This guy is a genius…
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He might have a future in marketing…
First of all, Christianity is NOT a religion – it is a relationship between man and God through Jesus Christ.
Secondly, there are good people in religions as well as non-religious. And there are some “not so good” people who claim to be Christian. I do not judge.
“First of all, Christianity is NOT a religion – it is a relationship between man and God through Jesus Christ.”
Something that connects God and man is exactly what religion is. Just because you have negative associations with the word doesn’t change the definition.
“Something that connects God and man is exactly what religion is. Just because you have negative associations with the word doesn’t change the definition.”
This may be man’s definition, but not God’s definition. Christians have the right to define the difference between “religion” and a relationship with God. I do not consider my relationship with God through Jesus Christ as a religion. Neither do other Christians who understand the difference. There are no rituals I have to undertake daily to be a Christian. Only daily Faith that the shed blood of Jesus Christ has forgiven my sins. When I first believed this Truth, I became “saved” and the Holy Spirit entered my soul and keeps me on the right path. When I am tempted to sin, the Holy Spirit warns me that such is wrong – not a remembrance of some religious rule against sin. The Holy Spirit reminds me to follow God’s Word. His word is not a hodge podge of rules and regulations, but rather God through the Holy Spirit speaking to me in the relationship we have. I can have a daily relationship with God through Prayer initiated on my own- not reading some religious book or prayer book. You worldly religionists can call religion what you want, but for me and my house our Faith in God through Jesus Christ has been, is now, and always will be that relationship.
Wrong. (Or maybe ‘wrong’ is just a fun word to say.) “religion” is a group-study (where the re-Lidge—look over the ancient writings).
I usually give a dollar or two to those who hold up the sign. Because I do not know whether he/she is a fraud or a person in need. I think Jesus knows my heart and even if the person leaves and goes and purchases a bottle of beer and a pack of cigarettes, it was the “intend of my heart” which God looks upon.
When one has the time, they ought to offer the person with the sign a ride to the employment office. I would assume a high percentage of them would come up with some excuse why they can’t go.
A couple of years ago, I came out of a fast food joint and a man approached me asking for money. When I offered to go back into the fast food place to buy him something to eat, he changed his mind and walked off. It’s hard to know who is real and who has a need. But I think if you give them a dollar or two, God sees this as being Christlike and approves such, even if the person is a fraud.
I didn’t notice it before, but apparently, “Weed Smokers” is a religion.
Rastafarian => weed-smokers.
I’ve forgotten which verses in the Bible are used to justify smoking weed as a Christian sacrament.
Its just a token religon
Nice one! :0
And the winner is… nobody (?). Thankfully we are members of a faith/family not a ‘religon’.
I’m surprised the weed smokers are willing to donate anything. Good weed isn’t cheap.
Looking over the picture, I’m guessing the guy is not homeless, but a professional panhandler, also known as a beggar in most parts of the world. There are “schools” you can attend to teach you the techniques that work best. This guy’s cute little scheme is designed to increase the contributions.
Here in San Diego the professional panhandlers, most of whom dress like they’re homeless when they’re working, pull down $35K to $60K per year. (One of our local “homeless” panhandlers drives a Mercedes, a couple of others drive new BMWs.) The city is trying to crack down on them. Sadly, many well-intentioned people give these people money thinking they’re helping the homeless when in reality they’re not.
If anyone wants to really help the homeless, find local organizations that work with the homeless and find out what they need. Even there, however, if you really want the homeless to benefit, find out what the organization does with the money or materials you plan to donate.
It looks like the Christians are winning. The above post about “professional” panhandlers is the reason why I don’t give money to people with signs.
I do give money to people when they are pushing carts, sleeping in the bushes, sitting alone. But NOT when they are holding signs asking for money.
I would immediately wonder, What is true religion?
Having faith in Jesus; being born from heaven — free of spiritual darkness.
Conscious at all times — am I living in His image.
I am sometimes compelled to talk to certain
people; some not…I am compelled to give, but not to everyone. I am always
willing to give a fishing rod, after I’ve given a fish, so that he may have to strength
to fish. In some cases I ask a person if he knows Jesus, after I’ve given. If I’m rushed,
I like to have a flyer on hand, after I’ve given.
Since I am woefully imperfect, I look for guidance, and discernment at all times.
“I would immediately wonder, What is true religion?”
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
James 1:27
Of course, my friend, I wanted to go to the rudiments,
“Having faith in Jesus; being born from heaven — free of spiritual darkness.
Conscious at all times — am I living in His image,” in order to stay undefiled, in order to do what the Spirit told James to write. “What is true religion,” was a rhetorical question. Thanks for your input.
Jesus said the poor will always be with us, but he asked what are we going to do about it. In the new testament we are called to be generious and do good works. You don’t have to look far to find the needy, widows, the displaced, the unemployed and orphans. At the very least just turn the TV news on and there they are in every corner of the globe where war, persecution and famine reins. God created us in His image so being generious is not only a characteristic of Christians ….people from all walks of life provide help. As believers we just need to put our time and at times money in places where we meet Christs call…..when you do it to the least of these you are doing it unto me.
This is a good illustration of ‘what I hate about religion’ in-total: it’s not correctly connected to ‘the kingdom of the world.’
The only other thing I would suggest this guy do is move some of the money from the Christian dish to one of the others. (Muslim perhaps) Nothing motivates religious people more than to think they are losing.