Too many christians are still trying to find redemption by following rules. Itmakes them very stuffy and critical of others. They feel that any hunor derived from or poked at scripture is somehow blasphemous. This is not what Jesus would want.
I think it’s a good test of our personality and character if we can laugh at ourselves. It shows we have a healthy and humble assessment of ourselves. Most of what people joke about around religion, though, I find quite sad, rather than humorous.
I do not have religion. I am a Christian. Christianity is not a Religion – but rather a Relationship between God/Jesus and me. True Christians do not have Religion – but rather a Relationship with God/Jesus. Religion are ritualistic practices which God/Jesus does not require. There are only two Ordinances which they ask of us, after we have believed and trusted that the shed Blood of Jesus on the Cross forgave our sins. Those two things are (1) the ordinance of baptism showing that we have died with Christ and arose to a new life in Him. Then (2) there is the Ordinance of the Lord’ supper or Communion is our recognition of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross so that we might be saved from our sins.
Saying that one is a Christian does not make them a Christian. They first must recognize they are a wretched sinner – no matter how good a life they live – and the only way they can be saved from their wretched sinful life it to trust in the shed blood of Jesus on the Cross. That shed blood washes us of that sinful life and forgiveness is given – provided we really believe and Trust in what Jesus did and what His blood did for us. Then we can move on to the Ordinance of Baptism by emersion and participate in the Lord’s supper or Communion when such Ordinance is held by the local congregation.
When we allow Christ to come into our life, the Holy Spirit is also there to keep us walking with Jesus day by day. The Holy Spirit convicts of any sin we might commit even after we have become a true Christian. This conviction makes us confess that sin, and ask for God’s forgiveness.
As a Christian who takes literally the Word of God, we are empowered to live a life trusting that God will take care of us according to His will. We know that Heaven is our final destiny and when that time comes, we can accept death with a peaceful mindset.
I trust anyone who has not repented of their sins and ask Jesus to forgive them and follow his commands as I have listed will do so before death sneaks up on you. Eternity is real. Make sure you live it out in Heaven – and not separated from God which we know is in a place called Hell.
“…which we know is in a place called Hell.” – although actually there are as many scriptures suggesting annihilationism, and an equal number of scriptures suggesting universalism, as there are suggesting Hell. Most studied scholars would agree that it is by no means cut-and-dried that Hell is real.
Apostle Paul rebuked Peter on one on the occasions when he was trying to be legalistic on the proselytes. Salvation is strictly on the way you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior. Christianity is is a way of life. the relationship one has with God. it is rather a practical manifestation of Jesus’ way of life.
Does a person have to make Restitution in order to be Saved, even if they have repented of their sins, trusted in the shed blood of Jesus for he remission of all sins? If one does have to do Restitution, this would borderline on works for part of our salvation. Does not Ephesians 8:8-9 read: “For by Grace are you Saved through Faith and that not of yourselves; it is the Gift of God. Not of works lest any many should boast.”
If Restitution is a requirement, then what happens to a person who robs a stranger years before being converted to being a Christian. The person whom he robbed was a stranger and may even be dead. The converted former robber may not even know where the person is that he robbed. So if a person has to pay back what he robbed from this stranger, then he can never be saved, right?
Hmmm I do laugh from time to time, should laugh more. The Gospel of Salvation is good news so I suspect we should enjoy sharing it so a joke or a laugh could be in order.
When I am overcome by Holy Spirit, I giggle an awful lot. The times in between are filled with laughter and joy which are just below the surface, despite the awful circumstances I find myself in. The joy of the Lord really is my strength. People can, however, get some sense out of me most of the time 😉
Too many christians are still trying to find redemption by following rules. Itmakes them very stuffy and critical of others. They feel that any hunor derived from or poked at scripture is somehow blasphemous. This is not what Jesus would want.
I think it’s a good test of our personality and character if we can laugh at ourselves. It shows we have a healthy and humble assessment of ourselves. Most of what people joke about around religion, though, I find quite sad, rather than humorous.
I do not have religion. I am a Christian. Christianity is not a Religion – but rather a Relationship between God/Jesus and me. True Christians do not have Religion – but rather a Relationship with God/Jesus. Religion are ritualistic practices which God/Jesus does not require. There are only two Ordinances which they ask of us, after we have believed and trusted that the shed Blood of Jesus on the Cross forgave our sins. Those two things are (1) the ordinance of baptism showing that we have died with Christ and arose to a new life in Him. Then (2) there is the Ordinance of the Lord’ supper or Communion is our recognition of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross so that we might be saved from our sins.
Saying that one is a Christian does not make them a Christian. They first must recognize they are a wretched sinner – no matter how good a life they live – and the only way they can be saved from their wretched sinful life it to trust in the shed blood of Jesus on the Cross. That shed blood washes us of that sinful life and forgiveness is given – provided we really believe and Trust in what Jesus did and what His blood did for us. Then we can move on to the Ordinance of Baptism by emersion and participate in the Lord’s supper or Communion when such Ordinance is held by the local congregation.
When we allow Christ to come into our life, the Holy Spirit is also there to keep us walking with Jesus day by day. The Holy Spirit convicts of any sin we might commit even after we have become a true Christian. This conviction makes us confess that sin, and ask for God’s forgiveness.
As a Christian who takes literally the Word of God, we are empowered to live a life trusting that God will take care of us according to His will. We know that Heaven is our final destiny and when that time comes, we can accept death with a peaceful mindset.
I trust anyone who has not repented of their sins and ask Jesus to forgive them and follow his commands as I have listed will do so before death sneaks up on you. Eternity is real. Make sure you live it out in Heaven – and not separated from God which we know is in a place called Hell.
“…which we know is in a place called Hell.” – although actually there are as many scriptures suggesting annihilationism, and an equal number of scriptures suggesting universalism, as there are suggesting Hell. Most studied scholars would agree that it is by no means cut-and-dried that Hell is real.
Hell is real. Even Jesus spoke of it. So how can you say Hell is not a “cut and dried” position?
Are you saying Savior confession, or Savior confession plus baptism and communion is required to be saved?
Apostle Paul rebuked Peter on one on the occasions when he was trying to be legalistic on the proselytes. Salvation is strictly on the way you accept Jesus as your Lord and savior. Christianity is is a way of life. the relationship one has with God. it is rather a practical manifestation of Jesus’ way of life.
Does a person have to make Restitution in order to be Saved, even if they have repented of their sins, trusted in the shed blood of Jesus for he remission of all sins? If one does have to do Restitution, this would borderline on works for part of our salvation. Does not Ephesians 8:8-9 read: “For by Grace are you Saved through Faith and that not of yourselves; it is the Gift of God. Not of works lest any many should boast.”
If Restitution is a requirement, then what happens to a person who robs a stranger years before being converted to being a Christian. The person whom he robbed was a stranger and may even be dead. The converted former robber may not even know where the person is that he robbed. So if a person has to pay back what he robbed from this stranger, then he can never be saved, right?
I trust someone can answer this question for me.
Hmmm I do laugh from time to time, should laugh more. The Gospel of Salvation is good news so I suspect we should enjoy sharing it so a joke or a laugh could be in order.
When I am overcome by Holy Spirit, I giggle an awful lot. The times in between are filled with laughter and joy which are just below the surface, despite the awful circumstances I find myself in. The joy of the Lord really is my strength. People can, however, get some sense out of me most of the time 😉