicts everything I have been taught my whole life.
I am a creationist, and I love science, but to be honest, I’ve always had problems with creationism. Your teachings about how to read/understand Genesis have strengthened my faith.
I love your parting words of encouragement at the end of each session. Can’t wait ’til the next lesson.
I am a theistic evolutionist. What I believe is that the whole evolution thing happened before the sixth and seventh day of creation. So yes after that produce to there own kind. If you understand what I mean by that.
I agree that Genesis can’t be used to prove or disprove creation or evolution and should be left out in these matters.
I disagree on the following though:
That even theology of evolution didn’t exist when Genesis was written. It could not have been a thought on their mind at the time.
As for influence of evolution on war. Evolutionist intent was never hostile against Christians, but Christians (although very few actually understand what evolution is) are hostile against evolutionist. I work a lot with both and most Christians who do not believe in evolution treat people worse than those evolutionist. It is a symptom of human nature and not of evolution.
As for reason why animals maybe not blessed – I believe because the Egyptians worshipped animals so therefore Moses leaves it out.
Thanks for your hard work…………
Thanks for the input! I have no real logical, biblical, or theological reasons to oppose theistic evolution. In my thinking, I might prefer to call it “evolutionary creationism,” for God is the one who sparked the “Big Bang” and then guided all the processes of evolution.
I probably did not explain myself very well in this podcast. I have been re-thinking it ever since I recorded it, and wish I had said a lot of things differently… Oh well.
Pleasure. I also find that with certain topics I might not say what I want as I want, as we all know these kind of topics can create ‘confusion’ or never ending debates. lol
Thanks for all your hard work and interaction! Your teachings means a lot to me!
Heya 🙂 I enjoy reading your blogs because you never blindly accept things on a ‘that’s just the way they are’ basis – you think your way through, even if the answer you end up at is not clear cut.
The reason I wanted to comment on this particular post is because of another website that I came up on that actually thinks a little outside the usual answers. They discuss evolution and how it can in fact fit in with what the Bible tells us, and to be honest I quite like their theory. I personally believe that the mission of reconciliation is not just between sin and redemption in this modern age – I think that some of us also have a mission of helping to reconcile the world we are discovering with the world painted for us in the Bible, and evolution is a huge part of that. I’ll link the first part of it here – perhaps you could take a look and see what you make of it? 🙂
I am in the midst of listening to your podcasts about the account of creation in Genesis. I appreciate very much the perspective of Moses ‘polemic’ as a way to read through these scriptures.
I wonder though if you have ever been exposed to a viewpoint other than ‘young earth’ creationism as a scientific exploration. A church I attended some years ago, sponsored an in-house Bible School with a science course taught be the head of the community college science department. A guest speaker to that class was our senior paster who held a degree in astrophysics and who wrote a thesis on the Babylonian creation account. His recommendation for reading material on the creation was several books written by Hugh Ross who also maintains a website Reasons To Believe”. It was a relief to find a believer who wrote a reasonable explanation of the creation story that made more sense than I had ever read in modern evangelical publcations.
I know you’re busy but I’m hoping a brief glance at Hugh Ross’ website might change your mind about a reconciliation between science and the scriptures.