And if you don’t hate country music, check out this song:
The song comes from Brad Paisley’s Christmas album.
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And if you don’t hate country music, check out this song:
The song comes from Brad Paisley’s Christmas album.
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Thank you for saying Merry Christmas.
Should I laugh or cry ?
Maybe both…
I say it everyday at work to customers, in Southern California, no less. Everyone says it right back. Nobody has complained.
Same here. I have never heard anyone complain. But you hear about it in the news. It makes me wonder what the story behind the story might be…
I could go real conspiracy theory pretty quick if I were to answer that. So I will just continue to say Merry Christmas and think the best.
Thank you for a good laugh! Have a very merry Christmas!
So enjoyed the Brad Paisley’s
country singers rendition of
happy holidays. It was so very
funny, but unfortunately true as
well. Here’s wishing ALL of the
Redeeming God FAMILY a
wonderful and safe HOLIDAY and a very merry “Oops
Barbara Simmons
Yes, I love that song. So funny.
For the last few years. I say Happy Christmas, 🙂 not merry Christmas …the merrymaking is painful to observe as it is so excessive and Christ-less. Christmas for many is just another word, the root word Christ does not factor in, so it does not matter to them whether or not the word is said, what matters is the extravagant fun. So I resist the crowd and extend to each person I meet a soft smile and a prayer for a sober warm celebration. Happy Christmas season to you all…:)
I work at a Canadian University and some people get upset if you say merry Christmas.
They are afraid of upsetting those who aren’t Christians.
Happy holidays is only accepted as politically correct greeting at Christmas.
Bahh Humbug, and Merry Christmas.
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