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? EW!
Looks like 1950s.
Good grief!
Hmm. Yeah, this Sunday school curriculum probably is old. I cannot imagine this sort of thing being taught in church today. But who knows….
For God’s sake where is the baby that presumably is God’s object of affection? Is he being drowned in the water? 😉
hahahaha. Wow.
I attend a bible study once a week at a Baptist church and the pastor wants me to get baptized-full immersion. He says it is not necessary for salvation but represents a commitment–to what exactly I do not know :). Any thoughts on this practice.
I am not Baptist nor do i intend to become a member of this church but I am thankful for the pastor letting me attend bible study despite our very different beliefs on biblical subjects.
It is scriptural, baptize is an transliteration of the Greek word, which simply means dunk or immerse.
Commentary on Acts 1:5. “because.” The Greek is hoti (#3754 ὅτι), and it means, “that, because, or since.” Lenski (Commentary; Acts) and Robinson (Greek Grammar) refer to this as the consecutive hoti.
The question we must ask, and answer, is why did Jesus command his disciples to stay in Jerusalem? It was to wait for what the Father had promised, i.e., the gift of holy spirit. The disciples had already been baptized in water. If water baptism was all that was important and necessary for salvation, there would have been no need for the disciples to wait in Jerusalem or receive the gift of holy spirit. Sadly, many people reverse what Jesus said here in Acts. They say water baptism is essential for the believer and act as if baptism in holy spirit is not really essential but perhaps “nice to have,” or valuable in many ways. Jesus was teaching quite the opposite. He knew the disciples had already been water baptized. He also knew it would no longer be intrinsically valuable after the Church started on the Day of Pentecost. Thus, he commanded his disciples to stay in Jerusalem and receive baptism in holy spirit “because” John [only] baptized in water, but holy spirit was going to be first poured out in Jerusalem.
“with water.” The Greek is hudōr (#5204 ὕδωρ) in the dative, thus, “with water.” Thus it is clear that the element that people were baptized with was water. However, in the later part of the verse, the specific word “in” (en, #1722 ἐν) is used, emphasizing that the Christian is baptized “in” holy spirit. There is one baptism for the Christian, and it is spirit, not water (cp. Eph. 4:5). John’s baptism was a shadow of what was to come, and even John himself said this (Matt. 3:11; etc.). There is no reason to baptize in water today. Nevertheless, the practice continues, and sadly some even teach that it is necessary for salvation. [For more on baptism, see John Schoenheit, The History & Doctrine of Christian Baptism (Spirit & Truth Fellowship, 2011).]
Yes. Read some of these posts here:
Especially the ones on baptism.
Wow. That’s all.
Ha. Yep!
God probably loves the animals, cos they weren’t born into Original Sin 🙂
Isaiah 65 v 25 or maybe not.
plant…the answer is the plant
Genesis 3 v 19 or maybe not
Ha! That’s right!
It has a Missouri Synod look of that era.
I’m on the next step up….
Ha ha ha!
Jeremy thanks for taking the the time to go over your notes from seminary and reevaluate what you were taught as opposed to what scripture really has to say. Lets say it helped put me back on the right track. Mike
Thanks, Michael. I really want to get back to that project I started so many years ago, and finish it….
Also, I knew God liked dogs more than he did cats. I mean, that one was obvious.
Right. Because they share the same letters of the alphabet. Ha!
i recently in may 20th 2014 posted some coments in your website but now i can’t find them
Your comments are there. You must be looking in the wrong place. Look at
it looks Catholic—and in reality its God loves somethings better than others, UGH!
Oh sorry i now know why