Work and employment is a wonderful opportunity for the gospel to take center stage.
Though many people consider work to be part of the curse that came upon humankind as a result of the fall in Genesis 3, the truth is that work was given to Adam and Eve prior to their choice to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The only thing that changed was that their work became more difficult.
Furthermore, work will also be an integral part of the new heavens and new earth of the eternal kingdom ruled by Jesus.
Therefore, in light of the fact that God created work for humans to do and God will have work for us to do in eternity, it only makes sense that we can live now in light of this purpose for our lives.
As Christians engage in work, we are fulfilling the gospel responsibilities to bring God’s rule and reign upon the earth.
Work, then, can be done according to the kingdom principles of honesty, integrity, and generosity.
Whether one is working for a company or is the CEO of a company, the standards and values by which the company runs and according to which the work is performed should fit the standards and values of the gospel. Business owners and employers can treat their workers and employees with dignity and respect, paying generous wages.
Employees themselves can work hard and with loyalty, honoring and respecting those for whom they work.
Are you a follower of Jesus? Then follow Him to work, not in handing out tracts and carrying around your Bible, but in being the best employee or boss you can be at your job.
Want to learn more about the gospel? Take my new course, "The Gospel According to Scripture."
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Job well done.
Well said.