In years past I have written about what the Bible says about getting paid to pastor, and especially getting paid to preach the gospel (Look on this page, under the “Pastoral Pay” section). Recently, a reader sent in the following question:
I need help responding when someone quotes 1 Corinthians 9:14. Especially when they use the ESV & NKJV.
“In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel.”
Specifically, that getting one’s living from the gospel is a “commanded” practice.
I understand that it is also translated “directed,” however, once “commanded” is interjected into the debate, it’s tough to respond.
My thoughts are: If “commanded” is the correct translation, then did Paul blatantly disobey the Lord’s command? And why would Paul say he would rather “die” than to even give the perception that he materially benefited from preaching?
Any thoughts on the issue would be greatly appreciated.
I must admit that although I have finished a rough draft of a commentary on 1 Corinthians, I have never before considered this question Neil brought up. By one way of reading 1 Corinthians 9:14, Paul does appear to be saying that Jesus commanded that certain people should get paid to preach the gospel.
There are multiple ways of explaining and understanding this text, and I will present a few below, but would love for you opinion as well on what 1 Corinthians 9:14 means when Paul says that the Lord commanded that those who preach their gospel should get their living by the gospel.
Maybe the Command is not for the Preacher but for the Hearer
When Neil initially sent this question in to me, I responded this way:
First, I did some quick study of the Greek in the text, and decided that the various translations are fine. Though there are some verses in various translations that are horrid, this is not one of them.
So I then decided that maybe the command was not primarily for the one preaching the gospel, but for those who were receiving the benefit from the teacher. That is, the command is for the hearers. They were expected to provide for the one doing the teaching. If the one doing the teacher turned down the aid, that was fine, as Paul did. In the context, he says that although it was his right to receive financial help from the Corinthians believers, he turned it down so as not to hinder the gospel (1 Cor 9:12).
This is the answer I sent to Neil, and while I think there is truth to this idea (that the responsibility is on the hearer to offer support rather than on the teacher to demand it), I do not think that this is what Paul is saying. It does not seem that we can get my interpretation to fit the text. Note that the command is clearly to the one preaching the gospel, not to the ones hearing it. Although… the context is directed toward the hearers, so maybe my take is somewhat justified…
So what other options are there?
The Command is for Apostles who Preach the Gospel
Neil forwarded me an email that he got back from Alan Knox, who gave a much better (and more thorough) answer than I did. His answer actually considers the context and where Jesus might have given the command that Paul is referring to.
Hopefully Alan does not mind if I include here what he wrote…
My suggestion would be to consider the context… who is Paul writing about? As I see it, there are two options:
1) Paul is referring to anyone who “proclaims the gospel.” Of course, that would mean that he was referring to every believer who ever shares the gospel, and that all of them “should get their living by the gospel.”
2) Paul is referring to a specific group who “proclaim the gospel.” But which group. Again, I see two options: A) Paul specifies the group in the context of this passage, or B) We can choose the group. The B) option is not very palatable to me, which only leaves A). And, the first part of 1 Corinthians 9 tells us that Paul is talking about people who travel to proclaim the gospel, i.e., apostles.
So, by focusing on the “who,” you don’t even have to worry as much about what “commanded” means or what “should get their living by the gospel” means.
By the way, I think that Paul is talking about receiving hospitality, which Jesus “commanded” to apostles in Matthew 10 and Luke 10. So, the “command” was not to people giving the support, but to people receiving the support (that is, hospitality).
Neil followed up with some further comments of his own on how Paul reacted to that “commandment” in the second half of 1 Corinthians 9.
Reading only the first half of 1 Corinthians 9, it could be argued that Paul taught and endorsed that pastors have a right to receive a salary. But that would be taking Paul completely out of context on this issue. In reading the entire chapter in context, Paul went much further, by word and deed, as an example to clearly demonstrate that he believed one’s personal right to compensation for preaching the gospel ends where the gospel of Christ begins. Specifically, Paul explained in the second half of the chapter that exercising that right would not only “hinder” the gospel, but also be a financial “burden” on the Church.
So examining Paul’s words and actions on the issue in full context, it’s obvious that Paul wanted no part of anything, including the exercising of one’s personal rights that could possibly harm the gospel message and be a financial burden on the church. And for those who point to 1 Corinthians 9:14 and say, “the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel,” the word “commanded” is also translated, “directed” in many prominent translations. Not to mention that if the Lord did in fact command it, then the man He personally ordained as an Apostle and minister of the gospel decided to make the Lord’s command just an option. It couldn’t be sensibly argued that this is the case.
To be clear, in the second half of chapter 9, Paul puts the compensation issue from the first half of the chapter in context, focusing on pastors having to endure all things in complete submission to the gospel, not accommodating a pastor’s personal right to reap material benefits and make a living from the gospel.
I believe Neil is right on target when he says that “one’s personal right to compensation for preaching the gospel ends where the gospel of Christ begins.”
I have written previously about what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9:9 where he says, “Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain.” Among other things, I wrote this:
1 Corinthians 9 cannot be used by pastors to defend the practice of receiving a salary. It is talking about traveling missionaries and apostolic leaders who have left their home and jobs to teach and support other Christians in other towns. Since they will typically only be in a city or town for a few weeks or months, they are dependent upon the hospitality of the people in that city or town. Ideally, even these spiritual leaders should have “travelling professions” if possible, so like Paul, they do not have to depend on the financial aid of other people either.
In other words, there are a lot of critical cultural, historical, and biblical background material that must be considered to properly understand, interpret, and apply Paul’s statement in 1 Corinthians 9:14 that those who preach the gospel should get their living from the gospel. We need to understand the role of hospitality in the Hebrew and Roman culture and economy, we need to understand the law in Deuteronomy about borrowing a neighbors oxen, we need to understand the the role and purpose of apostles, and above all, we need to properly understand the full scope of the gospel.
The bottom line is this: If a pastor quotes 1 Corinthians 9:14 as a way to demand that the people he minister to should pay his salary, he is using 1 Corinthians 9:14 in exactly the opposite way that Paul was using it. Paul writes 1 Corinthians 9:14 in the context of explaining why he does not take money from the people he serves.
Don’t misunderstand. I am not saying it is a sin for pastors to take a salary. All I am saying is that 1 Corinthians 9:14 cannot be used to defend the practice. Taking a salary as a pastor is a choice, and deciding to not take a salary is also a choice. Each person must decide for themselves which way of living will be of most benefit to the gospel of Jesus Christ and to the people whom they seek to serve.
So what do you think about 1 Corinthians 9:14? Have you ever had a pastor tell you that it is God’s command that you support him to preach the gospel? Weigh in below, and if you have written about this on your own blog, include a link in the comment section.
Jeremy, thanks for sharing this. The professionalization of pastors has had hugely negative consequences, not to mention inflated egos. The inevitable outcome is that like all professions it begins to mimic market principles of supply/demand and profit/loss, which is antithetical to the gospel.
Jeremy, thanks bringing such a hot topic up because by end of my response you”ll perhaps hear what I believe that this very scripture has been abused by Pastors today. My first comment is on the many who live very lucrative like million dollar homes high end cars etc. Now on the subject at hand I do believe the Apostle Paul was suggesting it as a command but as He said Muzzle not the Ox that treads out corn. now I liken this passage to what God said concerning the priest in the book of Numbers 18th chapter he said that their inheritance was of the tithes of the children of Israel and so too me its right on point as too those who are chosen by God whether Pastor,Evangelist or Apostle etc. That if that’s their calling of the Lord than should be on salary but a moderate salary not a salary that makes them rich but of a modest lifestyle sure if they have a family living in a home that meets their needs and these millionaire status like cars where your above the people Jesus lived a very conservative life for a reason so that he was not a distraction too his assignment of preach the Gospel being a good example and staying away from any appearance of filthy lucre as we see displayed today as he he who preaches the Gospel if they have no other charge from the Lord than they should live of the Gospel
God said, “Adam, there’s gold out there and it’s good gold.” God gives in abundance and not cheaply.
Maybe God added: Just find the ones to mislead so that they will give you (pastors) the gold.
It appears to me that Paul is clearly saying that people have the right to earn a living as the many examples he cited suggests. Paul even indicate that even an animal has the right to receive compensation for their work. I believe Paul is explaining why he does not accept compensation for spreading God’s word. That the second half of 1 Corinthians 9 is about his personal reasons only. Reason 1 is so no one would be denied hearing God’s word because they could not afford to pay Paul. Reason 2 is so there is no questions about Paul motivation for spreading God’s word. Paul is willing and will to do anything he must to make sure everyone has the opportunity to hear God’s word. Paul wants everyone to know his reasons are pure. Paul is simple saying he is not spreading God’s word for monetary gain. Even though it is acceptable practice according to the Lord. Another point about 1 Corinthians 9 is it does not say you can make only enough money to survive nor does it say you cannot make millions spreading God’s word. However, there are many others verses dealing with the problems of excessive wealth and losing one’s salvation throughout the Bible.
Okay …. I’ll bite …. how does a believer in the church age who’s experienced the following lose their salvation?
We are blessed with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Ephesians 1: 3)
Some of these blessing include:
Our sins are forgiven – Ephesians 1:7; Colossians 1:14 and 2:13, Galatians 1:4
We have peace with God – Romans 5:1
We have the righteousness of Christ imputed to us – 2 Corinthians 5:21
We are a new creature in Christ – 2 Corinthians 5:17
We are baptized into the body of Christ – 1 Corinthians 12:13
We are indwelt with the Holy Spirit – 1 Corinthians 6:19
We are sealed with the Spirit – Ephesians 1:13
We are sealed with the Spirit unto the day of redemption – Ephesians 4:30
We are preserved in Christ – Jude 1
We will be confirmed to the end by Christ – 1 Corinthians 1:8
We are citizens of the household of God – Ephesians 2:19
We are children of God – Galatians 3:26
We are in the kingdom of God’s Son – Colossians 1:13
We are complete in Christ – Colossians 2:9-10
“Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.” (Romans 5:9-10)
Once you have accepted God’s Grace you are made Righteous and your sins are all forgiven. When you accept and profess that Jesus died for our sins and He is the Son of God who raised Him from the dead you are justified. Many believe that you can never lose your salvation, that being saved means you never sin again or your never have to confess your sins since Jesus died for all the sins of all mankind and all sins have been forgiven. However, that is not true as God’s word states.
God’s word tells us that there are sins lead to death and sins that do not lead to death (1 John 5:16, 1 John 5:17, James 1:14-15, Romans 6:23). We know that salvation is a free gift from God and having salvation does not prevent you from sinning (James 5:19-20, Romans 6:23). If you are saved and sin but do not confess your sin and repent at the time of your death, you will not enter the Kingdom of God because only those who are made righteous and are justified can enter (Mark 9:43, 45-45, 47, 1 John 1:9). When we accept God’s Grace we are made righteous and have salvation if we believe that Jesus is the Son of God, died for our sins and was raised from the dead by His Father and also profess this you will be justified (Romans 10:9-10). If someone who has salvation commits a sin that leads to death, such as one of the “Seven Deadly Sins”, and is unrepentant at the time of death, they cannot enter into the Kingdom of God and have effectively lost their salvation. I know some pastors teach once saved, always saved but that is not true because God’s word tells us that if you have sinned, you can be removed from the Book of Life which contains the names of those individuals who have been saved (Exodus 32:33, Revelation 22:19).
Our salvation does not make us perfect, at least here in the flesh, and we can still wander from God’s path and sin. Sin can lead to death without confession and repentance. Remember that Jesus Christ is the only perfect person who has walked this earth and while we take on the image of Jesus Christ through His death and have salvation, it does not make us Jesus Christ. I pray this helps you understand what I stated about losing your salvation.
1 John 5:16
“If anyone sees his brother committing a sin not leading to death, he shall ask, and God will give him life—to those who commit sins that do not lead to death. There is sin that leads to death; I do not say that one should pray for that.?
1 John 5:17
“All wrongdoing is sin, but there is sin that does not lead to death.”
James 1:14-15
“But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.”
Romans 6:23
“For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
James 5:19-20
“My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.”
1 John 1:9
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Mark 9:43, 45-45, 47
“And if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life crippled than with two hands to go to hell, to the unquenchable fire. And if your foot causes you to sin, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life lame than with two feet to be thrown into hell. And if your eye causes you to sin, tear it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into hell,”
Romans 10:9-10
“because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”
Seven Deadly Sins (Sins that can lead to death)
1) Lust
2) Gluttony
3) Greed
4) Laziness
5) Wrath
6) Envy
7) Pride
Exodus 32:33
“But the Lord said to Moses, “Whoever has sinned against me, I will blot out of my book.”
Revelation 22:19
“And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.”
So basically you’re ignoring all of the verses I’ve listed which teach salvation as a gift from God and the eternal security of the believer and producing not one single verse that teaches that once a person in the church age is saved, they can lose it. BTW you did notice that not one single verse you listed specifically states anything about a saved person being lost. Like Martin you’ve latched onto a false teaching and then try to find verses that seem to halfway somewhat support your belief. What you are teaching is not salvation, but probation. While you and Martin trust in your efforts to keep you saved, my salvation is in Christ alone.
To Criag Giddens:
I did not ignore the vereses you supplied as I take the Bible as a whole. I do not select individual verses to create a god that makes me comfortable or fits what I believe. I follow what is written in the Bible which defines who God is and what He wants us to believe. I am not influenced by institutionalized theology which teaches cut and paste faith to ministers today so they can create their own definition of Christianity.
BTW, here are the verses I referenced that talk about a saved person being lost to death then coming back and saving his soul.
James 5:19-20
“My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.”
I am not teaching anyone but myself. As Jesus stated, we are each responsible for our salvation. That is why each individual must read the entire Bible constanly as God reveals different verses meanings each time we read so we grow in our faith. You cannot read select parts of the Bible and truly understand God’s word which could possibly affect your salvation. As Paul stated, you cannot have faith seperate from works.
James 2:24, 26
“You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone. For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.”
You are saved by faith and your works prove your faith or salvation.
To summarize quickly, this is what the Bible says and what I know to be true and what I believe. There is only one true living God and His Son is Jesus Christ. Jesus died for all the sins of all mankind. We can only be saved through God’s Grace, which is a free gift from God which we obtain through Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, which makes us righteous before God. Sin is wrongdoing and some sins lead to death which prevents someone from entering the Kingdom of God unless you confess your sins so you can be forgiven and all unrighteousness removed. We current live under the Covenant of Grace which was brought by Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. Once saved, you are NOT always saved. If you fail to live by your faith you are not truly saved.
Matt 15:9; says you worship me in vain,teaching the precepts of if God rejects false worship, we should also reject false worship. now should ministers be paid for false teachings? No. the payment of tithes was adopted from the old testament by man by the catholic church. tithing was first mentioned in the U.S. in 1873 by the Southern Baptist Church. man cannot invent his own worship to God. the church is govern by the holy spirit,not by man. read 2 Peter 1:20,21—–for prophecy never came by the will of man. see REV 22:18; should extortioners get paid ? NO.
will a man rob God, yes and he will rob you too.
I wrestled with this text and this is what I found. When you do a translation comparison you find two very different meanings.
1. “…those who preach the gospel should live by the gospel” KJV, YLT
2. “…those who preach the gospel should get their living by the gospel” – All the rest.
Is Jesus commanding:
1. Our speaking the of the gospel should match our living of the gospel
2. Our speaking the gospel should result in money flowing from the gospel results.
When you look at the Greek you will see:
1. Zao – living, is never translated as money for living. It us usually living versus dead or character qualities of living. Putting money for living into this one word is forced and driven by traditions of men.
2. The Greek words that are used here are few and specific. All the words added in the money from the gospel translations show how deliberate the translators are to infuse their desire for a pay check into this verse.
3. I observe another major translation corruption in this chapter. Every time you see the word “rights” except for one, the Greek word is exousia – positional elevated authority. “All authority is given unto me, therefore go and make disciples…” Or, “exercising authority, … not so among you…” Downgrading authority to rights is a serious corruption. In John MacAruthurs commentary he says not one word about “exousia” even though it is a major word in this context. Every expositor knows that frequent words are a key point the author is making. Paul is teaching that believers are to reject every practice or exercise of authority because Jesus said “exercising authority…not so among you…” We are ALL in servant / slave status. Jesus has “all authority”. The government gets some (Romans 13) but not church folk. The Corinth saints were big on claiming authority to do what they wanted because they were “free in Christ”. Paul starts his rebuke on authority to eat mean and offend brothers to their down fall at the end of chapter 9. Chapter 9 is Paul giving his personal example of not exercising authority, even though he has it as an Apostle. If he exercises authority, other believers cannot “imitate him” or “follow his example”. Everything he does is as “an example to be imitated”
In verses 1-13 he asks 16 questions (I think it’s 16) He gives not answers to them but leaves us to answer the questions as if we have no authority. Most of the questions are logical fallacies. All believers are soldiers, farmers, vineyard workers, etc. So there is reserved pay check for only a few soldiers, farmers, vineyard workers, etc. The OT quote is an example of the grotesque Corinthian exposition of this instruction and even adds to it all the way out to the thresher and harvesters – far past the ox. John MacArther says all the questions of rhetorical answers. John is on the side of the Corinthians church leaders, all wanting a pay check. He has no interest in Paul’s apostolic example.
I’m glad that you shared this. Just so that proper credit is given, I think my part of the conversation (that you quoted) ends with “… to people receiving the support (that is, hospitality).” I believe the remainder of that quotation is from Neil.
I’m glad that people are talking about this issue.
Thanks Alan. Neil let me know as well, and I fixed it.
Many years a go the Lord spoke to me as a pastor not to take money for preaching His Gospel, I did not understand but I obeyed. I am blessed but the false prophets do it. “Woe, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding themselves! Should not the shepherds feed the flock?”You eat the fat and clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat sheep without feeding the flock
Let us all put this thing about pastors, preachers, any any members of the church getting paid. NO, NO, NO!!! What part about freely you have been given freely give do people not understand. No true preacher of the gospel should ever take money as a payment for preaching. The preachers that do so are the wolves in sheep’s clothing. Ask yourselves which one of the prophets took money for preaching? NONE that i know of. The word of God is free. Almost every single church in the world is out for money, and they feed off of peoples quest to feel better about themselves. Churches almost always have been a place for people to socialize, and that is what they are, and not temples of God. Why do you see them selling stuff in church did Christ not say to the money changers my temple should be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves. The churches are full of hypocrites, Christ said to pray not in the synagogue as they hypocrites do they pray to be seen by men, and what is a synagogue but a public church?? There are many things i can state to show all of you that these places are deceptive. And people buy into this. ‘STRAIGHT AND NARROW BE THE PATH TO LIFE AND FEW THEY BE THAT FIND IT.” MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY LORD, LORD WE HAVE TAUGHT IN YOUR NAME AND IN YOUR NAME CAST OUT MANY DEMONS, AND HE SAID GO AWAY FROM ME I KNOW YOU NOT!!
Brother John:
When Jesus talked about God’s church, He was not speaking of a physical place rather, the people of Christian faith who made up the body and Christ was the head of His church.
This is one of the biggest problems I see today with the Christian faith today, cut and paste theology. Using select Biblical verses to support your beliefs and not using the verses as written to shape your beliefs. The verses in the Bible tells us how to believe. When you decide what verses you believe or do not believe you have become an idol worshipper because you have created your own god to worship and not the God of the Bible.
There are two types of Christians in the world today. Those who know the path and those who walk the path. Those who walk the path are known to be Christians by their fruits (how they live their lives). Those who know the path are Christians in name only. Only those who walk the path are truly saved!! (Biblically speaking IMHO)
In my studies of this passage, the context appears to be speaking of Apostles or traveling missionaries. I’ve never found one example in the New Testament of a local full time paid minister. In addition the Rabbis during this time weren’t paid nor the elders of their synagogue. In fact the Rabbis worked on the side. We don’t see from religious secular history, Rabbis getting paid till centuries later which also holds true for Christian pastors. I was a paid full time Christian pastor for twenty years and I see the dangers in such a system. We were more like professional clergy which helped to build bigger walls between brethren and encourage a clergy/laity system (which is not biblical).
You’re brave today! Don’t you know that pointing out that Bible passages that are used to prove that one Must give money (to pay staff salaries and property mortgages) don’t really say what we’ve been told they say is messin’ with the Man?
Many of today’s churches, churches which are a far cry from anything envisioned in the New Testament, n-e-e-d money, lots of it to keep afloat. Does it not stand to reason that they will find Bible passages that they claim are commands by God, Jesus, Paul or whoever to give them the money they think they desperately need to pay (sometimes) six figure salaries, and mortgages on multi-million dollar properties?
The movement of the culture away from the church, and the attendant loss of $$$ is forcing churches to either radically redefine church, or close the doors. Few are radically redefining church.
Ha! Well, I don’t know if I’m brave…. I didn’t write it after all… Alan and Neil did most of it. They’re the ones to blame!
You are right though. Few are making the necessary changes… The next few decades will be very interesting.
As a pastor who gets “paid” for ministry, I don’t disagree with your conclusion. But I do want to point out that I don’t “take” a salary, as you put it. Rather, I “receive” a salary. Or, better, I receive God’s provision. It may seem like a minor distinction, but I think it’s actually quite significant.
No doubt some pastors do take a salary (that new show about pastors in L.A. comes to mind). But I think most of us pastors recognize that our income is really a gift from God. It is something we receive, a grace given. It is not something we take, as though we deserve it.
I love getting to be a pastor. I love studying the scriptures and sharing with people what I’ve learned. I love encouraging and spurring people on to love and good deeds. I love getting to play a part in people’s drawing closer to Christ and watching them become salt and light. I love reminding people of God’s enduring presence by being present with them in their best and worst times. And I’m so grateful I get to do all this without distraction (other than my 3 young kids!) because of the financial provision that I receive.
Are you saying that you don’t do some things because you get paid a salary, and that if they stopped paying you a salary you would continue doing everything you do now?
By the way, I disagree 100% that a job (outside of the church) is a “distraction.” In fact, it seems to me that being paid by the church is often a distraction… but one that is rarely seen from the inside, but is recognized by many on the outside.
I, us, our and we? Sure a lot of those throughout your comment Markus. I counted no less than 15 I’s. Not trying to impugn your integrity, but Jesus and the Apostles always put the needs of others ahead of their own. Unfortunately, the corporate church model with its vocational pastors have the whole shepherding thing backwards. Under their model, the needs of the institution and the pastor come first, superseding the needs of the sheep. In their model, the sheep make sure the needs of the building and the pastor get met – and if the budget permits, the needs of the sheep can be addressed. It’s what Paul referred to as a “burden” on the church. Not to mention all those people who see vocational pastors as only in it for the money. That’s what Paul referred to as a “hindrance” to the gospel. No amount of justification can dismiss these two realities and their negative effect on the gospel today. And that’s exactly why Paul NEVER took a salary. Please read “The Apostle Paul on Personal Rights and the Gospel”
I agree as to what Paul was saying. Paul also worked. We are shown on an occasion he worked at a tent making olace in on of the cities just before going on the mission to elsewhere. Paul was sent things including money. He stressed the need to give to those in Jerusalem first as they were trying hard to conver the Jews.
I was burdened from the Lord to take an oath not to work for anyone but him. I do not receive a salary at all and I oreach where I am asked and online. My wife has a good job the Lord provided for us. I am not saying you should have a wife that works so you can spread the gospel, but it has been what has done in our situation for now. It seems the more I work and ahrder I work and learn the more blessings we receive through my wifes Job. Including money and extra compensation.
Again I am not saying this is the way to do it, I am saying this is the way the Lord has kept me preaching. I have applied many times to preach in many places and did not demand anything from it. It seems everyone is interested in education, morre then the Holy Ghost teaching. They think their picking their pastor and have no faith jesus is bringing someone for them. We have inflated what the Church actually is. Its not the building and the things, it is the people. I was understanding this scripture and googled it to see if my understanding was right. Your explanation confirms what I have understood.
Peter also said do not do anything for filthy lucre. If the pastor and Church everywhere would sell everything they owned and took up the cross and divided it among their congregation and the rest given to the poor. There would be an outpouring of the Holy Ghost you have never seen before and millions would be saved. Yet sadly most pastors have fancy houses and cars and the little lady on social security giving her last dollar for it.
Another thing you should point out is the tithe was done away with in the actual pure sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I see Pentecost preachers threatening the congregation with curses from God for not giving. Yet in Corinthians and other places we see its what our heart sets to give and we are cheerful to give.
How can one be cheerful and afraid of a curse at the same time? And malachi refers to the same people from nehemiah. Not the Church. Nor new covenant. And every baptsit preaches it, and says were not like pentecost and preach the law, yet thats one of the laws. And the pentecost preach it when there running low on funds. And the tv preacher preaches it to gain another house in the beach. Ive seen it to many times.
You know Just to give you a reminder that Judgment is not set on the ones sinning but the sinless one. To throw Pentecostal Pastors under the bus because you caught a few is the same as casting stones when you shouldn’t that being said. I used to attend a big church in the lower mainland and finally after my calling took place I was allowed to preach for a total of 7 minutes on the pulpit. Regrettably it was to ask for money and to me it was more of a slap in the face. Instead of asking for money, I just told them about how God had blessed our family for giving whole heartedly instead of out of necessity. Today I’m pastoring at another church and have not asked for money once in this entire year that we have been there. And yes to give mention, it is a pentecostal church. I have heard Mennonites ask for money on the pulpit, Baptist preachers ask for it, lutheran, four square, reformed, you name it. So please. I agree with you that the church definitely puts too much emphasis on making money to maintain instead of trusting that God will do what he does faithfully. This being said. I also don’t take a salary at my church, I work 4 Jobs while attending seminary and taking care of my wife and 5 kids. God provides in all manners. So please brother, don’t knock us Pentecostals when only looking from the outside in. Blessings.
i realize how late i am to this thread but i would like to comment anyway. i am a common women living off my very modest disability. i have always had a generous heart and i know where it comes from. even in my most difficult moments, i have given generously without regret or recognition and always in private. i am deeply disturbed by the hushness of it all, the realities no one seems to want to openly discuss, and the ones like me who finally have their eyes open to the truth, desiring to speak openly then cast out of the church and called “unsaved” or “false prophet”…i cannot tell you how many times i’ve had scripture beatings bc of my revelation from the holy spirit. Recently, I gave for several months to a church i thought was different. It took all of about 6 months to fit the pieces together. I would throw $100’s in the plate, anonymously…never wanting credit…then i hit a speed bump…struggling thru a serious illness, my washing machine went on the fritz…humping up two flights to carry wet laundry is hard on a person reeling from chemo treatments. All one has to do is look around to see the needs of the flock…well Pastor Mark came to visit me this one and only time in that 6 month period…the washing machine was leaking water so there was an urgency to get the water panned out bf more damage would befall the apt below me…then more financial worries might ensue or erupt…already weakened, i could not take anymore…so he panned the water out and then abruptly left with one of his elders in tow…interesting that he did not even take a moment to pray with me or offer a plan to get me back on track in my weakened state and subsequent to the panning the elder addressed my need saying “what, if anything can we do for her?”…Pastor Mark replied “nothing”…my friends this in not an isolated incident and it’s not that i expected anything for the Lord knew my hart, but in my hour of need there was not hope…I believe in my heart that down deep Pastors know good and well what they are doing but “do not do it”….the sheep are left to fend for themselves…we are scattered….i have determined that there is not one wholesome church out there and that i learn more from studying at home in my quiet time then i ever had in church…i had to dig in and learn about things like ministry of the holy spirit, regeneration, justification, repentance and the true gospel not the watered down one of today, i worked out my salvation thru fear and trembling, really as many suggested i was not saved, i turned my attention to Jesus and away from Man and Jesus confirmed me one glorious night thru prayer and my crying out to him…these things were not taught to me….if these things are not taught, what are the pastors teaching then? humanism? how to meet felt needs? what about suffering ? if the modern day church undergone persecution i believe then we would see some outpouring, the Holy Spirits returning…these pulpit salesmen do not want the holy spirit’s interruption and Jesus has been excused only to being replaced by a pastor’s personal agendai…was pastor-ing meant to be a profession? i believe it was meant for the few chosen and selected by God…there is such a thing as “lone ranger Christians” and not by choice as some like Charles Stanley suggest… it’s a lonely existence especially for the single and sick who have no one to turn too. i have been rejected and declared unsaved by the church bc of my many convictions. if more would read and study the scriptures we would not be in need of so many teachers and buildings…we would come out of her and carry the good news with our hearts hands and feet. i pray all pastors would be filled with the holy spirit, come down off their earthly thrones, humble themselves to the needs of the and obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit and give Jesus his rightful place! Thank you for this much needed article.
I must say that that was very very well put sister. I know exactly where you’re coming from. God bless you for telling it.
Amen and Amen!! My story sounds identical to yours Josi. I have not been called unsaved, but I have been called a slanderer and unfit for service, for speaking truth of what the Spirit of God revealed to me. Blessings on your spiritual journey with Jesus. He will continue to lift the veil of apostasy and untruths and lead you into His Light.
There are lots of things I really miss about being a pastor… and many things I don’t miss at all. The most surprising thing of all is which is which.
If I did go back to the pastorate, I think one of the main things I would do is make sure that I got a job outside of the church in the community. For me, this has been one of the most beneficial and rewarding aspects of leaving full time pastoral ministry. It helps me understand what other people go through (the pastorate can get somewhat insulated), and it helps me get to know people in the community (again, the pastor can live an insulated life).
Anyway, thanks for your input and your passion to love and serve!
All preachers can serve GOD without accepting money. Why get paid for what our father has commanded of us. You can not serve both GOD and money. What would happen if the holy spirit commands you to say something the church council does not want said? Will you or any other preacher follow GOD and risk losing your salary? If not money is worth more to you than The LORD. I am having a hard time finding a church that does not pay the pastor. Let Cesar has what is his. Jesus told us and we are not listening. As for Paul, if he contradicts Jesus my savior I will disregard Paul’s teachings.
Hi Ed, The Pastor at the Church of Hosanna International Ministries (HIM), does not get paid he willingly shows his bank statements to the congregation, in hopes that they will understand where the money is really going and with that said he keeps 100 dollars in his account and lives off of that for a whole month and the rest of the tithes and offerings go to 13 different ministries, divided evenly and the Church helps out at least 3-4 missionaries and the youth group of the Church all in separate accounts, this is a Church of around 68 to 80 people every Sunday this is not a big Church but God has blessed this man beyond measure and continues to do so this Church can be found in Saint Joseph Missouri, Pastor Larry Gray.
Would you stay if you didn’t get paid?
Do you honestly before the Lord actually work 40 hours a week?
Brother Greg, are you the only one in your church that share the word or just the “only one that get paid”? there are always or should be too many preachers in your setting for them to all get paid. And being that God has no respect of person…who decides that who’s gift is the greatest? being that all gifts are given by God for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. til we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: Eph. 4:11-13
Thanks Jeremy for addressing my initial question. Alan is correct saying that the remainder of the quotation is mine. (see Alan’s comment in this thread) I’m sure it was a simple mistake. In any case, I’m glad to see you like my quote: “…one’s personal right to compensation
for preaching the gospel ends where the gospel of Christ begins.” It is foundational to my argument against salaried pastors. I also agree with you that if a congregation wants to pay a pastor a salary it’s their right. But they also need to understand the possible negative effects exercising that right will have on the gospel. And it will! I challenge all vocational pastors to read my study on the issue. “The Apostle Paul on Personal Rights and the Gospel”
Thanks Neil.
Yes, it was a mistake and I fixed it. Thanks for pointing it out. thanks for the link to your article! I am headed over to read it.
My wife and I have been looking for a church family for a while now. One mega-style church that she is drawn too has all the earmarks of this topic. They have roughly 900 people attending, and have a budget of $1,400,000 dollars to operate. I asked the finance guy for a budget breakdown as every week when in attendence thay spend an inordinate amount of time asking for money, and using some of the afore mentioned scriptures. What I found was slightly over 50% of the budget was dedicated to the staff (churches rarely list individual salaries for fear that people might have a problem with the lead pastor’s salary and benefits), for four pastors. I can only assume that they have a church secretary as well leaving over $500,000 dollars for the lead pastor, associate pastor, the finance guy, worship leader, and a secretary. Most of the rest of the budget is dedicated to an elaborate building with around 1% left for missions outreach.
As was mentioned by Neil, this model is upside down. The average household income of my county has dropped $5,000 since 2008 to around $47,000…that is household. Do the leaders of the sheep need to command salaries more than double those of the entire households they supposedly serve? I hear on a weekly basis that I must “trust” God and give my “tithe” at the least, and more so to really impress God, and yet where is ther faith? Why so they have to beat and shear the sheep weekly for money, and yet we are to give not knowing how bills will be paid and have faith. Should pastoral leaders display the same faith they wish their congregants to display? Is this not leadership?
In this day of declining incomes, loss of jobs, and people working two or three partime jobs just to make ends meet, you would think that pastors would display a little more sensativity and leadership to their congregants. Take a pay reduction, get a part time job like many that they serve have done to provide for their families. When did becoming a professional clergy become a vocation, rather than a spiritual quest of serving others as Christ served?
You are right. That model is upside down. The statistics are sobering, but are all too common. I think smaller churches usually pay their pastors much less, but in those churches, the pastoral salary often eats up 70-80% of the budget.
Look into the tithe. Also seek cheeful giver. We can not be cheeful if the pastor threatened us with a curse from God. I dont believe in the tithe as it is what the Lord requires of you, not the Tithe which was only proceeds from farming and animals. Now the Lord may ask of you something you covet, but he is doing that to save you from sin. I have given away thing I loved but it was because I was loving those things more then the Lord. Thats a different story. Give what you set in your heart to the Lord, but be sure to give that because you can not lie to the Holy Ghost. If you say you will give a hundred a pay check or a dollar then give that as it would be required of you.
I don’t think people should have to pay for another man or woman to read the Bible to them or tell them how to live or help people get to God. Many pastors have become “brokers” between people and God.
This is not needed. It is also saying that the average Christian is not capable of living in God without the aid of another person.
Jesus taught we are all kings and priests to God. IMO the money spent paying for clergy, buildings, etc etc could go towards better use.
I do think there are people with gifts of teaching, but I am not sure that they should all be paid to do it. I agree that the money could be used toward other things.
I agree. This is one of the hardest subjects to talk about because there are so many pastors out there with great hearts who love God. I don’t think they are ‘doing wrong’, I just believe that the current hierarchical model creates a gap between clergy and laity that was never meant to be. Pastors, priests and even the pope do not possess some ‘special gift’ that allows them to hear from God. All Christians have the same ability to access God as they do.
IMO, the majority of Christians have unknowingly made their pastors mediators between them and God. Something Christ never intended. Christ came to break the wall down between humanity and God.
Romans 10:14How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
I agree they should be paid. As Paul said I robbed other Churches to preach to you. Meaning they didn’t give when they had to give. But I do not agree with a salary over what the congregation can afford without burdening anyone.
I am not paid by anyone but God, all I preach has been for him. He provides the salary for us through my wife. We do not need buildings yet we have a building called a home we could all gather in. So if we can fit over 3000 in your home can we all come over at once.
There is a need for buildings in most places as many could not fit in a persons home and we all can not stand outside in the snow and ice. Remember even tho we do not agree on paying the pastor, we also must not forget that the Lord is whom we serve and truly give. As God can do with the money what he sees fit also.
I would agree we should use those buildings as missions as they shouldnt be empty the other 6 days of the week. We should use the space wisely and grow our numbers in anyway we can. If you have a Church building then ask the pastor to open it to the homeless as its really Gods building since he paid for it.
In my humble opinion, the context of 1 Cor 9 was not to serve a proof text for being paid a salary – it was to prove Paul’s apostleship. I wrote an extensive article about “Ministry vs Money” here, which takes just about every single scripture that has to do with being paid for Ministry and looks at it IN context:
Here’s the start of the section that deals with 1 Cor 9:
1 Corinthians 9:14
In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel. (1 Cor 9:14 ESV)
Nearly all people in “full time ministry” justify earning a monthly salary using the right that Paul mentioned here, completely disregarding his example, which was never making use of this right. He called it being a burden to the church.
When reading the Bible, context is everything. The context of this chapter is that the Corinthian church was beginning to question Paul’s apostleship because he wasn’t claiming any support from them when he ministered, something that they had possibly gotten used to with some of the otherapostles. It’s important to note that Paul wrote this chapter in defense to his right as an apostle and not as an evangelist, prophet, teacher or shepherd (pastor). Paul was specifically defending the right that an apostle had to claim support in this chapter.
At the risk of sounding like a professional, or worse a charlatan, I think that Paul does make the case for paying pastors. In fact, that is the point he makes with the phrase “Don’t muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain”. The distinction I would make is that he also uses that quote in 1 Tim. 5:18 and if context means anything he is not referring to apostles but to elders. It should be noted that in that context he has already stated that the church should financially support those who are widows indeed. Here I would refer those interested to Craig Keener’s comments on this passage. Then he moves to the issue of elders who rule well being worthy of double honor (which could imply financial remuneration).
This discussion seems to have moved from a discussion on 1 Corinthians 9 (which could be used in a wrong way) to the issue of whether those lead a church should be paid so I offer the above thoughts to restore some balance. And in the interest of full disclosure I do receive a salary from the church I serve as well as working a part-time job.
I wrote some about the phrase “Do not Muzzle the Ox” here:
When looked in the context, I don’t think Paul was defending pastors getting paid.
Regardless, I don’t think you sound like a professional or charlatan. I appreciate your input and your perspective. Thanks!
It seems that the end of the article comes to the conclusion that it is a choice whether you receive financial return or not. But yet a lot of the comments seem to toss ministers under the bus that do choose to receive a return. Kind of defeats the purpose. To those that are against a minister receiving a return, are the pastors supposed to do all the “duties” such as visiting the sick, counseling, discipleship, etc. full time, plus work full time and have a family and just suck it up and run themselves in to the ground? What is wrong with refining your focus to serve the saints with greater attention? I am speaking from experience as a church planter, who leads a flock and started the ministry while working a full time job, 50 hours a week. There are only so many hours in a week, and something has got to give somewhere. My church suffered from my absence. I was an absentee parent sometimes. I was trying to do too many things well. There was a problem with that. I’m human. It’s easy to say pastors should just pay their own way until you’ve tried to do it all well. There has to be a balance. Are we running those God has called to those offices in to the ground because we don’t want to support them? I want you to know, I still work a part time job. I barely receive anything from the church. My goal is to be self sufficient, that what would be my salary would be used to fund the gospel. But we have to be careful with saying “putting it to better use”. Imagine your work telling you that. I know you pour your heart and soul into this place, and you’re good at what you do, but we feel like the money could be put to “better use” elsewhere. I absolutely don’t believe in lavish salaries, but why shouldn’t ministers be helped? It’s not just sitting behind a desk reading a bible and telling people what God says. It it is, then yes don’t pay them. This IS WORK, it is taxing, it is hard, you have to be called, and yes it is worth it, but let’s empower and enable ministers by not adding more of a financial burden on minsters on top of that to go out and work a full time job as well.
I didn’t see much about verse 7, where Paul puts it in natural terms and says things like, ” who tends a flock and does not use the milk of the flock?”
Paul seems to be fine with ministers receiving support, but he was defending his apostleship and showing his eagerness to go above and beyond to present the gospel without charge. I know for me, trying to do too many things too well results in no one getting the full benefit of what God has called me to do.
Grant, Maybe you are doing many things that others should be doing. If you planted the church, you set the example of what the pastor should do, and now you’re expected to do
those things. You have made yourself indispensible. You and your church will both be better off in the long run if you pass many of these jobs to people in the congregation. You’ll probably encounter some resistance, since most people would rather have you do these things for “barely anything”.
I would just like to add that I have really enjoyed reading your conversations. All of them the straight forward direct and respectful communication is appreciated. Blessing
One consideration is this- Most people would rather PAY a pastor to go about The Lord’s business than read and study their own bible and do what The Lord commands. It is a comfort to go about their daily lives, knowing that they tithe and the pastor is taking care of the rest. Let the church and a few 10%ers feed the hungry and give to the poor on behalf of their offerings.
Just reading these posts and had to chime in. I have been wrestling with these questions for several years now, and after turning it inside and out, I have come to this conclusion; We are asking the wrong question. The question should be what is the biblical def of pastor. The word is only in the new testament 2 times (original text) and is synonymous with shepherd, or overseer, which in turn are synonymous with elder and is always used in a plural sense. By very little study, one can see that elders were always meant to shepherd the church, and always more than one. The purpose of the elders is to oversee, that is to keep heresy out of the church, and to allow the church to function as a body, not a dictatorship. When this becomes clear, the whole way we “do” church falls apart, and the “leader” of the church must take a seat next to the laity because that is what he is, and it’s where he belongs. Jesus said in Luke 22:25 that the kings of the earth lord power over the people and yet call themselves the peoples helpers, then He said “It shall not be so with you, for the one who is greatest among you, shall be servant of all.” Paul says “If a man will not work, he shall not eat”. Repeatedly Paul states that he works with his own hands as an example to follow. I think a great question is; if Paul was an apostle and said to follow his example of working to provide for himself, how can a pastor/elder justify taking money to stay in a community and preach week after week to the same people, who I might add, have the same bible and can read it. The church is the body of Christ, the job of every leader, pastor, elder,ect is to help the members of the body grow to maturity, not to lord power over them. When the church is funtionioning correctly, there will be multiple elders, pastors, teachers, ect, to help with whatever arises as a need in the church. The body when taught its real job will begin to serve one another and build one another up, to teach one another and admonish one another. This is all to say, we have made up a position called “Pastor” and defined it in our own way, and then we argue over why it is so hard, and how much it should pay, ect. When what we should do is unshackle the laity, set the leaders back with the people where they belong, and watch what Christ can do through the entire body working together with Him at the helm.
You are on to something here….
Of course, there is the passage in Acts where the apostles want to devote themselves wholly to preaching and teaching, and though the term “pastor” is not used, some use this to justify the practice of getting paid to preach.
Also, even if your case can be defended (which I believe it can), the question then becomes this: “Is Paul saying this is the way it should always be, everywhere, throughout time, and around the world?” That might be a harder question to answer.
There is a big disconnect with your position and reality as well as the warning that Jesus gave in Matthew 25 regarding His Judgment of the Nations as sheep and goats.
People use the “to not hinder the gospel” to the point of actually hindering the Gospel. God will withhold work from one He has called into ministry as a test to the layman. If those around that person judge and condemn him or her for not having a day to day job, then they have failed the test that is used regarding the Sheep and Goat judgment.
Under the old testament law, the tithe is given to the Jews so that they can perform the work of the temple. The Jews are then required to give a tithe to the high priest so that they can perform the work of the priesthood.
Paul informed us of the command not for the sake of the hearer, but for the sake of the laborer whom Jesus said is worthy of his hire.
While giving pay to the Preacher can certainly hinder the gospel, not paying the Preacher can be more devastating to the gospel as the world will look in judgment on that church and have cause to blaspheme God’s Holy name.
Then there is the issue of faith. I have read many of these articles and everyone mentions walking by faith. Well, I can tell you from personal experience that faith is all fine and good, but it won’t buy you a loaf of bread or put a roof over your head. The problem I see with all this talk of walking by faith is that certain people actually expect God to drop money from the sky into the lap of those He sends out to preach. I have seen this expectation from both the laity and the clergy. Again, this way of thinking is blasphemy.
Here is the question that everyone needs to ask regarding this issue.
When Jesus comes, do you want to find yourself numbered amongst the accursed goats that refused to feed, water, clothe house and minister to the needs of the preacher. Or do you want to be numbered amongst the blessed sheep who freely fed, watered, clothed, housed and ministered to the needs of the preacher.
Erring on the side of mercy and providing the preacher his needs indicates a person that is truly submitted to Christ and His Kingdom. Erring on the side of condemnation and withholding the necessities of life to the preacher, indicates a heart of rebellion and opposition to the Kingdom of God on earth.
Just keep in mind, that your decision will affect your eternal position, even if you do end up in Heaven.
Matt 5:
“17: Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.
18: For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
19: Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
20: For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” – Jesus Christ
If we consider where this debate over paying the preacher truly comes from, it comes from a position that preaching the gospel is not a legitimate career choice. This is in opposition to the position of Christ who not only calls but sends out men to preach the gospel.
You are more than welcome to stand your position and deny pay to the preacher. But you should ask yourself this question:
Do you really want to stand before the Judgment seat of Christ and have to answer why you refused to pay the preacher?
It is in my opinion, better to view paying the preacher as a commandment from Christ, which Paul clearly states that it is, rather than have to hear Jesus ask that question.
I will gladly stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ and answer for why I refused to pay the preacher, but I will first explain, as Jesus already knows, that before I refused to pay the preacher, I myself resigned from full-time ministry so that no one would have to pay me to preach. It was a tough and painful decision, but I led by example.
As to what I would say to Jesus, I would explain (as He already knows) that the Gospel is about way more than how people get to heaven, but is about caring for orphans and widows, tending the poor and homeless, proclaiming liberty to those in bondage, etc, and that as I worked to do these things, and gave my money and time and energy to accomplish these, the Gospel of the Kingdom of God was getting proclaimed with tangible actions, and not just with words from a pulpit on Sunday morning to people who should be out there doing something rather than listening to another flowery speech.
I’m not sure if I should congratulate you or rebuke for resigning your position as Pastor. Certainly, as a Pastor, you were in a position to lead that congregation into fulfilling the mandates of Christ that you so eloquently stated. On the other hand, if the congregation was unwilling to walk in obedience to the commandments of Christ, then your action was appropriate, and you made that decision for yourself rather than someone else making it for you. More importantly, you followed your conscience.
I however caution you to not think that your liberty is another’s bondage which tends to be so prevalent in Christian society today. Just because the Holy Spirit directs and leads one in a direction that is not the norm, just as Paul clearly related regarding his actions on this subject, does not make it a rule for everyone else, and much harm is done when people decide that everyone else must follow the unique road that the Holy Spirit has directed them down and declaring to be a sin what is clearly not a sin.
Yes, I followed my conscience, and encourage others to do the same. If God wants some to stay in their role of “pastor” over a group of people that meet in a building on Sunday morning, by all means, stay! I am still a pastor, but in different ways.
I agree completely.
My dear Brother Jeremy here is a question that needs to be asked when considering these things… Not just what is good but what is the more perfect way? I do not believe that there are many perfect ways. There are ways that reduce man and elevate the Kingdom and vice-versa. Having been a believer for close to 40 years and have seen much human mangling of the local fellowship, I am inclined to ask is there a better way than this singular pastoral system we have been so entrenched in for the last 5 centuries. Should not the local fellowship be a more flat organism than is presently constructed? Should not the local elders operate in a more shared system of leadership where no on person has any sole positional authority over the collective. I am asking these questions because this is not the way it is in most local fellowship. Most have a senior pastor who is looked to for most all spiritual development. Challenging this status quo at this hour I believe is an essential responsibility. I know of too many abuses and too many wounded Christians to call the present system a whopping success. Empirical data is overwhelming to the contrary. I welcome the questions and scrutiny.
Satovey I have heard your explanations and responses from every pastor who feels the need to protect their position. I am sorry but at this hour it is time to examine and even scrutinize where we are and where we are going. Bible colleges are turning our people yearly who are bent on the profession of pastor, leading a congregation, and being in “full time” ministry. I was one of these people, trained and qualified for the role. According to your words then I am probably one of the most rebellious because I am unwilling to believe that the present pastoral system will continue as presently constructed to be God’s will. It is a stepping stone to what God has intended. I believe that we will have to arch over all of the phenomena of the past 17 centuries back to a time when the church was at its least Pagan. For the last 5 centuries the church has been, for the most part, constructed has it presently is. In the past 50 years there has been the rise of multi-million dollar ministries. We must not be afraid to look at ourselves and say this or that is errant, and if problems become repetitious should we not look for a root cause? I for one believe that the body must rise up and collectively police itself as Paul told the Corinthians to do in one case. Authority is in the hands of the collective, not the hands of the five-fold ministry. Jesus said where two or three are I am there. He also wanted matter brought before the body to decide removal, as did Paul. Now the ministry is in the hands of professionals and Stars. You would not believe some of the things I have heard said over the pulpit in my time as a believer. The sad part is that no one dare question the words said either because many of these people have the congregants intimidated. Is this what Jesus intended? No it is not! This is the ugly part of Churchanity which no one is willing to address.
Sir, you’re perception of what the Bible is saying is truly warped. What part of the word “HINDER” did you not understand? Paul said he didn’t accept anything from the people because he didn’t want to HINDER the gospel.
I have a few questions to consider and a practical application. First, how does this question relate to scripture as a whole? Certainly in the only testament, priests were entirely dependant on the offering and daily sacrifices of the people. When in the new testament was this abolished or changed? Sure was also abused in the ot, but that does not invalidate the biblical command to support the priestly livelihood. Second, what has historically been the practice? How were pastors compensated in the 1st, 5th, 10th century, etc. If all of Christian history has interpreted a point of practical theology a certain way, we should be careful to oppose it. This is not saying we should blindly accept it however (ex Luther!). Finally, I planted a church over a year ago with the intention not to take a salary possibly ever. About 7 months into it, someone in our small church of about 50 people had a serious medical emergency. We had great people & an elder that were able to make it to the hospital, but the pastor (me) was stuck at work. In fact, I was unaware of the situation until hours after it had begun. I know that family was ministered to by others in our church as well as I could’ve, however there is something about having your spiritual shepherd there with you in that situation that cannot be substituted. And I can never make up for my absence. A month later, the church pleaded with me to begin taking a salary (much less than what I was making at my job) to be able to pastor as I should. How could I refuse? Now I officiate high school baseball & basketball to make up the difference to support my family. Is this an unbiblical decision on my part?
If we look at the history of the Catholic church which has a greater and longer record regarding Priests, they for the most part received a salary. In the event that one took a vow of poverty, that individual was still provided the basic necessities to sustain life. Food, water, shelter, and clothing.
As you have related in your experience, it is not possible to fulfill all the duties of a Pastor when you are bi-vocational. As Jesus stated,
Mt:6:24: No man can serve two masters: for either he will
hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the
one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and
Lk:16:13: No servant can serve two masters: for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to
the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
Some will use the above to argue against paying the preacher, the problem with that position however is that it forces the preacher into serving two masters. Serving both God and mammon. This also rejects any notion that a particular result must be expected from a given ministry that is being supported. The only thing that can rightly be expected as Jeremy Meyers stated, is that the individual be engaged in actively doing the work of the ministry which includes feeding the poor.
When we expect a particular result from a minister, we are putting that minister in the position of God. The only thing that any of us can do is be available to minister to the needs of the congregation. It is God, and God alone who provides the results of our labor. We have no control over it, and there is very little that we can do to change the end result of our labor.
If our labor was earthly, then we would have all the earthly tools available to us to not only accomplish our goals, but to effect a greater outcome. Our labor however is not earthly, but heavenly. As a result, we have only the tools available to us that God deems most important. Thus, no matter how much stronger we are physically, or how much more intelligent we are than another, we do not have the capacity to output greater unless God chooses to bless us with that result.
The prosperity preaching crowd would have us believe that if we are in God’s will then we will always see abundant blessings. This position however is a trap and a great one as it opposes what Jesus said regarding the “Least of these my brothers.” The sheep and goat judgment of the nations is both a warning and a commandment. A commandment to provide for the needs of those who in the course of serving the Lord find themselves with insufficient earthly needs. Along with that commandment comes a warning. If we refuse to do so then there is eternal punishment.
Many unfortunately take the “salvation by grace through faith and without works”, cut off the salvation and apply the rest to other spiritual areas expecting God to just give us what we want and desire without having to labor for it. A good example of this is revival. I have witnessed so many refusing to do the work of revival, all the while believing that God is going to just send it. Not going to happen.
The one thing I hope that all Pastors take away from what I have said is this: if you have a member of your congregation that feels lead into full time ministry, guide and help him get there. I have attended many a church were the Pastor either could not or would not help me start preaching the gospel. All the while mind you, preaching do God’s will, and that the local church is dominant above all other ministries regarding tithes and offering and everything else, and nothing should be done without your local church being a part of it. Then they refuse to help you follow the Spirit’s direction.
I decided a few years ago that unless I’m th Pastor; I won’t be investing my time or money into a church. I have found that they are a very poor investment and are operated no differently than Ponzi schemes. I won’t be a part of that kind of church again.
I think this post was part of a larger series on pastoral pay. I think I addressed some of your questions in those other posts. I do not remember the titles right now. Sorry.
As for your decision, no, it was not unbiblical. I am not certain it was biblical either. It is the decision you made in that situation to do what you could to minister as best as you can to the people you minister with. So in that sense, it was probably a good decision. However, is it starting to keep you from your family? That might not be good.
From a practical position cannot a local Elder, Pastor, and Teacher maintain a job? Especially if that local elder were in a shared leadership position where they would not be overwhelmed by having the total spiritual oversight for a local group. It is my belief based on what I have read in scripture, and also garnered through much discussion with others, that this business of singular elder leadership is unhealthy to both the singular leader and the group led. My contention is that submission to one another is paramount in the local fellowship. Therefore, it would be highly unnecessary to have a professional leading the group. Consequently a local elder/bishop could hold a job and then case no salary would be necessary.
God point, but sadly, mostly ignored. The professionalization of the pastor role weakens the body of Christ, creates a dependency on one man, who effectively becomes a spiritual celebrity, and undermines the opportunity for other men to speak / teach ( ie to exercise spiritual gifts)
Matt. 20:8 “Cure the sick, raise up the dead, make lepers clean, expel demons. You received free, give free.” No one paid Jesus, who is greater than their Master? Jesus was a carpenter. The apostles had skills/trades to support their ministry beyond reliance on joyful hospitality of those who received them. They neither fleeced nor burdened the flock. Remember how Jesus fed thousands with what started out as a few fish and some loaves of bread?? God makes sure the message of his Kingdom is preached. He doesn’t ‘need’ to use mankind to do this work, he could have used the angels or even “the stones would cry out” Luke 19:40 It was a gift and a privilege that many have used to bring reproach and turn away honest hearted from the truth of the bible. Matt 7:22-23 “Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’ ” I particularly appreciated the above comment regard Sunday church service to have their “ears tickled”. Let the preacher take up $$$ and parrot the usual services and go on about your life. The hard truth about lifestyle changes and who will not inherit Gods’ Kingdom is tread on lightly, wouldn’t want to offend. It is as obscure as a light under a basket. The preaching work was a commission to ALL CHRISTIANS. To be Christ-like you MUST do as Christ did!! Matt 28:19-20 19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit,20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” Do you who preach, teach others to preach from house to house and town to town as did Jesus and his disciples? Who are doing this today?
All good verses, Diane. Little hard to read though in a big paragraph like that, so I cannot respond properly.
I would just like to know with all this salaries being paid to these religious leaders, who is caring for the poor? Now that is a command from God! The tithe was brought to the storehouse by the people to supply the priests and the orphans, widows and the foreign residents in the land. Deuteronomy 26 v 12. It also says the tithe was every 3rd year so it wouldn’t be a burden to each family. So paying a religious leader to read Gods word to you, paying the building mortgages, salaries of the others and the utilities leaves nothing for the poor! God talks about the poor hundreds of times in the Bible, but I didn’t see one person mention them in any of these posts. These so called pastors who are demanding any type of salary for themselves from the congregates who follow them will have to answer the question, did you defend the poor? Jeremiah 22 v 16. Also the book of Malachi was written to the priests, they were the ones robbing God, just as the leaders are doing today. Taking the best for themselves and no one is providing for the poor. Giving is a great way to evangelize! I know, I do it all the time. If that pastor would take that salary and help the poor, God would bring it right back to him in an abundant way. Its called sowing and reaping. I do that all the time. I call my ministry “TheDollarMinistry” . Each person is asked to send at least $1 to the person in need…No money is ever sent to me. God is a giver and we should do as He did. It is very sad that so many have a Ministry of Receiving, always seeking money and never give one thought to serving the poor! So many are going to be rejected by God because they have no love in their heart for the people in need! Check me out and join me…TDM caring for the poor on FACEBOOK. Caring for the poor in Jesus name!
I like the idea Natasha. Thanks for sharing it! If people would give just a dollar (or food or clothing) to the poor, it would begin a process of seeking to love and serve the poor and needy on a regular basis. Loving others is done one step at a time.
I would say that most of my evangelism and preaching of the gospel has been done outside of four walls of recognised church and in this I have seen God work some awesome miracles. Am I therefore a preacher? a teacher? Do I therefore have a right to payment for what God calls me to do. Sure I could receive payment but where is my reward for following God.
I have read carefully through all the post here, there is one thing missing, the speak of our reward in heaven. Is it not righteousness that we store up for ourselves? is not righteousness given to those who step out in faith, is not stepping out in faith going into the unknown where all you have is trust in Jesus and nothing else?
Where then is faith, without it you cannot earn righteousness. Righteousness is something that is paid to us by God for the faith we have in him. This is not paid to you now, it is stored in the heavenlies.
Which among you would rather seek a reward while on this earth for what you do? would you rather be better off to receive it from afar, looking forward to your inheritance in the kingdom? Is this not what you live for?
How can anyone know Jesus if you never share in his sufferings, the ones he rebuked when he said away from me had one thing in common with each other, they all came to Jesus saying didn’t we do this or that… yes they did and maybe some of them received a salary for doing so. The point is this, if you are being paid as a preacher/pastor or any other service you offer to the church then I would urge you to escape from it and step into the unknown. In the unknown, where you abilities and confidence in yourself has vanished, there you will find God, once you have found him you wont care less if you are paid or unpaid I promise, you will not care what you wear and so on… But he will look after you. There is faith in action.
The problem with most churches, if not all of them in the entire world, they need financing yet most of them are devoid of any power.
Ask yourself this, If the Jewish nation looked at your church would they be jealous to see their God with you, the God they recognise? if not then what on earth are you getting paid to do…?
The only people who would defend getting paid are the ones that want to get paid. The only ones who would defend not getting paid are the ones who don’t want to get paid… For me, I know which one I would prefer to listen to, its the one operating in more faith than the one who isn’t. People who operate in faith have to have a deeper relationship with Jesus to do so. If those who get paid to preach/teach don’t like me saying that then take it up with the Lord but before you do try this. Next time you meet at your church, announce that next week you are all going out onto the streets to evangelise, if they all turn up the next week you have earned and deserve your money, if they don’t then you had better ask what you have been doing while taking a salary. I tell you this, most churches are full of people who would rather just tithe and sit back and let you do all the work and it is them that hold you captive. Test them and see.
Great points. Yes, one reason that people accept the tithe is because it makes Christianity easier. They can give a bit of money, then sit back and let others do the work. Thanks for pointing this out.
Good article.
I’m a bit saddened though Jeremy at one of your comments.
You never stop being a Pastor just because you leave some “ordained position” with a title and office. The church is a spiritual body so if you have some little old Lutheran widow next door are you saying she’s not your ministry responsibility?
Markus, a question for you…
Would you “Pastor/shepherd” without the pay?
That’s makes all the difference between a hireling and a servant.
That is true. I think I still have giftings for Pastor/Teacher, but I am just do not bear the “title” or take a “salary” from it. That is all I meant.
Many thanks for sharing this, Jeremy. I was enlightened more by your article. Blessings…
Full times ministers should get a wage, paid from the church. This would be to compensate for the money they would ordinarily get from working the same hours. It is not money paid for ministering, but money paid for giving up your lively hood for the sake of Christ. Generally churches prefer their minister to be married, therefore any church should take that in to consideration when determine the wage. If your minister is financially independent, the church should not pay a wage. Also a minister should not be paid beyond the means of the church. A minister may also choose to refuse the wage. To me this is common sense. It is not a direct reading of the meaning of Saint Paul’s words in I Cor 9, but rather the application of what Paul is getting at.
Yours In Christ,
I appreciate all the honest and courteous feedback in the comments section. Outside of a few walls of text and CAPs rage, it was pleasant to read. I want to preface this post by stating that this is my interpretation of what was said in scripture. My opinion only, not meant to sway anyone’s viewpoint or angry the blood.
As I was reading through this section of scripture today I felt compelled to look up another opinion of what it meant to compare it to my understanding of the passage.
I would not say I have the gift of teaching. I studder and lose my train of thought. I often compare myself to Moses in my speaking abilities. I have respect for those that have this gift and appreciate their knowledge and certain way of explaining things that makes more sense than how I would have put it.
Here’s my first point. Regardless of cultural differences, the command or ‘direction’ in 1 Corinthians 9:14 is there and explicitly stated. There’s absolutely no getting around that. It’s my belief that God’s word is perfect and you shouldn’t form your own interpretation and try to work Scripture so that it fits what you believe. It doesn’t work like that. Even if you take the next verse 9:15 with it, Paul says he did not take this ‘right’. Whether Paul disobeyed a direct command from God or not is a different discussion altogether. It says what it says. Preachers (pastors) have a ‘right’ to be paid for their work. Absolutely, without question.
Point 2: Please don’t extrapolate my previous point as my accepting of excessive salaries for pastors, which is all too common today, especially at these ‘mega-churches’. I completely agree with previous posters that many churches today are inwardly focused and not at all wanting to spread the gospel. These are quite often the ‘mega-churches’ mentioned above with the million dollar plus budgets. Pastors definitely should not be paid exhorbatant salaries, but I believe that if they choose to accept a salary, it should be able to cover basic living expenses.
Point 3: In the end, the gospel and love is all that matters. It’s not just up to those gifted with teaching to spread the good news. Excessive arguments and debates over this, a relatively unimportant topic can cause church splits and bickering among fellow Christians. The last thing the world needs to see from professed believers is heated argument over something so trivial. The building of relationships with the unbelievers we know and the consistant show of our faith to the world day in and day out is all we should be concerned with.
In summary, once again, these are just my opinions. I realize most here are aligned the opposite way just by reading the posts, but that doesn’t mean either of us are wrong. Let’s focus on the things that are absolutely clear in scripture that cannot be interpreted otherwise and we will be able to live in complete harmony with other believers despite what else they may believe.
Sorry for the length of my post. I’m much more eloquent writing than I am speaking so I tend to ramble.
1 Corinthians 9:14 is not as clear as you might assume. Especially when we understand it in light of its historical and cultural contexts (which is the only way to read an ancient document like the Bible).
The church system that exist today is from Rome, SUN_DAY, SATURN_DAY, MOON-DAY, etc. etc., The building called a church is from Rome in 318 ad Constantine took a pagan temple and called it a ” CHURCH “. We have Trees , rabbits Easter eggs, even our time is from Rome, Gods day starts at 6.00 in the evening, Rome changed the day to start at 12.00 midnight. A letter is written to one man, Titus, Timothy, An epistle is written to a group of people. In Paul’s epistles to the churches in Homes, who are the preachers, deacons, reverends, where is there a set time to be in church, who is in charge what did they do when they came together, remember there was no book called a bible at the time. If you will take another look at the five fold ministry in Ephesians 4v1-16 you will see that is not gifts for five men but gifts for all men in the assembly. Take a look at the other churches where Paul talked about the Gifts and notice the words , all, every man, all these gifts were in every church for every man. No one was getting paid because no one was in charge, and remember the twelve Jewish Apostles took no money either and they lived locally and had the same day jobs they had When Jesus met them.
I agree with you about some of the pagan origins of much that is in Christianity, and I agree with you that much of it is a waste of time and resources, but I do not agree that doing these things are necessarily sinful.
I just think that there may be better ways of serving God and doing church than the way it is commonly done.
I wrote more about this in several of my books: See, for example, “Christmas Redemption” and “Death and Resurrection of Church”
How much time is involved in three one hour sermons from a book called a bible that every one has and is written on a sixth grade education level. Who said freely I give to you, you freely give. If you will take a fresh look at Paul’s epistles you will notice there are no names mentioned of who is in charge or who is getting paid for what ever. The church system in most of the world today is straight from Rome, Christmas with Trees, Easter rabbits and eggs, Saturn-day, Sun-day, Moon-day, etc.etc.etc.. None of the Apostles took money and they had Jobs like every one else. Peter called taking money for preaching the word of God, Filthy Lucre and Timothy and Titus said the same thing.
Matthew 10:8. Jesus instructs the apostles to do the good work they were set out to do but do it without pay, because it was freely given. It also says that a laborer deserves his food. In Luke when Luke is writing the same thing Jesus said that the apostles are expected to stay with people and eat with them. Not ask them for money.
Then should all teachers in the church be paid? According to some of the posts, the pastor should be paid. How about the ones who teach bible study? Or the ones who teach the kids in the church? Should they receive a salary also and live off the tithes so there is nothing left to give to the poor and needy? Would like some clarification.
Great points, Shawn. In groups that say pastors should get paid for teaching the Bible, why do some teachers get paid while others do not? It does seem rather … arbitrary. Some say it is a quantity of time issue, so that those who spend the majority of their time during the week studying Scripture and teaching the Bible should get paid, while those who spend less time should not.
But many pastors I know hardly spend any time studying the Bible during the week. Less time than many who teach Sunday school and do not get paid!
I also would like some clarification. 😉
In a time of unthinkable corruption there is a need for pastors to be incorruptible so that the good news can be given with no strings attached. It is time to come out of 1500 year of money based thinking and move into faith based truth. This will weed out those who are false and only the God lead will remain. We have followed a system that has evolved over the past 4000 years and has worked its way to all the world, a system of slavery that has replaced faith in God with the almighty dollar. This system has no place in our churches.
The gospel is to be preached without charge
1Co 9:18 What is my reward then? Verily that, when I preach the gospel, I may make the gospel of Christ without charge, that I abuse not my power in the gospel.
2Co 11:7-9 Have I committed an offence in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely?
1Ti 3:8 -1
Likewise must the deacons be grave, not doubletongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre;
1Pe 5:2 -11
Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind;
Pro 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.
God provides for those who labor in His vineyard
1Ti 5:8 But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
Mat 10:9-42 Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses,
2Pe 1:3-11 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
1Co 9:11-12 If we have sown unto you spiritual things, is it a great thing if we shall reap your carnal things?
1Ti 6:8-10 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
Collections for poor saints (widows, orphans, crippled etc.)
1Co 16:1-2 Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye.
Rom 15:26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia to make a certain contribution for the poor saints which are at Jerusalem.
2Co 9:9 -6
(As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever.
2Co 9:10 -15
Now he that ministereth seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness;)
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever: (Heb13:8)(Is58:4-11) (Mal3:6,10-11)
There are those whose viewpoint is “just trust God” for one’s financial support, and see salary structure as not in line with the Word.
My take from Scriptures is that there are options – to be like Paul (1 Cor 9:6, 12b), or to opt to be financially supported by the church (1 Cor 9:4, 7-14). No one option is better than or preferred over the other, because both are scripturally-based.
From the foregoing, there are at least four issues:
Firstly, when one is fully supported by the church, it does not necessarily mean the pastor is not trusting God for his financial support. How do we know that he is not thanking God for supplying his (and family’s) need through the church? So it is not helpful for anyone to suggest in any way that when one is a salaried pastor, one is not trusting or lacking in trust in God for his provision (Phil 4:19). Do not underestimate people’s capacity to be judgmental.
Now, if the salaried pastor’s motivation for service is not proper, leave that with God to deal with him. By the way, if the pastor is into service for the money, he will get much more in the corporate world. He would be in the wrong place to be in the church!
Secondly, the church in undertaking to financially support the pastor, in fact, is taking the Scriptures (e.g. 1 Tim 5:17-18; 1 Cor 9:1-14; Gal 6:6) responsibly and seriously. When the church honours the Scriptures in practice, the church honours God.
Thirdly (and here’s probably the contentious issue), how does the church implement the financial support (and care) for the pastor?
Understandably, different churches practise it differently via salary structure, or some other mechanisms such as periodic love gifts, etc. (In the early church, salary structure as we know it today probably wasn’t invented, just like computer, modern musical instruments and life insurance policy.)
Individual pastors or commended ‘full-time’ church workers may have their personal convictions on how they are financially supported. For those who strongly believe the way is “trust God” and “take/receive no salary”, that is perfectly fine and permissible, as long as they do not impose their view on others, directly or indirectly.
Because the matter concerning salary is an area of freedom, and not a matter of command (cf Romans 14). Hence, “each one should be fully convinced in his own mind.” (Romans 14:5b).
Fourthly, if we subscribe to the notion that there is no separation regarding work (viewed as worship – Col 3:17, 23-24; Rom 12:1) in the church and the marketplace, why shouldn’t Christians (who argue against receiving God’s provision in the form of a salary) just “trust God”, and reject their employers’ salary structure? Why not depend on “love gift” at the workplace? What’s the difference “serving” in church and marketplace? On another note, why buy life, medical and travel insurance policies? Why take medicine or go for angioplasty or something else? Why not just “trust God”? The point is this: many of those who champion “trusting God” for their financial support (and do not regard too well on salaried pastor or church worker) are often themselves consuming medicine and buying insurance policies! There needs to be consistency in reasoning and building a case to establish the biblical principle against the manner a pastor is receiving his financial support.
Finally, whatever the disagreement may be, can we all say with Apostle Paul, albeit in a different context?
“But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. Yes, and I will continue to rejoice ….” (Phil 1:18)
Are you rejoicing in pastors who have given their lives to preach the gospel for whom their churches choose to support them through the salary structure, and not through anonymous love gifts or other means?
Sanest and balanced comment.
Robert K.,
God has given you the skill to speak truth based on your knowledge of the Word, your ability to apply logic and common sense to that knowledge, and express yourself in a kind and gracious manner.
Your argument is very compelling to willing ears. I often hear clergy say “I had the calling”. I want to ask them if they were called to serve the Lord or to serve themselves. Jesus set the example, it is plain and simple. Serving the Lord is not a job, a vocation or an occupation, it’s a privilege. We have enough prosperity preachers already. I’m glad Jesus didn’t constantly complain about the pay, living and working conditions while he was on earth.
I spent a lot of time agonizing and studying tithing and the issue of preachers getting their living by the Gospel. I was raised in a Pentecostal church but didn’t accept Christ until later in life. From what I was taught, I began immediately to tithe 10%. However, I was a single mother of a special needs child. I became ill and had some setbacks, yet continued to tithe. When my rent came due, I made a choice between tithes or rent. Tithes won out. When I didn’t have the rent, I went to the church I’d poured thousands each year into for almost 3 years and they helped me with part of my rent. My pastor lives in a beautiful 2 story home and drives 2 brand new expensive vehicles. I was driving a basic model lease to keep my payments low, and living in a leaky rental cabin of about 650 sq. ft. I had to borrow the rest of my rent from family. And that was the last day I paid tithes.
My pastor makes his living, and it’s way better than mine. So I don’t need to pad his wallet while ignoring the needs of my son and myself. There are quite a few well off people in the church who pay massive amounts and the pastor should be set without those doing without paying into it.
What I consider tithes are the monies I pay into what we should be doing. I will help an individual in need, or put more money into the offering when it is earmarked for missions, a visiting evangelist, or special offering that I feel is worthwhile. What the Spirit has told me is that I came to Christ with debts. Those debts did not disappear when I accepted Him, and He knows I don’t have a lot to give as I barely survive.
So far I have not heard my pastor preach this, though he does preach God blesses our giving. But many older church members say that God won’t (or even one said “can’t” – limiting God?) bless you if you don’t tithe. And this is why I agonized. But while not tithing, God gave me 3 large bonuses and 2 raises at a job that I’d never received a bonus at in 10 years. He positioned my office of 4 non-Christians and 1 new Christian (me) to where in a period of 2 years, everyone left and new people came in, except me. Now I’m in an office of 3 Christian women. He most recently provided me with a home of my own, which is a cheaper payment than I made in rent, and all with no money down and no closing costs and I walked away from the deal with $1,000 in cash.
All of these enormous blessings while NOT tithing!
I believe my pastor preaches good sermons most of the time. Other times, I just can’t get in line with what he’s saying and so I go to the Word and prayer. I study. If I don’t accept the message preached, I don’t accept it. I thought of changing churches, but every church I’ve looked into has the same ups and downs.
So should my pastor be paid? In my opinion, he’s paid more than he should be as some of that should be going to the members in need. However, he does stay gone much of the time. He spends time in Africa and Honduras, preaching and building churches, hospitals, wells, etc. He goes to other churches to help them get started. So he’s in this full time. I believe he’s passionate about God. But I believe he’s been taught by his pastor father the old school teachings on tithing and other beliefs so much that he hasn’t seen the truth in Scripture.
So I stay and I take what resonates and leave what doesn’t because I’m ultimately responsible for searching out the Scriptures for myself and running the race to win the crown. I search out the truth, and the pastor might not always have a revelation that I do, or he may have a revelation that I don’t. But I’ve found NO church that teaches everything perfectly. Because of this, none of us would even attend church, and we are to gather with other believers to stir up one another to love and good works, to encourage one another, to teach and admonish one another in all wisdom, to bring the sick among the elders. Even Christ went to the synagogue to teach.
So when we cannot find a church in this day and age that lines up with everything perfectly, we can still follow those guidelines of the church one to another, stir up, encourage, teach and admonish, pray for the sick.
Sorry I got so long. But I spent quite a lot of time agonizing over these issues and studying until I got a revelation that set me at peace. And all of this is only some of what brought me to this revelation. I’ll refrain from writing a book. 😉
I struggle to with the idea of salaried pastors, to the point of no longer attending church.
In my old church our pastor retired. The elders interviewed a new one. He came with 4 children and stay at home wife. He required a large salary to have a large 5 bedroom home, 2 cars and support for his large family. His kids dressed in top of the line clothes.
My husband and I have 2 children (that is what we figured we could afford to raise adequately in today’s economy) and live in a modest 3 bedroom home. We own a retail business and our combined wages are less than his minimum requirement. We both work 55-60 hours a week.
I have 2 questions:
1, Should elders approach church members and ask that their business tithe as well as their family household? Ours approached us regarding tithing based on the business profits to meet the needs for the pastor.
2. Should a pastor and his family expect to be paid similar to what most households earn with 2 incomes? I work to provide for my family and chosen lifestyle. Why should I be guilted to tithe for a large family choosing one income?
Perhaps many pastors ought to learn to live within their means. Budgeting, family planning and have a second job if need be.
If I don’t work to stay at home, we make concessions to live within one income. That means one car and smaller home.
I just can’t fathom going to my employer and demanding a large salary so my spouse can stay at home with a large family, I need a second car, or I need to have a certain lifestyle.
An additional question…
When did having a college degree, a masters even, become a requirement to lead people to Christ and teach the Word of God?
Wow mj, that sounds like extortion; and degrees don’t matter. just up-sell for the adversary to create more fear in peoples hearts and less faith in God.
Your relationship is with God; not a man, or pastor, or a saint. All this time spent discerning between tithing is not good for the heart. If you feel good today and see someone down; saying hello may brighten their day. holding the door, helping someone who ask for help. all genuine, not looking for anything in return. if you have a pastor demanding wages because of degrees that he might say god led him to receive…well give it too him. if he or she thinks that is important by all means. child of god won’t make demands; only offer up assistance. if they want greater than $30,000-$60,000 year than they might have confused the DIRECTION God commanded to become a preacher or a pastor. Its sad; unfortunately if they make a request honor it. That show your heart is there; not selfish intentions.
Preaching is about 1% of what any true pastor does for his church! Instead of quoting or misquoting people getting paid to preach … Let’s look at everything else a pastor should be doing! Prayer for the church, individual, city. / preparation for Sunday / overseeing ALL the min of the church. / Discipship / training leaders / develop ministry teams / train connect group leaders / pray for the sick / visit the sick / visit those in hospital / visit those that cannot get out due to illness etc / pre marriage counciling / marriage counciling / training on parenting / financial training ( not teaching people how to give more simply helping them walk in the council of scripture for their personal finances) / meet with lay leaders regularly / keep a good account of the finances / prepare a financial report bi annually /
And I’m not even sure I’ve listed all the tasks that pastors do … If you can do all that with excellence and keep a full time job and lead by example in your home / marriage / parenting … Then you need a cape with a big S on it!
“If you can do all that with excellence and still have time for a full time job, then you need a cape with an S on it.”
The point is this: nobody can. We are called to be a kingdom of priests, ministering one to another. Instead, we’ve allowed ourselves to live out a watered down form of the gospel where we expect a special “enlightened few” to do the spiritual work, while the others expect a good performance.
That is part of the benefit of not taking a salary. When we have to provide materially for our own family, we have no choice but to develop the spiritual gifts of others so that they too can share in the pastoral work. This means relinquishing control and essentially grooming your own in-house replacements: and that takes a huge measure of humility.
That being said, Paul says that the strong should bear the infirmities of the weak, and if we think seriously about it, we will all realize that we are both strong in some areas and weak in others. Maybe I have the gift of material generosity. Is it wrong for me to want to give financially to those who lack my gift, but excell in spiritual teaching? Not at all! If God through my generosity may enable someone else to preach the gospel: then glory be to God!
That’s a lot of stuff to do! I don’t know how Jesus was able to get of it done and still heal the sick, preform miracles and work as a carpenter. Jesus didn’t charge a dime though. These are responsibilities that you assume when you get “the calling”.
I believe we should try everyday to be more like Christ and not like every other Christian, preacher or pastor. I mean isn’t that why we became followers of the lord cause we wanna be like him so loving so precious and so brave. Idk whether pastors should get paid or not …..I guess that just depends on what the lord is telling you to do . I myself am training to be a minister and I know my heavenly Father will take care of me no matter what I do
Short answer; Depends on who you ask, clergy will almost always respond with a resounding “YES”.
Fact of the matter is, Jesus set the example, when you work for the Lord it should be >No Charge<.
Now go find your bible and twist the scripture around to support your tax free $100k pastoral salary so you can feel better.
And the tax-free property that the church uses, which is often some of the best property in town.
Teaching the Bible and preaching the Gospel seem to be very different things. I don’t see a lot of Biblical problem paying a fellow to help expound the Word to me every Sunday. Particularly if he’s also then a full-time spiritual guide and counselor; visiting the sick and elderly, getting to know the congregation and their problems, etc.
However, charging a non-believer to tell them Jesus loves them despite their sinfulness; that’s ridiculous.
The Gospel itself, what babes can understand; that’s freely given and should be spread like butter ought to be. A lifetime of learning and a livelihood of service; that ought to be supported.
You said “I did not ignore the verses you supplied”, yet …. you ignored the verses I supplied because if you had read the verses I supplied you would see they say and teach once a person is saved they are saved for all eternity because Jesus is the one who saves and keeps you saved. On the other hand you’ve yet to produce a single verse that specifically states a saved person can lose their salvation.
You said “You are saved by faith and your works prove your faith or salvation.” I have no problem with that. There will be works after you are saved, but you don’t work to keep your salvation. The life of Christ in you will produce the works.
If you teach you have to work to maintain your salvation then you are not teaching salvation, but probation.
Just because I do not accept your conviction that those verses are the only verses in the Bible about Salvation and no others are relative does not mean I did not consider each verse you referenced. I believe you cannot take several verses relating to a subject and use only them to completely understand everything that God’s word is conveying. Especially when you have a plethora of other vereses in the Bible in multiple books dealing with the same subject. I will not hang my salvation on some selected verses because you need to consider these other verses relating to the same subject to have a fuller understanding. Why do you think Jesus talked in parables so many times? To make sure everyone understood what He was saying.
I do not teach or believe you have to work to keep your salvation. I never stated that anywhere in these posts. I believe sin is wrongdoing and certain sins lead to death. Failing to confess & repent your sins you become unrighteous and no one can enter the Kingdom of God if they are not righteous. This is what God’s word states and I know His word is true.
It is obvious we will continue to disagree and I belive that is acceptable as long as the core beliefs of the Christian faith are the same. Since we are living during the Covenant of Grace, the single most important issue for everyone is salvation. As long as you belive;
“because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” (Romans 10:9-10)
The remaining issues will only be truly answered at the time of the Final Judgement. In addition, as I have stated before, I do not teach and I cannot understand why you believe offering an opinion on a subject is teaching.
Pastors do so much more than preach the gospel. They are expected to study the word to show themselves approved unto God. This often requires the use of dictionaries, concordance and other material, which isn’t cheap by any means. Hopefully, the people in the congregation do the same, but based on polls, it’s doubtful. They are expected to place their lives on hold to attend to the needs of those in the congregation such as hospital visits, counseling, prayer, etc., often requiring trips via auto which requires maintenance and fuel. Anyone in the congregation can decide to “skip” any number of church services they desire, but the pastor has to attend services, meetings, etc. For a pastor, preaching a message is a priviledge, and I don’t think they expect to be paid for preaching, but they should be compensated for everything else they do.
1 Corinthians 9:145 Hyphen?
Thank you for addressing this critical issue!
My belief is that equipped, born again Men are preachers of the Gospel by Biblical default but by reference in the Scriptures congregational teachers have to have the qualifications of a Elder to be an preacher. No surprises there, right? Read on.
Elders do not receive a compensation package to my knowledge.(at least not yet in these days of materialism that run rampant in the organized Christian church)
So if the body of Christ truly desired obedience to Paul’s explicit warnings and for God to equip the saints to fulfill the promise in John 14 of “doing even greater things than these” then we’d simply expect all seven elders to share the glorious “burden” of teaching the Gospel and disciplining a congregation allowing all seven to practice a “bi-vocational” ministry, the same model exampled, and I submit insisted upon by the Apostle Paul by the severity of his words.
Of course that means that love offerings would flourish in any congregation that abides in the Gospel to both offset needs as they arise in all members, elders and laypersons as well as have funds overflowing for ministries.
I’ve seen why so many churches fail and it’s largely because of them ignoring Paul’s stern warnings and adopting worldly business models, sadly even worldly lifestyles while too often also being a thorn in the Body of Christ.
Anyone who expects to be paid to declare the Gospel has already received their reward!
I’m sort of new to my relationship with Jesus, but He has always been part of my life. I’m 53 now, and all my life I’ve wanted to be a minister or pastor or priest. My wife and I also want to live an unconventional lifestyle, giving up traditional housing and employment to travel North America. We are dead broke, both coming from poverty, and haven’t been sure how to make our travel lifestyle come true.
About six months ago my wife, who brought me to the Cross, suggested I pursue my lifelong desire to help people by providing spiritual help, comfort and guidance, and I began my ministry studies with Christian Leaders Alliance. But this one fear has been with me … how does one support oneself on the road? I’ve come up with a number of possibilities, from freelance writing to web site development to busking on city street corners.
Last night my wife came upon the very verse discussed here and used it to illustrate to me that so long as I’m doing God’s work, He will ensure that I can keep doing it, and that His people will help us carry His word.In the context of my own life, the verse serves as a reminder that God will provide. This doesn’t mean I shouldn’t do things to bring in an income, to support us so that we can do His work, but it does give me a hint which way to go to do that. To minister to the needs of others I will use those gifts that God has given me, the gifts of words and sounds and understanding. I will use music and the written word in service to God, Jesus and the Gospel.
I looked this up because a pastor i am having discussions with about giving used 1Cor9:14 to defend his position that people who receive his preaching are robbing him if he not paid. Glad i found this. He will be given its contense. Thank you for clarification.
I am many years late to the party, but let me share the lunacy that is Western “missions.”
I was called to be a missionary and lay it all down. I sold my house and a good chunk of my possessions and spent it all within about a year. And, yet, God has carried me through. The majority of expenditure has been to setup a desperately needed and potentially highly-lucrative business in-country. It just sort of came to us to do this. They, the Romanians, actually let me build the shop behind their little church… The shop is physically bigger than their church building. Can you imagine any church in the West letting you do this? Anyways.
It is believed that the business will eventually support myself, the ministry, and many more young men and women and the community with good jobs and outreach. God has continuously taken care of me. Though I’ve been down to less than $45 cash to my name, returning to the states and considering living out of my car and working my way back up again to continue the mission, He has opened so many doors. A few people gave from their hearts at the most critical times, without me prompting, and I think this has been God-honoring.
But, you would not believe how many arguments and fights I get into with “missionaries” for even hinting that perhaps they shouldn’t be talked into raising obscene amounts of money to be completely ineffective in a poor foreign country. There are so many “missionary” families being paid six-figures to live in countries where the average household income doesn’t break into five-figures. Meanwhile, I’ve seen God absolutely crush in Romania with the locals for a mere pittance by comparison.
Hundreds, thousands are being reached every year by God working through one small team. And while God can absolutely choose for the church to spend incredible amounts of money just to reach one person, or plant seeds, I find it hard to believe that one person gets “called” to blow through half-a-million dollars for ten years to barely share the Gospel within an existing church community. Also, that this call happens miraculously and consistently after attending bible college, preferably while young and clueless about the real world.
And then there’s the corruption I’ve seen and suffered from first-hand. Two-week glory-tourists who’ve attempted to negatively impact me for the crimes of helping their ministry, being single, saying that I don’t particularly like the US military, and not tripping over myself to hang out with them over helping the Romanians who were basically their servants. I say, “attempted,” of course, because all they did was strengthen the bond between me and my Romanian brothers. I guess there’s kinship in being walked-over by Americans.
Sincerely, if people give you money because the Holy Spirit leads them to support you? That’s righteous. But if you worship for money, teach for money, or preach for money, then money is your god. And then all you do is not about doing what is righteous or speaking the truth in love for the sake of the Gospel, but just doing that which does not offend and keeps the money flowing. but the people who pay for it? They’re not victims. They’re getting exactly what they want. When’s the last time you saw an American pay for what they didn’t want if they didn’t have to?
Paul is complaining in this text that they where neglected and not been paid. He lamented but said he may as well preach even though there rights were not attended to
I’m working on understanding this topic at the moment and it seems to me that this verse is crucial: Cor 9:11 “If we have sown spiritual things among you, is it too much if we reap material things from you?””
Paired with Cor 9:13 “In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.” , I feel it is indeed very biblical for pastors to “defend themselves” (interestingly, as Paul had to, enduring the very same attack) using this passage.
Practical confirmation (pastors need to eat, too) and biblical confirmation align, so it seems pretty straighforward. I’m thinking we’re overcomplicating the issue by inserting distrust and projecting impure motives onto the heart of others is the issue, as other commenters have brilliantly underlined.
I also believe the Lord’s “command” (9:13) didn’t rest solely neither on the preacher nor on the hearer, but as with all things in Christ, was aimed to speak on the relationship between them. It was a message for all, for the community as a whole.
I would NEVER pay a pastor, singer, etc to preach. They have become wealthy for yapping and not even the truth – it’s despicable how many people have made a business out of God. The church I USED to belong to they had a fist fight over money ’cause the pastor demanded that his childrens’ college be paid by the church – the cops had to come to breakup the fight. Haven’t stepped foot in church in ages and don’t intend to. When I divorced my rapist husband (and btw yes he was convicted and the “elders” and the pastor knew about it and my ex-husband was a pillar of church btw) an old woman told me that I might as well throw myself in a well ’cause I’m worthless and evil. I wanna VOMIT when I think I thought these were decent people. A bunch of them made the paper too for taking bribes (and this is in no small city either), stealing, etc – of course the spin in church is that the devil is trying to taint the saints names ERGH !!! I wouldn’t waste my spit on “pastors” or their churches
10 to pass this up to the people so this includes all the planes the long time homes and vehicles when people are out there starving and they’re rich, so you’re saying pastor should live lavishly
Pastors do not actually preach the gospel. They do something called “Equipping the saints for works of service (not found in KJV or Geneva).
Equipping saints is not the equivalent of preaching the gospel to the lost.
Further, pastors are commanded to “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Tim. 4:5). This is what we see Phillip doing in the book of acts. Phillip was on the street, on the highway, and going from town to town. Yet he was a deacon at the church in Jerusalem. So every pastor is supposed to move about the in nearby cities preaching in the open air and converting the lost. 1 Cor. 9:14 commands that they be paid for breaking their backs to reach the lost.
Do you see any pastors doing this (Ezekiel 34:3-4 requires that every shepherd be out looking for lost sheep)?
Your example of Paul working for free in Corinth does not square with 2 Cor. 11:8: “I robbed other churches, taking wages of them to do you service.” The Macedonians brought him relief while he was in Corinth. In fact, if you had been paying attention in chapter 16, verse 17, of 1 Corinthians you would even seen the names of those who had brought much needed relief.
Yes pastors are supposed to be paid because free work is ILLEGAL (see Deut. 25:4).
I don’t see any proof where a pastor shld get a salary!
Kimberly Thomas
Read very closely, over & again & again…… & again….
(1 Cor. 11:17 thru 14:40 KJV only)
And perhaps it will become as clear to you, as it is to me…..
…..that gathering together (BIBLICALLY), and paying one, or a select few, to do “their” thing in the gathering of the brethren …
You’ll either gather The Pastor or Priests way, OR you’ll gather God’s way….biblically.
Luke 8:3 And Joanna the wife of Chuza Herod’s steward, and Susanna, and many others, which ministered unto him of their substance.
1 Timothy 5:17 Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine.
No where in the Bible…thecWord dies Gid command that preachers are to be paid. In fact when Jesus sent out His disciples He told them to give freely.. whatxwas freely given to them.
Paul…seems ro be the only apostle that even addressed the issue/idea of paying preachers…why is that?…and of coarse we know thus influenced the topic in Timothy…why…after all the time if Jesus ministry was it never discussed or commanded. IF God did command this?…I do not think He would have waited to share this command with a convert. Please…show me where the command to pay a preacher was made by God…it’s not there…just like there is not a command to tithe.