Sometimes, those of us who are pastors think of ourselves as the head of the local church, the spiritual leader that deserves respect and obedience from others, or the one like a High Priest who has the closest connection to God.
Among the disciples of Jesus and in the early church there were spiritual leaders who thought of themselves in such a manner. Some of the early believers wanted to sit in places of honor and privilege (cf. Matt 20:21-24; Jas 2:1-13), and receive recognition for their leadership role within the church. This seems to have been a problem in Corinth also, as Paul had to remind the believers there that the church has only one head, Jesus Christ.
Many of the early Christians came out of Judaism and pagan religions where a class of clerics and priests ruled and dominated other people in all things spiritual. So also, the concept of the man as the head of the household carried over into the idea that the pastor was the head of the church, especially since early churches often met in houses.
Scripture argues against a single, authoritarian leader in a church, and taught instead that all were equal in Jesus, that spiritual gifts were given to all for the benefit of all, that we are all priests with Jesus as the High Priest (cf. Matt 26:6-11; 1 Pet 2:5, 9; Heb 4-5).
Ultimately, the cure for wanting to be the man in charge is to see Jesus as the sole Head of the church. There are no sub-heads in the church, nor are Jesus and pastors conjoined twins. We do not share headship over one body. Jesus is the head, and the pastor is part of that body.
When we view ourselves this way, we begin to see that our role in the church is the same as everybody else’s: to serve the other members of the body.
I agree. I’ve found that in the past, when I’ve “submitted” (or tried to) to my pastor’s leading, it undermined my own authority as a believer, and even made me 2nd guess. “Of course, I don’t know as much as my pastor does. After all, he hears from God for my life”. That line of thought has gotten me into trouble. I think right now, the main role of most pastors today is disseminating information and running a corporation moreso than true shepherding of the flock and helping people navigate through life. There is a difference. I mean, it’s great that he’s on TV and has several books, but how is that going to help me when my life is in need of prayer, counsel, and someone to walk through the valley with me, you know?
I’m still working out my own feelings towards the whole pastor/church “as we know it” model, and many of my feelings are still raw and not quite worked through. 🙂 I appreciate your posts!
Keep thinking. But always remember. Only my ideas are right. If anyone disagrees with me, they are wrong, and you must stop listening to them right away! Oh, also, send in your donations.
(I hope you know I’m kidding!)
I agree with you Jeremy!in parts of africa lots of sincere people are being manipulated and abused by “pastors” absurd claims of being the leader…
As business/charitable activities has led me into relationships with the Eastern Orthodox Church, Father P***,Bish S **** introduced as Father( “call no man father”)as well as church leaders I see very ill informed laiety( some exceptions),with a biblical worldview supplanted by a cultural denominational world view.The concept of Grace is overwhelmed by works, sacraments, membership. Without the antidote of FREE GRACE even the bible becomes a legislative tome. EV /Protestant and Messianic congregations are not immune. I have aslo found some very loving Christians in the same group and acccept the Lord know H-s own and His lead.Pray more light less heat. We have opposition that makes no distinctions amongst those who glory in H-s name.
Had a Southern Baptist pastor that use to jangle his keys in the air during staff meetings and say, “remember, gentlemen, we hold the keys that give access to God.” Give me a break!
When “Pastor” means “Rabbi”..
In fact, which Covenant is going on for these men and women? The First, under the Law of Moses, or the New one, under the Grace of our Messiah Yeshua?
Do the priesthood of all believers concerns only a “happy” few ones?
Priesthood of all means priesthood of all, right?