Lots of books on the Holy Spirit are full of fluff.
They tell happy stories that are supposed to give you shivery feelings and make you think that if the Holy Spirit isn’t showing up to grant you miracle healings and visions of the future, you are missing out on something.
What to Expect from the Holy Spirit
Dr. Radmacher’s book on the Holy Spirit is down-to-earth, straight-shooting, and most of all, is anything but common sense. He actually digs into Scripture to see what the Bible says about the Holy Spirit and how we can expect Him to be at work in our lives and in our churches.
For me, one of the most important truths in this book was the insight that one of the Holy Spirit’s main tasks is to point people to Jesus Christ.
If you are part of a church or group that is always talking about the Holy Spirit, praising the Holy Spirit, singing about the Holy Spirit, speaking to the Holy Spirit, and inviting the Holy Spirit to act, you are probably part of a group that is not actually filled with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit points people to Jesus! A Spirit-filled group will talk about Jesus, praise Jesus, sing about Jesus, live like Jesus, look like Jesus, and invite Jesus to lead them wherever He will. The Holy Spirit may not even be mentioned! And that Spirit likes it that way!
Anyway, there are numerous others insights into the work and ministry of the Holy Spirit in Radmacher’s book, and it is now available on Amazon as a paperback and eBook.
$50 Bonus Offer!
Since this book on the Holy Spirit by Dr. Radmacher is newly released, there is a bonus offer that is available to those who purchase it before November 5, 2014.
This book is based off some sermons that Dr. Earl Radmacher gave at Moody Founder’s Week in 1980. I have these audio files, and anybody who purchases the book during the Launch Week can get these 5 Sermon Audio files FOR FREE. These files are no longer available from Moody Audio, but if you were to purchase the files, they would cost about $10 each, or $50 for the set.
Anyone who purchases the book during the week of October 27-31, 2014 can send a proof of purchase to
to get access to download these 5 Sermon Audio files for free. All they have to do is forward a receipt of their book purchase to the email address. After verifying their purchase, I will send them a link where they can download the 5 Sermon Audio Files from Dr. Earl Radmacher.
But this offer expires in just a few days, so make sure you go buy this book today at Amazon.
Who is Dr. Earl Radmacher?
In case you don’t know, here is a bit about Dr. Earl Radmacher…
Dr. Earl D. Radmacher served at Western Seminary for thirty-three years (1962-1995) as Dean of the Faculty (1964-1965), President (1965-1990), and Chancellor (1990-1995). In 1995 he was designated President Emeritus and Distinguished Professor of Systematic Theology Emeritus.
Among the numerous books and articles that Dr. Radmacher has authored or edited are the following books: The Nature of the Church (1978, 1995), Can We Trust the Bible (1979), Hermeneutics, Inerrancy, and the Bible (1984), Celebrating the Word (1987), The NIV Reconsidered (1990), The Nelson Study Bible (1997), Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Commentary (1999), Salvation (2000), and The Disciplemaker (2001).
Dr. Radmacher’s book on the Holy Spirit contains what he has learned through decades of studying Scripture, teaching others, and most of all, through walking with the Spirit in his life, marriage, and ministry. Gain his wisdom and insight by reading his book about the Holy Spirit today. Buy it today to take advantage of that $50 bonus offer.
Done and thanks!
Thanks! Hope you enjoy it.
I have just ordered this based on your recommendation, Jeremy, because I ordered the last book you recommended ‘Radically Normal’ and it is fantastic. It has helped me so much and I am recommending it to others. Thanks to your book about blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and now the radically normal book, my faith has become much stronger and I look at God now in a completely different way. I have a sense of freedom which I have never had before and I will be forever grateful.
Suzanne, I am glad to hear it. I really try to recommend books that I personally find helpful. Remember, of course, that sometimes books I find helpful are only because I am dealing with certain questions or issues in my life right now. You may not be dealing with these, and so may not find the books helpful.
Anyway, thanks for letting me know that you are enjoying Radically Normal.
Just ordered the kindle version. Some light reading in store 🙂
Dr R was my theology prof back in 19@$. Loved his classes!
Yes, he is a great Bible teacher and scholar.
The holy spirit is real to me he speaks to me he leads me he gives me wisdom he comforts me and he empowers me to do the work i am called to do.the evidence that you are walking by and with the holy spirit is that you are walking no longer walking according to the flesh but by the spirit of God.One of the things i used to struggle with was sin but no more it is the holy spirit that empowers me to live a holy life and when tempted i admit that my flesh is weak but that in Christ i am an overcomer and in the holy spirits power he strengthens me to be like Christ.To God be the glory great things he has done.brentnz