Donald Trump came out with a big announcement today (which I think was pretty silly… though to be honest, I am curious what is on the President’s college transcripts and passport application), and so I decided it was a good day to make my own big announcement.
I hinted at it a few weeks ago when I said it was time to begin my life’s work.
So here it is:
I have decided to get serious about writing a free, online commentary on the entire Bible.
This is something I have long dreamed about, ever since I was around ten years old. Looking back now, I believe that most of my education, training, and life experiences have been leading me to attempt this project.
Maybe no one else will ever want to read it, but I feel compelled to write it.
When I first started this “Till He Comes” website back in 2000, it was for the purpose of providing free, online Bible teaching to anyone who wanted to access it. Over the past several years, the site has become a place for me to write about my musings on theology and my criticisms of church.
But frankly, I am a little tired of some of that stuff and have pretty much run out of things to say.
So I have decided to return to the original purpose of this website, and focus my writing on the inexhaustible content found within the pages of Scripture. Will I still write about church and theology? Sure. As much as I am able. But the majority of my writing will focus on freely passing on to others what I have learned within the pages of God’s Word, and how to live God’s Word in our daily lives.
The slogan of my blog is “Bringing Scripture and Theology to Life” and that is what I intend to do. I not only want to help others see exhilarating truths of Scripture, but also show people the importance of Scripture for daily living.
Here is how I plan on proceeding.
I am spreading my writing between three blogs:,, and Those other two sites are still somewhat under construction, and some people might already be aware of them, but here is a summary of what these three sites are for:
- – This site will host a new translation of the Bible. At first, I thought about just using the New King James, since that is my preferred translation, but then I discovered that eventually, I would have to pay large sums of money to use the entire text (The same goes for the NIV and the NAS). So then I thought about using a free translation, such as the King James Version, or maybe the New English Translation, but I am not thrilled with either. So I finally settled on just writing my own translation. There are other reasons as well, which I explain further on that site.
- – This site will host the actual commentary notes on the Bible. This site has been in existence for several years, but I have completely reworked it for the purposes of this project of mine. The Grace Commentary will be a technical but readable commentary on every verse in Scripture. If this sounds like quite a project, it is. I estimate that if I average ten verses per week (an aggressive goal!), it will take me roughly 63 years to complete. Needless to say, I probably will not finish this project… As I make progress on writing this commentary, I also plan to occasionally add entries for a “Grace Bible Dictionary” and a Topical Bible on the same site.
- – This site will continue to host blog posts about whatever is on my mind, but will also be the place where I write pastoral insights and application ideas which are based on the passages being studied at If I am able, I might eventually add a Podcast which would join some of the exegetical insights from with some of the applications from this site into short audio files for your listening enjoyment.
As each commentary is finished, I plan to issue them as free ebooks to my newsletter subscribers. I have begun work on the Book of Jonah, and hope to have it done in time for Christmas. If you have not already subscribed, do so today!
So please, join me over at and and leave a comment with your own insights on the passages being translated and studied. On both sites, I am always open to input from other students of Scripture about how to translate Greek and Hebrew, or how best to explain a particular word or phrase. Of course, if you just want some help with sermon preparation or for a Bible study, these sites will (eventually) provide some aid there as well.
See you there!
congrats, that will be wonderful! If you can update here whenveer you post, too…