What are your three greatest sins? Do you know?
If you had to tell someone right now about your three greatest weaknesses, your three greatest sins, what would you say?
This is not a hypothetical question. I once got asked this very question in an interview. During the interview, they asked me what I thought were my 3 greatest strengths. I told them that I thought I was analytical, creative, and a disciplined student of Scripture. (The interview was for a ministry position).
We talked about some of these strengths of mine for a few minutes, then they asked what I thought were my three greatest sins.
I have done some doozies in my life, but I barely knew the two people who were interviewing me, and there was no way I was going to share some of the worst things I have ever done!
So I asked for some clarification. I said, “Do you really want to know the three greatest sins I have ever committed?”
They clarified that no, they didn’t really want the dirty little secrets or the deepest, darkest betrayals. Instead, when they wanted to know my three greatest sins, what they really wanted was three areas of my life in which I constantly struggled with sin.
Frankly, that was easy. I think that if someone is in a growing relationship with Jesus, they are pretty in tune to the areas in which they constantly struggle. This interview of mine was years and years ago, but I am pretty sure the greatest sins I struggled with then are the same sins I struggle with today. I deal with pride, judgmentalism, and selfishness. I think I am better than I am. I am critical of other people not being better than they are. And I primarily think of myself and my needs.
There are numerous other areas of sin as well, but these are some that I constantly struggle with.
Oh… I didn’t get the job… maybe I was too honest about my sins.
A few years ago, however, I was interviewing a man for a position at the place where I did get a job. He and I were having a decent conversation, and I decided to ask him the questions which I had been asked. I asked him about his greatest strengths. He had many that he could list. Then I asked him about his three greatest sins or his three greatest areas of weakness. Here is what he said:
- I love people too much, and this sometimes causes me to not care of myself as much as I should.
- I serve people too much, so that I sometimes neglect my own needs.
- I love the Bible too much, and this causes me to stay up late at night reading the Bible and memorizing Scripture.
I just about broke out laughing! These weren’t sins! These were just three more good things.
But I now knew at least two of his greatest sins: pride and lying. Ha! Of course, maybe I am just saying that because of my own pride and judgmentalism.
Anyway…. if you have the courage (or you can leave an anonymous comment), write about some of your greatest strengths and weaknesses in the comments below. But remember, I am not a priest, so I cannot offer forgiveness! Only God does that.
This is a great message and something we should all think about.
I think my three strengths are 1. I am a good mother, I love my children, I love kids and have “children” I have not given birth to such as exchange students. 2. I am a good wife according to my husband. I am faithful and adore and respect him. 3. I like to give to people – of myself – my time and and things I make or buy and love to share about Jesus.
My three weaknesses, 1. I covet things I don’t need like a new car or a new purse and sometimes I get angry when I know it’s ‘not in the budget’ I’ve been working on this! 2. I’m lazy or as the Bible says, “slothful” at times. I just want to do my own thing and not have to do things that need to be done 3. I over eat – Gluttony something I am working on. I think this is one of those sins that is so overlooked in our society but I know for me food instead of Holy Spirit is often a comfort and that is so wrong.
Thanks for giving me a lot to think about – ouch!
Thank you for being so honest! I do not know you personally, but I sense your humility and honesty in your statements. It is so easy to be covetous today, with all the marketing going on all around us, and with all the stress, food can be a great stress-reliever… and besides, it tastes so good! But I am not trying to give you excuses. Thank you for being open.
Good day! I used your post in my blog so thought I should share it. I hope you don’t mind but it certainly made me think and pray 🙂 Have a fabulous day! http://thejoyfulservant.com/2013/09/03/our-strengths-and-weaknesses/
I have asked the question when I interviewed applicants for jobs in my business: “Name your three greatest strengths”. Based on what I later learned from those who were hired, I would now say that most people should have said “I’m a great liar” as their first answer.
That is my corny way of saying that asking people those questions in a job interview is a bad idea. Most people do not answer truthfully. Perhaps we are poor judges of our own strengths and weaknesses. A friend who knows us well might give better answers.
Trick question: If we asked God what he considered to be our greatest sin, what would he answer?
Ha! I laughed at that first answer. I am a great liar. So funny. Yes, these questions in an interview are somewhat corny. Job hiring is usually based on word of mouth recommendations anyway; it’s all in who you know.
Regarding your trick question…. It is definitely a trick question, because I don’t know! What is the answer?
Would that not be a matter of opinion? If we think God sees those of us who are part of the body of Christ through the lens of Christ, does he indeed see our see our sin?
Gluttony, lust, and judgementalism. No, those are not my good qualities…I have won some battles in my walk with Christ, but others I never seem capable to give completely to Christ. Over the years I have heard others say “just give it to God” as if by uttering those words I’m magically transformed. I beat myself up and wonder why I can’t “walk with God” as some say implying a sinless state of being. Do we ever truly have victory over sin? Or is being a sinner, saved by grace what we need to focus on? I have heard others try to catagorize sin into commiting a sin, and or repetative sins. What is repetative sin? One you commit hourly? daily? weekly? monthly? a few times per year? When is it judged a victory and actually “walking with God”? When we stop commiting sins as much? or altogether?
Thanks for the brutal honesty. That takes courage.
I don’t have all the answers either, but one thing I am learning now is to live in the Father’s love and grace, that no matter my failures or weaknesses, He still loves me and wants to work with me. While it might seem that this would lead to more sin, it seems to be leading to less.
I think if Christians were more brutally honest, we would be better off as a church organism. Unfortunately, I don’t see much in the way of honesty amongst many christians…unless of course it is directed towards judging others!
I think we do need to focus more on grace. Once I was repenting, once again – for a major sin I committed – beating myself up might be more accurate – and I heard the Lord say – and it was rather loud in my head, “Daughter, I don’t know what you are talking about.” I was floored. He had forgiven me. As for sins that are repeated, then we haven’t repented for them as to repent means to stop doing it. Some things are a battle but the Lord does tell he “he doesn’t give us more than we can bare” – Sometimes it takes deliverance or a walk of learning how to live without certain sins. For me patience was a long walk of learning. But I think the important thing is to do our best, to read the Word daily which gives us strength (it is a SWORD) and to pray. We all make mistakes and mistakes aren’t all sins. Thank you for sharing from you heart. You have some great questions and I pray the Lord reveals the answers to you 🙂
Oh man this was such an interesting topic that I had to write a review. Well my top three sins and I’ll admit to the web. 1)Video Games- I can play day and night playing and don’t to my homework very well. I play way to much and I do mean it. I stop playing for about five months and I’m filled with joy but when is heard about the new “Call Of Duty Ghost” game coming out and the PS4 and Xbox 1 I really just want to go back gaming. 2)Girls- I love to look at girls but I mean in the bad way. I sometime think wrong things and of course that leads to adultery aka lust. This one is my second worst sin ( I’ll tell you the third one later) and am a attractive guy. I see many girls staring at me and am a quiet person and the reason is because I don’t want horrible thoughts going through my head. Am shy to talking to anyone and always having a constant battle in not looking in woman parts. And that when my worst sin of all adultery. 3)Adultery-Of course I didn’t do”It” yet but I lust thought video in the internet. This is the deepest darkest secret I ever have ( hope my parents doesn’t read this!) I haven’t told anyone about this not even my parents, how could I where do I began. Just tell them “I watch porn” am afraid they will get so mad and loose all there trust on me. I have temptation every 3 days give or take. After that second or third day I have a hard and long battle between my flesh and my spirit. Having this long battle for 5-6 years now and it’s everywhere. Sex is on t.v, media, and and public. Am only 15 and so far am still trying to get rid of this stupid sin I do. I feel so bad for doing it. I really want to tell my parents but am way to scared. With God nothing is impossible, right? Anyway I am hoping one day I will able to defeat Satan and his mind games May God be with you all!!
Wow, that was an open and honest confession.
How do you think your parents would respond if you told them?
I will be honest…. when I was your age, I had the same struggles. I think most guys your age do. And these struggles don’t stop at 20 or 25 or 30 or 35…
For me, one truth that gave me freedom and liberty is the realization that God loves me no matter what. As long as I think that I have to obey God to earn or keep His love and forgiveness, sin kept a strong grip on my heart. The fear of losing God’s love caused the chains of sin to tighten around my heart and mind.
Start to rest and relax in God’s love, and I think that overtime, you will see Him bringing freedom and deliverance into your life.
Brother, I just want to thank you for opening up and confessing hard things to confess. It’s not a shock. It’s not a surprise. God says that all temptation is common to man – there is no new sin under the sun. But God is faithful and he will always provide a way out (1 cor. 10:13)
I just recently confessed a sin that has gripped me for years to a few godly girls who invited me over. I already feel better just by bringing my sin into the light.
When we keep secrets and keep things in the dark and try to handle it on our own – that is just where the enemy wants us. We are all bent towards sin. None of us can ever be good enough to measure up to God’s standard. We all NEED JESUS. He is our only salvation. Our flesh is like a sinking boat that we are chained to. We are going drown unless someone saves us by unchaining us and giving us a new boat.
“Confess your sins to one another so that you may be healed.”
What I’ve noticed is that even though I’ve memorized tons of Bible verses – in this season of my life – I can’t seem to apply them to me in the heat of temptation. But what has changed my heart is going back to the basics. Sometimes theological reasoning – (like: the Bible says don’t do that or else – but do this and you get that) will not help me, but faith will. For instance, scriptures come to my mind of what I should do, or I don’t feel direction from the Holy Spirit – but I need to remember I am not walking by sight, nor by what I feel.
I don’t hear God’s booming voice, nor do I feel the weight of my actions, but that doesn’t matter because no matter what I feel I can live by faith. I don’t have to have proof. Because I believe by faith that Jesus died for the joy of reconciling me to the Father. I believe by faith that Jesus is real, that he is alive and coming back one day. I believe by faith that my life will be tested with fire and only the things I did in Jesus will remain. etc.
And when I live by faith – I choose to follow Jesus from my heart – not just live by rules of my mind or what should be done.
I’ve been tempted with sexual sin before too. You are not alone. I understand the pull, even though I’m not a guy. It had me for 6 years. Every time I’d feel guilty and tell the Lord how sorry I was – I hated saying sorry over and over again – but never quit saying sorry. Never quit coming straight to Jesus. Sometimes I would hang my head and stay away from God until I could have a victory to bring to him to prove that I was sorry – because I hated saying it with my words yet not able to show him with my actions. But I can not conquer sin in my flesh. Even if I could stop the bad habit, I still wouldn’t be living by the Spirit. (And that is what matters)
Like Jeremy said focus on God – His love and His grace. God’s word tells us it’s God’s kindness that leads us to repentance.
Do you remember that old hymn? “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful Face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and Grace.”
God knows how bad we are without him. It’s time that we don’t wallow in our guilt and shame. Run to Jesus because we are not dead yet. We still have hope. God says “boldly come to the throne of grace to receive help in time of need.”
Jesus is able to relate to temptation because Jesus has been tempted sexually, he has been tempted with gluttony, pride….but God’s Word says He was tempted in every way, yet without sin. He never gave in. So He says that He is able to help us and wants to help us. (Heb 4:15-16)
I love you brother. You encourage me to keep fighting in the Lord. We have victory in Jesus. We will not let the enemy deceive us with “candy” (sin). We can do this in Jesus.
Thank you for sharing.