It’s not their fault. It’s ours.
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“define Christian”
Ha! True point!
It goes both ways!
Yep, the cycle of name-calling and retaliation has been going on for a while. Christians can follow the example of Jesus and seek to bring peace by refusing to retaliate or defend ourselves.
The Bible says that violent men take Heaven with their prayers…never heard of this thing called a violent Christian…and besides Jeremy we all choose our own way we all suffer from time to time so to blame anyone for our shortcommings will never pass muster before the Judgment Seat of Christ.
Not sure how to take this comment. Are you saying Christians are not violent… or are you saying that they are violent, but it’s okay because of that verse you reference?
You can lead a person to water, but you can’t force them to drink. What we need to do is put salt in the oats, and they’ll become thirsty for more of The Prince of Peace.
Hmm. I agree. How do we salt the oats to lead unbelievers to Jesus?
There certainly are plenty of violent Christians. I have personally known Christians who murdered someone, so yes, there are violent Christians. But…
it is also true that the passivism and niceness of some Christians also invites others to be violent.
You can be on either side of the co-depence thing and either way, it invites others to be violent.
…….If you are angry and brutal, many, including me, will want to take you down.
…….If you are a pushover there will be many, perhaps even me, that will have contempt and want to walk on you.
Absolutely true! The opposite of violence is not passivity. Jesus wasn’t passive at all! We must stand up for what is right and what we believe, but somehow, figure out a way to do it non-violently.
One historian traces, and attributes, the rise of Militant Atheisim as a reaction to Militant Muslims, and their alleged planning, and carrying out of the 11 September 2001 attacks.
Really? Atheism is a reaction to militant Islam? Sounds like a bit of scapegoating maybe…
Militant Atheism, not the Atheism as defined and practiced by Voltaire, et al.
This is the version of atheism that:
* Redefines “agnostic” to mean “there is no God”;
* Defines the belief in God as a psychopathological issue that needs to be cured;
It is exemplified by _The God Delusion_, and _God Hates You, Hate Him bBack_, amongst other texts.
Dawkins has publicly stated that the events of 11 September 2001 demonstrates the irrationality of religion. What he fails to consider is that the United States was engaged in combat in more than 100 countries in August 2001. As such, viewing those events only as a religious response, makes as much sense as viewing World War Two exclusively as a religious war.