I recently had a conversation with several guys about church and ministry, and we were talking about how there are so many people who seem to entering into a way of being the church outside of the four walls of institutional Christianity. By many estimates, there are now more people who follow Jesus outside of institutional Christianity than those who follow Him inside. I wrote about this a few weeks back.
As we were talking about this, one of the guys wondered why this is happening now … why we don’t see this sort of movement away from “Sunday morning congregational church” anywhere else in history.
My answer was “the internet.”
I believe that the movement away from Sunday morning congregational church has always been happening, but we only hear about it more today because of the internet.
There are three reasons the internet is helping us see what the Spirit of God is up to in the world today.
1. The internet helps us see the worldwide movement of God into a more relational Christianity.
Due to blogging and social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, we can now connect with people all around the world and see that what is happening in my heart and mind is something that seems to be occurring in the hearts and minds of millions of people elsewhere.
Have you ever had a thought or an idea about how to be the church, how to follow Jesus, or how a particular passage of Scripture can be understood in a way that undermines what religious Christianity has often taught? And then you get online and discover that someone on Great Britain or South Africa or Brazil has just posted exactly the same thing on Facebook?
It happens all the time! The only real way to explain this is to recognize that the Spirit of God is teaching similar things to similar people all around the world. The Spirit is fanning the flames of a worldwide movement, and the internet helps us see this movement of God in real time.
2. The internet helps those with doubts and fears know that they are not crazy, that they are hearing the Spirit correctly.
One exciting benefit to seeing that other people in other parts of the world have similar thoughts and ideas to our own is that it helps us realize that we are not crazy heretics.
When I first started to question and challenge everything I had been taught, I literally wondered if I was become an apostate. I started to ask “Why?” about everything I had ever been taught and everything I had ever done in the church. It scared me.
And that is one reason I started this blog. I started it to hopefully get feedback from other people around the world who might be able to either
- (Option 1) Reign me back in to correct theology and sound doctrine, or
- (Option 2) Confirm that they too were having similar thoughts and ideas and that these were okay.
In the past ten years of blogging, the response has overwhelmingly leaned toward that second option. I often get responses from people who lean toward Option 1 as well, but in my experience, most of these people are having thoughts and ideas about Option 2, and it scares them, so they fight against it by leaving comments on blogs like mine.
This is why it is always wise to responds to such people with as much grace and dignity as you can muster, for your response to them in this way might be just the thing that helps them see that it is okay to question tradition and follow the Spirit’s leading away from institutional religion. A soft answer helps them see that the people “out here” are not apostates and heretics and backslidden sinners the way those inside institutional religion often portray us.
Be a calm voice of reason and love to all people you interact with on the internet, because the internet is one way the Holy Spirit is inviting people to take a tentative step in following Jesus in a more relational way.
And that leads us to the third point.
3. The internet gives a voice to those who were traditionally silenced.
There have always been lots of people who followed Jesus outside of church, but we have little historical record of them. Why is this? Because institutional religion silenced them.
There have always been lots of people who knew that the institutional Christianity was not the only way of following Jesus, but those who were in positions of power never gave these people a platform or a pulpit from which to speak. They were not allowed to write books, teach sermons, or even ask questions. And so we have very little record of them.
If you read some of the ancient sermon texts, even from the very beginning of institutional Christianity in the fourth century, you can often read between the lines of these sermons and see that the Bishops and Priests had such people in their congregations, and were cajoling them and guilting them back into conformity, and even sometimes persecuting them for “abandoning Jesus and the church.” The exact same tactics and language is often used today by those in power against the people who want to follow Jesus differently.
But today, thankfully, we have the internet. People do not need to have a pulpit from which to speak. They do not need permission from the gatekeepers to publish a book. The barriers are very low to starting a podcast so that your voice and ideas can be heard around the world.
So Be Encouraged!
You are not crazy.
You are not insane.
You are not a heretic.
You have not fallen away.
You have not turned your back on God and Jesus.
Instead, you are part of an ever-growing, rapidly-expanding, Spirit-led, worldwide movement of God to show the world that in Jesus Christ, a new day has dawned, a new creation has come, and that all things are new.
You don’t need traditional power structures.
You don’t need the rules and regulations and rituals.
You don’t need the standards of conduct the codes of ethics and the doctrinal guidelines.
You just need to follow Jesus in love, as countless millions of people around the world are learning to do each and every day.
And the internet helps us see what God is up to in the world and that He is leading millions of people to follow Him in new and exciting ways. So thank God for the internet!
(If you want to become one of the voices on the internet, I highly recommend you start a blog, and I have created a video tutorial to help you along. Go here to get started.)
It sure is helping this great awakening ! 😀 <3 Following Him and His Spirit can't stay virtual….what do we do with this info is the challenge. PS: Thnx for your help so my wife Pamela Spocks voice can be heard. 😀 and love to hear your voice as well.
Hi Vinny! I was glad to help Pamela get her voice online and into the world.
Sooo Jeremy, what all do YOU believe one has to do to obtain salvation /heaven?
Do you believe one should go to church?
What do you mean by institutional religion ??
Are churches of believers institutional when they do go to a church where a pastor correctly teaches the Word of God?
Lots of questions. Here are the quick answers, which probably won’t satisfy.
1. Believe in Jesus for eternal life.
2. I think people should BE the church.
3. A system of beliefs and behaviors which are required for people to belong to and be accepted by others within that system.
4. Maybe or maybe not. Define “churches.” Define “pastor.” Define “teaches.” Define “Word of God.”
To learn more, check out my blog. I have been writing on these very topics for 15 years, so there’s lots to read there.
thanks, Jeremy. I do know the word “church” means a people called out, but also the Bible does say to not neglect going to church as some do.
Does it? Where does it say that?
Good question. It has been a while since I have covered that topic, soooo are you saying from the very beginning the first Christians never gather themselves at houses to study under pastor-teachers until when they had to find bigger places to meet, such as buildings/places to gather to study under pastor-teachers????
You do not believe in going to church and listening to a pastor-teachers?
What I remember is, there are passages that say for people to gather together in worship and there were designated Pastor teachers. And soooo therefore where is most likely this would happen of course in a building that was secure from weather and elements, so there could be a gathering together in worship and teaching and learning.. I have never known anybody to think of the building actually being the church but a building is what houses the church
Brady, no, I am not saying anything of the sort.
Let me put it this way: There is no verse anywhere in the Bible which requires that church be done the way it is most often practiced today. This is not to say that this way of doing church is wrong, it just means that it isn’t required by Scripture.
Again, I have written dozens and dozens of articles on this very topic on my blog. Try some of these:
Hi Jeremy. I am a new Christian,I also suffer from severe anxiety and depression. I came to Christ in a rather unconventional way,but that is not my concern. Since coming to Christ (ten months ago), I have been terrified. I was not raised Christian and had never read the Bible. When I did,the fear started. You see,I have been divorced and remarried. I was not the innocent party (it is a long story),anyway,I have been told that if I don’t get a divorce from my wonderful husband (who came to Christ the same time I did), I will go to hell. I am petrified. It has stopped my life as I know it. I cry all day and my blood pressure is up and down. I have made myself physically ill. I want to love Jesus,but this has been the worst thing that has ever happened to me. I love Jesus and truly believe in him,but now all I think about it how much I want to die. Do you have any insight that may help. I know what the Bible says,and as such,what Jesus has said. I need help.
Hello Kimberly, whoever that was that told you you’re going to hell, sadly has much to learn about Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We ALL fall short of the Glory of God. Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
Please never think He will forsake you for Sin, either past, current or future. If you know Jesus as Lord and Savior, have repented, and asked Him to come into your life, HE does. and every one of those sins have been nailed to The Cross.
Here’s some more exceptional verses for their Powerful message.
Romans 8: There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: 4 That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit…
31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?
32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth. 34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. 37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Here’s what I have come to learn and find out. Clement of Alexandria, for it is not now the place but the assembly of the elect that I call the church. 4 Clement the assemblage of a lack Mentos summon or called by God in Christ. In the New Testament ekklesia also is associated with a congrbegation, Acts 7:38, apply to Israel, and the “house of God”, 1Tim. 3:15. More specifically a Christian Church is a gathering of those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus sync by calling with all who in every place call on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and ours, 1Cor. 1:2. The New Testament use of the word ekklesia used over 100 times. Sometimes it refers to churches in private homes, Rom. 16:5; 1Cor. 16:19; Col.4:15; Philem 1:2, at other times to citywide assemblies. In his epistle to the Romans Paul mentions both the church at Rome that met in Priscilla and Aquila’s house, 16:5 and “the whole church” in Rome , 16:23. Paul and Barnabas gathered the church together at Antioch after their first missionary journey acts 14:27. Churches are often identified by the city in which they meet Jerusalem in Acts 8: 1, Antioch Acts 13:1, Cenchrea Rom.16:1, Thessalonica 2 TIM. 1:1 and seven churches in Asia Rev. Chapter 2-3. These churches are examples of local assemblies that are part of the greater entity the house or household of God the whole body of Christ.
Correction, I meant to say Clement of Alexandria wrote, for it is not now the place but the assemblage of the elect, that I call the church or Clement the assemblage of the lack Mentos summon or called by God in Christ..That’s what I meant to say above.
Jeremy Myers , Ok Jeremy, sure I know there are all kinds of ways church is done, but it seems the church has the freedom to be different as long a it does NOT violate doctrine, but for some reason by the answer you gave me above it seem you were NOT thinking we should go to church?????? Soooo do you go to church???
Thanks for your patients
Church, I.e ekklesia, are individual believers, that meet at a local fellowship (which is corporate ).
Jeremy Myers, please explain what you mean by…”There is no verse anywhere in the Bible which requires that church be done THE WAY IT IS MOST OFTEN practiced today”.
I’m not stating who is wrong or right, just seeking clarification. Thanks
I’m talking about the most common way of “doing church” today … a building, a paid pastor, a 90 minute service on Sunday morning with 4-5 songs, a prayer time, a 30-40 minute sermon, youth group, children’s programs, etc. etc.
I don’t disagree. Thanks for the clarification.
Jeremy Myers , Here is the verse that tells that people should go to church, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” Heb. 10:25
Brady, whenever any believers meet, whether online, in Church buildings, in a bus shelter, in the home, in a coffee shop – they’re doing exactly that. They’re ‘not forsaking the assembling…’ They are ‘doing Church’. Ok, for me, I happen to do Church in all kinds of ways – I go to the ‘great assembly’ (Church on Sundays), I go to midweek meeting, I meet individual believers during the week, my family do Communion at the dinner table, and I’m here chatting with you and Jeremy about Jesus and the things of God – we’re doing Church right now. And of course we *are* Church in that we are all parts of the Body of Christ; it’s not just somewhere we go or ‘do’.
Brady, Yes, I knew which reference you were referring to. I asked because as you can see, the verse doesn’t mention anything about “going to church.” The word “church” isn’t even in the verse.
There are lots of ways to assemble with other believers that do not involve sitting in a pew on Sunday morning to listen to a sermon.
Thanks for your thoughts. But the word “church” is not always necessary to use to be understood it means church. I remember in English class when they taught the word “you” does NOT always need to be present /used/said to be understood it’s there. Soooo when the verse refers to “not forsaken the assembly of ourselves” that is the church wherever it meets. And pragmatically historically the church group come together where they can be held in a relatively safe environment as a building. Therefore the building is the place where the church comes together and therefore the place where God’s people meet had/has come to be known as church. Where the Church meets.
Soooo do you go to church???? Listen to a pastor-teacher(s)?
Jeremy Myers, as I think I understand you, church is not a matter of “going to”, but “being”, do I understand you correctly?
Also, “being” the church, can happen anywhere, a home, in the forest, someone’s driveway, etc, right?
yes that’s my view to, but it does happen and historically to be in a building thaat the church as built for ecomnonic reasons as well a practial reason i would say too
but the main thing as Scripture says “do NOT for saken the assembly ot yourselves together as some have done” is the main point I see
Dominick, yes, that is pretty much what I would say. We should be with other believers and assembling with them (as Heb 10:25 calls us to), but this does not only occur in a brick building on the corner Sunday mornings from 10:30-12:00.
Jeremy Myers sure that is true, but I never ever thought that way anyway, for I have known since I was a kid the meaning of the word church and the building has only been one of the most popular places church has met over the centuries
Jeremy Myers , soo do YOU Jeremmy go to church and listen to a pastor-teacher?????
Jeremy once was a pastor at a church in meaning building a long time ago. And that should be enough for an answer I guess.
maybe you would like it better if one says “church building”?
Yes A world wide view has helped my spiritual growth exponentially as well as access to MANY peoples work not just the standard christian fare of religionists that have hijacked God for their own purposes of control. And His Spirit within me “knows” the difference and It does not defy logic or conscience. 😀
Amen Vinny! Logic and conscience was given to us by God. I think this is part of His ‘image’. He writes His laws, no longer on tables of stone, but in our hearts. In contrast, organized religion requires we goose step to doctrines arranged by committees. And if you have ever been on a committee, you know the angriest and loudest always get their way. Such is systematic religion.
Thanks Jeremy for being faithful to your call. I know personally, there is a cost, and I appreciate you. I am glad to say, I am one of those who doubted the Spirit in me, but God was faithful to show me (through you especially) I am not alone in what others might call heresy.
Thanks Jeremy for this post it sums up very well what is happening in the 21st century church of Jesus Christ. The internet is a great tool which God is using to connect believers all round the world as part of His church, which is clearly defined in scripture…. the temple of the Holy Spirit is now flesh and blood not 4 walls and a roof. I communicate with believers every day through the net and my knowledge and beliefs are refined and tested against that back drop. It also gives me a chance to to be a minister of reconciliation with people who are looking for answers and for help from places I never dreamed of reaching a few years ago. Bradys concerns are valid, ive been in the same place as him ( and I know you have to), it takes time to de-institutionalize oneself from a system that has been around from the 2nd century. More change is coming to how we see His church and I look forward to it. Thanks again.
I’m right where you are, Grahame. Loved what you said about “…to be a minister of reconciliation with people who are looking for answers and for help…” – in short, you are being Jesus to those people. And surely that’s the call on every Christian? We’re not alone, bro 🙂
Master Nimmy, as you know the net is just a much larger way of communicating information and points of view. No different to being in a group of people talking about a topic of interest. You always get views that differ from our own. Whether it is politics or faith you get to test your position against others. This is one way of potentially adjusting our own beliefs based on what we learn from the exchange. We all live in our own information and belief silos. This sort of exchange helps us to step outside of them for a little while.
Thanks for the encouragement. Much here that is so good and right on the mark. Bless you for your faithfulness in this wonderful internet ministry.
Thanks Tony your right we are not alone, Jesus walks with us and leads us every day. I notice when I am onsite in heavy industry (crisis chaplancy type work) people have got use to me being their for them even if they dont believe in God. Most profund to me is they notice most when Im not there, even stating to me …….we missed you last week where were you. So this tells me they love the grace of Christ but do not like the institution (they are most uncomplimentry about it sadly). With out realising it they find out whats its like to see a work in progress…. Jesus, People, Relationships…….Blessings
Hi Jeremy, I am thankful to have run across your article. I have blogged for a long time on theology and have wrestled with many of these questions both inside and outside the Church for decades. In fact, I am currently a returning MA student at the GTU in Berkeley seeking an academic degree in Theology with a doctorate to follow.
I like your insight into why it is possible today: the Internet, for surely voices like mine would be permanently sidelined without it – and I am not even very radical – a simply commit the sin of not being partisan. That is all it takes these days.
Open exploration – actually getting onto the heart of the texts? Oh these things are anathema too.
I do think we need the Church – all of it – universal. They may have no need of us (and say so “I have no need of this or that part fo the body”) but we cannot make the same mistake. But do we have the freedom of which you speak? I believe we do brother.
I just bought a good microphone to start doing podcasts. I am not a ranter – I am a teacher and an academic with no real side agendas to grind on. You can sheck out some fairly direct stuff at SPOKE. I would like to see more of your stuff.
I do think some measure of accountability is an issue. I say this because I have wasted time in Facebook forums that were “theological” where people really just show up to argue and grind a personal point. How is that any different in the end than a church body that has an over-riding agenda that wishes to silence all others? The same weapons are employed: shaming, threats of ostracization, condemnations…I have no time for such.
Obviously your apporach is highly positive and meant to bless. Like to hear more.
facebook: christopher MacDonald
posting your post to FB
AGREE, have found this to be TRUE since I was LED out of Institutional Religion in 1989. I am also led to write about this on my website, blog and elsewhere…
AGREE, have found this to be TRUE since I was LED out of Institutional Religion in 1989. I am also led to write about this on my website, blog and elsewhere…
Glad you are doing so! Thanks for writing about it on your blog.
Back in 2004 (yes-ancient history!) I was in just such a quandary as Vinny started out this blog about… I found many interesting things on the internet-but one of them was a “conversation” community which I partook of called THE OOZE. This conversation was part of the beginning of what they called the Emergent Church. But it helped me get on to the next phase of my life, leaving Institutional Church and finding alternative ways of being ekklesia. For me it was transformational.
Yes! I was part of the Ooze as well. It is great how God brings things into our life for a season to bring us into something else later on. This is why we always hold things lightly…
Back in the early nineties, during a mid week service at a church I used to attend, a women stood up and denounced the Internet. She said it was evil, a tool of the devil, and we should stay away from it. She believed God gave her that message. Well she was kinda right, you can find a lot of weird, sinful stuff online. But since that time, the internet has become an incredibly useful and important part of our lives. And our God is using the internet to empower his children. We are on this website, a community of believers, learning about the Lord and growing as Christian’s. We can find information here, and on other websites, that we never hear about in a church building. The Word of God is so powerful and amazing, but in most churches we are presented with the same few themes, year in, year out, nothing that challenges us, and it shouldn’t be that way – Hebrews 5:11-14, 6:1-3.
I am so grateful for the many people called to online ministries. Of course we must always prayerfully consider what any ministry teaches. Thankfully it is easy to research them on their own websites and search engines. And the blessed Holy Spirit gives us the wisdom and discernment to know who is telling us the truth.
Yes, just as with anything good, it can also be used as a tool of evil.
A knife, for example, can be used to prepare dinner and perform important surgery. But a knife can also be used for great evil and pain. I am glad you see that there is much good in the internet as well.
Hey Jeremy, I am not sure if it is a good thing to mention other bloggers books and podcasts on another’s blog but here goes and please forgive me if I did wrong, I think it would definitely help Brady and others if they read the book by Frank Viola and George Bana called “Pagan Christianity”. It answered a lot of questions for me as I am sure it will for them. Also I have adhered to the “In Christ Life” teachings of Warren Litzman a very old but truly gifted man of God and you can download his magazines as well online for free. And, yes Jeremy, I do agree with you but also disagree with some of the things you say but still great ideas, books, blog and podcast. God Bless You for your spirit of freedom.
This has totally been my experience as well Bren. Like you I chose to put my story out there and share with others worldwide and have been gifted with getting to know others out of the range of my eyesight who are having the same Divine Insights. Without this tool of the Internet, I would still feel quite alone on my journey.
Hi Kimberly
You have nothing to fear, Gods love is manifested in Jesus Christ who is God. You have accepted him as Lord and Saviour so you are in relationship with Him and forgiven. Nothing can separate you from His love including sin. Emotionally, however if you believe something that is not true in this case…. you are not forgiven then fear can grip you and that can cause depression and anxiety. Now you know truth, so let the truth set you free. Get some good nights sleep and if the issues continue go see your doctor. Fix your mind on Christ and His forgiveness don’t tolerate negative self talk. Replace it with the truth.
AGREE, have found this to be TRUE since I was LED out of Institutional Religion in 1989. I am also led to write about this on my website, blog and elsewhere…
AGREE, have found this to be TRUE since I was LED out of Institutional Religion in 1989. I am also led to write about this on my website, blog and elsewhere… my desire to know and love the Spirit of God as much as possible in this lifetime and beyond has grown as well. Following His Spirit ever forward and sharing of His sovereign presence is our norm. Truly ALL is through His grace alone!