I have a heart that beats for church planting…I’m just not sure I’m cut out to be a church planter! I mentioned it before, but I have become increasingly convinced that if Free Grace theology is going to move forward, we have to involved in church planting.
There are numerous organizations and networks which are planting hundreds of churches worldwide, and most of them are strongly Lordship/Calvinistic. We need one for Free Grace Theology! It’s not enough to just write and speak and debate. We need to get out there and share the gospel, make disciples, and plant churches.
Below are 10 of the top church planting organizations. Though for many of them I could not find a doctrinal statement, the ones that did have doctrinal statements leaned toward Calvinistic/Lordship theology.
1. Acts 29 – Calvinstic
2. New Thing Network – Lordship
3. Global Church Advancement – I can’t find a doctrinal statement
4. Leadership Network – I can’t find a doctrinal statement
5. Orchard Group – I can’t find a doctrinal statement
6. Stadia: New Church Strategies – I can’t find a doctrinal statement
7. Grace Church Planting Ministries – Lordship
8. house2house – I can’t find a doctrinal statement
9. Kairos – I can’t find a doctrinal statement
10. Association of Related Churches – I can’t find a doctrinal statement
If you are interested in church planting, or just doing things better at your church to reach out more effectively, many of these sites have excellent free tools and ideas. Make use of them.
I suggest GES and FGA branch out and include church planting as part of their mission statement.
I would love to help start a FG church in my area. I live around 10 miles SW of Philadelphia in Aston, PA. My wife & I have been trying to convert some folks in the various churches in the area to the FG view, but it is taking a a very long time. It would be nice to have one or 2 FG folks who are already FG to network with, and just start a small church.
If anyone else reading this is interested in helping start a FG church here, please contact me!
There are probably about 1/2 Million people within 25 miles of me (500,000 in Delaware County, 1.5 Million in Philadelphia, and 500,000 in Chester County). . . . not a single solid FG church that I can find. Mike Otto has a FG church 25 miles North of Philadelphia, but that is pretty far away. All the churches around here that used to be FG 30-40 years ago are now reformed/lordship in one way or another. I have been trying to get a FG church started for 15 years. This is SG/Reformed/Lordship territory, and it is getting worse every year. If you know of, or you are a FG pastor/church leader around here that I have not been able to find, please contact me!
– Don Reiher
dreiher2 at compsupport dot net
I can’t tell you how often I get e-mails and calls just like your comment. There are people all across the country who are crying out for a free grace church plant in their area. I have talked several times with some of the “powers that be” about this, but they have no desire whatsoever to get into church planting.
I think the FGA initially was planning on doing some of this, but they have now become embroiled in this “crossless gospel” debate and it has slowed them to a crawl.
So… keep checking back!
This is John Babu secaretery of Christ evangelical ministries I hope you’re doing great up hold us in your prayers
I just noticed you are reading Dan Kimball, “They Like Jesus. . .”
I have two of his books. . . emerging church, and emerging worship.
I think he has a lot to say about the EC movement. I don’t necessarily agree with everything, but I like assessment.
I think the 20’s and 30’s are the key to the future church in America, and if we leave them behind, then the church is basically done with here in the US. I am not even talking about FG issues. . . just basic issues!
– Don
Dear Brothers in Christ,
I send my greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Firstly, I would like to introduce about myself. I am Pastor John Hniar LingThang living in Yangon. I am doing mission ministry along with 18 ministers in Myanmar.
Secondly, I would like to introduce briefly about our ministry. We started “Grace Mission Ministry For Myanmar” from Yangon division in 2004. It spread to Pago division and Sagai division. So , now we have three mission fields in Myanmar. We are doing mission ministry among Burmese people who strongly put their faith in Buddhism. Since they are very strong in their faith, it is too difficult to tell the Gospel to them. But the Spirit of God is with us and He uses us to win many souls. we also believe that God Himself will surely spread His Gospel and plant new churches throughout the whole country of Myanmar through our mission ministry.
Finally, we will be very greatful to have a fellowship with you in the ministry. We also would like to request you to accept us into your ministry net-network . It will be a great honor for us to work together with you in the ministry. Moreover, we would like to request your prayer support for our ministry and teaching support to our ministers. We hope that you will respond to our please.
We are looking forward to hear from you soon.
In Christ,
Rev. John Hniar Ling Thang
Grace Mission Ministry For Myanmar
Yangon, Myanmar.
hey thanks for this post. i’ve been looking for this material, and its a great help to have 15 meaningful links on one page. (in contrast to google which is 60,000 links to the same parachurch organization that WRITES about church planting instead of NETWORKING people that actually DO IT 🙂 If you find MOARR (the new way of spelling ‘more’ these days…) links about church planting, hit up my email dr******@ho*****.com.
I am Rev.D.Samuel, founder/Managing trustee of India Rural Gospel Mission Trust, which in involving in out-reach, Evangelism, church planting/growth, and children’s home and community social service run by faith.
I found out you through Internet, so I like to express about our mission.
Ours is a small mission that called Indian Rural Gospel Mission (IRGM) is committed to bring a holistic community transformation and to effect church multification movement in India.
Indian Rural Gospel Mission is primarily dedicated to reach the un-reached people it was started in 1993 and registered as a society and also trust in 2006.
1993-2003, First Decade- EVANGELISM, for first ten years it was extensive and exclusive Evangelism
2003- second Decade- ESTABLISHMENT, church planting and beginning of holistic activities.
So, I seek your prayer, guidance, resource, training, partnership and fellowship and assistance for evangelism and church planting. Also like to know about your activities.
Looking forward to get further best information from you.
Rev.D.Samuel. M.Th
Indian Rural Gospel Mission.
ph 91-4171-291117
Dear man of God,
I would like to humbly greet you in Jesus name.
Our desire was to ask you whether,we can have short courses of Bible school. The course which can range from six to twelve months a year.
Status of born again churches:-
In Kahama,Shinyanga region(Tanzania) the born again churches are found in towns and small centers only. The district of Kahama urban is resided by more than 200,000 people. But the born again believers are less than 2600.The situation is too worse in the countrysides
Being that the situation,my ministry has launched the forty days for fasting and prayers that we can evangelize and plant churches in villages of Shinyanga region.
I humbly welcome church planters to join us in the gospel campaign. Shinyanga region needs gospel than ever before. It the region where people with albinism are killed for sake of richness(belief),it is the region where people sacrifice even their children so as to get gold or diamond and its the region where the main trucks from Dar es Salaam to Rwanda,Burundi,Uganda and DRC pass across,thus high rates of HIV/AIDS. Gospel is much needed.
I look forward to hear from you.
Yours Faithfully,
PO BOX 367,CELL.+255717636138
Thank you for alerting us to the need. I will keep your efforts in my prayers!
This is directed to Don: Why try and convert people to the FG view? Why not disciple people who are not yet Christians into the FG view? Too often, I find that church population changes because people leave one church to attend another. You are seeing the challenge in trying to convert believers to change their theology. Would it not be easier to evangelize non-believers and teach them right out of the gate about FG? Then maybe as you continue with your friends who are not following the FG view, they may want to change down the line
Dear loving Pastor,
Greetings to you in the holy name of Jesus.I am Pastor Joseph from South India,state of Andhra Pradesh.I have been doing God’s work in various villages in the remote villages where the huts are there and I have been doing all my prayer services.In the mud roofs I have been gathering with the people for preaching the word of God.So I request you in Christ to help the church constructions.Please pray for it.Thank you in Christ.I look forward to see your reply.
Yours loving Pastor Joseph,
India,Andhra Pradesh.
Praise God
I am so much thankful to my Lord Jesus Christ. Who called me and chosen me. From strong Hindu family. When I accept Jesus Christ. All my family and relatives left me. By the grace of God. I completed my Master of Divinity. Got opportunity to serve in Bible college as Principle. Now I have started ministry among the Tribal people in North India. Chhattisgarh. I am looking some to sponsors our ministry. We have 12 missionary working independently without any support. If God is leading someone. Please pray and support our ministry. To reach out thousands of people.