Have you ever tried to see God, but given up because you just cannot find Him? Maybe it is because you are looking too far away…
If you cannot see God … look a little closer.
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Have you ever tried to see God, but given up because you just cannot find Him? Maybe it is because you are looking too far away…
If you cannot see God … look a little closer.
Get FREE articles and audio teachings every week in my discipleship emails!
You can’t see the forest for the trees?
Dude! You look just like him 🙂
Good one.
Many people know that God exists, but they don’t want to accept it.
God is within us thru the Holy Spirit. Let’ nourish the Holy Spirit in us by ready the scripture daily.
Is this cartoon available for use on my blog?
Nice! A picture is worth a thousand words.
Maybe you should have added a reflection/projection of the guy inside a transparent God, looking back out at himself through a reflected telescope!
Hahahaha oh man good one ?
Not sure if you were laughing at my comment, or the cartoon. If it was my comment, thanks, but it wasn’t meant as a joke. The telescope guy is just one of about 7 billion.
Not so much funny, in my view, as awesome.
The telescope is really a kaleidoscope.
Why we believe in God we can’t see him we can’t touch him and we can’t touch him