I first got to know Richard Jacobson through his interaction with me on Twitter, Facebook, and his comments on this blog. I liked what I saw and started reading his blog, where he creates insightful and humorous cartoons and videos about the church and following Jesus.
So when he asked me to read and review his book, I said “Yes!” as quickly as possible.
(By the way, if you are an aspiring author, THAT is how you do it. I get a couple emails a day from people who want me to read and review their book, but who have never read my blog or one of my own books, have never left a comment on my blog, and who have never interacted me on Twitter or Facebook. Publishing, like everything else in life, begins with relationships. Richard’s book is proof. It debuted at #1 on Amazon in his category.)
The book that Richard wrote is called Unchurching. I have written several books about church myself, but this one is better than any of the ones I have written. At least … I like the way he organized his material and presented his ideas.
The book chapters are all quite short. This means that even if you only have five minutes here or there to read the book, you can likely finish a chapter in that amount of time. This is a smart way to write a book for today’s busy readers.
Best of all, even though Unchurching is a critical look at the church and contains a call for people to follow Jesus away from the four walls of Christendom, the book is incredibly gracious and kind. I could find no judgmental language, no finger pointing, and no condemnation.
I loved how he said that asking someone “What church do you go to?” is like asking someone “What family do you go to?” The second question makes no sense. We do not go to a family; we are in a family and we operate as a family. This is helpful as well, because the church is like a family, and when we think about it as a family, a lot of the questions that trip us up about how to “do church” fade away. Very rarely, for example, will a family ever have questions about “What day of the week should we meet?” or “Who gets to talk when we are together?”
Based on this idea of the church as a family, Richard Jacobson goes on to talk about church elders as facilitators, on how to carry out conflict resolution within the family of God, and a whole host of other related topics.
All in all, this is a great book about the church. If you have questions about what the church is, how it is to function, and why so many Christians today can confidently claim that they are better able to follow Jesus and be the church in the community now that they have stopped attending a Sunday morning meeting, this book is for you.
In a month or so, I plan on interviewing Richard Jacobson on my Theology.fm podcast, so make sure you tune in for that. Until then, buy a few copies of his book … one for yourself and a couple more to give away. Go here to get your copies of Unchurching today.
Mens churches arent the Church, if I never in my life attended one, it would mean absolutely nothing to the Lord.
I would love to hear your story, Beverly. Much like The Hobbit, my story is kind of “There And Back Again.” I started as a hippy kid in the Jesus Movement, eventually became a pastor in the organized church, then walked away to go find genuine spiritual community outside the box again. That journey eventually gave birth to this book!
Hello Richard. Well, the Lord had me on my journey, in mens churches, until, I got my on the JOB training , watching, MEN< pretend to know the Lord. ONCE, I had all I needed to see what mens churches TAUGHT that GOD never did, he said, "YOUR DONE" time to come out of BABYLON, which is headed to ONE WORLD Religion.
I’m sorry Beverly. My heart goes out to you. You are right.
Christendom are the false churches of men, that play church, but have never met the RISEN SAVIOR personally.
What is the risen savior saving us from?
Hint: if the answer is “what he’s going to do to us if we don’t believe in him,” we are dealing not with a savior, but an extortionist.
No u make that choice, GOD is so loving he lets you, chose to not spend eternity with him, and hence the only other choice is apart from him.
You are really missing the point here…
Put it this way: if I were to corner you in an alley and pull a gun on you, I would be “giving you the choice” of you giving me your wallet or dying.
You would not say I am “so loving” that I am giving you the choice of your money or your life; you would rightfully be calling me an armed, dangerous, evil criminal.
Now the worst I would do is shoot you. I wouldn’t cause you eternal pain.
MODERATOR: (Remainder of comment deleted) Personal attacks and name calling will be deleted from comments on this blog. Refer to the comment policy at https://redeeminggod.com/comment-policy/
Marissa my dear friend, you have NO idea what you are speaking about.
Dont tell my friend MARISSA that tho, it angers her.
2 choices for ETERNAL PEOPLE, and GOD gave them the choice, so stop whining, about your choice.
DONT blame GOD< for your rebellious attitude.
“The second question makes no sense. We do not go to a family; we are in a family and we operate as a family… Very rarely, for example, will a family ever have questions about “What day of the week should we meet?” or “Who gets to talk when we are together?””
Wow, that is brilliant! Cuts straight through to the heart of the issue.
Thank you! I really appreciate that.
I like that also. We are the Church and we live as the Church daily, not just on Sunday. It is so exciting focusing on the fact that the Spirit of Christ lives within us and we are not tied down to religious doctrines and rules. We live each day as the Church, walking in the love and guidance of the Spirit.
We live in a Martin Lutheresque day, every person their own priest and head of their own sect, including arguing the superiority of their personally favored interpretation of Genesis or Revelation or any other thing in the Bible endlessly on blogs and forums. People also go church-hopping, and switch denominations, or people marry those from different denominations more frequently today than ever before. People also openly admit more easily than ever before that they simply no longer attend church.
It’s an interesting time, to be sure, Edward. I’m very hopeful that we might be on the verge of a big shift in a very positive direction.
How do you possess knowledge about ” every person ” ?
Where did you get the information about what ” people” are doing, more than ever or more frequently ?
In the Book of Kings we read how the prophet Elijah was sure that the “people ” had abandoned God and he was the only faithful person left.
God had to correct him, there were thousands of faithful. Elijah was just guessing about ” the people ” and he was wrong.
Its an interesting and concerning that people can and do live in information silos (including me) and are kept their by leaders of institutional church who want them to think in certain ways like you must come to sunday church and made to feel guilty if they dont. I have found there is richness of life and freedom by following Christ outside of the temples 4 walls and a roof into the community, which after all is where Jesus went.
Thank you for the recommendation of unchurching by Richard Jacobson – ordered it today – there’s definitely a movement towards being a wider family – I was in church leadership for over 25 years did church planting (the lot) – but the last few years I’ve found a new relationship with God away from all of that with a focus on looking outward. It takes time to unburden yourself and get released but when you do God opens up a whole new exciting chapter that involves the people he loves from every walk of life. Today I have over one hundred contacts and acquaintances in the village where I live because I’ve redeemed time through unchurching – so I’m looking forward to reading Richard’s book
Edward religion is dead, and the dead are in religion.
Mens churches are mens idea. Relationship with the Lord, is his idea.
GOD didnt create hell for MARISSA.
IF she choses to go there, its her choice.
yet she wants to blame GOD for her choice.
I think we need to take notice of what Marissa has to say because the idea that she has, is one that has been planted by some of the traditions of Churchianity.
There are Churchianity buildings emblazoned with lurid scenes of a supposed image of God casting people into some burning pit of eternal torture.
And also there is sometimes pictured the “good” people ( often wearing things like Bishops mitres and clerical robes, surprise, surprise ) being ushered upstairs to the magic city in the sky. There are plenty of these things around to see.
I think Marissa has the wrong idea, but I am deeply saddened that she probably has the wrong idea because of the teaching of an institution that has been driven by domineering power plays. It stands to reason that this institution would seek to justify itself by depicting God as a vicious cosmic despot.
Two things have to happen I believe, the followers of Christ have to present the truth; of God as the life giving creator and redeemer. And the followers of Christ have to live as God’s servants of reconciliation and healing.
Yes the Bible warns about destruction, but if we focus on the Kingdom of God then destruction doesn’t even have to cross our minds.
If you want to challenge God ,Marissa, then I would try and persuade you to sincerely challenge God to reveal Himself to you as He truly is. He can surely meet the challenge.
Neville has a very good point, Marissa’s concerns are a true reflection of how parts of society views Christianity as a result of looking at history of our institutionalised religious forms of Christianity where terrible things were done in the name of God. The love Christ offers is missed because much of society sees God as angry and violent. Much of the church has adopted the ways of the world and completely missed what Christ asked us to do ie take up our cross daily and go out in to our world and the world of Marissa and millions of others and share Christs love, acceptance, forgiveness and mercy. Winds of change are blowing and the institutional church is declining and something new will be born…. made of Christ.
The problem I’ve seen in the church, is this politically correct washing of Christ’s image to present, not a biblical picture, but an image that is politically correct, with anything offensive and unpopular removed. I see people using the Bible selectively, only when it conforms to the image of Jesus they WANT to exist, not the image of Jesus in reality. In some ways it seems similar to idolatry(tho some may be unaware they are doing this), throwing out exegesis, and instead reading into the text and presenting a pacifist, weak, hippie flower child singing kumbaya, and completely milquetoast in the face of violence, murder, and lawlessness.
Hi Jeremy. Did u know that the KJV translators were forbidden to translate EKKLESIA properly; thus preventing folk from realizing it was about people, not buildings. And now i think it is law of the land to do likewise, so modern translations do it too. It should not be translated CHURCH; rather, called-out-ones.
Why is it not acceptable to defend the KJV?
Do I have to go to church? Cause I don’t want to.
Dave says ; presenting a pacifist, weak, hippie flower child singing kumbaya, and completely milquetoast in the face of violence, murder, and lawlessness.
That is what is called the straw man argument. Dave. Who ever said that Jesus was a hippie singing kumbaya.
If we want to be careful students of the exegesis of scripture then I suggest that we do well to avoid logical fallacies.
So what is the biblical image ” in reality ” ,
Jesus The Son of Man, Jesus the Son of God, Jesus the lamb of God, Jesus the gate, Jesus the shepherd, Jesus the light of the world, Jesus the resurrection and the life, Jesus the vine, Jesus the king of Israel, Jesus the humble foot washer, Jesus the bridegroom , Jesus the Word.
Jesus the redeemer, Jesus the judge. ???
How do we get the “correct” exegesis in all this. It’s a big call.
Neville, shaking my head….
you wrote:
That is what is called the straw man argument. Dave.
There is such irony in what you say. I am perpetually fighting against straw men in this blog, where so many act like the OT Israelites just got bored, and decide, out of the blue to make up ‘scape-goating’ to engage in genocide in the name of God.
Let’s look at the definition of a straw man:
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent’s argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not advanced by that opponent.
Sadly, I present no straw man at all, but what I see and hear all too often in the church.
You wrote:
Who ever said that Jesus was a hippie singing kumbaya.
Hmmm…that’s a little bit like asking, ‘When have you ever seen a weatherman forecast rain?’ Too many to count, or list in a blog. They’re seemingly everywhere.
You wrote:
If we want to be careful students of the exegesis of scripture then I suggest that we do well to avoid logical fallacies
Yes, agree 100%, ironically exegesis what often makes me a target. Many people I encounter loathe exegesis.
I hope you don’t mind if I post several things. I am excited by what I’m reading, so be forgiving of all my posts.
Maybe I should share my testimony, and then you’ll kind of have an idea of where I came from?
I came from a violent home, (drugs, alcohol, gun shots, being chased with knives, people thrown through picture pane windows), in fact I was born three months early because my father kicked my mother in the stomach.
I was born weighing two pounds nine ounces.
As early as 7yrs old, I was out on the streets till 3-4am, I was put in three orphanages…
One night I remember, my father snuck into our house, he put a loaded pistol in my hand and told me too shoot my sisters and my mother, it was crazy.
Through all of this, (which I wouldn’t change), I came out a fairly normal kid, I was involved in sports and didn’t do drugs, or drink. I thought I was a survivor, wanting only too make it through another day.
In 1974 I started too sense a need in my life, an emptiness that I couldn’t explain. I knew I had to find God/Jesus, but who was HE.
I had no idea where to find HIM, so I went to the local library to find books concerning world religions, God, and the occult.
At the library I met an ex-hippie (Gary Osborn) he saw my books and decided to share the message with me.
Gary invited me to pray in the back of his V.W. so I did, I remember saying “God forgive me for my sins, and whatever you have for me I want it all”.
Well at first nothing happened I expected, lightening or something. Gary said, “Just go home and praise God” I said, “What’s that, mean” Gary said, “Just thank him” So I did just that.
The remaining is sacred to me, before I asked Jesus into my heart, I never heard voices, I never drank, and I never did drugs, but one week after meeting Jesus while in the middle of my last class (during high school)
A voice, just as clear, as someone standing next to you, spoke, and as the voice spoke it said to me, “rod tell them about Jesus” I was surprised, but unafraid, I put my hand over my mouth, since I didn’t want anyone to think I was talking too myself, I said (to whoever spoke to me) “I don’t know what to say” the voice said “don’t be afraid, I’ll give you the words to say”
To this day I don’t remember my words, but I spoke to those kids about Jesus and salvation, their mouths just dropped open and then, class was over, I walked out of that room, feeling like I had never felt before.
The next day was Saturday; I slept in the living room on an old couch. When I woke it was early and I decided to turn on the TV, to watch my favorite cartoon, the roadrunner.
As I sat there watching the TV, I got up and looked outside, everything was so beautiful, (I never appreciated nature, I just wanted to make it thru another day). BUT now it was so pretty, I sat back down on the couch, and as I did I was somewhere else.
I was sitting at a long roughhewn table. In front of me was God, the father. I couldn’t see him, to my left was Satan, him I could see (he looked like a man only very big) then to my right was Jesus.
Three bowls appear, filled with what looked like porridge.
Now the father spoke and said Satan dismiss yourself, Satan stood and screamed, then vanished. Three bites were taken out of the bowl.
Then all at once I was watching myself from a distance, walking with Jesus up a grassy pathway. Jesus was speaking to me but from a distance I couldn’t hear him, I could see myself shaking my head (like I understand) then thru my eyes I saw the house where I had been sleeping.
I didn’t know what had happened; I’d never experienced anything like that, but I knew two things, I had to find a pastor to talk too, and I KNEW GOD loved me and wanted something from me…my total surrender. My life totally under his control, every second, moment by moment, and I was consumed with this one desire, to live too PLEASE HIM.
Let me give you an example: When a friend from school would come over and say, “Hey rod.” “Let’s go to a show” I’d say, “hold on.” Then I’d go in the bathroom and pray, “Lord should I go?” Sometimes the Lord would say “go”, sometimes “no”
At times He was silent, when this happened I would look inside, to my heart, (Spirit), (see Colossians 3:15) if I had peace I would go, If not, I’d stay home.
As I practiced this new desire, (surrender), I noticed the voice of the Lord became more frequent and clearer, (John 10:27). It always had to agree with scripture. The word of the Lord will always agree with the true meaning and / or the true interpretation of scripture).
I knew I needed to get a bible. So I went to a bookstore and I got the largest family bible I’d ever seen, with pictures and everything. I was so happy.
That night the voice of the lord said, “Read Matthew 5.” I had to look in the contents; I didn’t know where Matthew was.
When I found it and started to read, the words became a (“Word of the Lord to me”) they just jumped off the page, they seemed to come alive, and they filled me, with hope, love and peace. Now I knew God loved me, and my sins were gone, I was forgiven…
As time passed I grew, sometimes I’d walk into a busy office or building (like a D.O.L) and the Lord would say go sit by that guy.
I would strike up a conversation, then say “you don’t know me but I’m a Christian and God is going to share with me about your life” I don’t mean simple things like “you have the flu” or “Headaches”, but deep, personal things that others couldn’t know or even guess.
People would usually start to cry and ask “how did you know?” I’d say “I didn’t but God knew”.
When I got to Atlantic City, God said “Rod, when you get to the prayer meeting tonight I want you to give all your money, to Johnnie Diaz”. I said “Lord that’s all I’ve got?” (About 300.00)
God replied; “you take care of your brothers and sisters in the Lord and I’ll take care of you.” So upon arriving in Atlantic City, I secretly gave all my money to Johnnie, (this was to cover something for Johnnie that was very personal, so I know he didn’t share this with anyone).
That night I asked myself “how am I going to get back to work, tomorrow? I didn’t have a penny, not even enough for bus fare, and in my spirit I knew I wasn’t to hitch hike, but instead the Lord wanted me on the bus.
After sleeping that night and leaving the brothers house the next day, (where the meeting had been held), I started walking to the bus station.
As I got closer and closer, I was imagining, “is the drivers going to just “know” he’s supposed to let me ride for free?” But as I approached the depot, a brother named “Chicky” came out of his house and said “rod I think the Lord wants me to give this to you.” It was exactly what I needed for bus fare!
This has been a short summary of my life.
Here is as dream I had a couple yrs ago:
I was on the head of a beast, in a large body of water (Like the ocean).
It was night and the darkness was so real it could be felt. The clouds above were very thick and black.
The beast was thrashing as if it wanted to throw me off. I was so afraid! I was holding on as tight as I could.
Then I looked up, and when I did, the clouds opened and rays of light came through the clouds, with the light came that voice that I had heard before and knew so well.
He said “Rod; if I’m ever to use you, I must break you”!
I woke, wet with sweat, and shaking…Saying as I woke, “thank you, Lord you haven’t forgotten me”
I ordered the book today. Finally confirmation of what God has been sharing with me. I don’t feel so alone…
I was sure God could no longer love me, my sins so great.
So let me tell you of two of my greatest break throughs on the way to where I am now.
Years ago I was invited to a church, the guest speaker was from Poland, his English was OK, but it was with a heavy accent.
After the service he invited people up for prayer, so I went forward.
He prayed for me and as he did, he whispered my secret sins into my ear. Now I knew he was hearing from God. Then he speaks in first person to me and, he says “I see your sin, but I also see your heart, I have not forsaken you, nor have I rejected you”.
I started to weep, and praised God for his mercy. But this troubled me too. How could Jesus say these things when it was my sin that sent him to the cross?
Now on to the next example, this is many years later…
I always had a very high sex drive. This troubled me despite what God said above it was a problem for me.
So one day I’m driving, and lusting. I cry out to God, where are you, why aren’t you helping me with this!
All of a sudden I hear this statement “why don’t you tell me the truth”. I say “what truth”…Then my understanding is opened and I SEE.
I say OK Lord… “I don’t want you to interfere, I love my sin and while I’m troubled about it, I don’t want you to interfere”.
Do you know what happened? I somehow forgot all those thoughts about sin and lust, they came back I would confess this new found truth and somehow my mind would be distracted again.
This went on for a few days or weeks, and then I found myself free.
This reminds me of a guy named Tommy Williams from the 70’s…A brother walks up to Tommy complaining that he can’t stop smoking.
Tommy says “brother when Jesus is ready for you to stop, then you will. A few days later that brother was so excited, because he found himself free a few days later.
NOW what does all of this show me…
It shows me we do NOT know truth UNTIL it is revealed to us, and most importantly “Truth is a person”, and that person makes us free.
My experience with speaking in Tongues.
I never sought tongues, but I am not against it either. I never made it a big issue.
But a few months after I accepted Jesus I ended up in Spain.
I went out to the fishing area off a pier and sat by myself.
A old man came and sat by me.
I had been sitting praying in tongues in just a quit whisper.
Then this man asks me if I am an American. I say yes.
He said “Do you speak only English” I said “Yes”.
He said “Then why do I hear you speaking in French, German, and Spanish”
He said “You are speaking about the might works of God”.
I think we live our life “IN” Christ, and He in us, this seems to be the only way “the ecklesia” can fellowship, Jesus working in me, living thru me, and Him living thru you, then when we come together, we can share out of our “Experience” of God. Everyone in the O.T experienced God. Can I give you an example.
I will give you an example from the 70’s when I met Jesus.
I was going from Philly to Atlantic City, and decided to hitch rides.
I got 5 rides packed with kids and adults, and as I got into each car I told them “I am a Christian and God is going to bless you for picking me up”
God did too, for in that span of an hour and a half, 15-20 people got saved, born again in their cars as we drove down the highway.
God told me very intimate (secret) details about each of them, as we drove along.
They all started to cry, guys and girls, asking me “how did you know those things about me”.
I said I didn’t but God did, and he loves you.
I think God wants us to think outside the box of organized Christianity. Can I share one of the many things that God has been making real to me?
God controls everything, even evil. No matter how uncomfortable that makes us it is true. Let me give you an example.
One day David says to God. “I want to build you a house.” God says “No!” “But you will have a son in the future who will build me my house”.
This promised son, this son of prophecy, this future son, this spoken word son, this god prophesied son, was Solomon…
Now watch God fulfill his own word of promise, His own prophetic word to David.
One day David was overlooking his kingdom, and while on his rooftop, he sees a beautiful woman, bathing herself. David says “who is that woman” his servant says that is Bathsheba, the wife of your servant Uriah. David says “get her for me”. Then they have relations, (fornicate and commit adultery) …
And from this union surrounded by sin and deceit, comes the eventual birth of this God promised, prophesied, spoken word, son, named Solomon.
How about Moses, Moses kills a man, so he can meet God at the burning bush.
Consider this man that Moses killed, this man was at the right place at the right time. What if this man had chosen to take a different path to work, or had an extra cup of tea, or went to visit the pharaoh that day?
No that man had to be just at the right place at the right time to fulfill God’s plan and promises.
Hello Dave.
There is a new book out by Peter ENNS, called ; The Sin of Certainty. Why God desires our trust more than our “correct” beliefs.
(Harper One, 2016. )
I found it a helpful read.
I Went To See The Son of God Movie… When All of a Sudden…As I Was Watching Jesus Die…
I heard myself say “Oh that is why Jesus died, as it dawned on me that Jesus was right when he said “You must be born again.
In all of Paul’s writings concerning:
The Spirit,
The Flesh,
Lust of the flesh,
The 1st Adam,
The 2nd Adam,
and walking in the Spirit…
That these things are all tied to the death of Jesus.
It’s as if God decided to give up on “The flesh” since the flesh was never able to abide by His commands, nor please Him, and move to the Spirit, as a new creation.
Kind of like changing trains, or modes of transportation…
That is why Jesus said “You must be born again”. Born of Spirit. A new creation.
Jesus died; literally killed the vehicle of sin, and death, by dying in the flesh.
So when we are born again, we really are NEW creatures.
Old things have passed away. This is why that seed remains sin free. Because sin worked through the flesh…
Adam was in the flesh, and sinned in the flesh.
Sin can’t work in the Spirit…It’s not the right vehicle (seed) for sin…
Lately I have been encouraged to read the scriptures without infusing my own thoughts, or what I’ve heard others say, or teach about the bible. Setting aside doctrines and theology and letting the bible speak for itself.
The first verse I’ve run into was one of my favorites. John CH 1… Can I share my thoughts with you, just try to do what I’m doing, don’t let yourself think about what you think it means, or what others say. Just try it OK?
Here are some things that struck me…
In this first few verses in CH 1, the bible seems to describe the first spoken words of God in Genesis, words like “Let there be light, and light became”.
It also is describing Jesus, and finally it describes itself (The Scriptures/The Bible), in that order.
We also see a very brief but good explanation of “THE WORD” (Not necessarily the bible) In Hebrews 4:12
For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart …
But the first time we see mention of the word is in Genesis 1:3
And God said… Let there be…
Then we see the word mentioned several times in the OT for example Jeremiah 32
Then the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah…
Then in John 1
And the word became flesh (past tense, see Genesis 1 above).
Then we see it in the NT happening to Peter (rise and eat), to Phillip (go next to the chariot), and to Paul (Why do you persecute me).
So we have two things described in the bible…The scriptures; and the word of God, these are 2 different things, but in churches they are seen as one.
We need both in our lives. The word of God is named in the book of revelation and his name is written on his thigh, the person is identified as Jesus.
Can we talk about fellowship for a minute?
Who can you fellowship with, what is this fellowship, is there a real and false type of fellowship, and what kind of fellowship does Jesus and Paul refer when they speak in the NT?
I what to try and share my thoughts with you on this matter. OK.
Fellowship is not something a person enters into just because that person chooses to go to a bible study, a Friday night prayer meeting, or to a Sunday food sharing event in the backyard of the church.
These are not bad things, it just doesn’t guarantee that the spiritual fellowship that Jesus and Paul talks about is going to occur. It’s not so much the location, or event as it is WHO comes together at the event.
In fact, you may not be able to enter into this fellowship with the pastor of your church, or even most of the people who go to your church, or maybe you’re lucky and all of you have this kind of fellowship.
So how do you keep Paul’s command to not forsake the gathering together of “YOURSELVES”?
Ponder that word “YOURSELVES”… And ponder the book of Acts…
What do we know about fellowship?
It’s a spiritual event, it happens while we are in this human body, but it cannot happen apart from SPIRIT.
Paul’s constantly admonishing people to SEE if they are in Christ, or IF that Spirit of Christ be IN YOU. Paul also says; “When it pleased God, to reveal, Christ “IN ME”…
Fellowship in the spirit only happens with TRUE believers…
Have you ever had a witness in your spirit?
No offense but I don’t mean TV preacher type of claims and exagerations. I mean a real event, where the spirit bore witness in you about an event or person.
Let me give you an example: One day I was crammed into a small room, with 50 guys, this room was maybe 20 feet x 20 feet, we are all standing shoulder to shoulder. I don’t know any of the men in this room.
All of a sudden I turn around and look across the room, and I see the back of a man’s head, this man is about 20 feet away, at the end of the room, facing away from me.
All of a sudden I KNOW He was a Christian, a real believer, there was no doubt. I felt this STRONG inner witness about his identity. And I told him he was a believer, he said how did you know, so I explained what happened, we fellowshipped from that day forward.
Now this inner knowing is the only way you’ll know someone is a real believer. It might come while they share their testimony, or when you see them walking on a side road, hitch hiking. Or possibly not at all. God has to reveal it.
But this is not the same as someone CLAIMING to be a Christian, or someone who was raised in church, or someone who agrees with all your doctrines, or someone who runs to the alter, or someone who reads their bible, or even someone who you call “pastor”.
Going to a building with lots of people inside, and calling it church is no different than going to a Safeway store full of people…UNLESS… Everyone there is a true believer, and the unbeliever is afraid to be in their midst.
I NEVER remember my dreams; I have been that way my whole life.
But I have had 8 spiritual dreams that seemed as if I was transported somewhere. This is the last dream I had so far.
I usually go to bed very late, and I usually do not wake up to go pee, but this particular night I went to bed about midnight,
Immediately I fell asleep and had a dream, that God comes to me, the room shakes, his power is making everything vibrate, and God speaks to me about restoring me spiritually, in a greater way than ever before.
Then I wake up and need to pee, so I go to the bathroom, pee, wash my hands, and walk back to my room and as soon as my head hits the pillow, I am asleep as if someone gave me anesthesia. The dream repeats or starts where it left off with the exact same dream happening again.
Then it’s as if someone wakes me again, and I again I walk to the bathroom, go pee, wash my hands, walk back to bed, and immediately, as soon as my head hits the pillow I’m out again, and the same dream occurs for a third time.
This happens 5 or 6 times, eventually I start to laugh as I go back to my room from the bathroom, because I realize this is not humanly possible, and that God is trying to show me something.
He wants me to be prepared, because He is going to visit…We need a visitation, and new revival. So the world can see the REAL church (Ecklesia).
… you probably need to quit eating pizza late at night …
I have a good friend who went thru a messy divorce, his wife left and didn’t want to walk with God.
He moved out into the country. All his past church going so-called christian friends treated him like an outcast.
One day he is walking in the rain, and falls in the mud, he gets up, and God speaks to him and asks him “what are you going to do now?” He says well Lord I’m going to clean myself off….The Lord replies “That is what I do for you everyday”.
The Lord then asks him a question. He says — (Named withheld)… ” What would happen to you if there were no churches, and no bibles” he replies I don’t know Lord…
The Lord says “would it change my relationship with you, if you couldn’t go to church, or read a bible…He said I suppose not…
That day my friend saw the difference between religious Christianity, and relationship with God….
This is the problem I think for many people, they have never experienced Jesus like that in a real way…
All they know is a book, and a set of doctrines…
The Jewish people of Jesus time, had a perfect text, from the finger of god, to scribes who were meticulous about making copies without translating the text, as we have to do for our bibles.
Still they did not see clearly what was spoken about in the OT text.
Jesus came and only two people in the temple were expecting him.
Do you think our doctrines are any better than theirs…
They knew the culture, they knew the customs, they knew the original languages, they knew all the clues of the scriptures, and some of them had even memorized the text of.
Remember spiritual truth is revealed, NOT learned…
Theologians can’t help you…It doesn’t work that way…
It doesn’t come from learning, and spread from the mind of one man into the mind of another…
Algebra does that, not spiritual truth.
How do you describe this LIFE. As a Christian it’s hard to do.
I recall moments in my own life, times of stillness, in the midst of activity or in the quiet of night. The presence of His Spirit was there, sometimes speaking other times He was silent, yet the undeniable presence of His Spirit was so real.
You couldn’t describe it too anyone else, sometimes he was so near, almost physical, at other times He was, just felt, deep in your heart.
I could at times think, and He would answer. Sometimes the answer was spoken, and at other times it was a still small voice in my heart.
Sometimes I would see a person, and while looking at them, I knew about them.
I recall the passion to tell others about him at any given moment, looking for such an occasion never caring where I was, or who was nearby.
Constantly His Love moved over me in waves and yet it abode, never departing. I would wake up in the middle of the night and He was there, like a mother hen.
I remember the love for others that was not my own. I remember feeling, and being, separate from the world yet still in its midst.
I recall not worrying about the kind of car I drove, or the condition of my clothes, knowing that He was fully aware of all these things.
I recall being invited out for dinner with brothers, and thinking (silently between myself and God), “Lord I don’t have any money, but I’m hungry” and then someone would say “hey rod I’ll buy ok?” Do you have days like this?
Do you remember days like this from your past? I believe this is something no one can take from us. This is why WE MUST EXPERIENCE GOD
You see if you experience HIM then, Bible revelation can be added to you. But if you don’t experience HIM first then Bible knowledge is just a compilation of facts, they are true, but they don’t have any place of reference, without HIM.
2).Most of my life, at least as far back as I can remember I’ve had a desire and love for God/Jesus.
As I’ve grown older, I’ve seen many things in “Christendom”, I’ve seen communes (come and go in failure). I’ve seen myself and other brothers walk in their own ways (you might call it backsliding).
I’ve been hurt by supposed brothers in Christ, I’ve seen TV preachers act cocky, and ridiculous, I’ve seen people chase tithes and money, I’ve seen people in big churches (faithful tithers) go without help while in need, I’ve seen people chase their own kingdom and building programs.
I’ve seen names in lights (but not Jesus name). I’ve seen people destroyed by the shepherding movement. I’ve seen men of god after devoting their lives to “the ministry” destroyed after a single mistake, instead of forgiven.
On and on I could go… So does any of the above remind you of the book of Acts or the first group of believers?
3).The first century church in the New Testament turned the world upside down in a short time NOT because of their words alone but because of the LIFE residing IN them.
This was a spirit thing, they had and were living LIFE like Jesus 24/7 every moment of each day, a life of submission, pleasing the father, a life defined by others as “seeing they had been with Jesus”.
4). A Christian historian tells a true story about a peasant in the 1600’s living under the rule of the Catholic Church. The peasant is working the field and a cardinal and his procession go by, as they approach the cardinal speaks to the peasant, about a new edict from Rome.
The cardinal quotes a verse of scripture; the peasant replies that the cardinal quoted the verse incorrectly. The cardinal says to the peasant “How would you know, being you are unlearned and illiterate?” The peasant replies: “because the spirit IN ME said you quoted it wrong”!
How true this is, if we only have the book and don’t hear that still small voice on the inside, from the throne of our heart the center of HIS kingdom! Then I fear we miss the most important piece of intimacy, yet HIS Word and HIS scriptures work together.
This is not from my mind, heart or experience. It belongs to someone else.
But I found it very interesting, as I asked myself; “Could it be this way, and not the way theologians have stated it will be”?
It would not be the first time we missed God’s boat.
A Prophetic Dream of Rapture
By Armin A. Wolff | End Time Prophetic Vision | February 15, 1993
Last night I had an extremely exciting and vivid dream-vision concerning the return of our LORD Jesus. I normally never remember anything I dream, but this was so gripping and vivid, and I have been thinking about it all day today. I would like to share it with you and hereby also have a written record.
I found myself in a meeting with a number of believers. The meeting hall looked like some kind of a warehouse and there were fewer than 100 assembled. The talk seemed to center on the increasing persecution they were experiencing. All of a sudden Jesus appeared and most, but not all, were instantly transformed from mortal beings into Immortal. Also, at the same instant, some other Holy Ones appeared who had walked with God in ages past, both in New and Old Testament times.
All of the ones who had, in an instant of time, received their new bodies were able to recognize and converse with the Holy Ones from times past. I heard someone exclaim: “I thought You are coming in the clouds to take us away.” The reply was: “I am coming in the clouds and…My reward is with Me. Behold, here they are, My Holy Ones of all time, My faithful witnesses, those who loved not their life, and thus received it. They are the clouds and my reward, My reward for what I endured on the cross for all.”
I heard another question asked of the LORD, by one of the Transformed Persons, whether He would now take them with Him out of the tribulation they were experiencing. He replied: “No, you must remain here for another 40 days and nights, just as I was on Earth for another 40 days after My resurrection, and minister with Me to those who were not ready. After the 40 days and nights you will come with Me into the skies above Jerusalem and we will leave from there to have a celebration, a banquet in My Father’s house, a feast that has been planned before the worlds were made.”
The ones in the assembly, who had remained in their mortal bodies, lamented and cried to the Transformed Ones to help them, but were told: “It is now too late. The Bridegroom has come for us and there is nothing we can do for you, in this regard. However, if you will not love your own life, not bow to the will of the sin-man and take that seal of his, you will join us after the celebration. You will be sealed by your death and kept in the throne room for the LORD.”
In what seemed a moment later, I was in another similar assembly in (maybe) another country. There, also, the instant transformation had taken place of many. I was told that this same event had happened all over the Earth, and all born-again, Spirit filled followers of Jesus had been thus transformed, at whatever spot they happened to be in that instant. They were joined by many of God’s Holy Ones, from the dawn of creation up to the present time.
Just then, some heavily armed police, or soldiers, burst into the meeting and proceeded to beat, shoot, and arrest the believers. A little blonde Transformed lady stood-up to one of the large men, and refused to move when told she was under arrest. Five or six huge men tried to drag her away, but could not move her any further than they could have moved an ancient redwood or oak tree. This infuriated the police, and they started to beat her and to start shooting their weapons.
The bullets went right through the Transformed Believers and made holes in the walls or, in some cases, struck and killed some of the mortals standing behind them. The blows seemed to go through also and have no effect whatsoever on the new resurrection bodies. The remaining mortals were dragged off to prison, along with some of the Transformed Ones who chose to go along. There was no sure way to tell, at first glance, who was mortal and who lived in a transcendent resurrection body.
I was then also in a prison, and I saw how the Immortals were comforting the anguished souls who were to be executed unless they denounced the name of Jesus. The guards and all governmental authorities were furious that they could do absolutely nothing to prevent the Glorified Believers from coming and going and ministering anywhere on Earth, wherever Jesus told them to go. No wall could hem them in, and no weapon, or human force, could oppose or harm them.
One of the Transformed Saints who had lived ages ago on Earth spoke: “Within forty days, many who refuse to accept the seal of the evil one will be killed and kept safe by the Father, personally, in the throne room. Those who give in will suffer in the Terrible Wrath, beginning after the last saint is murdered. This Wrath is the LORD’s Last Effort to get rebellious mankind to repent.”
At this point, I awoke and, as you can imagine, was quite agitated. In fact, my heart rate was considerably above the normal resting level. The clock said 5:05am. Needless to say, I could not go back to sleep. Over time, I may forget the details of this dream, or vision; but one thing I’ll never forget is the anguish, wailing, and heart-rending lamentations of those who had to remain here. I do not know how many of these chose to be killed rather than take the seal of the antichrist.
Scripture does speak of a group coming out of the Great Tribulation; but whether some will be from those left behind, or not, was not made clear to me in this dream-vision.
I got to thinking about the beginning, brothers such as you and I, in the 70’s…
I was thinking about contrast. Then and now, what were the less obvious differences, those invisible spiritual things that are under the surface, not seen by the human eye, only discerned, IF you had discernment…Things seemingly small yet so important, unnoticed by many.
It was my experience then that I met two sets of circumstances that were totally different.
I went to a few churches, before I got invited to go to the east coast. The churches were formal, it involved teaching, and a form of doctrine. If you agreed to the knowledge they tried to impart to you, you might even get to be an elder. You were certainly a member of their church. You might even get an immediate invite for a baptism.
There were many other churches in this same city, shoot, there were several just a block away. But they never fellow-shipped together, separated I guess by their doctrines, their denomination. Some back then even claimed not to have a denomination, yet you found out there was no such thing. They still had beliefs that would cause them to separate from you, if you thought differently.
How different when I got to the East Coast. Brothers meeting you, knowing nothing about you, not caring what doctrines you believed. They didn’t invite you to their church, so they could impart any certain knowledge to you…It was just Christ and Him crucified.
Actually no one even went to church, but the life in these people who met together from 2 or 3 states was unmistakable.
The fellowship was around a simple profession of Christ, and simple evidence of “LIFE” streaming from the inside of that other person you had just met. Then of course there was a witness of the spirit, and you knew you had just met a brother. You didn’t know what he believed, about anything, but you knew he believed in that ONE THING that mattered.
And the evidence was perceived LIFE…IF that brother didn’t have THAT, man it was witnessing time. It didn’t matter if he was a guy on the street or a pastor… You either had Jesus and his life, or you didn’t.
If he didn’t have that life, he wasn’t a brother and their was NO WAY you could fellowship with him, so you knew you just had to tell him the good news. Their was no separation about doctrine, or denomination, what you wore, who you hung with, what you ate, none of that… Just brothers and sisters with LIFE! A simple gospel, and a simple fellowship.
Then somewhere in the late 70’s or early 80’s something happened…It was as if someone marched in to the room, and announced a new ownership or new management…
Next thing you knew that “LIFE” was gone. The simpleness had been replaced with knowledge, creeds, licenses, and labels.
The life became a routine, a set of doctrines, a denomination, a determined set of do this and don’t do that, and your one of US. BUT the life was gone, it just faded and being a Christian became a vocation, like going to work. Clock in, clock out, do this, do that, read, pray, go to church…
NO LIFE!!! No fellowship of the spirit…
All that replaced with a new fellowship, a fellowship based on a likeness of beliefs, a sameness of doctrine…