Exegeting Scripture is the process of digging deep into the individual words and concepts of the Bible in a way that help us understand what Scripture meant to its original audience. Below is an example of exegeting a church sign.
Sadly, I fear the exegesis of this church sign may not be too far from the truth…
Hey! No fair picking on my church’s sign! It took us a long time to come up with that logo.
Seriously, the “interpretation” of the meaning by the Naked Pastor and the Friendly Athiest is spot on for more than one church we have attended. Of course it’s not fair to say this represents all churches, but it does tell us what many people think when they see such a sign.
Hilarious. You are right that this does not represent all churches, and I doubt that most (any?) seriously read such signs in this way, but still, it is kind of funny.
Church signs like: ” a prayer a day keep the devil away” are one of the many reason why many non believers DONT want to go to church. Plus they are like advertising.
Yep. There is a church in our town that has signs like this every week. I keep wanting to take a picture, but never have a camera nearby.
That was kind of mean…no one is perfect, haha