In a previous post we considered the question, “Can a Christian be demon-possessed?” we said no. But if a non-Christian is demon possessed, what the the signs of demonic possession, and is a Christian able to make the determination that someone is possessed by a demon?
Let us consider first the signs of demonic possession.
What are the signs of demonic possession?
We must be extremely careful on this question, because many people have been falsely labeled as being a possessed by a demon, and such an accusation can be terribly frightening and disturbing.
Furthermore, I do not think that the signs of demonic possession are as obvious as many seem to think. Satan, after all, masquerades as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). We can assume that Satanic minions also use similar tactics to deceive and trick people into thinking something is good and holy, when in fact, it is of the devil.
When we read of the ministry of Jesus in the Gospels, we find many circumstances where Jesus encountered people who were possessed by demons. For example, there is the man possessed by a legion of demons (Mark 5:6-13). Here is a video adaptation of this event:
But there are also times when Jesus accuses the religious leaders of His day of acting according to their father, the devil (John 8:44). They, of course, showed no signs of demonic possession. Instead, they were the religious elites of the day. Of course, some could argue that they were not possessed, but were only being influenced by Satanic forces. This might be true.
But then there is the example of Judas. Scripture says that Satan entered Judas (Luke 22:3; John 13:27). This did not cause Judas to start spewing vile profanities, or have his heard start spinning in circles. No, he acted pretty normal, and did what most religious people of his day wanted him to do… to accuse Jesus of being a false Messiah and give Him over to the Roman officials for crucifixion.
I guess all I am saying is that when it comes to signs of demonic possession, we shouldn’t rely on Hollywood to tell us what these signs of demonic possession are. Scripture is our best guide on this, and it seems to indicate that while demonic possession sometimes results in strange, erratic, vile, and violent behavior, demonic possession can also result in what appears to be good religious behavior as well.
So what are the signs of demonic possession? I don’t think there is a list by which to determine whether or not someone is possessed by a demon. At least, there is no such list in Scripture, and even if we could compile such a list, it would have to include many of the things that the religious leaders of Jesus’ day were involved in.
Furthermore, such a list would also be misleading because what we often think of as signs of demonic possession might actually be signs of some sort of mental illness or other mental incapacity.
I know a family who had an eleven-year old daughter who behaved in terrible ways. They eventually became convinced that she was possessed by a demon and took her to a pastor to see if he could exorcise the demon. I personally think she had some serious mental issues, but do not think she was possessed. But I don’t think her exorcism session with the pastor helped her very much. What does it do to the mind of an eleven-year old girl to know that her parents think she is possessed by a demon? There is nothing good that comes from that.
So this brings us to the related question:
Can a Christian determine if someone is Demon-Possessed?
If there is no good list of indications or signs of demonic possession, then there is not sure and certain way to determine whether or not a person is possessed by a demon.
I know that some people point to passages like 1 John 4:1 which says that Christians are to discern the spirits to see whether or not they are from God, and the text goes on to say that “any spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God” (1 John 4:2-3).
By these passages, some believe that one sure sign of demonic possession is whether or not a person can say that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.
I once tried this “test” on a man who I thought might be possessed by a demon. He was homeless, and my wife and I were talking to him outside of an Arby’s. We had just bought him some food and were talking to him while he ate. We found out he had no clothes other than the tattered clothes he had on, and so my wife got in the car to go the nearest department store to buy him a pair of pants, a sweatshirt, and a coat.
While she was gone, the man launched into a filth-laden tirade against Christians, God, and Billy Graham. His behavior was so erratic, that I decided to run this little test from 1 John 4 on him. I asked him if he could say that Jesus Christ had come in the flesh. The man got extremely upset when I asked him this question, and refused to even say the name of Jesus. He kept referring to Him as “that man.”
My wife came back with the clothes right about then, and he thanked us and went on his way.
Was he possessed by a demon? Did he exhibit any signs of demonic possession? Based on my experience with this man, some would say yes. I might be wrong, but I came away believing that I had misunderstood 1 John 4. I think it is another one of those texts we rip out of context so that we can label and condemn certain people with mental problems.
Take, for example, the incident in Matthew 8 where two demon-possessed men loudly proclaim that Jesus is the Son of God and ask why He has come (Matt 8:28-29). They clearly knew Who Jesus was and had no problems admitting that He was there in the flesh, and that He was the Son of God. Furthermore, why would a demon-possessed person be unable to admit that Jesus came in the flesh? It makes no sense for a demon to deny this.
No, what John is talking about in 1 John 4 is the specific false teaching he is writing against in his first letter. These false teachers were saying that Jesus was not fully human, that He did not come in the flesh. John says that anyone who says this is not speaking the truth of God. In 1 John 4, John is not saying that anyone and everyone who is possessed by a demon cannot confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh.
I wrote elsewhere about the similar statements in 1 Corinthians 12:3.
So what are the signs of demonic possession, and can a Christian determine if someone is demonically possessed? The truth is that there is no sure and certain list by which to determine if someone is possessed by a demon, nor is there a step-by-step guide to follow if we think someone is possessed.
Don’t Focus on Signs of Demonic Possession
One thing I do know for sure: Some Christians give way too much credit to Satan, and spend way too much time thinking about demonic powers. Satan and his forces are a defeated foe. They’re in retreat. The more we talk about them, and the more we think about them, and the more we are scared by them, the happier they are and the more power they get in our lives.
Instead of worrying about a demon behind every corner and whether or not our neighbor exhibits sings of demonic possession, we should be filling our minds with Jesus, focusing our minds on Christ and Him crucified, and praising Him for the victory He has won on the cross over all the principalities and powers. One book that has really helped me see that it is unhealthy (and dangerous) to focus on satanic influences is Overrun by Demons by Ice and Dean.
When I was a pastor, a woman in my church once asked me to cast the demons out of her car. She said that her car usually ran fine, but that her car would often not start very well, especially on Sunday mornings when she was trying to get to church. As a result, she felt her car had a demon, and she wanted me to exorcise it. I refused, and told her that a mechanic would do just fine.
It is a true story, but this is the way some people think about demons and the spiritual realm. They see a demon under every rock and Satan behind every bad thing that happens in our life. But this is given the demonic realm too much credit.
Don’t spend your life running around scared by the devil. He wants you to be scared of him, but as a believer in Jesus and with the Holy Spirit indwelling your life, he has no more power over you than he has over God Himself. Is God scared of the devil? Of course not! So you don’t need to be either.
Also, if you are looking for signs of demonic possession in the lives of others, please stop. Those who fill their lives looking for these kinds of things are sure to find them, and when you do, it will either fill you with a smug satisfaction about how that coworker you dislike is so evil because she is possessed by a demon, OR it will fill you with terror, dread, and a sense of hopelessness because you fear that someone you love is possessed by a demon and there is not much you can do about it. Either way, you are not viewing that other person the way God views them through the lens of Jesus Christ.
So don’t look for signs of demonic possession. Instead, look for signs of God at work in the lives of others. Look for glimpses of glory shining through. Look for evidence of grace, mercy, and hope. Look for healing, redemption, and forgiveness. As we look for these signs in the lives of others, we will inspire them to live in these ways, and in so doing, expand the rule and reign of God on earth.
What do you think? Are there clear signs of demonic possession? If so, what are they? Should these be things we focus on in life, or, as I suggest above, should we instead focus on Christ and Him crucified?
Is it possible that the people of Jesus’ time lumped together mental illness, odd behavior, outspoken opposition to religious authority and a variety of other things under the general category of “demon possession”? Looking at our own history, consider the Salem witch trials. Does anyone still believe the women they murdered were really witches?
On the other hand, a person I very much trust told me that over twenty five years ago she was with a group of people who thought it would be cool to summon a demon. Much to their amazement, it worked. My friend said they all saw an enormous ugly, terrifying demon come out of the mouth of a person in the group, which scared the you-know-what out of everyone. Everyone in the group, none of them Jesus followers except my friend, decided to never, ever try something so stupid again. If I remember correctly, the thing even breathed fire out of its mouth.
Undoubtedly there are evil entities, but looking for them in other people is probably an activity to avoid. You just might find more than you bargained for.
Yes, I think this is quite possible. I have been around many people with mental illnesses who behaved in ways very similar to what is described in the Gospels and Acts.
That is scary about the appearance of that demon…
I talked with a man a while back who frequently sees spiritual beings. Though I am skeptical of these sorts of things, I cannot explain some of the things that happened to him in any other way.
I’m afraid that as a young man the devil talked to me through a unpowered radio. I still remember the vulgar words I heard as I came up from the basement to the upstairs. To enter a room with the what appeared a boom box speaking these words. Being so disgusted and thinking it was the radio I went to unplug the radio only to find that indeed it was never plugged in or powered.
I’m afraid that even being an electrical engineer nor having seances or any of that weird stuff, that my experience was as real as any theory I have learned and applied.
The truth is that only 1 or two other times have I had such a scary experience. I remember some girl I knew in college saying that she had seen a demon on our bed once. I’d thought she was a real crazy woman had it not been my own experience. Come on people I think we all know that God and Jesus are not liars, there is a spiritual battle here. Though I do acknowledge that the author of this article is right that I’ve met too many religious zealots that blame every instance of hardship as being the devil. The truth to being free from the devil is to resist his calling, that and searching and seeking the power of God.
One thing I have to say in ending is that I’ve done rather wrong things in my life, and God presented himself to me. I can personally say that I know what King David felt when he felt the condemnation of God. Can you explain how a locked door can be flung open in the act of doing a sin, without any wind present? Neither can I. Have you ever went for a late night walk and had a woman on a Harley stop to try to pick you up, here eyes as black as the night? And I’m not just talking the iris. And you’ll all think I was born into a Baptist or strict faith who talked about the devil all the time huh? NO I was born in a very libertine family where science and discounting the “devil made me do it” was encouraged. And yet I know that there is a spiritual battle. Heck I never told my parents about that voice over the boom box, because I’d know they would’ve had me commmitted to an insane asylum. To this day they never knew what I had experienced, and though I’ve hinted I’ve never provided details. So you see I’m an engineer. I’m very logical. I come from a family that discouraged empowering the devil by giving it credit. And yet the devil had tempted me on several occassions. Maybe if I had acknowledged more the truth of the bible at a younger age I could’ve kept from experiencing such black times of young life.
Again on one hand I understand what its like to have a reprobate accuse the devil for everything they do. On the other hand its no psychosis when you hear of some young man who killed his brother say he heard the voice of evil tempt him to do it. That voice is very real folks, and nothing but God can stop it. Thankfully I went on to be an engineer and never be admitted as insane, nor have I had except two other occurences of something so scary.
Jesus was right to know and teach about evil spirit inhabitation or tempting. Its real, but no I don’t blame my car breaking as being the devil. In fact I see it possibly as the father saving my life from a possible car accident. Certainly we should take all hardships as a potential from God to learn a valuable lesson. Yes even being tempted is a lesson or test.
You have more common sense than most christians I know these days. Your comment was made over a year ago, but if you are still out there, please reply. I have done some reading up on “black-eyed people,” and it seems you are not the only person to have encountered one. I would like to understand this better, for reasons that are too long to explain here. Please reply if you read this!
Hi myself and my daughter encountered a black eyed girl working a convenient store on two seperate occasions. I saw first while I was we walking toward her it didn’t last long. I have tried looking and cannot find much about this. If you have any informatio on this I would like to hear
Thank youl.
Black eyed people.
I’ve never seen one in person but they are often seen in my dreams. (Look at my comment) in my dream there is a cloaked man making me do disgusting things. I didn’t add them as I don’t pay much attention to the per say but they always seem to be leading me to something. (The cloaked man, bodies, images of mutilation) .
So what I would think is these blacked eyed people in real life would be doing the same deed. Leading people to a dark place or deed.
What ever your experience may have been, I would be willing to say, that your felt attracted to that person or entity and that you should approach or follow it.
I have found this page looking for help with my own issues…
But please contact me, I have experienced… let’s say a lot with the other side, good and evil. And I will help any ways possible
I totally agree with you and I am thankful to come upon this article and especially your comment.And yes your earlier experiences in life WERE real.I believe you.You are not mentally ill.Keep on praising God,looking for God in all things.Have an awesome new year.
– January 1,2018
I have been around mentally ill and demon possessed one of the signs I noticed was not responding when spoken too a demon considers humans infirior . Also being able to read thoughts and try to use your past or things that aren’t true or weren’t your fault against you …
Lol, no.
You’re taking that out of context.
He said, quite literally, exactly that… TO HIS APOSTLES. They could literally free people from demons.
Actually anyone with the holy spirit has the authority to drive out demons. Think about it, demons can be anything consistent thing that keeps us away from God such as addictions. And if peter was a Christian with the holy spirit why can’t us Christians do the same. If your afraid to face one that means you don’t have the holy spirit.
you do know the technology exists to create dreams and visions.
suki nixon
jr is right, but most Christians, including ministers, have little knowledge on this subject or are simply afraid of it… and well they should be if they are ignorant about the subject.
Read the whole thing! He or she is saying that don’t go overboard.
No where in this article do you mention “how”you can tell if a person is being possessed by evil you just give examples from stories you’ve read and do you know why?? It’s obvious by reading this article you have never expirenced nor have you encountered “evil” are a possessed human being.. You said so yourself about that man you meet that you fed. Those are not signs of a possessed person “CRAZY” yeah but not possessed by evil.. How can you test a man if your not have the right tool to do so yes by mentioning God is one tool to your credit.. I’m speaking from personal expirence from my encounter with evil and none believers of GOD … Last there is a list which you can draw from to know if a person is possessed but the only way you could know that is to go through it yourself without turning your back on God and keeping God 1st at all times even in the darkest of times….
Hi, I read your info and I am a christian and I have noticed weird thing happening, here’s an example, when I want something to happen I think of it and snap my fingers, a couple mins later it happens like one time me and my mom where driving on the freeway and we were in a tunnel with every light on in the tunnel, I wanted to turn them off so all I did was blur my vision and close my eyes slowly and when I opened them the lights were off only ‘6’ were on in the tunnel it was creepy and another time was when I didn’t want to something, I thought of not doing it and I snapped my fingers and mins later it happened
We don’t need to look for demons. They will show themselves if they can. I disagree that Christians cannot be possessed, that’s like saying Christians can’t be alcoholics or drug users. Its faith and belief in Christ that helps us be free of demons, which in these end times we need more than ever. It’s a battle between god and evil, Christian or not. I am Christian.
Dear Jane,
I was a Pastor in three Churches in England over 28 years. There is at least one version of the Bible (the English Standard Version) which says in one passage that Jesus was faced by a man who was “Demon oppressed.” However, if you have access to the Greek New Testament (not everyone has, I know), you would find that the Greek of that very same story says that he was “demon possessed.” On the other hand, you say that Christians can be demon possessed (unless I’m misunderstanding what you said), but this is not logical, never mind not being possible. I myself had an experience while at a Bible College. One of my fellow students had a background of dabbling in the occult. One evening he came to my room in abject fear, and told me that he could not sleep. So, I told him to lie down on my floor and try and get some sleep – after praying for him. The next morning he woke up screaming his head off, and was screaming again. After that, I discovered that I was filled with a similar fear, and what made it go away was when I went to a “Class Meeting” which Methodists had in their history. It was a testimony meeting, and we were singing and praising God and Christ is song. The presence and fear I was experiencing left during that meeting, because (I realised later) Satan or demons cannot stand us praising God – His arch enemy! But, I wasn’t finished yet. Later on next day, the fear returned, and I found myself being led to a window at the end of an upstairs corridor with the intent of throwing myself out of the window. Two fellow students prayed with me, and I was delivered from the fear. It had been a very hot summer, and in the room when Dave was screaming, the temperature dropped to a very cold level, which didn’t make sense in view of the weather and climate. However, the point I am making is this: I was a thoroughly born again Christian, so I knew I could not be possessed – but I had experienced demon OPPRESSION. We can be pressurized spiritually from the outside, but as Bible Believing Christians we cannot be oppressed by such forces from the inside. Another reason I say this, is that if the indwelling Holy Spirit of God lives within us (as HE does!) you cannot have Him in you, as well as a demon. It isn’t possible! Sometimes, of course, a person can think that they are born again, but be under a misapprehension about that. In 58 years of being a Christian, and a Pastor for 28 of those years, I have come across lots of church going people, who believed they were Christians simply because they went to Church. The Church cannot save you. Only Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Truth of God and Jesus can bring you to that point. Remember also, that Jesus said this: “No-one can come to Me, unless My Father draws (woos or pulls), him [to] Me.” If a Church going person (who is not really trusting in Christ for salvation) is not truly saved, they might think they are a Christian, and not know that they can indeed be possessed by a demon. (I. e. they can be open to, or prone to such things, because (not being truly saved) they do not have the protection of that salvation in Christ, and of the Holy Spirit. Also, such things as alcohol and drugs are addictions, not possession (though you were not suggesting that); rather they are signs of someone who is under the influence of our fallen human nature. If we live our lives under these influences, it is because we are still living in a fallen environment, and usually there is no evidence of a truly changed life through Christ if we are slaves to the environment. My Dad was a believer, but before he was, he used to say to people “once a smoker, always a smoker, and once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.” He didn’t mean that they would still drink, or still smoke. He just meant, that if you go back into an environment where other people are doing these things, you are likely to be led back into it again. A victorious Christian is meant to stay away from the worldly environment’s habits. We are “new Creations” in Christ. Hope that helps. It might be worth saying this in closing: St. Augustine of Hippo (North Africa), wrote his “Confessions.” These were not like going to a Catholic priest to find “absolution”. These were Augustine’s thoughts he wanted to share with God, and in them he says this to God: “Thou has made us for Thyself, and our hearts are restless, until they find their rest in Thee.” One day, when he met one of his many loose women friends in the street, she called over to him: “Augustine! Augustine! It is I!” (To which he replied) “Yes, but it is not !” St. Paul writes: “It is no longer I that lives, but Christ who liveth in me.” If Jesus is in you, by the indwelling Holy Spirit – given to us when Jesus went back to Heaven – then you are truly “not your own”, because Jesus for us is the “lover” of our souls, and He proved it by His death, resurrection, and ascension back to the Heavenly Father’s side. God’s “Wrath” (Deep displeasure of our sin and falleness) is not blind rage, but a continuous condemnation of the unsaved state and environment. God wants to lift us out of that, and it cost Him His Son, and Jesus Himself the lifelong rejection and hatred of men who didn’t know who or what He was, and His terrible pains in the process of saving us. The paradox of salvation is this: The Righteous Judge against our falleness is (in Christ) ALSO our Saviour. For the saved in Christ, the Heavenly Father/Judge – when he looks upon us, and our reconciled hearts, He sees Jesus in us – not our old “selves”. (I didn’t set out to preach a sermon. Sorry about that!)
Great Biblical teaching! Thank you brother Vincent! Thank You Jesus our Savior!!!
Frankly I enjoyed your longer commentary and would like to hear or read more. Would you care to keep in touch If you are perhaps semi retired you would have the time to chat with me – I have a pressing thought on this – its weighing on the heart and I could benefit from a Pastors take on a quandary lately. God Bless, Krags
pls send me a line pslam341516 and this is a gee mail accnt
Has anyone ever experienced seeing a light around another person’s head?
Very interesting points brought up in your article. I enjoy that it was very well put together and ultimately advises against going out looking for these signs in our fellow man. I agree very much with the idea Sam brings forth that in our early history as the human race we did not know of mental illness and explained it by possession. I have experienced this personally having a daughter who is severely mentally ill. She is a beautifully bright, loving, and wonderful child until one moment it seems as though something comes over her and she takes on another personality exhibiting disgusting behaviors, extreme violence, and even making homicidal threats. She talks to voices in her head and has delusions that we aren’t her real family. To see he change between her in her good times and her bad times you would think it were 2 souls ( good and evil for lack of a better term but no I do not see my daughter as evil lol ) fighting over control of the same body. I understand what is going on through quite a bit of research and past learning that many in he past did not have access to and so I could easily see her behavior confused with a possession of some type. In my own work as a paranormal investigator/researcher I have come to hold more to physical attributes of negative energy vs. personality based ones. However, even then it can be very deceiving. I have come to believe that evil does not appear as evil but rather the exact opposite in most cases.
Interesting! I have never met a paranormal investigator! I am sure you have some stories!
I have read some books a while back by a theologian named Walter Wink (the Powers trilogy) that challenged a lot of my thinking in this area.
Sir, I cannot speak with authority about tourette syndrome, but I can about seizures. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as my savior and I have had seizures for most of my life. I am not nor will I ever be possessed by a demon. The fact that your mother practices witchcraft, however, does open her life up to demon possession, but if you are saved, meaning have a personal relationship with Jesus, you cannot be possessed because the place that can be possessed is already occupied by the Holy Spirit. I do believe that there is spiritual warfare, in which Christians can be affected by the activity of demons, but never possessed. You must stay in the Bible, which is the living Word of God, which gives you the spiritual strength to combat any attacks. Ephesians Chapter 6 would be a great place for you to start, which is entitled “The Armor of God.” Pray hand ask God to protect you from your mother’s ill intentions, and seek His deliverance from this pain you are going through. He will never leave you nor forsake you! He loves you with an everlasting love! You are NOT powerless against Satan! God bless!
Very kind response!!!
siezures & tourettes, same are the thing U KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I GO THRU.
you have read the bible i take it!!!
The bible clearly shows seizures as devil possession… (calling them demons is like calling jesus Frank) THEY ARE DEVILS!
I am not nor will I ever be possessed by
a demon.
I have had seizures for most of my life
You may not know this, but when writing online (in email or blog comments), WRITING IN ALL CAPS is considered yelling. Your post kind of sounds like one long tourettes rampage…
In the future, please write your comments without using all caps.
Nowhere in the bible does it explicitly say that Christians cannot be possessed by demonic spirits.
I am not saved but I seek gods salvation. I’ve had evil torment me from a young age. Whispers,beating from behind closed doors. Nightmares of evil and I woke up and it felt like I had a block of ice on my shoulder. In the nightmare a women with black eyes had her hand on my shoulder and she told me in my ear that she was waiting on me in hell. Flashes of evil thoughts. Things I would never do but they were there to try and scare me. Demons feed on fear. They don’t always posses but they cling on to your back like a parasite. They cause depression,anxiety,anger toward god or ppl with faith. I woke up once to find my wife on the couch scared. When I asked her what was wrong she said “you don’t remember? You started laughing in your sleep,you were face down in the pillow. It was a horrible evil laugh and you wouldn’t were laughing so loud it was almost a scream.” She said she tried to shake me with all her strength and i was stiff as a board. She couldn’t even budge me. She was terrified. Please pray for us
I don’t understand David. You said you are not saved but you seek God’s salvation. Salvation is a free gift from God to you. By accepting and having faith in Jesus Christ. I pray that Holy Spirit will give you revelation and that God’s peace that surpasses the world’s understanding, envelops you and your wife. God bless you.
Hi Steven.
Your comment caught my eye as I was scrolling through theough the comment section.
Firstly the fact that you read through this article shows that you are not lost! Always remember that Jeaus did not die just to save a hand-full of people!
He sacrificed Himself to ensure that all who seek God can be saved!
Secondly, you are more than likely sufferling from sleep paralysis.
This is a state where you wake up during the REM state of sleeping, and does not mean that you are possessed!
This is a phenomenon where you regain consciousness during a dream, and can be extremely scary!
This is actually more commen than you might think, and can be very troubling especially if you do not know what you are going through.
Basically all I am trying to say is, don’t give the devil credit for anyting in your life!
The devil did not grant you live, and can therfore not have control of it!
If you like, I would be more than willing to give you more information about this, and ways to deal with it!
In close, if you have God on your mind, He is already in your life, guiding you, and taking care of you, and most importantly Loving you even before you drew your first breath!
Ask any form to return to the light, no matter how you feel, ask Jesus Christ to return to the light. Pray and light a candle or incense such as frankincense.
Sir, I cannot comment on your personal situation, but I have a very close friend that is more family than friend, and he has seizures. I’m a third generation christian (on both sides of my family) and also a descendant of a voodoo queen from Louisiana (which comes with a generational curse, by the way). When I tell you that we have battled darkness through the power of Jesus Christ in my family, I am not talking about our family just not getting along or someone didn’t like us. I mean that from a young age, my family is taught the power of the name of Jesus Christ. My sister had demons physically manifest themselves to her and by the age of three, she knew to call on the name of Jesus. I had what people refer to as night terrors my entire life, but in reality, I fought (and still do fight) spiritual face to face battles with dark forces in my dreams. If not for my family teaching me of the power of the name of Jesus, I guarantee you, I would have been overrun and possessed by demons, definitely dead through suicide (because, yes, I came close to that once when I was fourteen).
That being said, I have strong convictions that my friend with seizures is NOT demon possessed, but has a chemical imbalance in his body that causes uncontrolled spasms. Not everything that goes wrong in this world is demonically based. Sometimes, it is just the result of living in a broken world.
I am glad that you know the source of your problems and are able to fight them off, but to claim that everyone who faces things such as autism, seizures, etc is demon possessed is incorrect.
Purely speculation here, but wouldn’t a demon want you to believe just that? In my opinion, because Jesus was God in the flesh being completely filled with the Holy Spirit he knew that seizures, self mutilation etc. were demon possession for a reason. Jesus doesn’t lie, and He is always right for that reason, He is the truth. Human beings haven’t changed since those times, I believe that evil spirits simply took advantage of intellectuals who didn’t believe in the healing of the Holy Spirit, and rather believed more in their own intellect to invent medicines/pharmaceuticals for their own gain. There could have been some that invented them for noble reasons, but pharmaceutical companies definitely have money on their mind. All the medicines do is blind the people, make them okay with their affliction, may I say. I know this from personal experience being diagnosed with clinical depression. I hated myself for taking it because I felt like I was telling God that He didn’t have the power to remove whatever I was going through, and put my faith in a pill instead. After a lot of struggling I decided to come off it, and that is when the depression really started because my brain became so dependent on the chemical(seratonin/dopamine) that when I got off the drug then there really was a chemical imbalance. I later come to find that the doctor was just pushing a new drug that was given to him, I’m guessing because he was given a good amount of money to sponsor it before a generic was made.
Just like you, I am still fighting and know how much power is in the name of Jesus. The only difference now is I’m choosing to overcome through the authority of His name, and would have never been going through this if I didn’t search consolation through a drug rather than the Holy Spirit who is the Only Comforter. I have seen a lot of weird things, it started out through TV only then out when I interact with people I don’t know. I’ve seen people with their eyes all black, I receive threats on the daily that I’m going to receive cancer, epilepsy, whatever whenever I allow these demons to instill doubt into my mind.
I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but the point I’m trying to make is that the drugs, or “medicine”, really only blind you to the marvelous things Jesus can do in your life if you only believe whole heartedly. God bless your soul and I pray that He gives you the strength to never stop fighting, I know He will remove that stronghold.
Wow…. suffer from any.other psychological disorders? I do… A lot. Bipolar depress,schizophrenia,ptsd,anxiety disorder,obsessive compulsive disorder and I’m.addicted to.adderalls and suboxone now too
Autism is not Devil Possession…No different than the world we live in now…
I have a niece she is 21 years of age, and us too as a family are suffering from this ugly fight between good and evil. Its so sad to see this beautiful little girl ( in our eyes she will always be little) struggle from the voices she hears in her head to the things she sees around her all the time. She laughed uncontrollably and she cries at the same time. She cant sleep at night, eats all day and night. Talks nonsense =( this is so sad. And at some points we fear our lives. The sad part of all this is that we cant do anything for her because she is an adult and unless she seeks help her self there is nothing to do but pray and hope a miracle may happen. Im so sad I cry every day.
Going through this now with my 22 yr old daughter. She is bright and loving but is displaying right now all that you just described. Has there been any diagnosis or has she received any help? I have tried everything and seems no help, everyone just runs from her scared.
Hey I’m jesse, I’m writing in response to your post about your daughter. My sister who is now 30, has experienced everything you say about your daughter and much more since she was 16 years of age. She got diagnosed with scysophrenia at the early age of 17. But yet her doctors have admitted that they wherent really sure if it was that cause she only had some symptoms to point to that and it more symptoms pointing to that than another disease. So their not sure exactly what was wrong. Two days ago she had what doctors call a relapse from not taking her meds. I have never seen my sister go through what she went through two days ago, even when she first got diagnosed. She was very aggressive but yet very loving in times. She would black out and go into a rampage and beat her husband so he ended up having to stay somewhere else. She would accuse me of off the wall stuff for istance accuse me that i was reading her mind, and she would tell me things like she could talk ti spirits and feel other peoples emotions when she never knew them. Her personality would change in a blink of an eye. It was really bad those two days. We ended up having to call her doctor (shrink) and tell them what was going on and how she was acting. They ended up sending a person that evualates people with mental disorders like hers. They tried getting her to get help on her own but as soon as we mentioned the word get help she flipped out. We ended up having to get the law involved since she wouldn’t do it on her own. But I want to say its a demonic spirit messing with her mind cause she had told me before she got diagnosed that she and her friend had played an ouja board and that’s when it clicked in my head that that’s the time frame when everything went down hill for her. She is saved and she had gotten saved way before she had played that board. But I agree with the person that said the demonic cannot possess a saved person but it sure can mess with ones mind. But I told you this in hopes for getting your daughter help. You will have to call a physciatrist ( sorry I know I have a lot of misspelled words.) And let them know what’s going on. They’ll get the help she needs. I hope this helps you somewhat and I’m not sure how long ago you posted this. I’m unable to see those things since I’m using my phone to reply to this. Please keep us updated. Praying for your girl.
You describe my daughter’s state of mind and behaviour exactly.
Going through this nightmare right now and don’t know how to help her anymore. Have tried hospital stays, medication, etc. has been so sad and exhausting….nothing has worked yet. She is bright and beautiful but cannot remain at University or keep a job because of this cycle, it’s truly a nightmare. Have you ever received a diagnosis for your niece?
This stuff seems to be all over. My son has problems too, I can tell he is tormented. One day fine, the next so crazy you can’t even say anything to him. My prayer is that God will of course heal him or expel forces. I briefly flirted with occult as young woman, it came calling again late in my life. Well, the devil is very real and has an immense hate towards humans. We must not be afriad of him, he is here to snatch our loved ones and rob. Even if saved they are being robbed of a happy life on earth. I want to pray and fast and every time, I get so hungry, it’s shameful, but Jesus does give us an answer prayer and fasting. We can turn to that for comfort.
You must be sanctified and filled with the Holy ghost. Fast and pray which purifies you. Then take authority in the power that Christ gave us at Pentecost and drive that devil out in Jesus name to go to the dry places. You can have that authority through the Holy Spirit. These signs SHALL follow those who believe , they shall cast out devils in Jesus name. They SHALL lay hands on the sick and they SHALL recover. You must believe and be Holy Ghost filled and sanctified in JESUS. Believe the power the Bible says you have. Get aggressive!
The only thing that is ugly is people who use the word. Matthew 12:34 – 34 O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.
35 A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.
37 For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
I can personally relate having a close family member display almost the same symptoms. It is no joke and is demonic. I will pray for you and yours. Please do the same for me. Greater is He (God) that is within us. The saddest thing is their rejection of God even in the midst of being abused by demons. Once you see it, it is clearly from the devil.
We came across a useful method to find if a person was “possessed” by a demon or merely “mentally sick”. Ask permission to pray for him/her in Jesus Name. Lay hands on and pray. If there is a violent reaction, it’s most likely a demon. Possessed or oppressed is then merely a detail. If the person grows calm as you pray for him/her, in all probability you are dealing with mental sickness. Jesus is well able to deal with both. But you will know the root of the problem.
My wife and I have dealt with several “disturbed women” this way. Very often the solution for the lady concerned was a trip to her gynecologist for hormone treatment. HRT may not be the answer, but make sure there are no medical problems before. The suggestion is equally true for men. It could be as simple as a medical imbalance in the brain.
The method suggested above is suitable for all cases. How do people react to prayer in the Name of Jesus by His Blood. Satan and his bunch are “allergic” to this used in prayer for someone.
Hmmm. I have so little experience in this area (and don’t really want more). I am often around mentally ill people, however.
What about someone who has asperger’s or something like that? They HATE to be touched and with writhe and scream when touched?
oh that is so totally not true. My son has Asperger’s. He does NOT writhe and scream when touched. Most Asperger’s people are very loving, kind, intelligent, high functioning, and while often uncomfortable in crowded social situations, and often prefer to not be around too many people at one time, and are often a little “quirky” in their mannerisms, I have not met one who is like you described. You claim you are often around mentally ill people, but you statement is totally ignorant. It seems you better sit down and do your homework so you can get your facts straight.
What a rude comment.
I am work with hundreds of mentally ill people every day.
I dont think you know very much about Aspergers. just because YOUR child doesn’t mind being touched means just that. YOUR child doesn’t mind being touched. This doesn’t give you any authority on the subject of everyone else affected by this condition. Do not make hasty generalizations and insult people claiming they don’t know what they are talking about when in fact the statement they have made is applicable to the vast majority of the cases which they are discussing.
(may i share this with u)
I was kinda mad one day cause the internet praise protect & even gave a cute name to aspies…..& none to Us sufferers of Tourettes,
So my best buddys devil,(also as aspie) EXPLAINED CLEARLY TO ME my turrets , even let me know i get a premonition right before each tic (I WAS LIKE WOW)
turret |ˈtərit|
1 a small tower on top of a larger tower or at the corner of a building or wall
WOW!!! SO Thats what they did…. & that explains the tugs..
LOOK CLOSELY,,,,,, we are not twitching from the inside (WE ARE BEING TUGGED AT FROM THE OUTSIDE) AN ARROGANT
They really are intelligent!! blah blah
LET’S SKIP THE POLITICAL CORRECTNESS HERE….. Touretts asperger’s autism & seizures (SIGNS OF DEVIL POSSESSION) DICTIONARY DEFINITION’S …an aspergillum, for a liturgical implement used to sprinkle holy water, used mainly in the Roman Catholic Church.
Aspergillus, a genus of several hundred mold species named after aspergillum. Interesting where they come up with the NAMES of these
I’m not even quite sure how to respond to a post like this. Maybe I shouldn’t even do it. I have Tourette’s Syndrome and ADD and can absolutely say there is no demon possession involved. Although they are terrible disorders I have learned to cope and not show my ticks (compulsions) if you will in front of others. I am living a totally normal life and am completely in love with God. I’m an Eye doctor and have a wife (pastor’s daughter) and two wonderful boys. I am currently being nominated for elder in my congregation. I don’t tell you this to brag, but to show you that mental illnesses can be overcome. Also there should definitely be a distinction between mental disorders and demon possession. I highly doubt this will sway your opinion and I fully expect another CAPs-filled rant shortly, but please try to logic through this.
I don’t want to alarm you, and I know how insensitive this is going to be but how was it before you received medication for your afflictions? I don’t even expect a response, but I ask because I know what it’s like to be prescribed medicine(anti-depressant/ADD medication) and then realize that it is only masking the true problem. Although I don’t agree with Edmund’s rant style I definitely see where he is coming from, I strongly believe it is an affliction(evil spirit harrasment and/or possession). I say it because I am almost three months free from any type of medicine and it wasn’t until I gave it all up that I realized how I’ve had a demon afflicting me, but it was happy because I was blindly being manipulated by it.
Again, I know how insensitive I sound, but I only want you to think. If you so choose to.
You open this article with saying “Can a christian be possessed by a demon?” Then answer “we say no” yet most of all recorded cases of demon possession happen to people with Christian beliefs. Is this just a bold over sight? I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you want to take down an army, destroy it from with in. Why wouldn’t demonic entities not possess or try to possess christians as a way of destroying Jesus’s followers from with in. I’m just thinking of this from a sort of military tactical stand point. If evil wanted to gain ground it would be a good way to start gaining control.
They curse God and anything connected to Him. When I called out to Jesus in prayer, the person literally ran from the house saying they felt persecution getting worse as I called on Jesus. It is real and getting more real as we are in the last days and our society is inundated with spiritualism.
God bless you so nice written
Re: “What do you think? Are there clear signs of demonic possession?
If so, what are they? Should these be things we focus on in life, or, as
I suggest above, should we instead focus on Christ and Him crucified?”
We shouldn’t focus on ‘Christ and Him crucified’.
I really doubt that is what Jesus had in mind… From Biblical teachings, I’ve learned that Jesus ‘Son of God’, was a voice that preached forgiveness and love for others. He preached what he believed to be GOOD for the times. Jesus is “Child of God” as WE ALL ARE Children of God. We should not focus on the ‘puppet’, we should focus on the SPIRIT. Once people understand that, and are focused on the present and the GOOD in us, we will be closer to peace.
Eh, no, I will have to disagree. Jesus was not just a puppet. Even the Spirit is said to point people to Jesus Christ. While it may be the true that some of what Jesus said was specially directed to the people of His time, it also is applicable for us today.
People, please don’t argue about who is right or wrong concerning mental health issues, seizures, Aspergers, etc.
May we unify in the name of Jesus and pray for one another. Love your neighbor. The arguing gives the evil one a foothold. Glorify Christ, pray with the ceasing, and call on the name of Jesus when you need help or feel to weak to fight the battle. He will never leave nor forsake HIS children!
I am so glad I found yr site. I appreciate yr honesty and readiness to admit to being humanly fallible. Did you know that the Greek word ‘pharmaceutica’ means sorcery? When you think along those lines, a lot of these stories make sense. God bless.
The bible says to God our good deeds are like filthy rags, that the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, and for us to equip ourselves with the helmet of salvation, belt of truth, sheild of faith. I think evil is all around us, and we will be dumbfounded when the veil is lifted and we are in the presence of Jesus whom was always there.
Yes, the powers of this dark age are everywhere, which is why we always need to be on our guard!
A great teaching Jeremy. My wife and I were last night called by a family friend to pray with her about her daughter who would disappear from home and when she re-appears, she is kind of confused, claiming to have been followed by a certain girl they met in school and tried recruiting her to devil worship. She had not come back home and the mother suspected that she must have had the same experiences since she had been trying calling but in vain. We therefore prayed and sure enough by the time we finished praying called herself but could communicate properly.
My question, what would you call this and how can one deal with it?
I am not sure. Something is going on, but I am not thinking it demonic possession. Maybe depression. Maybe some sort of drugs? Maybe a boyfriend? Maybe a bad home life? Just be careful about too quickly saying she is possessed.
Though a Christian cannot be “possessed” by a demon, they can be OCCUPIED by them; much the same way the United States does not possess Iraq but our troops are occupying the country. It is a mistake to think that Christians cannot play host to demonic activity they can and they do. If this is indeed found to be he case, the person should recognize and accept accept the part they may have played in allowing this to happen, confees and forsake the sin and ask God for deliverance.
I’m trying to ascertained proper steps to this, the forces are much more powerful than i
First of all, I don’t want to sound too harsh or overly critical. What I am about to say to you, I am saying in a spirit of helpfulness, please believe me. I clicked on your post looking for answers and found none. What I found was uncertainty and ambiguity. You talked about demon possession but gave no definitive answers on the subject. God is not the author of confusion and He does not deal in uncertainty. If we are going to make known to the public any biblical issue as ministers of God, we MUST know beyond a shadow of a doubt what we are talking about. We must study to show ourselves approved unto God – a workman that need not be ashamed but rightly divining the Word of truth! The world has too much to criticize the church about as it is. It is the world’s tactic to waffle about on issues because they cannot be certain of anything – why because they do not have the Spirit of truth! So they cloud their answers in uncertainty so they can’t be pinned down on anything thereby ensuring (in their eyes anyway) they will always be right. But the kingdom of God is not so. The answers are there, the answers are sure and certain and they change for noone or nothing. I would encourage you to read your bible more and spend more time in the presence of God so the Spirit of truth can lead and guide you into all truth. Then you can make known to the world the right answers that come from the One who has all wisdom ,knowledge and understanding.. Have you been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and filled with the Holy Ghost? That’s the first step. Then Jesus says take, eat and learn of Me. Stay encouraged and continue to grow in the Lord so that you can proclaim the word of God in power and certainty! Grace and peace be with you in Jesus’ name.
Are you a pastor? If so, are you saying that you have absolute certainty about the truth of everything you have ever taught?
If so, that’s impressive.
Have you ever taught something you later found out to be wrong? How did you handle that?
Can demons cause you to sing the same song repeatedly?
I read some of your text, and I have to say that I don’t entirely agree wit most of this, I believe some mental disorders are definately weaknesses fro demons to possess someone and have been. My mom was diagnosed with schizophrenia she hears voices in your head.. and the first few years that ive been dealing along wit her mental illness I always believed that she was just crazy and just needs to rake her medication.
but one day I got interested in seeing real excersism, so I got online to see if I could find any real live ones, which brought me to Bob larosen the man who is brilliant at releieveing people of demons and after watching a few, there was his one man being possessed by his father’s demon and after he was exercised and saved… he came back to have a testimony and I remembered him saying that when he was suffering through his possession that he would always hear voices.. telling him to do thigns taunting him all day and all night, and it made me pause to realize these things are happening to my mom shes been having this entity for 3 years already she waifs she feels the demon poking her touching her in sexual ways on her breast and her private area.. she also said last night that the demon told her it wanted to kill her… deos this sound like a mental illness or demonic entity? I want to convince her that she should go get exercised but shebwont listen to me she also has said she seen herself in the mirror with red skin and black eyes which really made me feel uneasy. So I really believe that mental illnesses such as schizophrenia for sure is tied to demonic possession. And I am trying to find ways to help my mom but with under the influence of thisbdemon it is struggle
I am certainly not an expert, and can only speak from experience and what I have heard from others. I have no good explanation for what you describe. I am certain, of course, that if your mother went to a psychologist, they would say that this does describe a mental illness. But again, I am not a psychologist, and am certain that in biblical times, your mother would be considered demonized.
I am not sure what you should do, but no matter what, you should try to get help for your mother. Take her to see a Christian counselor first, and then a Christian psychologist. See what they say, and then go from there.
Ok then thank you and God bless
It is stressed in the New Testament that we should seek wisdom from God rather than worldly knowledge. Would you then entertain the possibility that this worldly knowledge (books, internet, etc.) that has taught you so much about mental illnesses is just a tool of the devil to distract us from seeing the extent of his corruption of those around us?
I don’t think it’s fair to say that if we believe these illnesses really are possessions it would cause us to gloat or live in fear. The bible tells us not to fear. Jesus gave us the authority to cast out demons. Why then would we fear them? God loves us all equally, so there’s nothing to gloat over. Paul tells us the only thing we should boast about is God. In essence, we are not special. We have a loving, merciful father, but we are sinners. The only thing we really can gloat about then is God, just as he said.
Worldly knowledge that has taught me so much about mental illnesses? I am not sure what you are referring to.
Anyway, yes, we have no reason to fear demons, so you and I are in agreement.
Email me ga**********@gm***.com
My daughter is now 21 years old. She began showing symptoms of mental illness after I married [and shortly after her biological father died] in 2006. She was practically a straight A student–boldy confident, happy, and bright. She graduated high school 2 years early with a 3.7 GPA.
Since then, she has been diagnosed, reassessed, then diagnosed again–bipolar disorder, schizoaffective disorder, Asperger syndrome, and PTSD. Her life, which 9 years ago, was full of hope and endless [wonderfully good] possibilities, has been nearly destroyed by this ‘whatever it is’. The medical establishment–numerous physicians, mental health counselors, and other clinicians, cannot not come to a consensus about what is really wrong with her. Listen closely, please: I have been a registered nurse for 33+ years; the past three years I have worked in psychiatry. I am convinced that what ever is wrong with my daughter is bigger than the medical profession or any flesh can handle for that matter.
My trust in the sovereign power of Jesus Christ is the answer to my daughter’s recovery. Jesus said that His kingdom is not of this world–a place where darkness is not always ‘seen’.
Blessings and peace to you and your mother,
The effects that a psychological treatment and/or an exorcism have on a patient are no proof or help to distinguish between mental illness versus demoniacal possession:
Someone who is raised monotheistic, he could profit from an exorcism even if he just suffered from a mental illness, because his belief would work as a placebo, enabling him to overcome his illness/issues by willpower and faith. On the other hand, an atheist could profit from psychotherapy even if he was possessed by a demon, because therapy generally increases awareness, positive techniques, self-empowerment etc.
In my opinion (I`m agnostic that means undecided) there is NO way to tell possession from mental illness (and who excludes that these two facilitate each other?), and maybe it is only a question of definition, of whether we place problematic aspects inside or outside of what we define as our self. The outcome is the same, the possibilities to handle it are the same, and despite TV series, there doesn`t exist any scientific “detector” for spirits or demons. Also our consciousness cannot distinguish, e.g. if we have a destructive thought, it depends on our personality and education whether we see it as part of ourselves or not (we could be wrong with our evaluation).
Schizophrenia is a good example, because nobody, no priest and no psychiatrist, can actually proove/test out if the voices the patient hears are existent/real or not, and if they stem from the inner self of the patient or from telepathic communication. Imagine you hear voices that nobody else can hear, and you don`t know if they are real and what to think of them, especially if they are critic or mocking or frightening – surely you would go mad after awhile, even if you were mentally sane beforehand.
No matter if you believe in demons or not, if you are religious or not, never forget that humans are responsible for their decisions and should never blame or even excuse their actions etc. on/with external beings such as demons, whether these exist or not. Because with a posession it is as with an obsession/addiction or with fear/anger, it gets the space that you allow it deep inside your mind, not more not less.
@JayB, have you ever considered that your daughter`s Problems could stem from undetected Asperger`s syndrome? I ask because it happens that intelligent autists can compensate symptoms until they mentally collapse, and this can appear like an unbelievable change in personality although it is a symptom of exhaustion.
Hello I am a mental health sufferer and I have been in and out of treatment for 11 years. .. And it has been my greatest joy… Everyone I have ever met in treatment in groups at doctors all have had a very tragic childhood. Very rarely do you encounter a psych patient that hasn’t had some type of severe trauma. I have the added luxury of having a very high iq which again is more common in the mentally ill than not. Well on my mission to find the magic cure for mental illness and a way to get control of my fear I’m left with this conclusion. Science has no magic pill they aren’t even sure why some people develope the illness under dissection of the brain of those diagnosed ill there are no differences in the brain. when trying to use a brain scan the latest endeavour of science it has been proven unreliable. Now keep in mind that for over 100 years people labeled ill have been institutionalized and kept locked away to be monitored expiramented on and studied and science still has no idea. No my friends mental illness doesn’t exist. Almost all hallucinations are the same quite often being demonic in nature. The cause of mental illness is in fact a very broken heart. When your heart gets broken it hurts your soul. When it’s childhood abuse you often harbor hate and anger in your heart. When you hold unforgiveness and anger you don’t leave room for the Holy spirit and unfortunately open yourself up to bondage. How do I know?? Because when I came to a place where I was ready to forgive and let God have the anger. My symptoms were no longer there. There is demonic possession it’s very real. It can’t be medicated away. But when you come to a place of Grace God will grant deliverance. I am now training to start a ministry for people diagnosed. A place to learn about the healing touch of God and a place to be loved. 3 spirits are at work in mental illness fear shame and guilt. And what does God say…. For we do not have a spirit of fear but of strength and power and self control. . . By his stripes we are healed. . Whom the son sets free is free indeed…. He came to set the captives free. . . Mental illness is a terrible bondage it’s a prison of your own mind. Are we not told to take every thought captive???? No mental bondage is most certainly demonic. . .
I am demon possessed and i need God but i know the spirit of god has left me as he did saul. I feel myself getting worst each day. I grew up in the church and a month ago i started doubting jesus and the bible.. the thoughts took control it may have turned into unbelief… its like a nightmare my mind wouldnt let go. Then i read a verse the blaspheme chapter and then my mind automatically everytime i said the holy spirit would go to the name that they called the evil spirit. I knew it wasnt true i didnt believe it but its like when you try not to think of something you think it constantly. It was driving me insane. Now ive qsked for forgiveness so many times but its only grnted throught the holy spirit. I know im possessed by demons. I also believe jesus is lord and that he came in the flesh and he is the son of god amen. At this point i have tingling all over my body face and head and pain sometimes and movement in my stomach. My pupils are black and dialated. Im unable to retain memory. My heart felt like it was being chewed and ripped apart so now i feel nothing emotionally. I just want the holy spirit, nothing more nothing less.
If you feel you are demon possessed, you should go see a pastor or psychologist right away. It sounds like there are some definite mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual issues going on right now, and you need to seek out immediate professional help!
I believe that a psychologist can do nothing for me. I cama to the conclusion because of the symptoms. This is a spiritual problem that is manefesting in the flesh. I feel like a Judas. Its crazy because i know God is watching me and sees it all. Because of my disobedience to what the word says this is what happened. God has the power to stop this. Pray for me. Demons are subject to Christ and God. But what happens when God gives you over to them… am i another judas, christ have mercy on my soul. Please pray for me
I will pray for you. Maybe consider seeing a Christian psychologist? Mental, emotional, and psychological issues are often identical to spiritual issues.
i am going through the same thing and feel like i can’t go to church because i feel deceitful, i have the most blasphemous thoughts in my head, but i know in my heart that Jesus is all i want. i will never speak the blasphemies through the strength of Jesus, but it is heart wrenching to have these thoughts. Muscle twitches, tingling, stiffness, all of that. i believe in my heart that Jesus is Lord and more and more i’m growing desperate.
i am a christian with mental illness i hear voices and have mood behavoir i know there demon,i pray day and night take my med enjoy worship and know oneday i be free
Hi Bainyu. First and foremost, NEVER give up. Satan is the father of lies and doubt is a favorite weapon. He will whisper lies til we convince ourselves we are lost. . I grew up in the church too but at age 17 realized I didn’t “have” to go anymore. For the next 35 years I basically believed in “do your own thing.” I too gradually started feeling “occupied” by something evil. Then I started searching for truth which led me to prayer and back to Christianity. God thru His grace set me free. BUT GUESS WHAT! After a while I went back to my old ways of the world. God was patient, But then just like the Bible says a new group of evil came along and are trying to settle in. Like you I am now fighting the fear that God has left me, but I truly believe that is just doubt from the enemy. I pray and do Bible studies thru the internet every day. I continue to learn about what it means to be a follower of Christ. I don’t think I would be doing this if I were lost. The Bible speaks of persistence in prayer, and of lost souls being welcomed back after repenting. Like you, I also sometimes feel that power and sensation when praying, but it is the power of God. I think you are on a journey back to Christ, Do Not Give Up or ever convince yourself you are lost forever.
Thank you, i appreciate that. I told myself like peter said to jesus when he asked them if they would also leave him, “where can i go
You have the words that give eternal life” i told myself id never give up. How can i when i know the truth and its eternity no tv just right now that is on the line. Please pray for me. God in his infinit ex power can restore me. God has mercy on whom he pleases i pray in he would forgive my rebellious thoughts against him
Sorry, but what part of the bible are you studing, GOD never leaves you, He just doesnt, it says nothing seperates us from his love and power and He himself said the same. If you want to get better, you first better start believing what Jesus said and stop going by your feelings, the last thing to trust.
Bainyu, since you recognize Jesus as Lord, the Holy Spirit must be present in you to show you this truth.
Your symptoms and obsessive thoughts sound very much like an anxiety attack which can have physical causes and therefore can be treated medically and/or with counseling. I am not an expert in any of these areas but if you are recognizing Jesus as Lord and praying for help (which shows faith) it does not seem to me that you could be possessed by demons. Rather it seems to me that you belong to Jesus because you know Him and look to Him for help. The human mind and body can malfunction in many ways but it sounds to me that spiritually you are in Christ.
Jesus’ disciples asked Him many questions and sometimes doubted and sometimes had “little faith” but Jesus loved them and taught them and never gave up on them. He will patiently teach us and answer our questions. Our relationship with Him takes time and will not be the same every day just as our human relationships must grow and mature. Doubts and questions will be part of that. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. He knows we are human and make mistakes and do not understand many things. He knows we are like sheep (not very smart animals!) but He is our Good Shepherd and He will come after us when we get lost.
Thats encouraging. Im afraid of slipping away. Demon possession from what i read is a progression. Also when i pray i know God hears me because he is omnipresent but it seems as though He has cut his end so that its not an open line. My prayers are lifeless. I read and it doesnt touch my spirit, only my head then soon leaves. I feel empty no joy,hope no fruits of the spirit. I feel myself getting worse every day. I have experienced the joy of the spirit and comfort and peace. Its through the spirit which taught me jesus. I took jesus for granted, i took the holy spirit for granted. God have mercy on me. I want to scream and cry out to God my inside needs him wants him but yet i feel nothing. I need Jesus as we all do.
Bainyu, my heart turned as I read your first post. I don’t know how you are doing now or if you will ever see this, but I experienced two weeks of hell, mentally and spiritually, as a demon brought that blaspheming the Holy Spirit passage up in my mind and forced a cursing thought about the Holy Spirit into my mind over and over again. I was 12 and thought I was going to hell because I believed that God wouldn’t forgive me. Nights, which I used to love, became torment because I couldn’t distract myself from the thoughts through reading and daily life. My parents weren’t too worried when I told them I couldn’t stop thinking this thought, until one morning my mom realized what was happening. She told me to get my Bible and that we were going to read that verse. I started going into hysterics, sobbing; I hadn’t looked up that verse since I started thinking those thoughts because I was sure it was going to put the nail in my coffin, so to speak. But I was even more afraid of continuing on in the darkness that had overtaken me spiritually, so I brought my Bible. My mom read it to me and explained it to me. The demon had given me a misinterpretation; you can look up online in commentaries and realize that 1) there is no sin that is truly unforgivable, because God is greater than all our sin, and 2) merely thinking a thought, especially one that a demon has placed in your mind, is NOT blaspheming the Holy Spirit. I was still crying, and my mom held me and started praying over me, that God would remove the demon oppressing me and that I would be reminded of my salvation in Christ. As she did so, I felt the weighty darkness on my mind lift off, the fear of hell left me, and a darkness felt like it drained out of my body through my feet. And what I can only describe as feeling pure light entered me, like a vortex. I felt so clean, so lightweight, so peaceful. I felt like I almost glowed with light from God and that I could fly. The Holy Spirit made His presence so known to me that day. Bainyu, I wish that I could lay my hands on you and pray for you the way my mom did for me that day. I know that horrible trick that was played on me, and it makes me angry (but unsurprised) to know that it is being played on other Christians. While I cannot physically touch you, I will pray for deliverance for you. Take the helmet of salvation in Ephesians 6 – you are saved. You can do nothing to be un-saved.
I think so i know why but i am not sure you can type in google judgement day for cristians and also you can go to church and be batipized and also get councelling and also you can try praying to Jesus and also try to find ways to remove demons from your body and also for sings only then you can know wheather you are demon possed or not thank you
This is such a great read on signs of demon possession! It is a subject all believers need to be educated on. When I was a young believer, I thought anything bizarre or abnormal was the devil. As I matured, I learned that everything is not the devil! Working at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in NC, I encountered people who called the prayer line believing they were possessed.
Many heard voices, or felt things crawling in them or on them. The first think I ask them is if there were on any medication and almost 100% of the time they were on some medication for emotional problems. Of course, prayed for them and encouraged them to see their doctor about their symptoms.
Wisdom and the gift of discerning of spirits are important gifts to have when determining whether you are dealing with possession or oppression. We cannot be quick to label someone as having a demon, but ask God to show us what is really going on.
When I was a young believer, our church went to an outdoor ministry event. As I was talking to an Afro-American woman, I felt there was something wrong with her. I told me Pastor, I though she had a demon, because when she spoke, it sounded to me like she echoed. It was the strangest thing. I have never experienced anything like this since. My Pastor came over and had her repeat the Lord’s Prayer. We had no experience with demonic activity.
A Hispanic woman who spoke no English, was standing by saw what was happening. She took the woman by the arm and rebuked the spirit and cast it out. The woman fell to the ground, and when she stood up again, her speech was normal. I was amazed that the devil had to obey, even though the woman could not understand Spanish! We do have authority to tread on serpents and scorpions. We just have to know for sure what we are treading on.
I have seen many people hurt in Churches when they went for help and told they had a demon and were not. We have to be careful to discern between the flesh and th spirit.
Hi Mr Myers
Thank you for sharing. I learnt a new perspective from your article, about the fact that demonic possession need not necessarily manifest in the ways we always expect.
I come from a Christian background, in communities that thoroughly believe in the spiritual realm, and so I pretty much grew up seeing people being gloriously delivered from spirits, as well as the sometimes disturbing manifestations these people exhibited. These experiences and teachings from the Word about the spirit realm / deliverance / inner healing have helped me very much as a young Christian, and have been very much ingrained into me.
I read what you mentioned about giving the demonic realm too much credit.
I’m not sure if you view things differently (in which, do share!), but I believe there is a need to remain vigilant, in the sense of being discerning and aware of spiritual environments / spiritual forces at work in a certain person / situation. As such, I wouldn’t say I look for the devil under every rock, but (maybe this is a blessing) the Lord does often reveal to me the spiritual climate of a new place whenever I enter it, and very often there are demons or evil spirits present. I often see them in the spirit, sometimes very vividly, other times they appear as vague cloud-like or humanoid forms.
I think the great test comes when one receives such revelation – how ought one respond?
Because I often do not want to ‘spook’ other people around me, I would do as the Spirit leads in each situation, and I trust that His instructions to me would always be best for His children. Sometimes it would be to cast something out under my breath, sometimes to simply love and worship the Lord, other times to ignore and walk by.
I felt the need to share this because, as much as I understand your intentions when you say that we ought not seek out spirits or ‘pick a fight’, but my belief is that we MUST be vigilant and spiritual aware at ALL times. In this fallen world of ours, I guess it’s no surprise that we often see undesirable things. But very often this constant awareness of spiritual climates enables us to also recognising the Lord’s heart for a particular / person / situation and partner with Him in what He chooses to do through us, perhaps through prayer, releasing of scripture, laying hands, etc., in order to release His purpose and power.
Thanks for reading. I would love to hear if you have any thoughts on this (: I have enjoyed reading your articles.
– Shawn Walrus
Thanks for reading, Shawn.
There is much we do not know about the spiritual realm. I do think we need discernment.
I have been greatly influenced in recent years about the spiritual realm by the excellent study performed by Walter Wink on this subject. See his Powers trilogy.
“Demon”, in the English translation, can refer to at least three different types of entities. Unfortunately, most translations fail to differentiate between which entity is meant.
Brief rundown:
* Deceased person. Neither a follower of God (YHWY), nor a named deity, such as Baal. Owes allegiance to no one, and nothing;
* A minion of Lucifer. Not a “fallen angel”, but something else. Probably created by Lucifer, with the help of humans;
* A fallen angel. Owes allegiance to Lucifer;
There are a couple of other entities that should be included in that list, but they are both extremely rare, and usually referred with a different designation.
How these manifest in the physical world, depends upon various factors. (Too complicated to describe in 1,000 words.)
“Mental Illness” is an equally fuzzy term:
1) Strictly a behavioral issue;
2) A predictable reaction to the presence or absence of various substances in the body;
3) A reaction to something that the individual hears, sees, or otherwise senses. This reaction may, but need not correlate with a substance within the body;
4) Something other than the individual, controlling the individual;
5) Something else entirely;
“Internet Addiction” is a behavioral issue. Yet, in some countries, it qualifies as a “mental illness”. “Criticism of the government” is a behavioral issue, yet it is a “mental illness”, in some countries. _The Myth of Mental Illness_, explores why all mental illness should be treated as a simple behavioral issue.
If I give you a 100 micrograms of LSD, you’ll hallucinate, amongst other things.
What people don’t realize, is that there are hundreds of chemicals in food, water, and air, that can have a similar effect, either individually, or in combination with other substances, or when other substances are not present. There is no comprehensive catalog of substances, and their effect on an individual, either by itself, or in combination with other things, or when other things are not present.
Odors, sounds, images can cause reactions, in and of themselves. Typically, it is a short term reaction.
An example of the fourth instance, is when an advertisement convinces one to purchase a product. The problem occurs, when the person truly expects that if they get a website from Go-Daddy, they’ll get the girls that are featured in their commercials. A constant bombardment of advertising, not only can, but does weaken a resistance to it, and creates a desire to conform with what it requests.
(Spend ten days in a cabin in the woods, with no radio, TV, Internet, or newspapers. Observe the difference within you, between the first day, and the last day. A lot of that is the result of no-advertising pressure.)
As an example of #5, a woman confined to a mental institution in New York for thirty years. She was picked up by the cops, and because they didn’t understand her, sent her to the mental institution. She failed the tests there, because the staff didn’t understand her, and she was reacting rather violently to what they were doing. Her “mental illness”, was an inability to speak, read, or write, any language but her obscure native (East European) dialect. Her reaction was a defense against being attacked by thugs, and held against her will. She was eventually released, when an intern realized she was using an archaic dialect of the language his parents, or grandparents spoke.
I have a couple experiences that were a result of what happened to me in the past, hidden subconsciously in my mind. One was smoke. Every time I smelled smoke, I would get angry to the point where I verbally attacked two persons burning something two different times like I was a crazy person. Finally, I had to know why. I could not live like this forever. And I prayed and asked the Lord. He reminded me that when I was pregnant that I was at a cookout where I inhaled a lot of smoke from the cookout (using charcoal) and after that I miscarried as well as the lady that was the host of the cookout. We were both a little over five months pregnant and we both miscarried. It was because subconsciously I linked the smoke from that event as the contributing factor for losing my baby. Therefore, every time I smelled smoke, I would go into a rage. But after the Lord revealed that to me, I am fine now and do not go into a rage anymore when I smell smoke. And another event just recently is I kept sending attacking emails to a friend of mine like I was some crazy person. I’m sure she is convinced that I am but what is done is done. I finally could not stand this anymore and asked the Lord if my friend reminded me of someone in my past. He immediately showed me that she did and who the person was she reminded me of. I knew then I had to forgive this person and ask my friend to forgive me also. She said she has forgiven me but I know also that she will no longer have anything to do with me. I cannot blame her though. I did her wrong. But after the Lord showed me what the problem was, then I was able to stop attacking my friend. So, sometimes subconsciously we store up things in our brain that become triggers to something down the road. So, perhaps pray and ask the Lord the reason for a behavior and see what He shows you.
I have spent a long time studying spiritual human behaviours. You know we are only capable of doing one thing, that is making a choice. When it comes to God (Christ the Trinity etc.) And the devil, we are left in the middle. At this point we have to make a choice, choose God or choose the devil. These choices have to continually be made on a daily basis and to choose God means clinging to His spirit in Truth and obeying that Truth. Outside of this voice we have the endless possibilities of being decieved by the devil who prompts us with apparent goods or even blatent evils to not obey and follow God. To tie this in to becoming possessed it is quite to easy to become possessed if we aren’t daily clinging to the Holy Spirit of God. A simple choice to ignore Christ at any giving moment means we are becoming a vessel of the only other spiritual entity that exist (Satan). Its that simple. Possession becomes that simple. It only manifests itself in greater or lesser ways depending on how involved one gets with the devils via making bad choices or actually summoning them. That’s why Our Lord gave us the sacrament of confessing our sins so he can deliver us from those bad choices we might have made and thus delivering us from the grip Satan has on us. It is the devils power that is the first cause of every physical spiritual manifestation that is not of God no matter how great or small. Its really that simple. We have no power other then to choose. If we choose Christ then we obey Him otherwise there’s only one other choice to make. Just a reminder not all demons are blatantly evil some can produce good effects (its usually these demons that the majority of mankind follow and become possessed by) but all have rejected Christ and have become deprived of the eternal and Holy spirit of God. Where there is no deciet or ill mannered moves made who unites all who stay united to Him in the true spirit of Holy Charity.
Yes, you are correct…Yes, when I did what I did, it was demonic in nature, that I admit….I was doing the devil’s work….but for me to know the ROOT CAUSE helped me to not be plagued with those things anymore…..and I don’t battle with them anymore…although my reactions were not appropriate and not something the Lord would want me to do, it did drive me to my knees and the Lord was gracious enough to reveal to me why I over-reacted and why I acted rashly….I am so GRATEFUL for the Lord to be so GRACIOUS to me!!!! Now it’s up to me to pass that kind of love and understanding to others….the same kind of love and understanding the Lord had for me… whenever someone acts that way to me, I can now know perhaps something is bothering them and not to take it so personal….of course, it would of been nice to always have done this, but I didn’t……I’m not always like what I did…in fact those were the only three incidents (two with smoke and one with unforgiveness toward someone of the past) that have ever happened in 30 years of being a Christian….it is when something triggers me from the past (and at the time I didn’t even know it is from the past and I react so rashly WITHOUT thinking….blind rage…I grew up in that kind of environment…but no excuse to do it)…I admire people that never have a moment of rage….it does make you feel foolish…..and I am thinking more like what you said, to think before I act and not give into the devil’s wiles….to make that choice….thank you for sharing!!!!
Seeing that most of you are whites,let me tell you aboout how we blacks see things
well im 18 years and still schooling and im born again
evil possession can happen through cast of spells….i have been around plenty of peeps who are mentally ill because of demonic possession…a ‘tikolosh’ is sent out to the target and it makes one crazy.
i have seen people coming to me and tell about how they are witches….which brings me to how u see a demonic possessed
A evil possessed is very hard to notce unless u have the Holy Spirit with you…they are normal just like any other people but wait until they tell you bout em……i knw im still young to talk like this but that is how i live,with them..
i had a childhood friend whom i thought was normal until he told me that he was meant to kill one of us(his 6 friends) and after that i dated Jesus and my so called friend went on telling about how he hates me just coz i was and is still in love with Jesus Crist…..and its not like these peeps cannot say “Jesus Christ”,they can just like us but it relies on how you call the name-do you mean it or you dont
i wish i could talk more but then there is always a second round
There are a lot of interesting comments here and it is definitely true that the more you seem out the devil in terms of knowledge of in this type of situation, the more power he gets and this is a topic that interests me as a topic of the supernatural especially vsm mental illness.
First of all…the Catholic Church DOES have a list of guidelines and they now include discussing an individual’s situation with mental health professionals before just assuming they are possessed. NOT demon possession . I’ve worked with children on the spectrum intensely as a teacher and those children are the most loveable and gentle individuals I have ever met. They do not have a mental illness…they are different, their brains function differently. But I will say that I have come.across those who are also diagnosed on other levels with mental illnesses as they can go hand in hand. However schizophrenia vs. Demonic possession I’d a very hairy and sticky topic.
Some actually suggest and belive that these individuals are closer to the Holy spirit and that they are in between a newer evolutionary state. There is documented proof that some.of these children who are nonverbal can actually communicate telepathically and be haunted by dark.spirits. some have to go to spiritual counseling. Wouldn’t that kind of mean the opposite? Wouldn’t Satan want God’s strongest.m workers?
Many children on the spectrum are children of light especially those that are non-verbal. I am very empathetic and I have NEVER felt a dark.force.amongst these children…if anything an opposite.
To even SUGGEST and make a general statement that if someone is autistic or has seizures or.tourrwttez that they are possessed by the both irresponsible and VERY UN CHRISTIAN.
Also, many things can cause seizures. My father passed.of brain cancer and he had seizures later in the illness. By what you said, he would have been possessed by the devil.
And that most certainly wasn’t the case. He had brain cancer.
It I’d possible.for.religion and science to be in to work.together and if the Catholic Church is starting to do do…then I think you’re way off.
I say this all in as least offensive way as possible but I am trying to help in telling you that those comments you made were extremely hurtful, judgemental, etc. It is one thing to suggest that some 0eople say that some…etc. but blanketed statements are quite the other.
When I al.with these children k feel.more in the light and joyful than any other time.
That was a very interesting read many comments caught my attention I’ve recently been diagnosed with Bipolar I have hallucinations and hear voices in my ear’s when I hallucinate it’s likes they are trying to get me thousands of them I can only describe them as dark shadows and they are trying to get me just as they are about to get me a brilliant white light surrounds me and there’s three entities humanly shaped but like this brilliant white light they are also glowing this brilliant whiteness I can’t understand what they are saying the only way I can explain it is emotions comfort joy love is what I feel emanating from these entities the voices I hear aren’t evil telling me to do bad things to people when I get put into a mode of fear I live in a rough area of Scotland and everytime I’ve got into a fight something possesses me I know this for a fact as I can’t control myself I’m an observer watching my family/Friends say I change they say my eyes change and I look evil I personally do think possibly through my own personal experience I’am possessed as I act out of character I’ve lost interest in many things I’ve recently I decided it’s time for change I’ve lost my faith I’ve been trying to connect with God and feel his love which I used to feel the presence of the holy spirit everytime I try connect I get a feeling of abandonment I just think if I am possessed could these entities stop me connecting with “God” I can say from my heart of hearts “JESUS CHRIST HAS COME IN THE FLESH” I think it’s more to do with the persons own personal fears which I have noticed my fears have changed if I had to be truthfully with myself I fear God which I know I’m not supposed to just I can’t explain it I guess if you ever need a test subject I’m up for the challenge like I said I’m on journey to find myself and my travels have brought me hear I’m going to hang around for a wee while there’s lots of good information to be plundered loll
Thanks for persevering through all this! Take medication for being bipolar if you have it…
Scotland, huh? A place I have always wanted to visit!
This is a little strange for me. I’m writing a fictional book that revolves around a subhuman species of both Angels and Demons. I came to this site because I was looking for typical symptoms of demon possession to enliven my writing. I didn’t really find the answer I was specifically looking for here. I’m considering resorting to more Hollywood-like styles, but in my writing I prefer to refer to these things in an almost metaphorical way. In any case, I’ve decided to share a recent true story.
In my research and writing I’ve been reading a lot of REALISTIC guides on how to summon demons. I’ve researched mostly Goetic demons, the key of solomon, aleister crowley, etc. I would like to note that although I do believe in demons, good and evil, and god- I am not religous and do not go to church.
What’s a little strange is that not long after I began my research and writing, my girlfriend and fiancé of five years had begun having frequent night terrors that she had never had before. Almost literally every night… And I am very private in my writing and research, she’s read a lot of my work but I don’t share with her many of the darker things that I’ve read.
Now, this is where things became slightly more interesting. She recently had a dream that she was lieing in bed beside me and we were conversing normally. She said I suddenly turned into a demon and she began an attempt to choke the life out of the demon in my body that had not my face. But as soon as she felt that the demon was about to die, suddenly my real face reappeared in the demon’s stead and pleaded with her to stop. She would loosen her grip and then immediately I would transform back into this demon and this process would repeat itself continuosly.
This is where it gets even more interesting…
When we both awoke, she told me of this dream. But it didn’t actuallly get crazy until later that SAME day we were watching TV and heard the news of Morgan Freeman’s granddaughter E’Dena Hines being fatally stabbed to death in an insane exorcisim where her boyfriend had apparently claimed she was a demon.
That was when she told me that the Demon’s face was actually hers. That E’Dena and the demon were actually one in the same as she remembered it.
I really don’t know what to make of all this, what it means or even if my fiance is simply mistaken, but I know her SO well and she was SO shocked, and she is not only a terrible liar and rarely ever lies to me.
I actually finally put up a crucifix by my computer, not because I’m Catholic myself, although the rest of my family is. In any case, it’s been over a month since this has happened and haven’t heard any more complaints of night terrors and all seems to be well again, although I haven’t inquired. We simply just don’t talk about it.
Like I said, I really don’t know what to make of all of this, I just simply had an interesting story to share. 🙂
I’ve had a very bad relationship with Jesus and God. During my teenage years I blamed him for the death of my step father (the one person who raised me) and the death of all my friends leaving me virtually alone on this planet. It was three years ago though I encountered my first spiritual encounter.
I moved into a house looking for a new start. I attended church regularly looking to just be rid of my anger and hatred. My sister and her son moved in with me not long after and that’s when things got bad. Her son made friends with a girl in his room named Mona who told him things no three year old should know like how she had been raped, murdered, and left to rot. This was disturbing so we said he couldn’t play with her anymore. Within days he was complaining about a monster that wouldn’t let him play with his toys.
I ended up switching him bedrooms, at night I would wake up roughly around 2:30 – 3 am (every night) and find myself running across the room to turn the light on. I would occasionally have a dark figure in a hood stand over me. I would on occasion see a monstrous figure charge at me only to blink and have it be my sister.
It got so bad my personality changed. I got snappy, easily angered, cruel, my head hurt do to a sharp pain on just one spot (which still happens and doctors can’t explain it) yet I still attended church. The weirdest experience was my sister walked into my room asked if I was going to go to church and got angry when I said yes. Accused me of not caring about her son, and left. It was easily a twenty minute argument with my sister who I found out later she hadn’t been home, this thing had assumed the former of my sister and there was no way it had been my sister.
We broke our lease and left that house
Locks all the doors* Turns on every light* Grabs weapon* “I will never sleep again”
In my opinion, the Catholics have a clearer more in-depth understanding of demonic possession than protestants I speculate, as it seems that they have put forth a concerted effort to research it, manage it and even consult divine knowledge concerning the practice of exorcism. Catholics are highly knowledgeable and respected worldwide concerning the matter. It would have been best (before writing this article) for the author to consult with a Catholic priest in my opinion. But the point overall is to trust God’s word… If God’s word (holy scriptures) has rendered insight on a matter, then trust and have faith in God’s word. Christians are rendered wise judgement and are instructed to walk by faith and not by sight so it’s important to not diminish what one knows to be true in the heart and through life experience. Mental illness then can certainly be perceived as demonic possession. Demonic possession comes in all forms, a range of strengths and various types. One can be possessed by one or many demons concurrently. Anyone that’s been around a person that’s mentally ill and have the power of discernment can perceive waves of personality shifts working through an individual…. Simply, this article is softly diminishing God’s word in an attempt to have the reader believe that mental illness is unlike demonic possession; but clearly, they can be one of the same energetically or spiritually… Moreover, keep in mind, many people are possessed to some extent. Possession can also come and go and isn’t always readily recognizable. Recall, Judas was quite functional socially or so he seemed. Also it’s important to understand the authors possible concern for framing the article as he had. Some people due to lack of maturity could become apathetic and/or grow to be fearful of people that are mentally challenged… So many doctors, scholars and plain regular folks have discarded the idea linking demonic possession (spiritual) to mental illness (scientific) for fear that some people may become dismissive and even abusive toward others within our society. Love & Light
What an article!!!!
I was whish these were endless more pages to read!
Thing that really gripped me was the closing paragraph
Where it stated “look for healing, redemption and forgivness”
As a Christian I feel that our Lord granted is life to be able to experience and give unconditional love.
Which is after-all is the ground foundation of all religion.
Looking for the devil in and around every corner only leads to you finding him! If the majority of the world spent half the energy seeing God in every aspect of life, and the daily blessings we are given, we would not be recearching articles about demonic posession in the first place!
I feel that God wanted me to find this article tonight to further my own spiritual growth
In close, thank you Jeremy!
Thank you very much, and please keep writing! Please add me to your mailing list!
My life has been in utter pain and turmoil for almost 5 years. I was seeking salvation, at a few points I thought I was saved, but then I returned to my vomit one night. The voice of the spirit became quieter and quieter until that night. Two weeks before I had a vision of the heavens closing on me because I wouldn’t step forward in faith. My life is a nightmare, utterly. Spirits of fear, anger, depression all ravish me. I no longer have hope of the holy spirit in my breast, demons took the place of him. All the curses came true, I’ve committed the unpardonable sin because the center of my spirit has an unclean spirit.No conviction, no enlightenment, no message, no hope of heaven, seared concuss, constant torment, lost weight, pupils used to be dilated, lost 3jobs, get made fun of at current job, had to drop out of college, addicted to sextual immorality, 2 women left me, 25 and live with parents. Have been going to church and all it has been is an attitude adjustment. Don’t know how I get up. Considering castration. The holy spirit greatly enlightened me at one point almost in exact accordance with hebrews. The heavenly gift, powers of age to come ect. Seems no matter what hope I build or mountain I climb I am brought back to tormented hopelessness because the demons are at the center of me. I want to fear God, but can’t because all virtue of true religion is from the heart. If the very center is possessed=no hope.Afraid to live, afraid to die. Afraid to have lived a meaningless evil life and have died early. My family has very little understanding or sympathy for me. It has gotten significantly better, would have died of pain if I was left in condition this started in.
Your experience seems very painful and filled with fear.
I can relate to this so much. Only my life has been turmoil and depression and sadness for 5 years and counting. I feel that I am possessed by a demon and I will ultimately end up killing myself. I often question why the Lord has not come to my rescue.
Jeremy I highly respect your view. It is utterly important to always keep your eye on YHWH and Yeshuas redeeming love. I also agree in taking responsibility and not claiming the devil made me do it. However I do believe that demonic possession and some mental health issues are connected, seizures as well. Starting off I am not saying all seizures are possession. I do though, feel they are from the devil. If sickness is from the devil then seizures would be also. Look into cerebral dysrhythmia. My son was diagnosed w it three years ago at the age of ten. Its seizure like activity in the brain that manifest as aggressive behavior. It is not a popular diagnosis, most research was done in the 40’s and 60’s and then mostly abandoned, even though it’s diagnosed using an eeg. We were in the army when we got the diagnosis. I believe it’s because we were using military insurance and facilities that we were able to get this diagnosis because previously, between the ages of 5&10 my son was being treated for things like bipolar and adhd, w little to no success. During that time I would most accurately describe his behavior as doctor Jekyll Mr.Hyde. he was he sweetest and most compassionate child, but would have fits of rage where he would attack and destroy things. He was hospitalized more times then I can count on one hand, usually through the er where he would be taken by the police from school. After he got the diagnosis of cerebral dysrhythmia it was life changing. He was put on anti seizure medication, trileptol. His fits of anger subsided for the most part. However, he became extremely withdrawn, and he began cutting himself in secret. Now let me rewind a bit. My son has seen apperations\hallucinations from a young age. He used to see really gory things like bodies hanging from trees (this is at the age of three). Now mind you at that time I closely monitored what he watched, we didn’t have cable and I mostly only let my kids watch educational dvds and some cartoons. He also would see what he would call friends that would talk to him and tell him to do things. Now flash forward to the post c.d. diagnosis. My son began to act very strange (keep in mind the things I’ve told you he had been seeing from a young age, so when I say strange…). It got to the point where he would stay up for DAYS on end. He would talk in strange voices, it was really creepy and for the first time I was actually scared of him. I felt as if he was someone I didn’t know. One night it culminated in a very disturbing incident. I was putting the kids to bed. My son said, randomly in that strange voice, un uh, your not gonna pacify me. It chilled my blood because it was like he was reading my thoughts. I started saying prayers outloud, not uncommon for me. He jumped up in a rage and started screaming. He ran to the window and started banging on it w all his might. We lived on the third floor of an apartment building. I quickly jumped up and tried to restrain him. I yelled for my younger son to start video recording on my phone because I didn’t know what was about to happen. My older son was unusually strong in that moment. I’m not saying it was like the movies where he could toss me across the room, but I did have to wrestle w all my strength to restrain him. I was able to get him down near his walk in closet. He stopped struggling so I released my hold on him. He sat there panting heavily and his eyes started darting in all directions very rapidly. I prayed silently in my mind and almost wo think visualized a bubble of God’s light surrounding me. In retrospect that was selfish because I probably should have done that for him and not myself, but I was horrified a scared about what was happening. At that moment my son jumped up and started screaming and howling, my eyes are burning ahhhhhhhh my eyes!! He began running for the door. I ran after him and grabbed him because he was heading for the front door. I screamed for my younger son to all 911. They came just in time because I was having a very hard time trying to restrain him and when they got there we were tusseling at the front door. At the hospital he told us he saw a gargoyle at the window when he was banging on it. He said that they were then flying around in the room and that they were there because of him and he didn’t want them to hurt me so that’s why he ran. After that I began looking up signs of demonic possession and it described his behavior to a tee. I began to stay in The Word constantly and attending church, playing gospel music. He has not been hospitalized since, by the grace of God. (He was hospitalized that night, so I mean since he was discharged). That was two years ago. Now back to c.d., as I said earlier it is a largely unused diagnosis in the civilian world. In the military they are familiar w it because they are studying it in soldiers that have been to war. I find it funny that doctors pay so much attention to bipolar and add, even though those diagnoses are reached basically by educated guess work. Yet are unwilling to look more into c.d. which is diagnosed using medical equipment, and also it causes aggressive behavior which to some extent is treated successfully w seizure meds. Think of the implications of that. Another interesting thing, my sister and I used to see spirits when we were younger. We actually experienced poltorgiest activity a few times, and it was witnessed by a third party once. Turns out that my sister was diagnosed w a seizure disorder. They are not grand mals, and for awhile it was hard for the doctors to catch on eegs until they kept her in hospital on ministers or a week. As I said they are not grand mals, she does not shake but she hallucinates and/or passes out. She is frequently going through med changes and doctors still struggle to understand her condition. The casting out that Jesus does in Luke 9 sound exactly like seizure activity. I have also seen another woman who appeared possessed. She was an older lady who used to care for my friends son. Her cat died and in her grief she started praying for the cat to come back, and it did, at least she says. After that a lot of really strange things started happening at her home. It kept escalating until finally my friend asked me to go there w her to help. The lady’s granddaughter was calling and saying scratches were welling up on her from nowhere. I went w my friend. When we got there the granddaughter showed us the scratches. I must admit that I was thinking the girl was nuts and scratching herself. Even w the things I have seen at a young age it just seemed to far fetched. We went around the apartment praying until we came back to the living room where the lady was. It was abnormally hot and humid in that room. The lady’s eyes were bloodshot red and her eyebrows were pointy. At that point my friend started talking to and challenging the demon saying it had to leave. The lady was switching back and forth between her voice and another voice. It was saying vulgar things, when she would talk in her normal voice she would cry and beg my friend to leave because she didn’t want to hurt her. In the other voice she would say things like i’ll destroy you and at one point tried to bite her. During this point the granddaughter tapped me and I watched scratches welt up on her arm. I felt a cold pressure bearing down on my chest so I moved and crossed my arms over my chest and began praying for protection. I would also like to note that the lady at one point started screaming that she wanted her eyes back. Its definitely something w the eyes. Anyhow we left that night and the next day I contacted a paranormal investegator. He and a couple other people did some stuff at the lady’s house. Not sure of details but I know it abated for the most part, though my friend tells me some of the stuff still goes on there. Needless to say she doesn’t send her son there. She does keep in contact w her. I know this all sounds far fetched but every word is true. I’m glad that I have witnessed these things w others present otherwise I would certainly question my sanity. Demonic possession is very real and to me seems linked w some mental illnesses. We are in spiritual warfare indeed. Also there is little help or guidance to be found in most churches regarding these things which causes a lot of people to turn to the occult for answers out of desperation. Peace to you.
Hi, my name is Rhi. I’m 15…I grew up in a home where my negative spirit scares me. Ever since I saw him, I’ve had the worst nightmares. My dreams seem so accurate cause my dreams go back to memories where I was a baby and somehow he’s always in my dreams. Sometimes in the middle of the night I see him; he’s simian like and I believe he’s an Indian, feathers. The first time I encountered him was when I was maybe 6? My dads bedroom door slammed right in front of my face. I thought as if my little brother was playing games, but as soon as I opened the door I saw a shadow jump out of my window. Ever since, I’ve been very frightened. He won’t leave me alone leaving me with nightmares, apparitions of him in my room, and growling. I’m not a Christian, Catholic, etc…but my parents have a way of driving off evil spirits away and nothing seems to be working. I’m petrified. I need some advice
Hi Rhi,
This will help you ->
I hope your issue has long been resolved by now. If not, there are both physical and spiritual means to drive out a demon. First of all, if Jesus is not yet your Lord and Savior, accept Him in your heart and proclaim it so!
ALL principalities and demons are terrified of His name and all who are in His Kingdom have God-given authority to rebuke them uses the mighty name of Jesus.
In addition, there are some characteristics that one should know about demons. They are attracted to lower vibrational energies, it magnifies and strengthens them. Examples include negative emotions such as fear, anger and wrath. Willfully participating in sinful acts. Drugs, especially alcohol. Occultic symbols, numbers and images. All of these must immediately be eliminated. In its stead keep an area well lighted (they like shadows, but be weary of just candles). Hang up passages of scripture in every room. Possess only positive feelings of light, laughter, happiness and love. Play inspirational music, chimes… They hate both. Diffuse anointing essential oils like Frankinsense, Myrh, Palo Santo, or Sage. Consume garlic and Colloidial Silver.
Read scripture out loud and proclaim your authority over them in Jesus’s name. Command them to leave in His name.
I have done work in this area several times and have always been succesful.
Interesting article. I agree with much of what you are saying broadly but my application would be much different. It sounds like you are speaking to a specific group of people, those who are looking for demons everywhere. However, your approach seems to be the complete opposite, to completely ignore them.
While Satan and his demons are already defeated, God has allowed them to stick around in the interim between defeat and punishment to try and undermine His will and we are called to put on our armor so we can take our stand against the devil’s schemes. Why include this and other passages about being on guard if we are supposed to just ignore them? If we have a known enemy that God is telling us to be on guard against and then we turn around and just say, “I’m going to focus on how good God is instead,” this to me is foolishness. Not that it is bad to focus on God’s goodness but we are ignoring God’s commands to be on guard against the Devil.
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” 1 Peter 5:8
Rather than ignore them completely, we must acknowledge their presence but at the same time acknowledge that they have already been defeated and pray in the Spirit against their schemes against us, our friends, our church and this world and most importantly to love everyone like God does, especially if we think they are either demonically oppressed or possessed. It is God’s love that is the source of our light. And when light enters the darkness, the darkness dissipates. We need not fear anything demonic, but we should acknowledge it’s presence and pray against it, if it’s in our churches and build people up in truth and love.
When Jesus was in the desert, he took up the sword of the Spirit and rebuked the devil with truth. He wasn’t afraid at all but he did recognize the enemy; he didn’t just ignore Satan.
Rather than “worrying about a demon behind every corner” shouldn’t it be the demons who are worried about us finding out their schemes and praying against them? And I’m not saying that we are always looking for them. I’m just saying that our struggle is not against flesh and blood but….against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Let’s not ignore this.
In regards to the woman who thought her car was possessed, wouldn’t that have been a great opportunity to teach her about what demonic possession really is biblically instead of rebuking her for her ignorance. If someone doesn’t know, we are called to instruct them, not make them feel dumb.
My son is 9 yrs old and Autistic with Development Delay. He hallucinates and screams all night petrified. I have to cover him and he buries himself. He wakes throughout the night with jerks and I don’t dare disturb as if he wakes he will scream. When I pray and specifically the name of Jesus he screams finatically. This morning I was a little fearful as I saw a shadow that was moving and I couldn’t see a figure or anything making this shadow. My son has been in misery for years and has SIB at times when I have to hold him down. I want a pastor to do something but I had a pastor pray and even people from my church came to pray over my house but the house wasn’t the problem. Nothing helped. I don’t know what to do for my son. I asked him to speak of Jesus and he does but he has a hard time doing it. The difficult thing is my son wants the prayer but evil spirits don’t like it. My church doesn’t really want to get involved in demonic possession so I don’t have anywhere to go.
Nadine if it is a spirit command it in the name of Jesus to be quiet or to not to manifest if it is a spirit it should stop immediately i would seek the Lord and ask why the spirit is there it could be generational back 4 generations.They usually have a legal right to be there there are many churchs that focus on deliverance and inner healing.Bethell church do it so maybe contact them if you are in the states.Heres a link that might be helpful to you
I took my son to Lighthouse Ministries and they prayed and rebuked in Jesus name and showed me how. They asked many questions of ways that he could be attacked. Family history etc…
My son was all over the floor kicking, spitting and throwing things.
He slept good that night and since butcstill has the fears and then I pray over him.
I don’t know if you will see this Nadine, but if your child has a diagnosis, it must mean you have had him evaluated. Did you get any help when he was diagnosed? If you live in America, there may be resources in your area to help parents like you, because you are not alone. A university hospital near you may have a center that specializes in helping children and families like yours. Social workers are great resources for help and information. And organizations that specialize in helping children and adults with these disorders may be able to help you.
You have NO idea what I go through.
No one is able to help a situation like this.
My son attacks little children. I have to put a helmet on him so he doesn’t fracture his own skull. He attacks his family .
He screams all night and especially when I pray the biblical word over him.
That is not typical Autism my dear.
You are right Nadine, I have no idea what you are going through. Each person with autism is unique. I was only trying to offer information that might help you to get help with your son.
Yes I have done everything possible and accessed every possible avenue for help with county caseworker etc…
Only God can help at this point .
The nighttime hallucinating seems to bea different problem . Thank you…been battling this for many years. I have all resources available.
In reading this post it is quite obvious to me that post is set up to downplay or discourage believers and nonbelievers of the reality that demonic oppression and posession exist. I hold a degree in Science of Religion and Christian Counseling so in this I can give an account that in some instances the person may have a mental condition however there are times that it can be demonic oppresion or posession as well.
I agree even in our situation, I can account for this. You are correct. I am in a Reformed church too. They won’t touch this.
Read the story abut CHRIST JESUS casting out Legion. The demonic all typos sassed man worshipped CHRIST.
Two Christians in my family , a husband and his wife, denied Christ in their home because they were displeased by something God did in their lives .
My father said , “The Holy Spirit departed their home ; it became hostile , discompassionate , offensive.
When I tried to speak with my sister , she screamed in a shrill voice that could have been heard a block away . No human screams like that .
Believe me . When demons enter person’s lives after the Holy Spirit DEPARTS , there is no question “what happened ?” It is obvious .
Those two individuals convinced me OSAS is a ridiculous assumption .
**** Abide in Christ ….Psalm 91 . Care for your souls . Work out your salvation with fear and trembling .
Are things spoken of in the Bible suppose to be taken literal or are we suppose to spiritually discern what’s literal and what’s not?
That’s a very good question. I personally believe that the one true fact will always remain. God was, is and will remain ruler of our world. We are created in His likeness and, therefore I believe, we are gifted His power of love, forgiveness and destroying evil. What we choose to do with it is up to us. I think satan has a hand in the interpretation of the Bible in some churches as well. If people get too wrapped up in legalism, they forget the entire message and its meaning along the way…
I know that demons can inhabit a human, for I took a lady to church to see a pastor, to take it out of her, I sat there while the pastor prayed over her, finally a black ghostly type, with a person’s body, came out of her feet and left the room.
Some intense things happening in world news, then there’s channel changing on cable tv , screen writers mimic the worst scenario darkness for ratings. It is a shock when its a brother or sisters reality. At times I really hated my creature feature in life. Some of the commentator accounts sound similar to chooses to follow influences from youthful, fleshly, hormonal, religious,to cultural I’ve experienced first hand or related in my life travels. Encounters indeed fanned by unknown sources.
Jeremy , thanks for pointing out that Satan and demons were defeated at the cross .I appreciate all you are doing for me in your studies.Demonstrating the Light and Love of God. Holding fast to what you believe .I Love it!
I am thinking, Darkness is always overcome by Light not the other way. As we are able Love with Godly Love. Limitations will always be with us as long as we remain in our bodies .Keep talking with God everyone, keep shining your Love in Jesus.
my littlest brother acts really weird when he gets angry. His eyes are normally a light blue green color but when he’s angry theres a ring of “fire” around the iris like brown/orangey color he grits his teeth real hard, i looked at his teeth one time and i have a vague memory of his teeth but i think his gums were bleeding and stuff. He starts to drool and wont listen to any thing we try to say to calm him down. This happens to my other brother but only once in blue moon and more mild but it seems like its the same demon thing or whatever. I have seen somewhat paranormal things before i dont kno it might just be a mental illness or whatever. although i kno something for me just isnt right like i forgot something and something “great” is going to happen but something is missing for sure…
A counselor can help you, not the church. Keep god in your heart but life in your brain. Keep positive and see the good in the bad. Don’t shy away from challenges because god has your best interests in mind. In terms of sexual addictions – you need to talk with your doctor about that and never fear any consequence because only good can come from good. Remember it is your motives and whats in your heart that matters. We are all sinners. Take the challenges and learn from them not just for the good of yourself but others. Amen – Take care my friend.
No you are mistaken. In the Bible the demons would admit he was the son of God because that alone held no power yet. He hadn’t yet died and rose again. Don’t you see? Satan was behind the whole plot and ploy to kill Jesus. The demons in all of the spiritual realm were dancing and rejoicing with glee while Jesus suffered. They thought they won! But wait a minute. It was AFTER Jesus rose that Gods law was instated of redemption. So now the very NAME of Jesus holds power. Don’t you see? The homeless man indeed was possessed.
There ARE certainly distinct signs of definite demonic posession. These include a distinct change in eye color from a light color to a dark brown or black. A distinct sudden change of voice, usually deep and ominous. Generally accompanied by threats or acts of violence. Claiming your authority over them in the name of Jesus will provoke a reaction but will keep you safe.
I’ve had two such personal experiences. It’s real folks, do not be misled otherwise.
Also remember that not every black eyed person you see is necessarily possessed. There are colored contacts that cover most of the eyes and some people like to wear them because they think it looks cool. Not sayimg that what you saw wasnt demonic possession but I wouldn’t jump to that conclusion every time you see it.
Just adding to my previous post. If you watch it change then ya somethings probably going on but if you walk up to them or they walk up to you and their eyes look black from the start and don’t change then that’s when you shouldn’t jump to a conclusion otherwise you might come off as a little batty. People like to express themselves in odd ways and like to copy what they see on some TV shows they like. Not everythings demonic possesion. Sometimes just weird people ?
I have terrible dreams all with the same cloaked figure forcing me to do disturbing acts… eating of dead flesh, condemning my loved ones, often trying to re-enforce an idea of me being alone in life. I hear voices every where I go. Usually a deep voice calling my name, sometimes a soft woman’s voice. Even now something is trying to stop me from writing this causing a feeling of anxiety and stiffness in my hand. Other weird things have happened. It all started in High school. I was with a friend talking in the street at about 2 am. A balloon fell from the sky, it landed in front of me and popped. The second it popped I fell to the floor crying and laughing hysterically. I was curled up for about an hour. In the coming days my friend and I experienced the laughter of woman the living room. His sister saw the face of a woman sitting in the corner of her room watching her. His dad saw a man sitting in his tree. A strange dog like presence in the back yard. My dreams started (yes in High school, I’m 28 now I still have them). I was a devout Christian, but for no apparent reason the faith was slowly drained from me. I started feeling sick at the mention of the word of Christ. I was kicked out of my religious High school due to the mocking of religious leaders and teachers… but I didn’t want to mock them… I just felt I had to… I have angry mood swings In times of happiness and celebration. I am for no apparent reason angered by the sight of religious buildings. Not just Catholic and Christian establishments but any where religion is practiced. I have attempted to connected with pastors and priests, but can never hold a conversation due to feeling anxious… so here I am searching online… praying for answers… my Lord I can’t push the add comment button…
I strongly suggest you go see a counselor. These sorts of thoughts are not normal, and you really need some psychological help. Also, if you watch horror or scary movies, please stop. These sorts of movies can put horrific images in our head.
I was a fundamentalist along with my parents when I was a boy but received an Ouija board from my Dad as a gift because his mother my grandmother used one, but it didn’t do anything when I used it. Later I became fascinated with yoga and out-of-body travel experiences. Between 1963 and 1985 I was involved in “psychic” telepathic espionage. Early-on I had vivid dreams of involvement with MKULTRA and mental psychic involvement in an experimental program that recruited people with extraordinary paranormal abilities for the military in clandestine ops programs for mentally guiding covert ops personnel leaders of scouting and reconnaissance to places that no advance intelligence was able to locate and penetrate, an originally experimental program 1960-1970 preceding the immediately successive STARGATE Project (so named after 1972) afterward, in which I and others were apparently able to invisibly and out-of-body “go look” and return and “enter” the minds of the actual “boots-on-the-ground” operatives and “remember to their minds” what information and intelligence had been obtained in an experience they sometimes called “the oddest feeling of deja vu” because they “clearly recognized” places and locations they had never seen or scouted before, reducing uncertainty about the terrain, the compounds, the buildings, floors and rooms, even the cabinets and files where vital information was located to be retrieved as quickly as possible and return. During the Vietnam War, in my high school years, when my family and I watched the war coverage, I frequently thought that the news clips were being rebroadcast from a few days before, and I asked, “Didn’t they show this already?” My parents said that it was fresh news, yet I recognized what I was seeing on the broadcast recorded by the troops and the news man on site just hours or days before it had been released, as if I had already seen it. Over the following decades, I frequently had “flashbacks” about combat that I could not have physically experienced because I had been rejected as 4-F physical deferment when I reported for my Draft call-up in 1966. Programs I saw about the war after 1980 always profoundly upset me, and I did not know why. Years later, without having read anything about a Marine patrol being ambushed at Khe Sanh, I decided to see if my “false memory” about such an incident had actually happened. Before I looked up the topic online, I wrote my “memory” down in detail, then accessed the site with combat veterans’ recollections of the event. There was such an event. And it happened as I “remembered” it–the picture of the man who had been “on point” and the second lieutenant leading the perimeter patrol I immediately recognized, and Clayton was shot in the head by a VC ambush exactly where I had “experienced it” inside his head which I saw inside of him how his brain blew up in a flash of red and bright yellow! I had invisibly tried to get him to turn in time, because I had just perceived the ambush waiting in the elephant grass to the right of the path ahead. I woke up, back in Iowa, feeling like I had had a nightmare. The memory was afterward buried deep within me, and consciously forgotten entirely, until it began to surface in the 90s, and only when I fully was able to recall it was I able to get some peace about Vietnam. To 1985 I had years of multiple vivid dreams of being called upon from time to time to obtain locations of clandestine espionage and terrorist locations and “remember” the information to operatives tasked with locating them. I was long afterward “approached” in my dreams again to be of service after 2007. I declined because I was aging and tired and did not believe I had the stamina to do such an assignment again. I said, “If this is real, then send me something physical, but ordinary-looking, and I might.” 5 days later I received in the mail a card to renew subscription to Marine Times, with the printed message “We want you back!” I had not had a subscription for more than 8 years and even back then it had been an anonymous gift at the time. It scared me enough to throw it away. I again had a dream asking for my help, and I declined. 3 weeks later, Osama bin Laden’s compound was assaulted. I tell all of this, because such things do happen and they can be corroborated. What I want to say is that the “experimental program” I was involved in beginning in 1963 never included prayer and never asked for divine guidance, and as a result at least 3 other persons involved in the program died because of their deeply unifying spiritual connection of inhabiting their contacts was so intense that when their contacts died, so did they. In their cases the cause was attributed to undiagnosed heart conditions and sudden fatal seizures of the brain. I had not died with Clayton because I was in the process of trying to get out of him to Lt. Jacques behind him to mentally alert him. Now, as for the trauma I had carried with me unconsciously, I was beginning to be healed of occult involvement in New Age which began in the late 60s. By 1973, I prayed for the Lord Jesus Christ to put me where he wanted me to be to serve him best. Everything then seemed to fall apart in my secure life as a lifetime-vowed brother with a psychic brotherhood Order I had been a member of 1970-75, and they threw me out, I didn’t really know why. But even back in 1969, I had prayed, “God I really don’t want you. But give me the grace to want to want you.” And that was granted. As for the prayer in 1973, after being thrown out in 1975 and returning home to my parents, and then seeking to follow wherever I might be guided to the best of my ability to sense, in 1978, after being a self-proclaimed New Age sorcerer and magician and alchemist who offered to teach Yoga, I was drawn to a truly Christian church, which turned out to be the most biblical church on the face of the earth, and asked to receive catechism, was afterward baptized, and became active. When I was 3 days away from being baptized, I went into the church late in the evening by myself when no one else was there, kneeled down at the altar rail, looked at the tabernacle, and prayed, “Lord, if the powers and abilities I have are linked in any way with Satanic influence, please take them away.” For fifteen seconds nothing happened, then it was as if a heavy suffocating water soaked blanket or thick quilt was unwrapped from around me, and it was as if I could breathe again after 10 years of spiritual oppression I had never realized had affected me. I sobbed with relief and was absolutely delighted with my baptism of water 3 days later on Saturday, and Sunday participated in worship as a full member of the church. 3 years later a spiritual crisis came to a head, and I was exorcised by a Jesuit priest, who explained to me after it was over that “the spirit of occultism was trying to reclaim you.” I have not been seriously troubled by attacks of evil since that occasion. I would say, based on my own experience and what serious literature I have read on the subject, that the words of Matthew 7:7-8 always apply: “Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Whatever your trouble, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” It’s not complicated or difficult. When evil forces approach, just simply say, “I belong to Jesus.” It might be helpful to you to follow my own code of spiritual advice soundly based on experience and the promises of God: K.I.S.S. “keep it simple, stupid!” If you love him, he will never fail you, or leave you. If you are troubled that you don’t feel love, the fact that you don’t feel it and that bothers you, proves that you do love him, or you wouldn’t feel that you should. A priest once told me, “Ask yourself this: Do I love the God of all consolation, or do I love the consolations of God?” The first is worship, the second is idolatry. Don’t Give Up the Struggle to Be Faithful, no matter how bad it gets. Remember the martyrs who shed their blood rather than renounce their belief in Jesus Christ, The Father, and the Holy Spirit. Faith is not built on feelings but on truth. No matter how I feel, or what happens to me, God is God, and I can’t deny it. “Ye have heard of the patience of Job–Though he slay me, yet will I trust him” James 5:11 and Job 13:15 (KJV)
I failed to state that when the Jesuit priest exorcised me, he had already been assigned to an official healing ministry including discernment of spirits, and was traveling throughout the country with permission of the various diocesan bishops as their guest, and that when he spontaneously offered to bless me, my reaction was suddenly defiance and rigidity, and then he performed a minor exorcism on me (not a formal major exorcism) with laying on of hands, prayer, anointing with oil a few times during the episode, and calmly making the Sign of the Cross several times, until it finally left, after about an hour. He gave me a prayer to say for 30 days invoking St. Michael. Then he explained that the spirit of occultism had attempted to reclaim me. Since then I’ve not been troubled. I hope this was helpful. Peace be with you.
Final note re the card “We want you back!” I vividly remember when I was half asleep afternoon of Sunday 3 April 2011 being “approached” by the image of a uniformed officer whose face was blurred to assist with an unspecified mission of reconnaissance, and the card arrived in my mailbox Friday 9 April 2011. I heard the news with everyone else that Osama bin Laden had been killed 2 May 2011. It occurred to me then that if I had accepted, I might have played a part. Even without my assistance, success was achieved. I am convinced that “psychic” abilities are not as effective as sincere and humble prayer to God the Almighty, and far more importantly any recourse to such things is spiritually risky, even dangerous to the soul, and finally unnecessary. And certainly since 2011 the military has long-range sensory equipment that can penetrate walls far more reliably now than we were able to achieve 1963-2011 with “development and training of innate preternatural talents.” Read Psalm 131.
This is my last post to this page. Thank you Jeremy, for your service. Semper Fi! Jesus is Lord.
It is hard for someone to just not think about it when you are actually possessed by one. I opened myself to demonic possession through heroine addiction. I have been sober for almost 10 years but it still has legal ground on me, although, it is powerless against influencing me through my relationship with Jesus. It all started back when I was still using. I dropped to my knees and began praying, asking God that if he is real to please show me, asking him to please help me get off drugs. That is exactly what he did. Shortly after that I got clean. Then after that i began noticing strange things around my house. I began to have an extreme desire in the spirit world. God opened up the veil for me so that I could see what was afflicting me. After the demon was revealed he really began attacking me with, paralydic dreams, dreaming of murder and apocolypse, anxiety, depression and a whole host of other things that you would have to see to believe. The biggest sign was the sudden smell of sulfur that would fill my nose over the past years. I would have to say the most terrifying, being levitated 2 ft in the air and seeing two green arms that looked nonhuman with black fingernails come out from the side of my body and waving around in front of my face. I felt my body actually sinking back into my bed and when the hand tapped me on the forehead I snapped out of it. Some could argue I was dreaming but I wasn’t because I remember I was watching star trek voyager and as my body was being lifted I could see the show play out on my TV screen. My eyes were fluttering and I was talking to it telling it to put me down. A lot of things people believe about demonic spirits are not true. The one about Jesus walking in the flesch, the demon acknowledged to me that Jesus walked on the earth. They do not have an aversion to God. He had no problem discussing the bible with me. I can pray all day and have no sign of a demonic presence. They are very intelligent and know how to hide. Because of this, I cannot get any help. Every priest I have spoke with doesn’t believe me or says they will contact me to make an appt. but never does. Even though he does not attack me like he used to I still suffer physical ailments because of his presence. I wake up every morning feeling horrible with a headache because he feeds off my energy at night and I still have electrical disturbances and can still hear him in my head. I also suffer from severe heart palpatations that have no medical basis. There are so many things that I have learned about the spirit world through this possession. My favorite being that God does exist. I brought this demon into my life life through sin. I have to deal with the consequences, but I could never say that I regret it because it was how I found the love of my life, GOD and his son Jesus. I want to share my story so that others may learn from it. So that others can see that demons are more subtle than we think. There are many people out there who have demonic attachments through sin and are unaware of it. I hope that someone reads my post and can gain a little better insight as to how satan and his demons operate. If this is happening to someone else my advice is to talk to God, ALOT,make him your best friend to keep him in your heart, find a church and get baptized because the truth is we really know less than we thought and you have to turn to God to gain knowledge, and not just through the bible. By having a relationship with God he can give you insight that isn’t in the bible. God is now my best friend and nothing, not even the demon can ever break that bond.
Dear Amber,
I Believe what you are experiencing is True. I am a mother of a daughter whom is struggling with a meth addiction. Recently I have seen some bizarre behavior in her.. Once she trusted me, she opened up to me. She was Very Confused, Anxious, Fearful, Hearing Voices of People whom she knows.. Dying a horrific death, being tortured, Screaming in pain, and smelling quite often the smell of what she describes as death, Paranoid of people listening to conversation she and I are having in the car, feels like she is going crazy, racing thoughts thru her head and disturbing! I’m very concerned for her. She is cohabitating with a man whom is very dangerous! Using drugs to control Every aspect of her life.. I am deeply saddened for her.. Tried Everything to Help her with No Success ! I Pray for Her Daily. I told her to do the same for peace of mind, guidance..
I read your article…I continue to struggle with a q.
Your explanation seems clear between demon possession and non-demon possession and to tred carefully before labeling as such.
My q…I not too well educated on mental illness…however, cannot Satan get into the mind of someone to cause this disruptive behavior?
Would it not be considered demon possession, also, to some degree?
Satan doesnt actually get in your mind. He whispers things to you. But as a Christian you have the Power to rebuke him. The bible says Seek Jesus and the enemy will flee.
I am a Christian woman who has battled cancer 3 times with Gods help. I am now battling crippling body dysmorphia which is so self destructive. I love God and have a strong faith, why is this happening.
My adult daughter is cohabitating with a very dangerous man whom is old enough to be her father. Both are using Illegal Drugs. This Person has an extensive criminal background. My daughter sees him as Someone who loves her, takes care of her, treats her right etc.. Opposite of his character. He is a drug addict of 42 years old.. my daughter just 20.. He controls every aspect of her life.. Uses drugs as a way of Power and Control over her.. She is being physically, emotionally, mentally, psychologically Abused by Him.. I have tried to intervene, get her outta situation for the last 2 years with No success.. Recently I have seen some very odd behavior I Can’t Explain… Violent episodes threatening to kill Me, Paranoia, uncontrollable body movements, hears voices screaming in agony and being tortured people whom she knows, calls me several times during the day asking if Everyone in the family is OK?! She smells a distinct death smell, Fearful, Very Confused, and Feels as if she is going crazy! Doesn’t trust anyone, people listening to Our conversations in the car.. Is this possession of a dark side entity, or psychosis?? When do I get her help?
I would urge her to visit a medical doctor.
Perhaps you could suggest she lives with you and studies or works to transition her out of the situation. You will have to show tough love too, if she stays with the criminal tell her you will no longer support her. That might be powerful enough.
And especially if she is having hallucinations, auditory or otherwise, it would be best if she got to safety.
Either way Godspeed with it
Alright so my name is Caleb and yesterday I experienced something really weird. So me and my friends were hanging out and there’s this girl I like and she was hanging out with us. So we started to play truth or dare and later on my friend told me to kiss the girl I like and her name is Annabelle so that happened and then around 20 min after I got a drink she said she wanted to talk with me privately so we just went to a wall and she told me to stand next to her so I did when she leaned her head against my shoulder and started to scratch my hair now before I go on when me and her kissed I got this really weird feeling almost like anxiety anyways I backed out and told her that I’m moving and we can’t and rest of the time my friends were talking with me about it. We sat down and watched the game because we where at a high school game and out of no where she disappeared and her friend which is my friend Samantha got scared about where she went so me and her were searching for Annabelle and suddenly we found her at a corner crying and shaking like crazy and I was still feeling weird anyways my friend Samantha leaned down and held her hand and I sat down next to Annabelle and Annabelle starting saying “Don’t trust her.. promise me you won’t trust her” at that point I really freaked out and Samantha promised her and told me to say the same and Annabelle just kept on saying “I won’t let her out I promise… Don’t trust her she’s evil” then Samantha said that “you won’t let her out” and then Annabelle just out of no where stopped shaking and said “too late” And my friend Samantha said that me And Caleb are going but then Annabelle said that “no he needs to stay” and I just walked away with Samantha I asked her what was going on with Annabelle and she pointed towards her head then Annabelle kept on calling me saying that she’s so sorry and she should of never let her out and I didn’t respond she also said if I don’t come back I’ll see what will happen.. I went back home and I felt so strange and I told my mom and she said that She’s probably Demon possessed and seriously I had this really icky feeling around the time I went to bed I prayed for Annabelle but I couldn’t get any sleep every time I closed my eyes I got this weird feeling so I’m here with questions.. Could you tell me if my friend is Possesed and if? What do I do?
A major problem I have with the whole argument is the use of the word “possession” – it has connotations of ownership and so, Christians argue (rightly) that a Christian cannot be “possessed” by a demon and the dialogue stops. Any sign of the demonic is taken to be either, mental illness, pure and simple, or evidence that since the person is exhibiting signs of “possession” they must not be a Christian at all.
To my sadness, I have both received and provided ministry that I would consider to be a form of deliverance – whatever the arguments, I have a testimony. I thank God that this has been a very small part of my life and ministry, but I cannot deny what I have seen and done. Of course, I cannot prove the presence (or even the reality) of the demonic, but I can say – we prayed and things changed.
A generation ago, the Anglican church wrote a serious document [I am sorry I don’t have the title to hand] that recognised the reality of the demonic and argued for the careful use of Biblical language – i.e.; “demonised” and the outright avoidance of emotive terms like “possession”. The biblical terminology allows for the categories of spiritual attack and oppression that almost all will admit that Christians can suffer from, as well as the apparently full-blown demonization of persons such as “legion”. It also allows for a recognition of deliverance ministry as having differing degrees and locates such ministry within a compassionate collaborative healing model and not one for lone-ranger exorcists. The book also looks seriously at mental health issues and is very cautious about rushing into labelling anything demonic without great care. They advise seeking medical help where possible. But they point out that, often medical staff were more open to the reality of spiritual forces than many seminary-educated clergy!
Some Christians refuse to minister in this area at all, since Christians “cannot” be “possessed” and don’t need the ministry and non-Christians can only benefit if they are converted (otherwise they might be worse off) but once converted, they don’t need it, etc. This is the same kind of thinking that leads to cessationism.
Older traditions of Church, Anglican, Catholic and Orthodox accept the necessity of the ministry at a practical level, without the theological qualms of some protestants, but approach it with great caution. These churches are not known for triumphalism, but they say that if an exorcism does not work, the person is not demonised! (This should be a comfort, but ministry still has to be handled carefully!)
The Orthodox, I believe, do not “command” the demons to leave – as in popular caricatures – but pray to the Lord to free the person. Kurt Koch, the great German doctor, wrote of evangelical prayer groups that he relied on which freed persons, sometimes at a great distance and without the person’s presence or knowledge. Thus there is no need to frighten children with the thought they might be demonised.
A man I knew reacted violently to the name of Jesus, the preaching of the Cross and the Kingdom of God. He was also epileptic and these seizures seemed to get worse when he encountered the above themes in church. The vicar believed he was demonised, I cautioned restraint, since I felt the blunt accusation could cause problems. But we prayed for him. Eventually, unasked, he came to us, after a particularly bad series of fits, to ask if we could pray for the voices in his head to go away. We did, they did. No mention of the “D” word or any overt exorcistic words or actions, just a simple prayer.
I left town soon after, but I met him some years later and found him, even though now nearly blind, a happy Christian who was untroubled by his epilepsy.
Was he “possessed” or “demonised”? Who knows? But we tried to meet him in his need and God blessed him.
In another instance, at around the same time, a lovely woman would turn nasty at the name of Jesus or the preaching of the Cross. Even her non-church going husband saw she needed help. However, she refused and I insisted to the vicar that we could not force anything on her. As I said, I left town, but on returning met someone from church who told me this woman had refused all prayer of any sort, refused medical help and had stopped church attendance completely. She then attempted suicide, but the effect of the massive dose of tablets was to radically alter her personality in some way and she was no longer blaspheming and was now much happier. I cannot prove that she was “demonised”, nor can I explain what happened, even under a medical model, but I believe that God somehow met her in her extremity.
To conclude an overlong comment. Jesus healed out of compassion and not just to prove he was God. He did not provide a theoretical model for healing or deliverance, nor did he get into lengthy debates. When challenged (and accused of being demonised, himself) he simply pointed to the results of the Spirit’s work. I wish that some of those who debate these imponderables (how can we ever prove our position?) would, instead, get on with following Jesus in seeking to help those who hurt.
The reason Christians CANNOT be possessed is bc when someone becomes born again Jesus Christ enters into their heart. They become one with Christ. It is not me but He who lives in me. And where the is LIGHT there Can be NO DARKNESS. point blank. Christians CAN be OPPRESSED. Which means demonic spirits are ON them or around them. But Satan has NO POWER OVER A BORN AGAIN CHRISTIAN.
Hi, Lacey
Thanks for your reply. You seem to be very angry, and I am sorry if I said something to upset you. However, I would ask you Please read my comment again and please point out where I say anything about Christians being possessed! I don’t think I do.
The whole point of my comment is that the term “possessed” or “possessed by a demon” is never used in the New Testament – in the original Greek. So the Bible never describes anyone as “possessed” by Satan! If you have a translation that does say “possessed”, may I suggest the problem is with the translation and not with the Bible, or with my comments.
As to “oppressed” – again, this is not biblical language, but I understand what you are saying. It is an attempt to admit to demonic attack on Christians, without using “possessed” language – but my argument is that our language is often confused and confusing.
I am not denying what you say, but it seems contradictory – if Satan has NO power over a born-again Christian, how can a Christian have demons “on them”? And how could those demons bother them? Either the demons are there – i.e.; they have some hold and some influence and their activity can be noticed – Or they have no power at all and have no reason to be there. In which case, how would we know they are there?
(To repeat my earlier comment – the Bible only says someone is “demonised”, and although Jesus sometimes tells demons to “come out”, the New Testament doesn’t make subtle distinctions about types of demonic activity or their location- it simply acknowledges the presence of a demon and casts it out in the name of Jesus.)
I am not trying to disagree with what you are saying or claiming, just asking that people should be more careful about their language – so I do NOT believe Christians can be “possessed”.
But I have known instances of apparently demonic attack – that can’t easily be explained away – which affected Christians and which ceased with prayer/deliverance ministry. Perhaps you think that all such ministry is false, fair enough, but there are many accounts of missionary encounters of this type. Finally, church history shows that the early church included exorcism as a part of the process of conversion to Christ and that this was compulsory.
First i need to say I was NOT angry at all. And i am sorry if it seemed as if I was angry. Its not contradictory when I said christians can be oppressed. Satan does not have any power over a true born again christian. However the reason some christians are oppressed is because they are NOT living right. They are watching bad things on tv maybe hanging around bad people. And they havent been reading their bible. Another reason is bc they dont know who they are in Christ. Mostly bc they are too busy condeming themselves they too busy focusing on their sins instead of focusing on God. James 4:7 says Submit to God, resist the devil & he will flee from you. Christians do have power over demons & satan but they must be in the Word & must be following Christ. Bc if not u will have to find a christian that is prayed up & read up so they can pray the demons away.
Thank you. This article helped me out grately. I had a very bad dream that my mom was being possessed and this demon was talking to me through her.. And other things happened after that part but I am trying not to overly think about this. I just didn’t like how I couldn’t speak or cast it out of my mom. This was in my dream though. In the past I was casting out demons in women.. And this one was strong.. The Holy Spirit prompts me to act but I feel I am not strong enough or act upon this.
My bosses mother has a teenager whom she believes is possessed. At first I thought she could be. She was brought to my parents home ( my dad is a pastor) and they prayed for her after talking with her for awhile. Afterwards my mother said she does not believe she is possessed but maybe oppressed. but my boss’s mom is convinced she is. After telling me many things that has happened I come to the conclusion the teenage girl is seeking attention and is spoiled and could possibly have a slight chemical embalance. I dont believe shes possessed but I am having trouble convincing my boss’s mom that she is not possessed by demons. Shes just acting like a typical teenage girl when she doesnt get her way. Any advice on how to get my boss’s mom to understand shes not possessed?
One only has to rely on the Holy Spirit.
The Spirit will inform us, and we then will know.
Trust in God and the Holy Spirit.
If the situation is one that you should be meddling in, then you will be the right person at the right time, and God will provide. Have faith brothers and sisters.
I’m Nicole..i can’t say I’m possessed by demons but I suffer to sleep..nigth are the worst to me.i hear strange voices. I sleep walk. I found my say. things I don’t understand, draw thing ..words. I don’t understand… there is a lot thou ..i wish I could talk with someone who can understand me coz my family don’t …im 19 years now this started when I was 17…and it growing with. me….so hard it scary😣
Thank you for this article. I just spoke with a friend who I has been kicking, screaming, walking around and saying unsettling things at night. Her neurologist is confirming through testing that she has a sleep disorder that could lead to Parkinson’s. My friend is concerned for her health and her and her husband’s safety. Based on the things she has been saying and the fear she feels, she is afraid that there’s some demonic possession. I used to experience sleep paralysis so I know a little about the fear and exhaustion but not to the extent of what she feels because she could be experiencing a sleep disorder or possible health diagnosis.
You mention that, as Christians, we shouldn’t focus on the devil but to focus on Jesus instead. My friend is not a believer. I looked up her condition and found a lot of scientific articles, so I was glad to see a Christian perspective on this and I wanted to ask a community of Christians how to help a non-believer through something like this. Thank you!
It’s good to focus on Jesus and what He has done for us. But… what if we have been approached for help by someone who believes that they may be possessed or may actually manifest it and we don’t know what to do. How long should such a person suffer oppression or possession while we Google the answer? You have absolutely no answer to the practical/spiritual question and provide no guidance to help. Do you think that all Christians know how to do this or even know what to do with it? You acknowledge that possession is in the Bible, yet your basic message is not to give it much attention. You mistakenly assume that your audience is merely looking for demons under every bed and has no reason to need an answer.
Thank you I was giving too much thought to these bad things. Dwell on what? Philippians 4:8
So, what about a former (atheistic) Luciferian who has been lead to Jesus? I’ve converted and have very recently been under spiritual attack. I became enraged to the point of violence and then that night whispers were in my ears about how they’re going to hurt me. The next night something grabbed my face and was trying to make me look at it. When I say grab, it wasn’t physical. Either something has the power to command me to move or there’s something inside me. I fought it the entire time. When I cried out to Jesus, it yanked harder, more determined to make me look. When I started praising God and praying calmly, it released me instantly. I have been praying and asking people to pray for me. I can sense that it’s still here, but currently unable to do anything. I suspect because of my past I could possibly be possessed. How would I go about getting it out if that’s the case?
I apologize if I sound crazy. I am just tired of being alone and afraid of people. I want to socialize and live a normal life. Instead I am in isolation and confusion.
Imagination is truly amazing in it self.. I’ve read some of the comments here and have not come across anyone who directly mentions it. it’s possible to change our thoughts to be healthy…Nutrition plays a role in our physical, mental and spiritual health. I’ve heard this saying that physical exercise can strengthen the body, toughen the spirit and relax the mind… which can also help us live healthier lives..
Stephanie is totally right and I think it is advice to be heeded.
I was in church the other day and a guy came in while I was waiting for confession. He was wild…pacing back and forth. He went up to the holy water font and began bathing in it. I thought he looked like he might be on drugs but there was something else scarier behind his eyes. A lady who is so sweet told him if he’d like to take a seat that Father would be here in just a moment. I meanwhile positioned myself not knowing what this guy might do. I went to confession and he went in after me. I hung around for while and he was still in there after 5 minutes. In the meantime some more people came in and I knew Father was a big dude and could handle himself so I slipped out the door. The next day at mass he said he believed he had encountered a hostile spirit or something to that effect and this one had scared him. He said it has happened to him on more than 20 occasions since being ordained… And the guy wasn’t even Christian and he told him that God led him to the church…which coincidentally was right at the Saturday Chaplet…no better time in the week. I was ready to call the cops and wanted to tell the guy he needed a hospital not a priest. But maybe not? I am quick to discount the presence of actual spiritual malevolence.
hi I’m trying to understand the demonic possession in ones dream. in the dream I was speaking on how no one is exempt from a situation. I looked around the room and it (the spirit) locked eye with me. piercing blue eyes almost like electricity. and before I recognize what he was it had me in mid air and slammed me into the ceiling with my limps bent back form a star shape. I tried to call on Jesus but it had constrained what I said so I began thinking on the name of Jesus.
It’s ironic how the more a discussion on this topic persists the greater the opposite sides are reinforced and all we are doing is strengthening our personal belief rather than coming to a shared understanding of reality. Two thousand years ago if a television set with a video tape recorder played a religious sermon, culture in this era would destroy it. Those demons in the screen would clearly be seen as preaching some sort of deception even if it played the same sermon recorded by a respected authority in this era. On the other hand, if we accept authority of science over religion our ideas will contrast with what we were told from religious authority accepted for generations. Illness is clearly driven by demonic forces from a religious authority so visiting the doctor to get that MRI scan must be some form of demonic surrender. Your body runs through a big circular machine making some unexplained noise and your spirit is witnessed on the same kind of screen that displays evil
spirits when you are at home watching television. We need cultural authority to tell us what is real. We can’t say precisely how the microchip or television really works so we trust what we are told from culture. Did we capture a spirit and put it in the computer? Is Alexa one of these spirits? You’re obviously speaking to the devil with Alexa. When you surrender acceptance to a single authority without making your own decisions you can believe some pretty foolish ideas.
I am a Christian and have struggled with demons my whole life. as a child I could see them and they would tell me things I couldn’t know. I was exercised as a teen and nothing happened, but the demon visited me that night. God delivered me from seeing demons later, but people around me sometimes see them. they will have never seen them before, but they see them after they meet me. Neither one of my husband’s saw them before marrying me, but saw them after.
My concern is my daughter’s personality and morals changed over night when she started dating an awful man. She went from being a sweet honest person to lying and gas lighting people and spending the night with her boyfriend from day one. I don’t know if is codependency or demon possession. I thought she was a Christian, but she hates me so much and hates any one who calls her out on her behavior. I don’t believe she is a Christian any more.
I’ve struggled with hearing voices from the age of 4 whispering evil things into my mind. When I was 5 I took a fall from my second floor porched and broke my wrist and needed stitches in my head could I have an undetected brain injury? I have been diagnosed with schizo affective disorder since age 14. By the year 1991 I gave my life to Jesus Christ. Several years into my walk in faith I dabbled into pornography. Then a short time after I became severely confused about whether God really loved me or not. I felt totally betrayed by him but it was me who betrayed him. Now I’m 48 and hear voices almost all the time me and my sister in law hear growls at least 2 times a month. I really do feel I invited them in and now it is like I’m being tormented. I think of suicide a real lot. Is there any hope?
Of course there is hope. God knows that you have suffered and I don’t want to misguide you here! 1 John 1:9 Says that if we confess our sins to Him he is just to forgive us! Jesus died for you and your thorough gets and wrong doings 🙂 Rom. 8 Verses 38 to 39
[38]” For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, [39] Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God’s love is eternal and FOR ALL. There is not only hope from God but God is HOPE. Turning to Him will be the greatest decision ever. Trust me. TRUST HIM 🙂
Matthew Chapter 6 verse 22: the eye is the lamp of the body, if thy eyes be good/ healthy, thy whole body shall be full of light.
God says the eye is most vital describing it as the lamp of a body. It should say if your eyes be genetically good/ healthy, thy whole body shall be full of God’s light. God is describing all of his Positive, good, healthy light attributes.
Eye doctors have described a good/ healthy eyes describing them.As being regular/strong in the cornea lens. As they receive greater levels of light reception to the retina. As you seen more clearly which brings greater levels of ease to your sight by the light, which they do receive to the retina, This shows causes of instant positive effect. As there’s great correlation between eye health and immune health.
But God also describes through his biblical word Giving his spiritual intellectual understanding. Giving his spiritual/ Electrical. intellectual understanding..What causes our human body to be more susceptible to the darkness. In Matthew chapter 6 verse 23: if thy eye be bad, evil or unhealthy, thy whole shall be full of darkness, if the light is within thee be darkness, how great is that darkness?
Now here you have God once again Explaining his spiritual understanding pertaining to the flesh. Giving a certain set of DNA/ genetically related circumstances, describing the eye as bad, evil or unhealthy, The whole room of your body is described as being full of the Prince of darkness.
as he is the ruler of the forces of darkness.How high are the Forces of darkness accumulating higher within your body .
Eye Doctor has described this eye. as your more bad/ unhealthy eye first as your more irregular/weakened cornea lens. It obstructs like greater to your retina, which causes instant negative effects. This eye is known to suffer from greater level of genetic cornea imperfection. Causing refractive eye error or astigmatism. This eye is known to suffer from dry or burning symptoms described as allergies or allergic reactions, showing greater level of inflammation in the white portion of this eye As it can be brought bloodshot, red showing festered This shows it’s an immune related issue.
As we can suffer greater level of light and sight deficiency In the eye that was always known to suffer genetic imperfection first of the cornea lens. That same person down the road can suffer what it’s like to be Immune deprived / deficient Suffering auto immune deficiency disorders, Is that same person can also be more oxygen deprived/ deficient Suffering chronic obstructive pulmonary disorders. We do not believe the enemy makes us be more Enemy can own one of your organs And you can use it to have greater electrical control over your organ system flesh Which is the largest organ system of your human body and the immune system is interwoven into that organ system.
As every human being comes equipped with matthew chapter 3 verse 10: Even unto now the axes laid unto the root of the tree, Therefore let the tree be good or let the tree if be bad, if bad it’s thrown into the furnace of fire. Doctors do not know where this axes is truly laid, It’s the enemy’s gadget which he has interwoven into the flesh underneath the skin, laid right at your pancreas and small intestinal root. But many people are already cequipped with Matthew.Chapter 6 verse 23. So this person will be known to suffer from irregular central nervous system symptoms second. The same person can have an endocrine system network.
That’s running more unevenly showing hyper or hypo of tension or thyroid. But we do not believe the enemy electrically speeds up the thyroid or electrically slows down the thyroid. Causing hypo excessive overproductions of distribution of chemica/ harmones. Or electrically causing the hypo/slow depleted under productions of distribution of chemical/harmones. We do not believe the enemy electrically invades organ systems Electrically.disrupting relay signals of communication of all the different types of sensory receptors that we can find throughout the body. As there are millions of them. To cause the body to run more irregularly Causing internal dysfunction disorder diseases or syndromes. God restores proper Internal order within the body causing healthy order. The enemy brings the absolute opposite of effect darkness causing internal disorder, diseases or syndromes.
A priest told me I was daemon possessed because of a medical condition asking me to drink a liquid that smelled like vinegar. When I declined, I was dismissed from the church. He didn’t care about helping me escape from his imagined enemy but brought personal authority to his semantic understanding of the Bible. Since I didn’t sit with him and vomit to bear a seizure, he decided the imagined daemon couldn’t come out anyway telling me to leave. Where were his other biblical values to save me from his imagined evil? Some may assert that the Bible must never be questioned. However, an extreme of this rationale will surrender personal values and understanding to the semantics of a few words within the scripture. It’s an easy historical argument to understand why the scripture spoke of demons. Without the social institutions like education, medicine or even words we take for granted today, how were the apostles to describe what they have witnessed? One may believe they are rejecting the God if they don’t believe the Bible word for word. However, there is another danger if you surrender your understanding to semantics. Under demonic rationale, we should discard our television, radio, home computers as all of these would be described as satanic in this era with obvious spirits displayed or speaking from a box.
Hey, thank you so much for this guide! Truth is I go to a school in South Africa and today, we went on a trip to see a lady who was doing yoga and meditation. I’ve been a Christian since this year and I am trying to get the hang of living the life God wants me to live. And so while we were doing this meditation some of us were lying on the floor and resting while the lady was sorta telling us to imagine certain thing in our life. I didn’t participate because some of it had to do with a lot of things I personally didn’t feel comfortable doing. However as I was lying there eyes wide open, the lady began to do strange hand gestures and I thought this was normal until her eyes began to flicker and she started rocking in a strange way. I didn’t want to claim she was being demonicly controlled but it didn’t make it anymore normal to have witnessed this. I am still shaken and actually really really sad I couldn’t do anything and really want to see that lady delivered and free. But I don’t want to call her satanic I just don’t know what to make out of it. I told my friend and she actually described a sorta similar experience she had with another lady who taught Zumba. I’m just a little worried for the ladies and don’t know what to think. Thanks for all the help. God bless you 🙂
Thank you for this insightful article! The clear explanation of the signs of demonic possession is both informative and thought-provoking. It’s a great resource for those seeking to understand this complex topic.