Do you think that theology can be an idol?
That is, do you think that we sometimes allow our study of God, or even what we think we know about God, to get in the way of actually worshiping and obeying God? In other words, do you think we Christians ever make our theology of God more important than God Himself?
Is it possible for our theology to become idolatry?
That is what we will discuss today as we look at Jonah 2:7-8.
The Text of Jonah 2:7-8
When my soul fainted within me, I remembered the LORD; and my prayer went up to You, Into Your holy temple. Those who regard worthless idols forsake their own Mercy.
In this discussion of Jonah 2:7-8 we look at:
- Why Jonah 2:7 repeats the central thought from Jonah 2:4
- Why Jonah 2:8 is a reference to the sailors from Jonah 1
- Why the best translation of Jonah 2:8b is “neglect their shame”
- If everything Jonah says about the sailors is wrong, and instead points to himself, what about the first line of Jonah 2:8? Is that also a statement about Jonah? Does Jonah worship vain idols?
- Redeeming God Discipleship Area
- Do Christians Worship a False God? (Facebook post)
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Ha! This is something I have been thinking about for a few days. I think studying is a form of worship, but we are more than heads, right? I look forward to the podcast 🙂
Yes, studying is a form of worship! Absolutely. I just point out that as we study, we must be open to God changing out theology. Jonah wasn’t, and so his theology was idolatrous.
I totally agree we need to remain open. If we don’t we relegate God to some finite box. Types and shadows set the ground for theological change, don’t you think, and doesn’t history show that God continues to challenge religious theology to reveal and restore kingdom theology?
If we don’t stay humble we judge, right?
The glimpse of cultural insights from your thesis would make it interesting reading, I would read it.
I know I have. But God is faithful and eventually opens my eyes one way or another.