My book is out! Yay! Read on to learn more about what the book is about. If you are too anxious, you can just go here to get the book on Amazon: It is available (#AmazonAdLink) on the Kindle or (#AmazonAdLink) in Paperback. Right now, it is not available on other websites.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus Cover
In case you haven’t seen it yet, here is the cover for the book:
Description for Nothing But the Blood of Jesus
Last week I asked you for your input on the book description for the back cover.
If you provided input, thank you very much!
I gave two possible book descriptions, one from my wife and one from me. Mine was more cerebral, and hers was more emotional. If you know us, that fits us perfectly! In the end, I ended up combining both into one description … and the two shall become one!
Here is the description for Nothing but the Blood of Jesus:
Do you have difficulties reconciling God’s behavior in the Old Testament with that of Jesus in the New?
Do you find yourself trying to rationalize God’s violent demeanor in the Bible to unbelievers or even to yourself?
Does it seem disconcerting that God tells us not to kill others but He then takes part in some of the bloodiest wars and vindictive genocides in history?
The answer to all such questions is found in Jesus on the cross.
By focusing your eyes on Jesus Christ and Him crucified, you come to understand that God was never angry at human sinners, and that no blood sacrifice was ever needed to purchase God’s love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy.
In Nothing but the Blood of Jesus, J. D. Myers shows how the death of Jesus on the cross reveals the truth about the five concepts of sin, law, sacrifice, scapegoating, and bloodshed. After carefully defining each, this book shows how these definitions provide clarity on numerous biblical texts.
If you have ever wanted to see God in the light of Jesus, seek no further. J. D. Myers masterfully reveals the truth of who God is, as well as the missing pieces you have been searching for in order to truly understand what is written in the Bible. You will also gain insight into the true plight of humanity and what Jesus came to rescue and deliver us from.
Read this book. You will not be disappointed.
Table of Contents for Nothing But the Blood of Jesus
The table of contents below is much longer than the Table of Contents I put in the book. But I am including the longer one here just to show you the various Bible passages I explain in the book. There are 56 of them!
If you have questions about any of the 56 Scripture texts listed below, this book will help you understand them.
Chapter 1: How Precious Is the Flow?
Arguing with Myself
Criticizing Christians
Don’t Ask How It Works?
A Better Answer
Part I: Sin
Chapter 2: Defining Sin
What Sin Is (Not)
What Sin Is
The Beginning of Sin
Oh! The Inhumanity!
The Revelation of Sin
Chapter 3: Scriptures on Sin
Genesis 6:5, 11, 13
Matthew 1:21
Matthew 3:6 (cf. Mark 1:4; Luke 3:3)
John 16:8
Romans 5–7
1 Corinthians 15:56
2 Corinthians 5:21
Ephesians 2:1-3
1 Timothy 1:15
Hebrews 9:26
1 John 1:7-9
1 John 3:4
Sin is The Human Problem
Part II: Law
Chapter 4: Defining Law
Defining the Law
How we Divide the Law
The Origin of Law
Obeying the Law Can Lead to Sin
Jesus vs. the Religion of Law
So Why Did God Give the Law?
Chapter 5: Scriptures on Law
The Mosaic Law
The Prophets
Matthew 5:17
Matthew 5–7
Romans 7:11-13
Galatians 3:19
Law is Not the Solution to Sin
Part III: Sacrifice
Chapter 6: Defining Sacrifice
Three Purposes for Sacrifice
Sociological Sacrifice
Psychological Sacrifice
Spiritual Sacrifice
Questioning Sacrifice
Traditional Sacrificial Theology
The Bible Undermines Sacrifice
The Sacrifice of Jesus
The Sacrifice to End All Sacrifices
Chapter 7: Scriptures on Sacrifice
Genesis 1
Genesis 3:21
Genesis 4:4
Genesis 8:20-21
Genesis 9–11
Genesis 12–50
Genesis 22:1-14
The Prophets
The Gospels
Romans 12:1
Hebrews 9:23–10:18
Sacrifices are Not the Solution to Sin
Part IV: Scapegoat
Chapter 8: Defining the Scapegoat
Defining Scapegoat
The Way of the Scapegoat
The Scapegoat
Three Types of Scapegoats
Three Signs of Scapegoating
Scapegoating God
Three Ways Jesus Reveals Scapegoating
Jesus, the Lamb of God
Three Revelations about the Scapegoat
Chapter 9: Scriptures on the Scapegoat
Genesis 3:12
Genesis 4
Genesis 6–8
Leviticus 16–17
Joshua 7:10-26
John 1:29, 36
Luke 11:49-51
John 11:49-53
Acts 5:1-11
Revelation 5:5-6
Scapegoating is Not the Solution to Sin
Part V: Blood
Chapter 10: Defining Blood
Bloody Sin
Bloody Law
Bloody Sacrifices
Bloody Scapegoating
The Way of Escape
Chapter 11: Scriptures on Blood
Genesis 4:7-10
Genesis 4:23-24
Genesis 9:4-6
Old Testament
Matthew 23:29-35
Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20
The New Covenant
The Remission of Sins
The Book of Acts
Romans 3:20-26
Ephesians 1:7
Ephesians 2:13
Colossians 1:20
Hebrews 9:22
1 Peter 1:18-19
1 John 1:7
The Book of Revelation
The Blood of Jesus is the Solution to Sin
Chapter 12: The Precious Blood of Jesus
Buy Your Copy on Amazon Today
The book is 292 pages, and I am super excited to hear what you think about it. It is available for the Kindle or in Paperback on Amazon. Just choose which version you prefer to be taken to the appropriate page:
Just started the book…. Loved the dedication.
Yep! I thought it was thought-provoking! 😉
Congrats Jeremy! I’m very much looking forward to reading this.
i bought the kindle version today. perfect timing with Easter coming up.
Thanks! Yes, the book really helps focus our minds on what Jesus accomplished.