Every year around this time, I read all sorts of posts and articles for why it is sinful for Christians to participate in Halloween.
So I decided to write a post about why Christians MUST celebrate Halloween.
No, I don’t have any Bible verses to back this up or deep theological ideas to prove it. I just have three reasons Christians should celebrate Halloween.
Christians Are Light in the Darkness
Christians often complain that Halloween is a day of death, darkness, and evil. I won’t argue this. For many people, Halloween is a day to celebrate witches, ghouls, ghosts, goblins, death, decay, murder, and many other such things.
But since when do Christians run away and hide from death and darkness? Doesn’t the Bible call us to be lights in the darkness, and to bring life and healing to those areas which are full of death and decay? Of course it does!
Look, you don’t have to dress up like a vampire to participate in Halloween. And definitely don’t judge and condemn those who do. But I would encourage you to go on out and have a good time. Let your kids get some free candy. Laugh! Have a good time. Enjoy life. Make some memories.
Or, if the kids are grown and gone, give out heaps of free candy to the neighborhood. They will remember you forever.
Which brings me to my second point.
Halloween is an Opportunity for Generosity
Halloween is a great opportunity to show Christian generosity. I still remember the two or three houses in my neighborhood that gave away full candy bars on Halloween. Not the little snack-size ones, but full-size candy bars! I couldn’t believe it then, and I still cannot believe it now.
We often bemoan the fact that we don’t know the families in our neighborhoods better, but Halloween is one night of the year where most of the neighborhood families will be knocking on your door. So make an impression on them! Be generous!
I was talking a guy this past week who said he was going to pass out Gospel tracts to the kids in the neighborhood when they came by his door. This also will make an impression on the families who knock on your door, but not in a good way… I tried to encourage him that if he was going to pass out tracts, he should include a huge handful of candy with each one. Let people remember you for being generous, and they might also read that tract that came with your generosity.
Or better yet, they might want to talk to you when they see you in the park, at the mall, or trimming your hedges.
But there is one last reason for Christians to celebrate Halloween….
Free Candy!
I am a candyaholic, so I had to include this…
But I am actually kind of serious.
For most children, Halloween is about one thing: candy.
If you have kids, they are going to go to school the day after Halloween, and everyone is going to be talking about how much candy they got. When the kids ask your child how much candy he/she got, do you want them to have to say that they didn’t get any candy because their mom and dad believe Halloween is evil?
As I wrote in a different post about a Trunk-or-Treat I attended, if you feel that Halloween is some sort of contest between Jesus and the devil, one sure way to “win” is by giving away lots of candy. On Halloween, candy is how kids keep score. This goes back to the previous two points. The devil loves it when Christians hand out Jesus stickers instead of candy on Halloween.
If you hand out Gospel tracts or “Jesus Loves You” pencils instead of candy on Halloween, you are actually bringing shame to the name of Jesus on this day.
Jesus is not glorified when we are cheapskates and killjoys in His name.
Let kids be kids! And if you are (rightfully) afraid of what they might see or what they might encounter, then go with them! Walk around the neighborhood with them, giving them that sense of parental security and safety that is so important for children to have.
And guess what? If you do this, I bet they will even share some of their free candy with you…
Thanks Jeremy, this helped me today. 🙂
At times I’ve felt that the community/generosity and general good will expressed by people on Halloween is better than that door-busting greediness that sometimes occurs around Christmas-time.
Ha! Amazing insight and so true. Wow.
You totally lost all credibility with this article. I have a friend who is a former witch. She says Christians are ignorant at best to what Halloween stands for. The things that go on during that night are nothing short of evil and more. To say that we should partake in this ‘holiday’ at ALL is outrageous. Do your research on the roots, talk to someone like my friend who has been down that hellish road, and then say it’s ok to ‘celebrate’. The bible says we are to have NOTHING to do with evil. So what in the world are you talking about???
I have researched the roots and background, not just of Halloween, but of Easter and Christmas as well. Do you know of the pagan and evil backgrounds of those holidays? But in Jesus, they have been redeemed. They have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of light!
So what am I talking about? I am talking about the redemption of all things in Jesus Christ.
You are deceived on this issue, And sadly, you are spreading that deception with this article. 2 Corinthians 6:15. And no, this verse isn’t only in the context of marriage. There are just some things you don’t do if you have the new heart. It’s not a matter of ‘evangelism’ or ‘legalism’. You just don’t do it. And Halloween being redeemed? That’s just a sad statement.
Well, I’ve been redeemed, and I was worse than Halloween. Is that also a sad statement?
I started not to reply, but I just couldn’t let it go. You are a human being. Halloween is not. You know, years ago after becoming a Christian I heard a lengthy radio broadcast that had several different viewpoints from researchers of the occult, former occultists, etc. on the danger of Halloween and how it isn’t just an innocent ‘holiday’. I was confused because as a new Christian- brand new- I really didn’t understand the big deal. I mean, I was just dressing my little boy up as a Power Ranger- how harmful could that be? We were just getting candy- what’s the harm in that? But after listening to that broadcast I was not only convicted, but I did my own research into it. Saying Halloween has been redeemed is like saying Satan has been redeemed. It just makes no sense. None. People like my former ‘witch’ friend are just laughing at our ignorance and counting on us to be just as gullible.
Alliebl – although I don’t really do halloween, I don’t judge those who do. If we look for the devil in everything we will find him. I might also differ from Jeremy on some stuff and that is fine and normal. you can’t really say because you don’t agree on one or two issues that he lost his credibility. Then no one is credible anyway ever. lol
Each should do what they believe in their heart is right – otherwise it is sin anyway. But don’t judge someone because they have a different conviction than yours.
If you feel so strongly about not celebrating halloween then you should probably not celebrate chistmas and easter either…………….
I agree. And hope he’s changed his mind by now.
I hope he has dug deeper and educated himself on the dark magic that is performed on this day. Portals are opened and dark spells are cast. Yes. Black magic, white magic, grey magic, sex magic….all real. If you choose to participate you leave yourself and your children open to demonic entities. Period.
People are still so oblivious to the power of frequency…and best believe they have ramped it up. Travis Scott Concert was nothing compared to what this Halloween and the ones to follow, will bring. So sad.
He did say….my people shall perish through lack of knowledge. He also warned MANY would be deceived.
Celebrating a day of HEAVY satanic ritual is not ok. You can only worship one God. Which one is it? Smh. You can’t be a Christian but participate in Satanic ritual for free candy under the premise of spreading light. Absolute insanity.
Many children are hunted down and abducted in this next month or so….to be sacrificed on Halloween. Think about that while you’re out “spreading joy” and getting free candy. So gross!!!!!
Lord forgive them for they know not what they do…..🙏🏼
Satan is not Halloween. Halloween is a day on a calendar. If Satan has claimed that day for his own, do we not have the obligation as Christians to claim it back? To storm the gates of hell? To raise the standard of Jesus on this day and say, “This is not yours. It belongs to Jesus, just like everything else in all creation!”?
Did not Jesus say that the Gates of Hell will not prevail against Him? This means that we must be attacking the Gates of Hell, rather than hiding in a holy huddle somewhere hoping we can hang on until Jesus returns.
I actually agree. Given the things that I’ve said about pagan elements in the Christian church, this might surprise you, but the old pagan holidays are actually good occasions to contrast the message of Yehoshua with the old pagan beliefs. The error that I believe that the ancient church made was to substitute supposedly Christian observance for the pagan ones and hoping that eventually the reason for the pagan holiday would be forgotten. Although the reasons for the pagan holidays might have been forgotten, the descendants of the original converts were left with holy days and festivals that have no Biblical basis. I believe that we should use these pagan holidays as “teachable occasions” to contrast the scary, even terrifying, beliefs of the pagans with the teachings of hope and love that Yehoshua brought. Keep the fun and add new joy.
Yes. We can contrast and redeem them. I think God is not pleased when we remove all the “fun” from life in the name of Jesus.
We are not to participate in celebrates that dishonor the Almighty, being light is NOT doing to…
Hollowee is the one holiday that has not been altered to fit pagan beliefs. It started there. 😉
Both Christmas and Easter started there as well… They are pagan holidays which have been redeemed.
The date for Christmas was chosen to oppose a pagan sun worshiping holiday but was, none the less, established as a celebration of Jesus’ birth. It was, however, quickly compromised with pagan symbology. Easter was established as celebration of Jesus’ resurection and was later compromised. Niether of these were commanded by scripture certainly. But they had thier beginnings in christian belief.
I believe you are RIGHT on here, Jeremy Myers. Thanks for saying it!
This is a great story and I agree.
Good stuff!
Awesome article, Jeremy. ? There’s nothing more heart-warming than to give wonderful gifts to children.
Jesus certainly thought so too!
Ms. Kelly, don’t ever forget that Kelly’s and Sheridans practiced Druid Halloween rituals for longer than we’ve practiced christianity, and no one except possibly Haitians did more co-mingling of holidays and practices. And we christians have our own terrifying beliefs
I just skip it. Meaningless Godless ect
I typically skip it, but now that I’m a mom I’ll have to think about what to do with the kiddos.
Mr. Sheridan, “Kelly” is my married name. I’m descended mainly from Vikings who raided the eastern coast of England. However, I get your point: Our ancestors were pagan for far longer than they have been Christian.
WRT the terrifying beliefs of Christianity, I believe that those are later additions that were intended to win converts by using fear when simply preaching the “good news” didn’t work.
There is a balance between being light in the darkness, and being in the world but not of it. The light contradicts and contrast the darkness. Emulating practices which are based on evil and the celebration of evil is not how we are light in the darkness. Contrasting it is. If we are not different than the world, then how will they know that there is any difference at all? It is worth stepping away and not celebrating Halloween if for no other reason than to make the statement that we will follow Christian morality over worldly convention.
What practice is there that does NOT emulate worldly practices somehow?
Do you call the days of the week by their pagan names? That’s worldly.
Do you read the newspaper? Own stocks? Drive a car? Send your children to public school? Eat bacon? Read magazines? Use English? Turn on light switches? Dance? Play cards? Listen to Music? Etc., etc., etc..
Everything is worldly in one way or another. So thank God that we can live IN this world while not being of it, so that we can bring light to it.
I didn’t say anything about emulating the world in day to day practices. That is hugely different from what I did say, which was that we should not be emulating practices which are based on evil and the celebration thereof. You illustrated well the paradox. We should live in the world, that is the command of The Creator. We should also be sanctified, that is, set apart. Many of the things that you listed as “worldly” practices are explicitly designed by God for His glory. None of them are based on the celebration of evil. If we are not to be set apart in the celebration of evil, then where?
My family doesn’t do holloween. If we did, my children would probably still not turn into wiccans, and would probably grow up just fine. Most kids are probably not harmed by their innocent trick or treating. That isn’t the standard I want to set. This is a great example to teach my children during their formative years about living with standards, overcoming peer pressure, and being bold enough to stand up for God over the pressure of popularity. If I’m wrong, what have they lost? Candy. I’ll prioritise the character of my children over increased dentist visits any day.
Once again, those who oppose observing Halloween are all over those who aren’t convicted not to. What does it say that we who have FREEDOM IN CHRIST don’t want that freedom to be exercised. If you don’t believe you should participate in Halloween, Christmas or other “pagan” celebrations, then don’t. That’s your prerogative and one which shouldn’t be judged, mocked or denigrated. That said, keep you mouth shut when your Christian brother or sister don’t have that same conviction and decide they want to take their kids out to get some candy, or head over to their churches “Trunk or Treat” celebration. The Apostle Paul made it clear that we as believers are not to squabble over non-salvation issues. He was a smart, God-inspired/led man … let’s all heed to those words of wisdom today.
I’m not sure I want my kids to have tons of sugar. One thing I’ve thought of is to hold on to the candy and slowly give it out over time.
How many kids?
Just one right now, but there will probably be more 🙂
Just messing with you.
I figured;)
We restrict the amount of sugar they eat… They actually still have lots of candy from LAST Halloween…
I celebrated Halloween as a child and the only thing I thought about was the candy. I didn’t really think of Satan or anything, as a kid I only cared about candy. I think that’s the general thought towards this holiday, Halloween = candy.
Same here. And I still love candy! ha!
I don’t really eat it :p
Colossians 2:16-17
Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day—
things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.
Though this is referring to Jewish holidays and other practices, I think the idea is universal: don’t act as a judge. If some Christians want to celebrate, go ahead, and if some don’t, more power to ya.
Love this. Great point.
My firm belief is that when Christians even discuss in this level, and sincerely believe it is of any importance at all, God goes “oh dear…what on earth…” and shakes hes head.
Ha! Yes. Probably so. God “face palms” all the time with such discussions, I suppose.
Worth the read.
I am a Christian and I celebrate the Celtic tradition of Samhain. The End of Autumn and the start of Winter. The celebration of the harvest. I remember my ancestors and those who have gone before. This is a brief overview of what and why I do what I do on Oct. 31st. How others choose to see or use this date is up to them, but my conscience is very clear on what I am doing is not ‘sinful’.
Candy or not, i love the dressing up! Used to do elf ears!
If one has a good conscience and see’s these kind of HOLY DaYs as sin should you convince him to do the other? Paul said But now after that ye have known God, or rather are known of God, how turn ye again to the weak and beggarly elements, whereuntoye desire again to be in bondage? Ye observe days, months and years. I am afraid of you , lest i have bestowed upon you labor in vain. Galatians 4:9-11
What does light have to do with darkness? Participating in this evil holiday is the same as endorsing it and supporting the twisted satanic beliefs of this world. Not celebrating Halloween would be the perfect testimony for life in Jesus to an un-believer. Deceiving times we live in indeed. Is there no right or wrong anymore? Why is everything so clouded nowadays? Well it isn’t if your a true believer in Jesus Christ. Halloween is a no brainer for those who have the Holy Spirit.
When Christians celebrate or participate in Halloween, we say everything associated with it is ok. I hate this so called holiday. Just as I hate evil. If you have to justify it, whatever “it” may be, it’s probably wrong. The Bible also says to run from evil. Romans 12:9 “Love must be without hypocrisy. Detest evil; cling to what is good.” Do you go to the strip clubs trying to be a light in the darkness?
No they shouldn’t celebrate Halloween. You idiots with kids are spineless.
People are free to do whatever they want. I will not be celebrating this pagan holiday. I can understand children ,but never really go the appeal for adults to be honest. Once I understood the origins of the day and the fact that some many people in satanism and wicca celebrated it I stopped.
You really show a shallow understanding of God’s word, Christians should be guided by the Bible, not by human wisdom and understanding. halloween is a day of darkness and nobody called a Christian should participate in the devil’s worship. Read Lev 20:27, Deut 18:9-13, 2 Cor 6:17, Phil 4:8, just to name a few.
To the gentlemen that mentioned celebrating Samhain. That proclamation right there summarizes the “Why” behind all of us who are trying to correct young, Mr. Meyers. Although this was the only mention of Samhain that I see, one cannot separate it from Halloween (can’t change history, no matter how badly we may want to.) Therefore, even if Mr. Meyers and everyone who supports his position participates in something that they believe has been redeemed, it’s rooted in paganism, and it continues in paganism for many – intentionally or not. You cannot separate it. You cannot redeem it. Jesus will not redeem everyone or every thing. Why do you claim to redeem anything? He will condemn and tear down all things that oppose Him. It doesn’t matter if a million churches host a “Trunk or Treat” and all the guests dress as angels or their favorite Bible person, Samhain/Halloween, is not changed. This is not a matter of Paul’s teaching about matters of conscience. If your conscience allows you to participate in what the pagans consider to be pagan, then be concerned about your conscience. For clarity, I’m not talking about your salvation. What I mean is that as the Believer becomes more and more sanctified, their conscience will begin to detest these things. Look at “Christmas”, albeit different than Halloween, it was established in response to pagan days of significance. While the intent is good, and we can certainly celebrate and teach people about the coming of Emmanuel, look at what has happened… Presents, Secular Carols, Eggnog, Santa are what the masses associate. Lastly, throughout the entirety of scripture, God The Father, Jesus, Paul, and others, condemned Israel and the early Believers in Christ of celebrating pagan holidays. For me, it is things like this, when the church jumps into the world thinking they are “redeeming” something, they are in fact, blurring the lines and introducing the lost into a church that looks a lot more like the world than it should. I didn’t even get to “All Hallows Eve” where misguided “Christians” celebrate the dead and pray for them to get to Heaven out of some other extra-Biblical place that they think they are. If you must do something on Oct. 31st. Celebrate the fact that your church was made possible because of a sinner standing against pagan, immoral, and sinful practices of the church nailed 95 Thesis on the church door at Wittenberg on Oct. 31st 1517. Peace.