In a previous post I introduced the idea that God never punishes sin. He disciplines and judges, but He does not punish. I said that the first reason was Biblical: Though some English translations use terminology of “punishment” this is not the best way of translating these texts. Instead, they should be translated as “judgment” which can be a positive or negative judgments.
Here are some other reasons God does not punish sin.
2. Sin Isn’t That Big of an Issue for God
Sin should be an issue for God, because of how holy and righteous He is, but in Jesus, the sin issue has been completely dealt with.
Do we still sin? Of course! Is sin still wrong? Yes. Should we still confess and repent of our sin? Absolutely.
But it is not like God is on his throne, getting angry at us every time we sin. It is not as if God is shaking His head, saying, “I can’t believe he did that again! One more time and I’m going to squash him like a bug!” No, that is not the God which Jesus reveals to us.
I think that we often get way more worked up about sin than God does.
When we sin, God is not surprised. He is not shocked. He is not embarrassed by us, or turn away from us in shame. No, He saw your sin coming from billions of years away, and He still sent Jesus to die for you because He loves you.
God is not going to hate you because you sin. His love for you will not change, and is always enough to cover all your sin.
Sin isn’t an issue with God because sin of humanity, as great as it is, is less than a tiny speck of sand in the vast ocean of God’s loving-kindness and grace.
3. Sin is a Problem Because It’s a Problem for US
I don’t mean to make sin sound less serious than it is. Sin is a problem.
Sin hurts God. It saddens Him. It grieves Him more than it grieves us.
But sin grieves God, not because of how much He hates sin, but because of How much He loves us.
Sin grieves God because He knows how much it hurts us. Sin hurts people. It enslaves families. It destroys lives. It ruins relationships. When these things happen as a result of sin, God is grieved because, like a loving parent, He does not want His children to experience pain and suffering.
And the pain and suffering we do experience is not because God is inflicting it upon us as punishment, but because this pain and suffering is a natural consequence of sin.
4. God Doesn’t Punish Sin Because Sin is It’s Own Punishment
In light of points 1-3, we can see why God doesn’t punish sin. God is not vindictive toward us, but infinitely loving, so He has no desire to punish sin.
Quite to the contrary, He is hurt by sin, not because it somehow damages Him, but because He loves us so much and He knows how much sin hurts us. And since sin hurts us so much, He sent Jesus to die for us. If God had not done this, we would have forever been suffering the consequences of our sins, but since Jesus died for us, though we still suffer from sin in this life, a day is coming when we will be freed from the presence of sin, and will no longer experience the pain, fear, and loneliness that comes with it.
Let us also not “Punish” Others
So lighten up. Others make mistakes, just as you do. Let it go! Forgive! If it is glorious to overlook an offense (Prov 19:11), let’s overlook them! After all, that is what God does for our offenses.
It is not our job to point out every sin, correct every error, and be the one who sets everyone on “the straight and narrow.” We can trust the Holy Spirit to do His job (not ours!) of convicting people of their sin, and forming them to look more like Jesus Christ.
Do you want to show other people a “better way” of living? Then do what God does: love extravagantly, give generously, forgive graciously, serve joyfully. This sort of life is the life that Jesus lived, and this is why so many people were attracted to Him, and at the same time, were changed by Him. Maybe, as the Body of Christ on earth, we can live similar lives.
Maybe this is splitting hairs, but does not judgement require punishment? If God judges, and He does, then he must necessarily punish the guilty. He is slow to anger and quick to mercy, but punishment will inevitably come if we do not repent and turn from our wicked ways. At the very least, there is an eternal hell for those who reject God, the ultimate consequence for sin.
Now, that being said, it is God’s position to judge and punish as He sees all men’s hearts. It is not our place to do the same. We are called to “do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God”.
Are we using a different definition of punishment?
Jesus died for all sins to be forgiven.but if you don’t receive him as savior, your works will be judged
as to how much punishment you shall receive in Hell.
If a person judges him/herself honestly and just God doesn’t need to judge. Honest judgement is Believing Jesus is who he says he is, and getting the log out of your own eye before trying to remove the splinter from your brothers.
Love covers a multitude of sin. Love God with all your heart, might, soul, and mind.
Love your neighbors as much as you Love yourself.
Everything rides on these 2 commandments.
Matthew, what if a judge judges you innocent? Does he still punish you?
I think God will judge in the day of judgment whether or not Jesus Christ is your beating heart and how you contributed his message to others and how you loved the parent who stole your kids candy then called your kid “the liar” & forgave them some were kind to them because thats what Jesus would do have done.(most don’t realize these tiny bits hate and anger partake in everyday. However in the days in the earth, Like what what stated before sin projects it’s own consequences. It automatically inflicts negative. Even if you don’t see it right away doesn’t mean it’s not lurking in the shadow waiting for it correct moment. Everything has its time. And as unfortunate as we are to ALL be sinners EVERY SINGLE day that we walk this earth. In ONE WAY OR ANOTHER we won’t be “Judged Innocent” “until we repent, turn and die”
This is why you should repent MULTIPLE TIMES DAILY especially if you Have Jesus Christ in your heart and are in a rough spot. You never know when you’re going to go and you never know when you’ll sin. It just happens sometimes unintentionally because we are in this world. God Bless
Thank you for this post and others your insight is a great blessing!!!
On the subject of eternal hell, I recently watched this:
Matthew, I would tend to lean more toward “discipline.” I see a difference between punishment and discipline, and believe that when God judges someone for sin they have committed, he then disciplines them. Punishment comes as well, but as a natural consequence of sin. So maybe we are saying roughly the same thing, just with different words?
Jeremy Myers, there is a distinction between discipline and punishment, and God does both. He disciplines those He loves to correct their behavior and make them more like Himself. But God also punishes, a meteing out of judgement on those who refuse to repent. The Bible is replete with examples (the flood, Sodom and Gamorrah, Ananias and Sapphira, the final judgement). God is slow to anger and abounding in mercy, but for every unrepentant person there comes a point where God’s mercy is withdrawn, and they have to face the final consequence of their actions.
Contrary to Caroline’s video, there is most certainly an eternal Hell. As Jesus said,
“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you accursed, into the eternal fire that has been prepared for the devil and his angels!
(Matthew 25:41 NET)
The fact that we don’t think this is just demonstrates that we do not understand the seriousness of the offense.
Matthew Aznoe, I just watched the video. It isn’t actually saying there is no hell. It is arguing for annihilationism, which is slightly different. Regardless, I do believe in conscious eternal separation from God. I do not, however, believe in conscious eternal torment. The video made good biblical and logical arguments in this area.
Regarding discipline and punishment, I am not denying discipline OR punishment. I am just saying that God disciplines, and sin punishes. God himself does not punish for sin is its own punishment. I explain more in my blog post and the few that follow.
I am aware that the word eternal is used when describing hell in many instances throughout the Bible. But the same word is also used in Jude 1:7 in reference to Sodom and Gomorrah. Those cities do not still burn today which gives me reason to question. Another thought is the familiar John 3:16- “…whosoever believeth in Him should not PERISH but have everlasting life.”
God is very evil for punishing us innocent people looking to find love, but with so many GAY WOMEN out there nowadays which is certainly the reason why many of us straight men can’t meet a decent good one anymore.
Is this a joke? Not a good one. That might be why you can’t find a wife…
I pray this is a joke, but even so, to call Holy God evil is a dangerous proposition. We call it what we want, discipline, judgment, punishment, whatever, but God will not be mocked. Fear is the beginning of knowledge.
If you are unable to find someone you might want to look in the mirror and see what you’re offering. Chances are your own poor personality is punishing you.
This is a pic of Zeus. Just ask @camphalfblood.
age of empires expansion set graphic
This concept always bothered me as a child. I was told “you are forgiven for your sins but you still face the consequences.” To me I felt like “gee, thanks for nothing.” That kind of forgiveness feels shallow and useless.
But now I agree pretty much with what you’ve said. But I put it this way, ” In his forgiveness God removes all the consequences of sin that don’t deepen your reliance on him and his grace and mercy. Does that make sense. God, in his utter mercy, redeems even our sin: Israel wanting a king, Judah and Tamar, Joseph.
Do you think I’m off base here?
We are not punished for our sins but by our sins. I’m OK with that.
Sadly the consequences of our sin remain we are forgiven but everything doesnt snap back how it was.What God does do for us in rom 8:28 all things work together for good to those who love the Lord.So instead of remaining in our guilt and condemnation Jesus sets us free to walk in righteousness and holiness so that the consequences of our sin actually work for our good rather than our destruction.So what was intended to destroy us is used to give us life hope and a future.brentnz
I like the pic. I think I have that video game. 😉
do you believe in eternal damnation
your 3rd point could be better stated if it said sin is a problem because it is rebellion against God
God isn’t Real.
Who created you? I pray you find the truth..
You did all of this, looking for believer websites so we can learn and take time out your day to say 3 words: God isn’t real? I pray you find the truth one day because it’s all around you. I pray you find the Father’s love one day, you know why? Because it has always and will always be there
Why are so many evil people in this world getting away with murder then?
Because people are not puppets. God doesn’t control them.
God punishes many of us in different ways unfortunately, especially with singleness which many of us never expected that to happen to us.
I liked what you wrote about God not punishing sin. I am trying to learn this, and believe God is teaching me the same thing but I keep hearing God will discipline us or spank us for our sin. This puts the fear of God’s punishment back in my heart. I don’t believe he deals with us because of our sin at all. Jesus took it all for me. I think God allows us to reap what we sow for the most part and as you said..sin is it own spanking or discipline when I reap the bad.
How do you feel about God disciplining us over sin
once justified can you lose your grace?
First of all God was and still is very brainless from the beginning of time, and he will be right to the very end as well.
Have you ever met Him? If not, how could you call someone that you don’t even know brainless? Or any other name, for that matter?
Do not call God stupid because he knows everything. How can you say this? Don’t condemn God based on what you understand. Well, what you think you understand. Do you actually think you’re smarter than God by saying something so brainless? You are so wrong, he has billions of years of wisdom, brain, strength, speed, and calm collection.
Sin isn’t that big of a deal to God? Sin cost His Son EVERYTHING!