Most of the problems regarding how to “do church” and what goes on “at church” could nearly be solved by simply answering the question “What is church?”
What is Church?
It seems that most of us believe that church is something we do on Sunday morning. It is where we meet God, and therefore, we have to dress up to “go to church,” and act a different way “at church.”
Though there are new types of buildings that hold “churches” they are typically built with red bricks, stained glass, and a white steeple. It is “at church” that we sing songs about God, read the Bible, and listen to a pastor teach. Church is where we get spiritual instruction. Church is where we go when we need a spiritual “pick-me-up.” Church is an American tradition.
But is that what “church” is? No. Absolutely not!
What is Church?
Biblically, the church is made up of all who have believed in Jesus for eternal life worldwide and throughout time. That is the church.
Therefore, church is not something you can attend. It is not a place you can go.
“Church” just is, and you are either a part of the church or you are not.
When this truth is grasped, it revolutionizes the way we go about being the church. We realize that since we can’t go to church, what is this “thing” we are doing on Sunday morning? If that’s not church, what is? If we can’t “go to church,” what are we supposed to do about church? How are we supposed to “do church”?
Share your view and ideas on these subjects in the comments below.
Note: Since this post was written, I have written a couple books on this very topic:
To answer the “What is the church?” question, I wrote Skeleton Church.
To answer the “What is the church service?” question, I wrote Put Service Back into the Church Service.
Scripture shows that, as you say, the Church is composed of all true believers. The Church is also seen – in another aspect – as the Body of Christ and, finally, the true Christian is seen as a son of God.
These aspects have to be taken together. Worship is in relation to Divine Persons. Christianity is entirely a spiritual system – “God is [a] spirit and must be worshipped in spirit and truth” are the Lord’s own words.