I am reading through every book by C. S. Lewis that I can find, and recently finished C. S. Lewis’ Letters to Children, edited by Lyle Dorsett and Marjorie Lamp Mead. I wrote a brief review about this book here.
Writing Tips from C. S. Lewis
In one letter, C. S. Lewis offered the following five writing tips to a young aspiring writer. If you want to write like C. S. Lewis, here are some writing tips from a master author:
- Always try to use the language so as to make quite clear what you mean and make sure your sentence couldn’t mean anything else.
- Always prefer the plain direct word to the long, vague one. Don’t implement promises, but keep them.
- Never use abstract nouns when concrete ones will do. If you mean “More people died” don’t say “Mortality rose.”
- In writing, don’t use adjectives which merely tell us how you want us to feel about the thing you are describing. I mean, instead of telling us a thing was “terrible,” describe it so that we’ll be terrified. Don’t say it was “delightful”; make us say “delightful” when we’ve read the description. You see, all those words (horrifying, wonderful, hideous, exquisite) are only like saying to your readers “Please will you do my job for me?”
- Don’t use words too big for the subject. Don’t say “infinitely” when you mean “very”; otherwise you’ll have no word left when you want to talk about something really infinite.
So there you go!
Now get writing! (Also check out the writing routine of C. S. Lewis.)
This illustrative delineation on how to be a literary tactician is abundantly poignant and well worth the consideration you so meticulously pontificated.
Ha Ha ha! I think you just broke all five rules! Hilarious.
Apparently Lewis and Tolkien sold more books than any other Christian writers in the twentieth century, so perhaps Lewis knows something about writing. His writing ranges from dry-as-dust to some very entertaining stories.
I’m curious. Have you found any “gems” so far?
There was a gem or two in the letters, but nothing substantial. However, he made frequent reference to his book Till We Have Faces as his best book he ever wrote. I have read it before, but I am reading it now. Most people do not agree that it is his best book, but I do. I can hardly put it down. I cannot explain why (yet), but the story calls to me.
I have not read that one, but will order it ASAP. Thanks for the tip. Perhaps we will have something to talk about.
It IS his best book! You will not be disappointed.
Hi! Good article! And I’m fond of C.S. Lewis’ writing.
Thanks! I think most people who read CS Lewis enjoy his writing. I started his biography last night, Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life, and he had me laughing in the forward to the book.
#4 is sage advice… thanks for the post.
I am constantly amazed how the writing of Lewis can make you feel that you are in the place he is describing.
i have read most of mr. lewis’ non-fiction books numerous times. when i consider what i have heard from pastors or priests, his ideas of a literal relationship with the One who made us seem to me to be uniquely bold and insightful(“the problem of pain”, & “mere christianity”). i particularly enjoy his metaphors. there is no one who has been more instructive to me regarding spirituality. i thank you dearly mr. lewis for the extraordinary work you exerted in your search for the Truth. it has cleared away some doubts, and a lot of fog. until that day. affectionately yours&etc.
Thank you for the comment. CS Lewis has helped so many of us in similar ways.
I love reading CS Lewis as well. I have started writing a book, but maybe I need to make some changes.
Encouraging Thoughts for Life
Maybe, but nobody is CS Lewis, and we all need to develop our own style and rhythms. Most of us just need to do one thing: Keep writing!
i found this page through stumble and was greatly delighted to read the little article and more amused to read the comments. thanks for sharing this.
Yeah, sometimes the comments are the best part of a blog post!
Thanks so much for putting this up! Lewis obviously knew what he was talking about and there are def some good points here 🙂
Me too. I stumbled upon this article through Blues to Unite FB page. Love this article. 🙂
Just correcting my signature, sorry. 🙂
dear ; You man of God stay blessed in Christ Jesus! i had the very interested time with your scriptural interpretation.iam an evangelist in one local church and i have the provision to learn degree of Biblical theology pls pray for me.