My newest ebook is now available. You can get it on, or (for a limited time) you can subscribe to the email newsletter and get a free copy.
My newest ebook, Skeleton Church, has been published!
Here is what Skeleton Church is about:
The church has a skeleton which is identical in all types of churches. Unity and peace can develop in Christianity if we recognize this skeleton as the simple, bare-bones definition of church. But when we focus on the outer trappings, the skin, hair, and eye color, the clothes, the muscle tone, and other outward appearances, division and strife form within the church. Let us return to the skeleton church and grow in unity once again.
If you want to get a copy for yourself, it is available on, or (for a limited time) you can subscribe to the newsletter and get a free copy.
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Nice job, Jeremy. I’m currently taking a class on the history and polity of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Your book description sounds a lot like the leaders of the Restoration movement (sometimes called the Stone/Campbell movement) were trying to accomplish back in the early 1800’s. I’ve become licensed in the DOC and attend a small church here in Sparks, NV, but I’m relatively new to the denomination. It has been said that the Disciples were the first version of the emerging church, which I think is clever and maybe even partially true in terms of intent. Looking forward to reading your book!
Let me know what you find out. Is this the group that put out the book By One Spirit?
Nope. That looks like it’s the Swedish Lutheran gang. The DOC owns Chalice Press and is about a million members. It’s considered pretty liberal by most evangelicals because they refuse to put doctrine above relationship and are anti-creedal (which leads to some churches being open and affirming, women pastors, etc.). They actually encourage and affirm disparity of opinion and welcome anyone to the communion table (open table). Quite a shift for me, frankly, but despite my conservative leanings I like it a lot. Congregational polity, basically, but there are a couple of layers of support and accountability above the local church, which I think is a good idea (having come from a long succession of independent churches where the buck stops with the senior pastor). Here’s the national website:
Our crappy little church has a website, too (please excuse the music, which you can’t turn off without muting your computer):
Hi, my name is Ryan and I would like to say that I enjoyed your blogs.
I am currently trying to promote my new site that I have made called Its really new so there is not too much content but I hope that with learning all about seo and by promoting my site that it will grow into a large community. If you check it out and would like to provide me some feedback it would be much appreciated. Thanks
Just write good content, and keep writing!
Your book looks really interesting. I’ll be checking it out
Thanks! It’s a bit on the technical side… more than most of the writing on this blog…
Just started reading it, and so far you are “dead” on!
Just had to.. could not pass it up 🙂
Ha! Puns R fun!
Living on a missionary’s budget I could barely afford to buy books these days. I tend to look for the free Kindle books or $.99 daily specials. But, I went ahead and bought your book, figuring you deserve some financial benefit for your time and efforts my friend. Not to mention you have to feed your family. I always enjoy your blog and agree with 99% of what you usually have to say. Looking forward to your research and well thought out new book. I’ll be posting a review on Amazon, as I do with all books, when I finish reading it.
Blessings and Godspeed,
Thank you very much! You didn’t have to do that though… Next time, just take the free version!
I have a good job which pays the bills so I do what I really enjoy… writing!
Just read my free copy, and want to know if I can purchase one or more copies for friends in formats other than Kindle e-reader (preferably PDF).
Your Skeleton Church looks a lot like what our small (smaller than ever after the changes) Soma ( morphing into.
Other versions are available, but not for sale. I sent you a PDF by email. The “fee” is to post a review on Amazon! 🙂 Thanks!