I was listening to Talk Radio the other day, and an advertisement came on by Rush Limbaugh in which he said he is always right. He said something like this: “I, Rush Limbaugh, the all-seeing one, the all-knowing, the omnipotent, the omnipresent, the omnivorous…”
I just had to laugh, because the “all-knowing” one just claimed to be “all-eating.” Omnivorous means that he eats everything. Carnivores eat meat. Herbivores eat plants. Omnivores eat both.
I really doubt this is what he meant to say. It sounds like he was trying to come with “Omni-” words, and without really knowing what they all mean, just spouted out a few. This mistake is understandable, since those are some “big words” but what really surprised me was this excerpt made it into a radio ad spot. Does everyone just assume Rush is always right, and so whatever he says must be accurate?
It seems so.
It also seems that we should not be hasty in blindly trusting the words of men.
Can We Trust the Bible?
But what about when it comes to the Bible? Cannot we simply assume that since the Bible is “God’s Holy Word” that it is completely accurate in everything written within it’s pages?
There are lots of people that think so.
I am one of them…
…Kind of (You’ll see later what I mean by that…)
In previous posts we have looked at the idea of Scripture as special revelation, and that in fashion, Scripture is God-Breathed (I suggested “inspiring” might be a better way of thinking of Scripture). From this idea that God is behind the writing of Scripture, theologians get the idea that since God is perfect, He would make sure that the Bible is kept free of error while it was being written.

This view is called “The Inerrancy of Scripture.” It means “no error” or “without error.”
The Inerrancy of Scripture
Over the next several posts, I will summarize what I was taught in Bible college and Seminary about this doctrine, and then, just as we did with inspiration, we will look at some of “the hard questions” about inerrancy which are often avoided or ignored in most Bible Colleges, Seminaries, and churches.
Some of these posts will get a little lively, so invite your friends to join us (Use the Facebook and Twitter buttons on the left), break out your theology books, and load your doctrinal six-shooter.
Of course, as the series progresses, you will eventually come around to my way of thinking because after all, like Rush Limbaugh, I am omnivorous.
Hello, Gasoline, have you met my good friend, Fire?
Just Kidding! Although you do seem to have the gift for picking topics that create lively discussions. I was really encouraged with the way you handled the discussion about inspiration, and I look forward to walking through this topic(and hopefully many more)with you.
In Christ’s Service,
Men of Praise Motorcycle Ministry
Thanks FedEx,
I do believe in inerrancy. Just like I believe in inspiration. I just put some slight nuances on them.
Talk Radio will rot your brain lol. not too many educated hosts
Are they really educated? Ha!
I think all you need to be a Talk Radio host is a big mouth and a bigger ego.
Rush Limbaugh? Did you know that he describes himself as an “entertainer”? I seriously doubt he believes most of the stuff he says. But it does appeal to a certain demographic, which earns Rush a comfortable paycheck. He sorta strikes me as a political Archie Bunker.
Thank you for doing this series! Few Christians really understand what inspiration, inerrancy, canonicity and so on really mean (the WordPress spellchecker doesn’t even recognize inerrancy and canonicity). Even those who think they do often misuse them. (Such as those who think the terms are interchangeable.)
I am looking forward to your input on inerrancy!
I only listen to 2 Talkshow hosts…Michael Savage and Alex Jones. AJ is only available from the web (or itunes) so I play it on my ipod. I don’t agree w/ everything he says, but he really gets you thinking (http://infowars.com)
Then there’s Michael Savage 710 AM WOR at 8 PM. He’s probably THE most popular talk show host because he’s correct 95% of the time. If you don’t have time to hear him on the radio, listen to this, his rant against the media
(If you only listen to one thing, listen to the first 10 minutes of his show at 8.
I always find it odd how Savage’s show begins with heavy metal music and the sound of bombs exploding. That fits his personality though…
I’ve never heard of Alex Jones though.
Alex Jones is in the trenches. Most politicians despise him because he calls them out. Ron Paul is a friend of his. With Michael Savage, it’s sort of funny, he’s an old Jew from Brooklyn! Oy Vey!
Of course he is always going to be right, he is a republican, they are always right (and I do not mean correct) 🙂
Sorry, I thought it was bad joke Friday 🙂
I made that sign! It would have been nice to have been acknowledged!
I reposted it on my blog, with a link to the post where it originally appeared back in 2008. If you could mention the source and link to the new blog (the old blog’s archives are in the process of being relocated), I would greatly appreciate it.
Sorry about that. I found it on Google Images. I will be more than happy to reference your post and will fix the image right away. Would you prefer I remove the image?
Not at all! I’m glad it is being enjoyed and circulated! I just was caught off guard when I saw the image and thought, hey, I made that! Sorry for getting all proprietorial. 🙂
Thank you. I have linked it to your new blog at Patheos as requested.
Rush Limbaugh actually always said that to be funny ….. he was actually funny and self deprecating and didn’t take himself too seriously.