This is a Guest Post by John Walker, one of the authors in the forthcoming book, Finding Church. John and his wife are retired and enjoy gardening, walking their dogs, and cooking.
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I just don’t understand this church stuff. Several times in the past few months I’ve gone to a church I found in the phone book. The first time I went, five people asked me my name and where I live. Two days later, a nice couple showed up at my door with a plate of cookies. The pastor even sent me a letter that said he was glad I had visited. Everything looked very promising.
When I returned to that church the following Sunday, two of the five people who had talked to me the previous week remembered me, but not my name. One of the other three said hello and kept walking. The other two ignored me. Two people I hadn’t met the previous week asked me my name and promptly forgot it.
“Maybe They’d Like Me If….”
Maybe they’d be more interested in me if I were closer to them in age. Maybe they’d be more interested if I had kids, since most of them have kids. Maybe they’d be more interested if I were better looking. I’m just average in the looks department.
Now I’ve got it figured out! They’d be more interested in me if I looked like I have a lot of money. I could dress up and borrow my friend’s ‘Vet. On the other hand, that would be a bad idea. Then they’d show interest in me for the wrong reasons. I know they’re trying to raise money to pay off their building.
I tried a church a few months ago where the pastor said they need to raise over half a million dollars for their building fund. The pastor was very friendly. I got out of there as quickly as I could.
Sing For Us, But….
A couple of years ago I tried a church that looked like it might have possibilities. The pastor’s wife announced that they needed people to help with the music. Since I’ve been told that I have a very good voice for an amateur, I went out on a limb and volunteered.