It has been said that the unexamined life is not worth living. In a similar way, I believe that the unexamined faith is not worth believing.
Truth, in my opinion, can stand up to any and every question. I believe that if a person believes something, and is afraid or scared of questions which challenge that belief, and they refuse to consider such questions, they don’t really believe, but instead are brainwashed.
There is a vast difference between believing something and being brainwashed, but on the outside, both look exactly the same. Both types of people hold to certain views tenaciously and use similar terminology to state their views. But someone who believes, does so because of the evidence. Someone who is brainwashed does so in spite of the evidence, and even shuts down (or should I say “shouts down”) anybody who raises questions that might challenge their convictions.
Believing vs. Brainwashing
How can you tell whether you believe something or are just brainwashed? You have to ask yourself why you believe what you do, and also how you respond when someone challenges your beliefs.
If you believe because “so-and-so said it” you are probably brianwashed. It doesn’t mean you are wrong, but what you have done is allowed someone else to do your thinking for you. In other words, you are allowing them to write their beliefs on your brain. This is brainwashing at the most basic level.
Also, if someone comes along and challenges your beliefs by raising questions or pointing out areas of weakness in your beliefs, and rather than admit that you don’t have answers to those questions, you ignore the questions, and scoff at the person asking them, and use ad hominem attacks and a variety of other logical fallacies to discredit what they are saying without actually dealing with what they are saying, you have an advanced case of brainwashing.
Know What You Believe and WHY
To really believe something, you not only have to know what you believe, but why you believe it. And if the “why” is “So-and-so said it” you better hope that person is completely trustworthy, reliable, and infallible.
But don’t take my word for it. Think it through on your own.
Once again, another excellent post. I actually respect those who ask the questions as long as they do it in a irenic spirit. Unfortunately, most of what we see in the blogoshpere and internet space is people who are unaccountable to any authority scripture or otherwise.
As a pastor you love them because their sheep, as a fellow Christian you are frustrated with them because they have been brainwashed by churchernity (like modernity). One practical example, trying to start a small house church, you might have a few people and even then their attendance is spotty. THen on Sunday you go to the “big” church, and it is filled to capacity, and there is no end in sight and no plan visible to either plant a church or expand the facilities.
The most intimate and also dangerous place is a small group/house church. Why? The enemy doesn’t want people to get information and think for themselves. The enemy doesn’t want mutual accountability for each other. Finally, the enemy does not want us to show our love for each other and have the outside world see it and draw more to Christ Jesus.
Enough ranting for now.
P.S. Do you still edit the journal for Bob?
Excellent comment, especially the part about the accountability and intimacy in small churches. Keep on ranting!
And, to tell you the truth, I don’t work at GES any more. It’s a long story, with several different versions floating around. If you hear a version from someone, make sure you get all sides of the story!
Anyway, I’m desperately looking for work. Know of anything?
I can’t quite agree with this. Although I do see your point. My problem is that the only reason I believe in Christianity is because I was raised that way. That’s what my mom and the Bible taught me and I believe it with all my heart. Only recently did I question why I believe the Bible and I realized it’s just because my mom taught me that it’s God’s word. That didn’t make me believe it any less but it did make me want to have more solid evidence. The thing is, how do we as humans have a kind of absolutely irrefutable proof without referring to a book written by some men 2000+ years ago? All I can do is look at how consistent the Bible is to itself. Especially how the first 4 whiteness testimonies match each other so well. Belief is belief. We all come to the same faith in different ways. Anything different would prove there’s a faith that doesn’t get eternal life. Which would cause people to doubt weather or not their faith is sufficient. It’s the object. Not the works and not the cause of faith that brings assurance.