Hi! I’m Jeremy Myers. I write books, teach online courses, lead a discipleship group, and publish podcasts about Scripture, theology, and following Jesus.
Thanks for visiting my site and wanting to learn more. The following page contains information about myself, the goal of this blog, how to contact me, and some other miscellaneous details. If you want to contact me for an interview, you can do that here.
But really, this page is for YOU. Not only will this page help you learn about me, but this page will help you learn how reading this blog will help you on your journey with God, and also help you decide whether or not my online discipleship group is right for you.
And in case you’re curious … I was a pastor numerous years before becoming a prison chaplain. I have degrees from Moody Bible Institute and Dallas Theological Seminary.
Freedom from Religion
Lots of people are enslaved by religion and don’t even know it. They think they are following God, but in reality, they are under the influence of religious rules, regulations, and requirements that have less to do with God than with some person’s attempt to gain cash, credit, or control for themselves.
In such religious bondage, Scripture and theology are two of the primary tools used to enslave others.
At RedeemingGod.com, I seek to help you follow God in a more relational way by liberating Scripture and theology from the shackles of religion.
I want to help liberate you from bad ideas about God … I seek to redeem your picture and understanding of God.
When you understand Scripture and theology as God meant it, you are freed to live life in relationship God, rather than under the control of religion.
If you have been burned by religion, have suffered from the manipulation of religious leaders, or feel that God has lied to you, left you hanging, and cannot be trusted, begin the path toward understanding God’s heart for you, and gaining the true freedom He wants for you today.
Start discovering that God is better than you think.
Join thousands of others at RedeemingGod.com in discovering what your heart has always longed for.
Do you ever feel trapped by the spell of religion? Even Christians who claim to “have a relationship; not a religion” are often trapped in a Christian religion.
Most of what I write on RedeemingGod.com is geared toward helping you break free from the shackles of religion.
I do this by writing books and blog posts, leading a discipleship group which includes online courses, and publishing a Bible study podcast. Through all of this, I hope that you will come to understand God, Scripture, the church, and yourself in a new light.
Scripture, theology, and the church are gifts from God to help us follow Jesus and love others. But religion often uses Scripture, theology, and church to capture the minds and hearts of people so that it can control them.
Here at Redeeming God, I want to help you break free of religion. I do this through my blog posts, books, podcasts, and online courses
Hopefully, as we follow Jesus together outside of the bonds of religion, you will find answers to the questions you ask, and maybe even a few questions you didn’t know to ask.
The best place to start is by joining my online discipleship group.
About RedeemingGod.com
There is a long history to this website which you can read about near the bottom of this page. For now, here is a brief explanation of what “Redeeming God” all about.
The phrase “Redeeming God” is meant to be ambiguous. Part of this is because Bible study and theology is often ambiguous, but the real reasons is because the phrase “Redeeming God” can be understood in two ways.
1. God is a Redeemer
First, the word “Redeeming” can be an adjective describing “God.” In this case, God is understood as the One who redeems. And this is certainly true of God. God is a redeemer. He is in the business of redemption. I believe that there is nothing—absolutely nothing—that is beyond the scope of God’s redemption.
I believe that God is in the business of redemption.
“Redemption” is the idea of buying something back to liberate it or give it freedom. In ancient biblical cultures, the term was often used in connection with a person being bought from the slave markets and then being given their freedom. Today, we might “redeem” an item from the Pawn shop by going to the owner and buying an item back from him which we had sold.
Most Christians are familiar with this concept, and are happy to sing and talk about being redeemed. We like to talk about how God has redeemed us from sin, death, and the devil.
But true biblical redemption is much more radical than that.
While God does redeem people, I believe that there is absolutely nothing beyond the scope of His redemption. I believe that God not only redeems people, but He also redeems places, cultures, histories, holidays, and events. Everything is redeemable. Yes, everything. I write a lot more about this on the blog, and it is what I mean when I talk about our “Redeeming God.”
So in this sense, the phrase “Redeeming God” focuses on the redemptive activity of God in our lives and in history. Part of the purpose of this blog is to reveal and unfold the universal redemptive work of God
But there is another idea I have in mind when I talk about “Redeeming God.” I also mean that God Himself is redeemed.
2. God is Redeemed
This site has another purpose as well, which is revealed in the other way that “Redeeming God” can be understood. The word “Redeeming” may also function as a present participle, with “God” as the object. When understood this way, God Himself is the one who receives the action of redemption.
But how can this be? While God is a Redeemer, God does not need to be redeemed, does He?
Actually, I believe that the one being in the universe who needs redemption the most … is God Himself.
Yet when I say that God is redeemed, I do NOT mean that God is a sinner who needs to be redeemed from sin, death, and the devil.
No, when I think about God being redeemed, I am referring specifically to how we humans have tried to use Scripture, theology, and tradition to tie God down into a box. We have enslaved God to religion. (He is not enslaved, of course, but we have tried to enslave Him).
So when I think and write about God being redeemed, I am not actually freeing God (for He is already free), but about freeing ourselves in how we think about God and act toward Him. We have tried to enslave God, and we must liberate Him from the prison of our minds if we are ever going to understand Him and follow Him into true life.
I believe that this is why Jesus came to live among us. God is not sinful and so does not need redemption in that manner, but humanity has terrible ideas about God, and God wants to reveal Himself to us as He really is; not as who we think He is. So by revealing God to us, Jesus has redeemed God. That is, Jesus has redeemed our understanding of God.
Yet we have been slow to learn what Jesus revealed. The vast majority of humanity, including the vast majority of Christianity, still believes a whole host of things about God that are the exact opposite of the things that Jesus revealed to us about God. So God needs to be redeemed. We need to come to see God for who He really is. We need to see that God is who Jesus revealed Him to be. When we see that God is like Jesus, God will be redeemed.
So on RedeemingGod.com, two of the things I write about are about how God redeems us (and everything else) and how Jesus redeems God for us.
The Purpose of “Redeeming God”
On this site, I seek to unveil God’s universal activity of redemption so that we can liberate God in our own minds and join Him in the life He wants for us.
I do this by writing about three primary topics: I write about Scripture, theology, and the church.
And while these three areas seem to be “religious” topics, I write about them in non-religious ways. In fact, the goal of this site is to write about these topics in ways that liberate, rescue, and redeem people from religion.
Many ways of reading Scripture, doing theology, and being the church have become enslaved to a religion which seeks to control God and control people. In other words, religion uses many tools to control and enslave people. Three of these tools are (1) a particular way of reading Scripture, (2) various doctrines of theology, and (3) numerous practices of church. And “God” is often called upon to support and defend this religious enslavement of others.
That is why we need to redeem God from religion so that God can redeem us from religion.
Where will we begin? The starting (and ending) place is Jesus.
Jesus is the End of Religion
While many believe that Jesus came to rescue people from sin, I believe that one of the primary reasons Jesus came was to liberate people from religion. Jesus came to rescue us (and God) from religion.
As a follower of Jesus myself, the unceasing desire of my heart is to see people break free from the bonds and chains of religion and find freedom in His love.
So that is what this website is about. It is about moving from the way of religion to the way of love.
I write and teach so that you will be rescued and delivered from religion so you can experience the liberating and loving relationship with God that He wants to share with you.
Oh, and don’t think I have it all figured out.
I am on this journey also. I too am learning what it means to live in love, free from religion. And that is why I write. I think best through writing. I write so that I might learn what I believe. I write so that I might continue my theological education in public. I write so that others (like you) might interact with what is going on in my head, and so that I might learn from you in return. Read the “Contact Me” section below to learn more.
If you want some sort of “Doctrinal Statement” then check out my unDoctrinal Statement.
If you want to see what sorts of authors and books have most influenced my thinking and theology, check out my Best Christian Books page.
Contact Me
I want to be as available to you as I possibly can. Please forgive me if it does take me some time to respond! Here are some ways in which you can interact with me:
- Comments – You can always leave a comment on the site. I try to read them all and respond to as many as I can. But dozens of people leave comments every day, and I am unable to respond to them all. But leave a comment anyway as part of the ongoing conversation. If I am unable to respond, someone else might.
- Twitter – I’m here: @jeremyers1!
- Facebook – I try to respond to comments on my Facebook Profile (Friend me here!) and Facebook Page (Please “Like” it!).
You can always contact me as well through this contact form:
The Back Story
This website has a long history.
This site was originally called “Till He Comes.”
I began the site in 2001 when I became a pastor. It served as a place to post my sermons manuscripts and audio messages. Some of these are still on the site: Sermon Audio and Sermon Manuscripts. In 2007, I added the blog, which became my primary form of online communication.
TILL HE COMES is actually an acrostic for “Truth in Love, Letting Him Equip Christians to Obey, Minister, Evangelize, and Send.” Catchy, huh? I cringe when I think about it now. Oh well. I just think of it as a reference to 1 Corinthians 11:26 where Paul writes that we are to proclaim the Lord’s death “till he comes” (NKJV).
Paul’s statement summarized the website well. Though Paul is talking about the Lord’s Supper in 1 Corinthians 11, one of the ways we can proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes is by dying to ourselves daily. When I look back and who I was when I started this site, what I believed, and the things I wanted, I can hardly believe the changes that God brought about in my life. Most of who I was and what I wanted is now dead. In many ways, I was trying to fill the voids that were left behind, and this site helped me in that quest.
Over the years, I adopted several slogans to describe what I was trying to do. Two of them were:
- Plagiarizing God’s Truth to the Highest Degree Possible
- Writing to Bring Scripture and Theology to Life
A lot of writing about Scripture and theology is boring, and hard to understand. Even then, if Scripture and theology is understood, it often makes little difference in one’s life. In my writing, I hoped to change all this. I wanted to help people understand Scripture and theology, and I wanted to help them apply both to their lives.
However, the blog also become unwieldy as I had numerous topics I was writing about. Along with Bible Study and Theology, I was looking to get published and plant a church.
2. Spinning out Other Websites
Somewhere along the way, to help me focus the content of this blog on its original purpose, I started several other blogs. Here are just a few of the blogs I started:
- Grace Commentary is a free, online, interactive Bible Commentary. It contains academic research on various books of the Bible. Right now, I am working through the the book of Jonah and the Gospel of Luke.
- Grace Ground was a free, online blogging community for church leaders and church planters. I write there about my own church planting journey. THIS SITE IS NO LONGER FUNCTIONING.
- Grace Books was a free, online blogging community for Christian authors and writers. On this site, I write about my efforts to get published, and what I am learning in the process. If you are an author, or are looking to get published, feel free to join the blogging community there and start building (or add to) your author platform. This site is no longer functioning in this way, but will soon serve to provide links to my various books.
- Grace Blogger is where I provide free tips and tricks for ministry blogs. I am completely self-taught when it comes to blogging and web-design, and over the years, many people have asked me to help them set up their blog. I love to help others, but found that I was answering the same questions over and over. So I set up this blog to share some of what I have learned over the years about blogging. If you are a new blogger, or are looking to learn some of what I do as a blogger, check out this site. THIS SITE IS NO LONGER FUNCTIONING.
- Redeeming Press is the publishing arm of my ministry. I not only publish my own books through this company, but also seek to help other authors get their books into print as well. At Redeeming Press, we focus on publishing with generosity and grace. We want to return publishing to the way it used to be, where the main concern about a book was not how many copies it would sell, but whether or not the book contained redemptive and important truths. We also try to be generous in our royalty structure, giving authors 30% (or more) royalty payments. We are no longer accepting authors or book submissions.
- Blogging Author is a video tutorial site where I have guides about blogging and getting published. As with many of the other sites above, the project is on a back-burner (WAY back there). This site is no longer being updated.
As you can see by the titles, I’m a big fan of grace. It is the theme of my writing and my life. Of course, most of these other blogs do not get updated frequently, because I simply do not have the time.
3. Redeeming God
In early 2015, I hit a blogging wall. I had published over 10 books, 2000 posts, had over 20,000 comments, and had received millions of pageviews, but I had reached a breaking point and decided to step back from it all and reconsider what I was doing, and why. I wrote about it here: I am Dying…
The current website is part of what came out of that rebirthing process. I transferred much of what was on the Till He Comes blog over to RedeemingGod.com. As part of this, however, I decided to stop making “long range” plans and promises for the future. For all I know, this current website is just part of the dying process.
I used to promise to respond to every comment left on this site. I make no such promises now. In fact, the current website doesn’t even have a comment section (read more about why below).
I used to promise to publish blog posts 5 times a week. I make no such promises now. I have no clue how often I will publish posts. I will write when I have something to say, and not sooner.
I used to promise to publish 2-3 eBooks per year. I make no such promises now. I still think I might write books, but if so, I will only put out books now when they are ready. It might be 1-2 per year, but I also might not ever publish another one.
I also think I might start a podcast. But maybe not. We’ll see. And if I do, it might be sporadic. It might die after a month or two. I have no clue.
Do you see where I am going with this? I am trying to hold all my plans lightly. I am trying to follow Jesus; not my plans.
And we will see where the journey goes.
One thing I am pretty sure of though… My blog posts will continue to share with you the journey of me trying to fill in the holes, connect the dots, and put into words what I’m thinking and feeling. Also, Bible study is still a huge part of my life, and I feel pretty certain that God has gifted me to study and write about the Bible, and so I will strive to focus on doing so. (Though this too may change!) While I post some of my informal studies here on this blog, most of my formal studies will be posted over at my other website: Grace Commentary.
I hope that answers some of your questions about this site, and where we are going. I hope you come along for the ride! Join my discipleship group today to learn more and walk with me for a while.
More About Jeremy Myers
My entire story is not posted anywhere, but a rough outline of the past ten years is posted on Jason Boyett’s blog, Oh Me of Little Faith. I have also written about my experiences as part of a book I recently published called: Finding Church: Stories of Leaving, Switching, and Reforming.
I received my Bachelor’s in Bible and Theology from Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, and my Master’s of Theology (Th.M.) in Bible Exposition from Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. I have published articles in various theological journals, have published over 10 books, and currently run one of the Top 10 Christian Blogs.
More information about this website
- Write a Guest Blog for Redeeming God
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I have logged almost 40 years as a pastor/missionary. Having the same last name I just wondered if we are shirt-tail relatives. My family came from northeastern Ohio, but I had cousins in CO whom I never met. Just curious as to your background
Well, most of my family comes from Washington and Montana. But we are probably distantly related somehow…. after all, we know how to correctly spell “Myers.” Ha ha.
Jeremy, I couldn’t find where I could ask you a question. So if I may. I will ask here.
I just got in a disagreement with my daughters about the Kardashians. They said I can’t judge them. I don’t know them.
So. I do not pay attention to them. Because of my limited knowledge of them. Through the smell test. I don’t care for them and find them dumb.
Would you know anything deeper that biblical puts. Them in the wrong side of the ledger.
My daughters are believers. But they are 18 and 21.
Mike Figueroa
There is a contact form above that could be used…
I don’t know anything about the Kardashians either. And no, there is nothing anywhere that would allow us to put them on the wrong side of the ledger.
When it comes to people’s eternal destiny … we cannot judge anyone, but must leave all such judgment up to God.
As for their behavior and some of the things they say and do, you might be able to say that such things do not match with Christian values or the teachings of Jesus … but then, a lot of things that regular Christians say and do fail to match up to Christian values and the teachings of Jesus as well…
Regarding the Kardashians. I agree. I am not judging their future in heaven or hell.
All I know is what I kind of know of them and it seems exploitive and sensual in nature to me.
I don’t think they put Christ first or second or third.
I can’t “judge,” anybody as to where they will spend eternity. But, how do I judge anything or anybody for everyday things if I always use the “I can’t judge.” Defense.
I have to be able to judge weather something is good or bad for my family. And when someone pushes their type of lifestyle I gotta say no. Not in my house.
How can I take a stand if “really,” I don’t know some bodies heart? Cause we can really never know for sure. Just by how they conduct themselves but even then. I don’t “really,” know.
That’s a can’t win arguement.
I’m confused here.
From my experience as a mom, I have found that to behave as if I am interested in any fad or hairbrained scheme almost guaranteed my son would soon loose interest in it.
Ask your daughters questions about the Kardashians latest shenanigans as if you are really interested. Scanning the headlines that pop up in the side margins or at the bottom of even legit news sites can provide fodder for nosy, naive questions. ?
We are not the judges of men’s souls but we are told to judge all things.
For example in the epistle to the Galatians when Paul confronts Peter.
Paul was in no way saying Peter was not God’s man (he referred to him as a pillar of the church) but merely calling out his actions.
The real problem is that what we defend we admire. The things and actions we admire we desire and James warns us that we sin when the desires of our heart draw us away from God’s way.
We are told to answer all men with grace and this definitely includes our families.
This Grace is much more than mercy and forgiveness; it is God’s life becoming our own. It is freedom from the bondage of sin that results in stealing, killing and destroying in our own lives and relationships.
@Mike F. I’m not sure how long posts and replies were recorded on this site as their is no date stamp. So, I hope you get this.
I think “judge,” such as in the context that you used it, sometimes gets used synonymously with assessment/evaluation. It is correct that none us us can make an eternal determination as to the destination of another’s ultimate abode. However, pulling Scripture into this, as we should always look to, I think Matthew 7:15-20 helps shed light on the matter. While Jesus said this in relation to false prophets, I believe the universal application holds. In verse 20 it says “recognize.” Well, to recognize something one need to be observant. In verses 17-19 it talks about good and bad fruit. For one to be able to determine whether fruit is “good” or “bad” they need to make a determination, which implies the necessity of evaluation.
In 2 Corinthians 6:17 Paul says “Therefore ‘Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord.” More verses to explore in relation to the matter at hand, Romans 12:2 (Do not conform to the ways of the world), and Ephesians 5:12 (Do not even talk about what the disobedient do). Really throughout the Bible is that we as God’s children are to live in the light and be pure (live in a manner that pleases Him). We are to have nothing to do with the ways of the wicked (Don’t talk about it, think about it, look at it, or be around it). We are to live a life consecrated to Him. Be a living sacrifice.
So, as your daughters said, paraphrased and stated as a quote, “You don’t know them. So, you can’t judge them,” does not mean that we are not to evaluate the “fruit” they are producing. So, while we cannot exhaustively know everybody and make an absolutely perfect evaluation, we can evaluate what it obvious.
On a personal note, in my own assessment, whether the Kardaashians claim to be Christians or not, their lives, from a distance, do not appear to have the hallmarks of a redeemed life.
Additionally, what one exposes themselves to, over time, it begins to effect their thinking, attitudes, emotions, and ultimately behavior. I was a psychology undergrad and am a 44 year old seminarian. God knows all of this about us because He made us. Thus, all of this is taken into account when He says what He says and how He works with us.
I hope this is helpful.
God bless you brother!
We can always pray for them though! God can REDEEM right? And with Kim K’s husband, Kanye West has got saved- even we don’t see it, God’s working. And pray for your girls to value themselves as God’s Daughters.
You know sometimes our rulers are crooked. Our judgements are flawed. Great answer to the above query.
I am glad I came across your blog. My disillusionment with my Southern Baptist Convention right now is making it challenging. I am a believer just don’t know if I can trust any organized religious body right now.
I have always ministered through a local congregation but never in a formal capacity. I am not ordained but I do hold a Masters in Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary 1985
I just stumbled across your blog, and I am intriqued by some of your statements. I spend a lot of time ministering to people who have been deeply wounded by churches and traditional Christian organizations. Some of the statements you make on this blog lead me to think that you have been wounded by these very same people.
Accidentally submitted before I was finished.
I think it interesting that God has you on the exact opposite trajectories in many ways. I was raised in “church”. My father was insistant that I should become a pastor, but instead I joined the Army and became a prison guard. I later left the Army and became a federal police officer. I was a churchy person, and I spent my life judging those who did not measure up to my standards of Godly living. I was a pharasee in a lot of ways and had little understanding of God’s grace.
God allowed me to become full of my own self righteousness to the point that I fell greatly, and ended up in prison myself. After I left prison, I was led into a church that taught “free grace” and a group of Godly men that welcomed me into their circle in spite of my own failings. God took me through a period of deep disillusionment in my ideas of God and Church in order to be able to use me.
Now, I am the president of a grace based motorcycle ministry that reaches out to those on the street in addiction, to those in criminal biker gangs, and to those who want nothing to do with traditional churches. I spend my days leading a group of bikers that don’t look, act, or smell like good Christians, and we serve Him wherever we go.
I share this testimony to encourage you to keep searching and struggling with the voids as you call them. I know some truly great men of God who only came to be used for the kingdom after they were stripped of their own illusions of who God is and what He expects of us. This in many ways is the death of the dreams that you illude to.
I am adding this blog to my favorites. If I ever get my own blog up, I will share a link with you. I pray that God will use me to encourage you in this journey and I know you will do the same for me(you already have through some of your posts).
In Christ,
Men of Praise Motorcycle Ministry
Wow. I would love to hear more about your story and your current ministry. You are right, I have been hurt by the church…but who hasn’t?
That hasn’t caused me to abandon the church, but to try to live out the principles of church in a meaningful way in my own life and with those I interact with. It sounds like you are doing that too.
Please, once you get your blog up, let me know. I want to hear more. Thanks!
I will definately try to stay in touch. I especially like your incarnational ministry style. If we are not Christ to those around us then how are they going to see Him?
The damage that the church did to me was done before my failure. I was led to believe that my performance was important to God, that if I would just do enough Good things, that God could accept me. I am naturally inclined to law, as are all of us, but I was good at it. I could keep the rules, be in church all the time, not drink or smoke or do drugs. Even sexual sin did not seem to be a problem for me. I was so good at keeping the lists that I really looked down on everyone who could not keep them as well as me.
Then I found that I was fallable. God needed to disillusion me in my own ability to be acceptable before Him. I fell flat on my face. Your recent article on how to get involved in a sex scandal really hits a little too close to home. I can say that even though I was not a leader in a church, my pride and self righteousness led me to think that I was above sinning. I really believed that I could flirt with sin and not get burned. The steps you give are really right on, and though your article has a feel of being tongue-in-cheek, it really should serve as a warning to those who feel that they cannot or will not fall into temptation themselves.
In Christ,
Men of Praise Motorcycle Ministry
Beautiful reading Men Of Praise and Jeremy I love to see how God brings us outside of ourselves that we see the inside as He does. I pray you both continued blessings as God continue to use us all while He mold us daily, Amen† GBWY†
MeTlc† (The Lord’s Child)
I haven’t reviewed your site thoroughly yet but couldn’t help but comment on one of your sermons that has helped me greatly. I have really been struggling with how best to live a principled life and stand-up for Truth, while at the same time not being “judgemental.” It’s so awesome how we know Truth when we hear it. The Holy Spirit really spoke to my heart as I read your sermon and I just wanted to say thank you for being willing to share.
Thank you very much. I haven’t been preaching in many years, but am glad that some of the sermons still help people. I would like to eventually post more audio online, but am too busy with life, family, and work at the moment. I also write over at http://www.gracecommentary.com and http://www.graceground.com
Hey Jeremy,
We hope you are having a very successful ministry there on the other side of the country. Could you email us your mailing address?
May God bless you in a new way.
Jesse and Ava
Dear Jeremy, please don’t be offended, but I believe that, it’s not just his death we are supposed to tell about, but his resurrection as well. Just as he had his disciples follow him up on the mount to be a witness of his transfiguration and an example of the resurrection, using his brothers and servants, Elija and Moses. That is the whole gift we are to look forward to, because even the world knows we have death, but through the Father, Lord Jehova, the son, Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, along with the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus, God’s Christ, we have life everlasting!!! Praise be to our high priest for ever in the order of King Melchesideck, according to the Father who is in Heaven. May God bless you in your endeavor to spread the good news!!! Halalu Yah Way!!!!!!!
I’m not offended at all. I agree with you. The death of Jesus is nothing without the resurrection. The same is true in our lives. We experience the death of many things so that resurrection can occur.
Did I say something in the page above to make you think otherwise?
what version of the bible do you use. i am very interested in this website. and would love to know
I primarily use the NKJV.
Hi Jeremy,
I’ve been checking out the site here, and I wanted to introduce you to Thoughtree
for iOS 7, which is now available for free on the App Store.
use it just about everyday to record prayers, scripture, and other
spiritual thoughts so I KNOW it will be an awesome tool for Christians.
many people just will not start writing because it feels like work. The
Personal Thought Network is a new and actually fun way to capture
thoughts as they naturally come. The colorful, innovative, and drop-dead
simple interface gives Thoughtree unique potential to reach out to
those atypical writers in ways that other traditional note-taking apps
Writing in this honest and creative environment turns out to be
therapeutic for the mind, as well as productive in whatever projects you
might be working on.
Check out the app here:
If you were to write a short review for the site it would be quite
relevant, and I am confident that your readers would appreciate being
introduced to a new realm of personal and spiritual creativity, especially for free!
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks in advance, and happy Monday 🙂
Jude Abeler
Dear Jeremy..I have bought your book today via Amazon on the Unforgivable sin..I am so worried that I have committed this sin some years ago..I read the scripture ” anyone who says anything against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven “..I invited Jesus into my heart some time ago..but got stuck with this scripture..I thought ” well,we can say words, not mean them, bring them out of our mouths but not mean them ” then got temped ( stupidly) with the phrase ” will never be forgiven “..and in my heart wanted to commit this sin…( stupid ) so in my heart , no words said, I committed this sin,…then ran to my minister to tell him I had done this sin…but wanted to continue fully being a christian sharing GOD AND JESUS with all around..Some strange this happened to me..then I seemed to strengthen and continue to grow and wanted to, being a Christian, but then this year life changed and all sorts of things happened suddenly and I wondered if God was now dealing with this sin from many years ago..but still I want to share about GOD AND JESUS..I’m so sorry..I felt if I had read the word ” blaspheme ” and not the word ” say “, I would have turned over the page and read on…So Sorry…and want to find my way back home to GOD..
If you are concerned about this sin, then you did not commit it. If you want God to forgive you and you are sorry for what you said or did, then God is still at work in your life, and therefore, you did not commit this unpardonable sin. God accepts you, loves you, and forgives you.
Hello just no your not alone with this one….i struggle with this too. I am fighting my way out of this though for the very first time because i am fed up of living with this nagging thought daily. I am almost there. Speaking up for the first time. I lived with it for years because i didn’t want people to worry about me. Coming out with this has been freeing though. I know it is solo nutty though. We almost make it worse for ourselves by obsessing over it. THat word you used stuck. Is a perfect definition of all this.
And just wanted you to know that i posted on this very same thing, abound 20 days ago. Under “What will Heaven Be like.” The Home Page.
Thanks for sharing that Robin. Yes, the discussion there is quite good. Here is the link for the future reference. https://redeeminggod.com/what-heaven-will-be-like/
When the Christ states that anybody who says anything against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven, its because the sin against the Holy Spirit, has immediate retribution. The Holy Spirit punishes you immediately you sin against Him. Its not that you are lost forever. But that you are punished immediately.
How does the Holy Spirit punish you for speaking against Him? He withdraws from you and you are exposed to the shenanigans of the evil Spirit. But when you sin against the Son, the Son cannot leave you, because He has already Redeemed you from the Father. If you sin against the Father, the Son, pays your sins before the Father.
Just had to jump in here. I agree with you Jeremy, if anyone is concerned about having committed the unpardonable sin, you have not. Without the prompting of the Holy Spirit we would not be conscious of our sin. The fact that you are naming anything as sin against God and seeking his forgiveness and turning away from any other similar actions indicates that they are hearing and responding to the Holy Spirit in their lives. Committing a sin is not the same as outwardly refusing the continual nudge of the Holy Spirit to turn to God. Jesus said, “Abide in me and I in you.” As we abide in Christ (seek his Word and make it live in us) he transforms our mind. Our actions and reactions are a result of our abiding in Him and the Holy Spirit producing fruit from within us. Our faith and trust in God is not based on feeling. We base our relationship with God because of the covenant, promise, He made with us. I am a married woman, not because I feel like it, because some days I do not. I am a married woman because my husband and I made a covenant between us 42 years ago. The more we trust God and live according to His truths the more we understand God and His ways and who we are in Christ.
Jesus said all sin is forgivable except the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit . I too believed that I blasphemed the Holy Spirit. I’ve come to understand that the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is unbelief, unbelief in the son of God. The unbelief that God gave his only son to pay for the sins of humanity.
Amen. The passage at the end of Mark 3 is revealing. “Because they said he had an unclean Spirit.” Also, Hebrews 3 talks about the evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God. God gave His Son to give the world life (John 3:16) but mankind is too busy condemning each other over the same sins they themselves are guilty of (God forgive us, I also am guilty of this). This is error, as God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world though Him might be saved (John 3:17). And if the Son of God did not come to condemn, then no one else has the right to. 2nd Cor 5:19, God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself not imputing their trespasses unto them.
Hi I am technically a Jehovahs Witness and I love your site. I say technically because although Iwas baptised as one I now have very little in common with the movement and don’t participate in their preaching work or attend the meetings at the Kingdom Halls. Like yourself I am repelled at the controlling ways of men who set themselves up to Lord it over others. I do get your posts and love the observations that are made.
However although I don’t identify myself by following a brand, I know you would reject me as your Christian brother because I don’t believe in the Trinity. That saddens me because when I read your posts I feel far more affiliated to you than those that I am meant to share the same beliefs with. However I can’t get my head around the Trinity, even when I was a kid. I grew up in the church of England, but could not understand our accept the Trinity. Any case even if you don’t consider me as your brother I consider you mine. There are many other JW’s who are like myself who only want to be led by Christ and not a Corporation. I
It is my wish that one day Christ will reveal his nature in a way that any honest hearted person will respond to. If you prove to be correct I would humbly and gratefully accept correction. I would hope the same would be true of yourself as well if you are found needing further direction.
Any case I would like to say thank you for your insights and the way you remind me and so many others what our real responsibility are as Christians.
Keep up the good work, your brother in Christ.
I wouldn’t reject you personally. I do think the Trinity is a foundational doctrine and is critical for understanding God, but I do not think that belief in the Trinity is required to receive eternal life. For that, all a person needs to do is believe in Jesus Christ for it, not trusting in their own works or righteousness in any way, shape, or form. Jesus Christ has done it all!
Hi Jeremy, thanks for your kind words. I am heartened that you are true to word and not bigoted. Perhaps one day I may see things your way, but for now I accept Jesus as my Lord and my God and not the Watchtower Society. I know that wherever we are in our personal beliefs about the nature of Christ, he will draw all who praise him and accept his sacrifice into a perfect bond of union then everything will be clear (1 Corinthians 13:12)
Remember that it is unlikely that most Old Testament saints believed in the Trinity. Yet we all expect to see Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, etc. etc, in heaven.
Jeremy, While I might be willing to arguably accept that a belief in the Trinity isn’t necessary for salvation (after all, how many mature Christians really understand the concept, much less a “babe in Christ), would you agree that believing in the Deity of Christ is essential; that Jesus is God and not just a created being?
It is my understanding that JW’ s believe that Jesus is a created being, and not God.
Let me ask you this: At what point in the ministry of Jesus did the disciples have eternal life? Can we know? If so, at what point in the ministry of Jesus did they know He was God incarnate?
Jeremy, While I have no idea when the disciples were “saved” (I’m not even sure I know exactly when I was saved), I do believe they knew at least by Peter’s confession of Christ (Matthew 16:13-20) that He was God incarnate. (I believe Peter’s reference to Jesus as the “Son of the living God” is a reference to Jesus’ deity.) Based upon your answer here and in response to “IMJUSTASKIN”, I get the impression that you don’t believe it is important what one believes about Jesus (who He was) as long as they have a sincere belief in Him. Whether you think He was God incarnate or just a good man, as long as you put your faith in Him, you are saved.
The fact that Jesus did ask the disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” and not just, “Do you believe in me?” leads me to believe that Who we say He is does matter. I believe that when John said, “No one who denies the Son has the Father; whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father” (1 John 2:23), was talking not just about accepting Jesus the man, but about accepting all that the Bible (and Jesus Himself) said about Him.
I might agree with you. I do think that belief in the deity of Jesus is a necessary “pre-condition” to believing in Jesus for eternal life. If someone thought Jesus was a mere human, why would they believe in Him for eternal life?
Can God rewards us when we get to heaven
Hellow Bro Mayers, I am a prophetic Bible researcher hr in the Philippines , and i believe that the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is very near.The people of God are not in darkness, so they know the time, the coming of the LOrd is not like a thief to them who are studying the time prophecy. The preaching of the definite time was of God.
Please sent me your Chronological timeline of your study, I want to know more about 2014 second coming. Because our group hr is waiting for the general destruction first, “Desolation” of this world before the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We also believe that 2014 is the year of the coming of the KING.
God Bless you Brother.
what! really. no one knows the the day or hour. are you date setting? really? very disapointing.
Hi Jeremy, really enjoying your studies in Ephesians, but where’s chapter 5? Are you going to post this soon?
I do have these studies. I need to post them online, I guess!
Being a creative type, I was browsing for articles on Creativity and The Christian Faith. I was prompted to do so after watching one in series of lectures by jazz pianist/musical artist Herbie Hancock. The phrase ‘Buddhism and Creativity’ was mentioned (YouTube: Herbie Hancock, Mahindra Humanities Ctr, if you’re interested.) Hmm. Christian Faith and Creativity? Thus my search began and here I am. Anyways, I see your site has a lot more interesting topics to explore, especially being that I recently pulled out of a “church” after 5 years. Audiobook “Why Men Hate Going To Church” is full of pertinent info and also paints a pretty good picture of the modern Christian congregation. Just as another gentleman has, I’ve bookmarked your site. Looks good. We’ll be in touch. Be well!
Ha! That’s funny. I was just wondering, “Are Jeremy and Jim related? They both spell it, ‘Myers.'”
Jeremy thanks for all you do! I’m digging in to the Blogging Author Seminar and finding really helpful.
Thanks again!
Glad you didn’t put everything to death! Looking forward to more of your Godly insight and analysis.
Resurrection is coming! 😉
Please forgive the green coloring of my face. 😛
Do you have pics of the rug rats ?
Yeah, I should put a family pic up there…
Very good website. I think it nice that you interact with your readers who leave comments. Also, I found your postings about “tips for writing by C.S. Lewis” to be quite helpful. They were very informative without being overwhelming.
Thanks, Carol.
Yes, I try to read all comments and respond to as many as I can… (this has become more difficult in recent years with more comments coming in). Glad you found the article about C. S. Lewis helpful.
I’ve just finished writing a book, The Contradiction of God – Why Everything You Thought You Knew About God Is Wrong, that may be of some interest to you. It is an examination of the the well-known words of God through the prophet Isaiah, “My thoughts are not your thoughts”.
Instead of defining His thoughts as what they “are”, like the rest of us do, apparently God finds it more illuminating to simply define them as what they “are not”. And what are His thoughts “not”? Astonishingly, Isaiah declares in no uncertain terms, that they are simply “not your thoughts”. And not by just a little, here and there, now and again, but apparently, “My thoughts are not your thoughts”, every time and everywhere, without exception, by an immeasurable difference, “as high as the heavens are above the earth” according to His very own unimpeachable Self-Expert testimony. And that utterly contradictory thought, if you really think about it, simply changes every other thought about His thoughts.
In fact, if that is not your ground-zero hermeneutic, you are guaranteed, without exception, to wind up precisely as far from His thoughts “as the heavens are above the earth”.
At least, that’s the way God tells it. You, of course, may disagree. Apparently, most people do.
A free PDF copy of the book (326 pages) can be downloaded at TheContradictionofGod.org
Love in Christ,
I am reaching out to you as a follower of Jesus, passionate about sharing what Jesus is doing around the world. My gift is encouragement and that is what I want to do to as many people as will listen:) God has put this new passion in my heart but the resources to get it going, I do not have…yet. With this fundraiser I am praying that the right people see it and are led to give with a generous hearts. There are 6 days left in this Kickstarter and I have tried all I know how to get the word out about what God is doing in me. Will you help me? Any way you can help I believe will take us a step closer to encouraging many more people just like what you are doing. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you about this! God Bless you:) http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1855633578/awake-my-soul-app
Hi Jeremy, I am offering a question for you: Can you provide any exegesis for an alternative to penal substitution? Thanks, Peter
Yes, and I have written a whole book on it. 😉 (Coming soon!)
Hi Jeremy,
I just spent half an hour writing a comment to you, but unfortunately the web page refreshed and wiped everything. ARRRGH!!
So my comment now will be a lot shorter.
Thanks for your s, especially the one ‘Is the Shedding of Blood required for the forgiveness of Sin’. I struggled for six months with this, but now I get it. My ex-JW friends and I are appreciative of your efforts
Also your Genesis podcasts are really good and again well done.
Finally I plan to do my own on ‘penal substitution’ for the ex-JW community and would love to get your response, when it is complete. Also as it happens, about 2 months ago I completed an on the events from Genesis 2:25-3:11. If you have the time would you care to peruse it? But be warned it is 24 pages long, so I understand if you decline.
In any case, keep up the good work and although I still don’t get the Trinity (read as ‘believe’ it) I know from our past exchanges this does not stop you from viewing me as your brother. For that I am grateful, because since stepping away from JW’s I have no real Christian friends. Evangelicals insist I MUST believe in the Trinity and JW’s don’t want to touch me with a barge pole, so I’m stuck in the middle; but you are like a breath of fresh air as you prize away people from orthodoxy of ‘religion’ and a dependence on institutions to the true Church, the Body of Christ.
Good luck and keep up the good work!!
Maybe we could dialogue about this?
Jeremy, back in 2011 you blog on the book “Theology of the book of Revelation” by Richard Bauckham. In your blog on Chapters 3-4 of the book, you mentioned you will start reading and blog on chapter 5-6 of the book. Do you still have copies of that blog?
I would like to finish it as I am in the midst of reading the same book.
Thank You
Shirlee Sim
Hi Jeremy,
I don’t know how to contact you other than here. I had a quick question. I am a grace believer, but I am in the “change of mind” repentance camp. You said repentance wasn’t ever mentioned in the bible as a requirement before salvation. How would you then explain Acts 11:18? “When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.” Life here is eternal life, and it implies specifically that repentance is required. How do you explain this?
In Christ,
PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!! today i was at a friends house and i couldnt get a ride then i had blasphemy thoughts and i said do you not swear on the holy spirit and then i said i dont will god forgive me please help me im scared i dont know why i said it but i said it
May you please help me or give advice that i have seeked for so long. I have sin in my life of lust since i was 5. It has ruined my life though thank the lord i have never had the S word. I also have been attacked by demons i believe since i was a baby. I think i have a curse on me. Even as a new born i woke up every night during witching hour and i couldn’t be alone for more then 15 min at night. I have always been scared of the dark even as an 18 year old girl. I have had deliverance once and i had a demon of fear show it self though i only had one and the pastor never came back yet he is busy i know. No one has really helped me all people do is blame me. I just want to be free and to find out how the demons got in my life or what the make me do or if its just influence and not oppression or possession. Thank you God bless you
Jesus can help you.
1. Believe in Him for eternal life.
Know that there is nothing you need to do to earn or keep His love for you. Jesus loves you and forgives you unconditionally.
2. Remember always that God loves you and accepts you and adores you, no matter what.
There is nothing you have done or can do to make God stop loving you.
Don’t focus on demons or sin. Just focus on the love of God for you.
Hi Marinda ,
God is willing to forgive when you are willing to admit you did wrong. I am adding you to my prayer list. There is power in the name of Jesus. Demons flee at the sound of His Name. Jesus said, what ever you ask in my name I will do it. John 14:14. God is Almighty and all powerful. Read the Gospel and the book of Acts. The book of Acts explains what we must do to receive power from on High, who is Jesus. As Thomas said when he saw Jesus for the very first time after he resurrected, My Lord My God. God be always with you.
Hi Jeremy,
I don’t know how to contact you other than here. I had a quick question. I am a grace believer, but I am in the “change of mind” repentance camp. You said repentance wasn’t ever mentioned in the bible as a requirement before salvation. How would you then explain Acts 11:18? “When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.” Life here is eternal life, and it implies specifically that repentance is required. How do you explain this?
In Christ,
Hi Jeremy
Bless you mighty man of God.
Just to keep it short, I was searching today for answers to Hebrews 10.26
I found your page, it gave me great comfort so thankyou for renewing a safe and loved place for me with God.
In addition, i found it interesting, funny, very funny that one of the people i admire and read his devotionals regularly is Charles Swindol, and after reading that you studied at Dallas seminary i fell of the chair laughing and in awe that God would lead me to you.
I found it funny anyway.
To try to lift you brother, i am in Western Australia reading your stuff and it is awesome. Thankyou for you good fruit.
Bless you mighty man of God……
Hi Jeremy,
Do you ever get back on questions? Would like to know where you stand on this? I don’t know how to contact you other than here. I had a quick question. I am a grace believer, but I am in the “change of mind” repentance camp. You said repentance wasn’t ever mentioned in the bible as a requirement before salvation. How would you then explain Acts 11:18? “When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.” Life here is eternal life, and it implies specifically that repentance is required. How do you explain this?
In Christ,
Brad, If you look in the lower right corner of the front/home page of this blog just below the photos of books Jeremy has written, you will find the words “Click Here To Contact Me.” Click on those words and they will take you to another page that will provide several methods for contacting Jeremy.
Hi Sam thanks. I tried that but still no reply back yet.
Hi I am Miranda. I was wondering whether or not you had any free books avaailable. I am unemployed right now, but I am interested in book(s) about these subjects-Lordship Salvation, Once Saved Always Saved. I am talking about physical books and not e-books. Thank you, and have a great day!
No, at this point I don’t have any free books available, nor do I have any books at all written on those topics. Sorry!
Thanks for all you are doing! Keep up the good work!
Hi Jeremy. Blessings for yoy and your family. Your site just gain a Puerro Rican follower. ? Looking forward to read more of your work.
my comment;;; Oh, and don’t think I have it all figured out.
I am on this journey also. I too and learning what it means to live in love, free from religion. And that is why I write. I think best through writing. I write so that I might learn what I believe. I write so that I might continue my theological education in public. I write so that others (like you) might interact with what is going on in my head, and so that I might learn from you in return. Read the “Contact Me”
I ask one day “Lord, what is my gift… you lived 40 years without love my spirit replied..this last 41 years seeking Me has gifted you with a spirit of Love… use my words with wisdom and my words will not return to me without accomplishing the purpose i gave it.. i wright using the Book of life..with the author Jesus Christ ..Why I am;
1Co 9:17 If I did it because it was my own choice, I would deserve to be paid. But I have no choice. I must tell the Good News. So I am only doing the responsibility that was given to me.
Gal_2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.
Joh 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
I wright this way so if someone has a question God’s words will present a answer… i am just a simple man, a whosoever, seeking Jesus Christ… i pray the spirit bless you and yours…. shalom
Hi, I’m a singer/songwriter who walked away from a recording contract with Oscar & Grammy winner, Pharrell Williams, after being diagnosed with schizophrenia & depression. After no help from prescribed medications, Jesus has totally cured me and I’ve written a book about my triumph through the Spirit. I believe your audience could be transformed by my story. I’d love to be featured on your blog.
I stumbled across your website tonight.
I am curious. Are you a member of a church? Do you think it is important for believers to find a Bible believing and teaching church to be a part of?
Hey, I just encountered your website a while ago. I was looking for inspirations to write a song. I’m only 11, but I want to express my belief in Christ through song. I’ve been singing since I could learn to speak a note, and I want to use that talent for good. Do you have any advice that I could use to write my song?
Answer back soon and God bless,
HI Bri,
I am glad that you are going to write songs. I hope many people are pointed to Jesus through your music. The only advice I would give is to listen to your emotions. Music is emotional, and should reflect the full range of emotions, just like in the Psalms. Most Christian music is just “happy, happy, happy all the time” but this is not reality where most people are at. Some people are sad, angry, frustrated, and songs that reflect that will be helpful to them.
Jeremy: Hello. My name is Dr. Boris J. Materne. I live in Arlington, Texas. I am a Baptist preacher now since 1966, pastor, missionary and since 1998 Sunday school teacher. I have been teaching through the book of Esther and your notes have been very helpful, thank you.
I am in chapter 9 now and came across your take on the names of Hamon’s son’s. I am having a problem though, at least using Strong’s Concordance, in finding the meaning of the names the same as your meanings. Please, what source did you use to come up with the meanings for their names? You have the meaning for Parshandatha, the first son mentioned as “curious self”. I did find a meaning in Holman’s Bible Dict. which gave “inquisitive” as one of the meanings for that name but no mention of the word “self” as being associated with his name.
Could you share your source for finding the meaning of those names as all containing the word “self” therein?
Thank you again for your help.
Yours in Christ Jesus,
Dr. Boris J. Materne
It’s been almost 20 years since I preached those sermons. I think maybe I found the meaning in a book titled “Who’s Who in the Bible” … or maybe from one of the Chuck Missler’s teachings on Esther? I cannot recall for sure… Sorry!
That’s OK Jeremy. I appreciated your response. I did find some additional information about the names by searching online the verified some of the definitions you gave for the names. God bless you.
Dr. Materne
Mr. Meyers,
I Read your letter to Christian songwriters and think you made some really good points.
I have a couple of gospel songs I’d like for you to hear. I’ve been a Singer Songwriter since I was 16, and by the way I’m now 74! Now if you’re expecting to hear some “Bringing in the Sheaves” style gospel song sung by a guy with a squeaky voice; you’ll be disappointed!
My wife and I have performed 150 paid gigs annually for the past three years and we are good at what we do. The songs I’d like you to hear are SOLITARY PREACHER MAN about the ministry of Jesus Christ, and WALK ON WATER a Christian love story woven into a recounting of Christ’s miracles: recorded in our own studio.
I can provide MP3s or CDs. Would love to share our music! Thanks
Robert Alder
More info on this subject I forgot to mention. Pls. forgive me. About 8 months ago, my son hear this name inside his head Otto Burns. A year later, he said that he had a dream vision that he was taken to the pit of hell and felt the Holy Spirit held him back from falling into it but tossed something into it and heard “Go back to hell where you came from when he said, the Holy Spirit said to the thing he threw down. A few days after that he heard “Holy Spirit Warning” and he was compelled to go into the shower just before he heard that warning but felt he shouldn’t have gone into the shower.
Then that night we had Holy Communion with a pastor (J.D.Farag) on Roku who we have listened to every Sunday. I put a piece of bread on a paper plate and two shot glasses with grape juice. The pastor on Roku blessed the bread and grape juice and we held our heads down in respect. I commenced and threw out the paper plate and washed the glasses. That same night, he finished the bread and heard the voice say “Unpardonable Sin” and felt the Holy Spirit depart. Then he came into my room and shouted that the H.S. left him and felt like he was going to die. His heart and breathing felt different and that name came up again Otto Burns and the voice said that is his new name in hell. What do you make of this????
He feels tormented and has had horrendous nightmares about hell and other vile dreams. He is a born again Christian.
Thanks Jeremy for your material. I find that Andre Rabe’s book ‘Desire Found Me’ to fit nicely with your presentation on the helmet of salvation. The explanatory power of mememic theory, as presented in Andre’s book, along with your thoughts, has changed my understanding of our spiritual warfare. Great work!
I am reading your book Nothing But the Blood of Jesus and am puzzled about the scripture you use in chapter three in the Gen. 6:5,11,13 section on scriptures on sin. You write “…whenever we engage in violence against another human being, we are engaging violence against members or our own family.” The scripture then listed is Eph 6:12. I am confused as to how that scripture relates or explains that statement. I thought it may have been a misprint. Can you help me understand how that scripture supports your statement. Thank you so much for this terrific book. It has answered so-o-o-o-o many questions I have had for years.
Ephesians 6:12 teaches that our struggle is not against flesh and blood. This means that our struggle is not against any other human being. All humans are part of the same family that descends from Adam and Eve, and so to struggle against another human being is to struggle against a member of our own family.
Right I got that about human beings in the family but what I’m interested in is what are the principalities and powers in high places that we wrestle against
I see. I just taught through Ephesians 6:10-20 in my podcast. Here is the study in which I teach on Ephesians 6:12: https://redeeminggod.com/ephesians_6_12/
Dear brother Jeremy,
I did not know anyone else who believed as I do, until now. I have shared for years that God did not bring the flood, we did! The flood was an inevitable result of mans fall from grace and it’s consequential impact upon Gods perfect creation. When mankind and God we’re one, the earth and heaven beat in perfect rhythm. At that moment, when we removed our hand from Gods, synchronicity was broken, and Entropy entered this world. From then on, it was only a matter of time that a canopy of deuterated water, covering, protecting, and providing a powerful electrical charge to the ionosphere, was going to fall. Like the bones of Abel calling from the ground, the Earth itself groans under the weight of man’s sin.
Jeremy, I am doing a study in Revelation and am trying to decipher what the words “depths of Satan” means. (From the corrupt church in chapter 2 – Thyatira. I have searched out this term but really have not found anything that describes exactly what those words mean…what are the depths of Satan that Jesus refers to? Thank you for your help.
Hello! I am really enjoying the content on your site, especially the focus on God and the Bible rather than a religion. I am interested to know if you ever look for or accept guest writers. If so, I’d love to write something for you. Let’s connect!
Dear Sir,
We the members of the Inter African Christian Missions wish to partner with your reputable ministry by cordially inviting you to Liberia to train our national pastors as almost ninety five percent of us have no access to basic theological training.
In a related development we also proposed that you kindly extend a branch of your ministry here for the advancement of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ .
I am reading your book entitled What Is Faith? On page 221 in referencing Romans’ 10:17 you state that “the Holy Spirit works to draw all people to Jesus Christ.” And in the next sentence you state that “so faith is not a human work, and neither is it a work of God in the human heart.” These two statements seem to me to contradict each other. How can the H.S. work to draw people to Christ and yet God is not at work in the human heart? Are you making the claim that the H.S. and God are not in agreement in drawing people to faith in Christ? Please explain.
No, I would never say that God and the Holy Spirit are at odds. That’s heresy. Note that I did NOT say that God doesn’t work in (or on) the human heart, as you imply. He does. Of course He does. I said “… neither is it [faith] a work of God in the human heart.”
God draws people to Jesus Christ (through the work of the Holy Spirit) through creation, conscience, current events, Scripture, etc., etc. But this is a far cry from saying that God Himself performs the work of faith in the human heart. He doesn’t do this. In fact, He can’t, as doing so would override the human will, which would be sinful for God to do.
Hi Jeremy,
thank you for all your effort in spreading the Good News and i am so impressed that you take time out to reply to messages on your post. Keep up the great job.
i stated getting this revelations about religion seriously religion has no love religion is not the plan of god religion is mans orchestrated ways of traditions, we are refer has children of God and not by religious names it is simply relationship with God and not religion with God
thank you pst Jeremy
Thank you for your teachings. You help the world to praise the Lord with the Spirit and with understanding. Thank You!
Hi Jeremy,
I sent this as an email, but I’m also curious here.
I was wondering what your opinion about the statement “Word Studies or the Bible itself does not make theology”, this is usually the response when one is shown the true freeing Gospel of Christ, specifically when someone shows the simplicity of Romans and how direct it is, even in English.
Responses usually become like this “Biblical truths should be supported with factual evidence which includes historical understanding of the faith, cultural practices as applied to Christian theology, language definitions, and Biblical support. Bible verses alone are usually regarded as “opinion” and may not support the argument that is being made. “or something like this “You can’t cherry pick your favorite verses in isolation. Scripture was not meant to be taken in isolation of context and other scripture. When one scripture speaks of remission of sin through faith and another speaks of remission of sins through faith and baptism, you don’t just get to pick the one you like. You combine the two to get the complete picture.” I’m paraphrasing by the way.
What do you think of this? How do you respond to this? Wouldn’t the Bible itself be enough proof? Isn’t the majority of Christian view is Sola Scriptura? Or maybe most have redefined Sola Scriptura? And now, I do notice, most of Christian History and Modern Christian Evangelicals, don’t necessarily respect the Free Grace Gospel of Jesus as well as it’s benefits and blessings that come along with it. When you first started out in the “Grace Gospel” did you have the same doubts as I did?
God bless,
I stumbled onto this page as I was doing research about the choice of sin prevents the presents of God. Reading the article “God cannot look upon sin.” I cried for about 5 minutes when I read.
God dives right into the thick of it, and that he finds the vilest places the most terrible times and evilest situations, and jumps in there because he loves us to much to leave us in the darkness of sin and because the light shines the brightest in the darkest of area.
I cried at the depth God loves us.
Hi Jeremy, I reached out to you months ago but never heard anything back… so I am sending it again. 🙂
I have a very important question for you if you can please just give me a couple minutes of your time! It is an absolute privilege to be sending a message to you. I am almost done with your book “Why You Have Not Committed the Unforgivable Sin”. It has helped me out of the most awful, terrifying few months that I’ve ever experienced. I thought I had committed and was constantly committing an unforgivable sin because of the intrusive, unwanted thoughts that were CONSTANTLY darting through my mind. I was in a spot where I could barely take care of our newborn twins; I just wanted to leave because I thought I was the worst ever and that I was not worthy of Jesus. However, your book was exactly what I needed, Jeremy. So thank you. I do not have any tattoos, nor did I ever plan on getting them. But after one of the hardest years of my life in terms of spiritual warfare, I want to get the word JESUS tattooed very small on my inner wrist so I can always see it. I want that to be my constant reminder that He is right here beside me, no matter what the voices in my head say. I want that to be my reminder that I will never get as low as I was, and that every day my goal is to strive to be more like Jesus. Jesus. That is exactly what I want tattooed to my wrist. But my question is, is that okay to get His name tattooed to my body? For some reason, I have this fear that I am not supposed to do that; like it’s a sin maybe?? Can we get the Lord’s name tattooed to us? I just don’t want to do anything in God’s eyes that He doesn’t want me to do.
Thank you for your time
I looked at the email that you sent today regarding the Unforgivable Sin. I have taken this interpretation under consideration. I myself have struggled with this issue myself. There is one part of this interpretation that you sent in the email that I would like some clarification about.
From your wording: “But if we believe the lie of the accuser and deny that we have been forgive, then we will not believe we have been forgiven, and will continue to live a state of unforgiveness, as if were eternally condemned.”
This really concerns me. Although Satan likes to lie, Jesus always tells the truth, and Jesus said that “you will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come”. From your wording you “AS IF were eternally condemned”, but doesn’t Jesus say “One IS condemned”.
I am not saying that you are necessarily wrong, but there appears to be a contradiction.
I ask that you pray about this and do some more research to reconcile and explain what appears to be a contradiction.
I will pray for you also.
To Jeremy Myers
Your writing “The Case for a Thursday Crucifixion”
1. Why does Jesus have to be in the tomb 3 days? [“Center of the earth” does not = TOMB]
2. Why do you avoid John 19:14?
What do you think of my case for Friday Crucifixion which follows.
The day Jesus was crucified was a Friday.
Three reasons supporting this conclusion.
1. Luke 24:1-7 Now on the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they, [a]and certain other women with them, came to the tomb bringing the spices which they had prepared. 2 But they found the stone rolled away from the tomb. 3 Then they went in and did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. 4 And it happened, as they were [b]greatly perplexed about this, that behold, two men stood by them in shining garments. 5 Then, as they were afraid and bowed their faces to the earth, they said to them, “Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6 He is not here, but is risen! Remember how He spoke to you when He was still in Galilee, 7 saying, ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.’
2. Luke 24:18-21 Then the one whose name was Cleopas answered and said to Him, “Are You the only stranger in Jerusalem, and have You not known the things which happened there in these days?” 19 And He said to them, “What things?” So they said to Him, “The things concerning Jesus of Nazareth, who was a Prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people, 20 and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to be condemned to death, and crucified Him. 21 But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel. Indeed, besides all this, today is the third day since these things happened.
3. Nisan 10 day the Passover lamb chosen Palm Sunday Matt 21 Jesus triumphal entry
Nisan 11 till sunset Nisan 13 Wednesday Monday till sunset Wednesday
Nisan 14 sunset Wed -sunrise Thursday Passover meal, arrested, 2 trials by Jewish leaders,
Nisan 14 sunrise Thursday Trial by Pilate, [start of 3 days 3 nights Matt 12:40] [thur 6am]
Nisan 14 noon Thursday John 19:14 about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews,
“Behold your King!”
Nisan 15 Friday Mark 15:25 Now it was the third hour, and they crucified Him
Nisan 16 sunset Friday till Sunset Saturday Jesus body in tomb
Nisan 17 sunset Saturday till dawn Sunday Jesus body in tomb
Nisan 17 sunrise Sunday HE IS RISEN [end of 3 days 3 nights Matt 12:40] [6 am ]
I have an excel file that lets you put times-of-day to the various events of Jesus trial with Pilate.
Was it over by 8AM, as many “theorylogians” guess, or noon as John 19:14 states?
I can send it to you if you would like to try it.
Please let me know where you think I may be wrong, I am counting on you.
Thank you in advance for consideration of this request.
God Bless
I look forward to your response
The Deeper Christian life – free books and videos
I primarily put the web site up for those who may have had bad church experiences and may not understand how often Christianity can be presented pporly.
I wanted to let you know about some free books I wrote recently regarding the deeper Christian life. They are available for download (pdf) or cell phone viewing on the web site http://www.christianpioneer.com
Radical Christianity
The leaven of the Pharisees
The Satanic history of the world
The deceitfulness of riches
Clarifying Christianity
Walking by the Spirit
Relational Christianity
Dying to self
Thy Kingdom Come
What happens when we die
I hope they may be of some benefit.
I’ve been in spiritual warfare for the last several months and I need some help. I was saved in upper elementary/middle school age and haven’t had many major trials. I’m 30 now.
It all started when I either heard a voice or my own thought start to speak evil to me and at first I succumbed to it but ultimately rebuked it. It lasted for ~1 sec. It has progressed through recently.
A night or two ago I was arguing with that same voice or my own thoughts (it’s hard to tell) and I attempt to rebuke every single one of them. I thought I was alright but last night I wondered with a panic if I actually rebuked on of them or actually thought it on purpose.
I’ve been unable to sleep or eat well and am truly petrified. I’ve been praying and repenting since. The “voice” from what I can remember was saying give praise to the Devil/Satan and another one, give him credit. I’m ashamed that it could’ve been my own mind blurting it out. When I tried to resist it was a battle between I don’t mean that and yes you do finally culminating in stopping myself trying to think at all.
I feel powerful conviction, guilt, and remorse. My fear is that I might have thought it willingly on purpose and that according to scriptures constitutes the unpardonable sin, how could thinking that not be? I have thought that the HS is evil right before work and I rebuked it. Everything has been thoughts, I’d never say anything out loud. I’d rather be dead than to open my lips and say anything that I’ve thought.
I’ve tried stopping my radio on the way to work to pray, listening to worship music, reciting scripture, etc. This has never happened to me before. I’ve even physically opened my lips barely just enough to say Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord of my life.
Many times I catch them before they happen or form, but many times the thought is completed before I can stop it. I feel horrible not knowing if it’s me or the evil one in my mind. My fear is that my thoughts may or may not constitute exactly what the Pharisees spoke. Many might say that doing so once is enough. I feel broken and remorseful. At first I got through all of it without questioning my faith and held fast because I knew what I believed but today I’m doubting, but thank goodness there’s a reprieve of no (or at least less thoughts).
Many times it would keep escalating until finally I’d say something in my mind and I’d react in horror that I thought it and the voice would stop as if to say, you said it! My work is done here.
I do not believe any of the thoughts I have with a clear mind but I can’t take back what I thought, even worse don’t remember, and it is enough to say I’ve committed it thereby condemning me. Is one slip up all it takes? I certainly regret it and don’t mean it as it’s not what I believe.
I believe in the Gospel and have no desire to give any praise or credit to the evil one. I just want to thank God, work for him, and spread his kingdom.
Ever since it’s started I’ve sought help with different pastors, friends, tried to clean up my act even more (speech, thoughts, averting my eyes, etc). I don’t want to sin because I know it grieves God and I don’t want to be separated from him.
I would appreciate your swift thoughts,
These books have helped me a lot! John Ramirez is the author and has written several books. He used to be high up in Satan’s army, now a strong Christian. ‘Unmasking the Devil’ and ‘Armed and Dangerous’ are two of his books, and I love them because they have dozens of prayers that you can say to defeat Satan. They have helped me a lot and I have seen results from the prayers. God bless you!
Jeremy I have a question on Ephesians 4. Based on what Ephesians 4 says and he gave gifts to men and those were apostles and prophets and so on. Do you think that since there were prophets in the Old Testament do you think he gave gifts to men to be a different kind of prophet and or apostle?
I listened to your podcast and just wanted to ask
Dear Servants of the Most High Living God!
Much Christian greetings in Jesus Holy Name!
It’s by God’s grace and mercy to get your ministry contact.
We’re touched with your teachings and encouraged by readings from your ministry website, kindly please keep sharing more events happening there with us for they will help us in our young growing fellowship to grow spiritually and win more souls to come to our Saving Lord Jesus Christ.
My Mission is to advance the Gospel of the Kingdom of God by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Aiming to share the good news about Lord Jesus Christ about His joy, happiness, peace, love & His gift of abundant life here on earth and in Heaven.
We humbly pray and request you to help us to know more about God’s Holy word as per His own will.
Please our beloved in Christ share the word of God with us and we kindly hope that God will bless as you agree to share more His word to us for His Kingdom purposes.
Our prayers is to bring many to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the Lord.
We will be happy to read from you in Jesus name.
Much thanks!
Yours in His Holy service,
Brother Job & Sister Calister.
This reminds me of a snippet that I read from a man named Henry Ironsides. He just talks about how people try to make the “gospel” so much more than what it is. https://www.soulwinning.info/books/harry_ironside/what_is_the_gospel.htm
I really do get you, or at least I think I do 🙂
I have always just felt the love that God has for the world. I just feel it. God has made everyone, and He loves them. You would not think that this is a very controversial statement that I just made, but you know that it is. I like your blog. Alas, I am divorced, (abandoned by my husband, who divorced me for someone else) and I have suffered so much from the beliefs of my childhood about this. I guess that I have struggled with the concept that divorce is the unforgivable sin, I just did not know it. I never knowledgably that thought that, but my experience has led me to believe that maybe I did think it was unforgivable. I have never thought of God as divorced. Or Moses. But I know the verses that you quote. How could I not see it before? Thank you for this. God is so much bigger than we give Him credit and He loves everyone so much more than we can imagine. He is on the move. 🙂
Good day
Do you offer or know of any on site retreats or services for someone who’s suffering attacks from demonic oppression?
Thank you and blessings,
The world, this world, is passing. Destruction is upon it. And many pander to those who would believe otherwise. They say easy words like, ‘It is as it was and always will be.’ Or words like “It’s all good.”
Yet the demise of civilizations long dead (found in the ashes of epochs past) say otherwise. Destruction does come.
Destruction came once upon the world, in the form of a flood; and it was promised that destruction of that nature would NOT come again.
But who considers that the destruction which came upon that time was not about the water which covered the earth, but was the destruction of those whose arrogance was their disbelief. The earth remains: Where can anyone find the souls of those destroyed, those who scoffed?
They stood in their final days, in disbelief that God would act in such a manner; presuming they could continue in casually following every whim of self-indulgence, self-gratification; self-satisfaction; self-importance, without consequence. As it is today, they asked, and it was given. Kings, Prophets, Icons, Religions, Philosophies, Tyrants, and more. As it is today, you receive, but who benefited?
You want what you want; and you HAVE HAD it in its fullness – the grandiose.
You wanted comfort; and took comfort from others that you may be comforted at the expense of their distress.
What was your payment for turning a blind eye from their needs – prestige, fame, recognition, lavish lifestyles; lewd and lascivious behavior; blind justice; flagrant contempt; corrupt leaders; and more. Or was it more simple than that: writing a book, disseminating the news or music, starting a blog, and more – all for the purpose of securing a lifestyle, that harnessed the actual work performed in society on the backs of the less informed?
Who considers that in a few thousand years (not even an evolutionary blink in the perspective of eternity), everything became a means to distract from acknowledging the unquestionable authority of God, AGAIN; the advent of every form of government; every philosophy, every supposition, every random piece of information and dis-information, every lie.
This is not a baseball game where three strikes you are out. Once was enough; two times, with sufficient warnings before hand, for an intellectual species who is created in the image of those who dwell in the heavens (“Man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil…”) was all there was going to be. And with the likes of evil today, when gone, the earth and the righteous will continue.
And for the churches there is this: In all that you do supposedly in the name of Christ, why doesn’t God bring every individual to your particular doors if you are so righteous, so correct in your teachings? Has it not been said, “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and everything will be added unto you.” Does not God dwell within the Kingdom of God? Why do you not find Him, that you believe you must speak for Him? Who snatched three of God’s servants from the literal flames of fire? Which religious leader does this? In the most important realm of heaven, heaven on earth, you act as if God does not exist in this remote corner of all that exists, and so the world scoffs at you; and turns back to the evils in their heart.
It is because you are more interested in yourselves and your positions of importance in the community of man, than you are in the immediate presence and righteousness of God. You have asked for this self-importance rather than humbling yourself. Teach, yes; but teach from quietness and humility. You entice men to come into rituals and your beliefs and all they find is your rituals and beliefs, not a means to live out a holy existence. You ask men to respect you, even strive to emulate you. Did not God find His Word, and establish it in the heavens AND on earth?
You and every other man, created the destruction at hand, in so many subtle ways of compromise; and you created the environment for your self-destruction. You have allowed for a spirit of distortion and it is upon you. It will not end until it is finished consuming the evil among you.
Understand this carefully: You cannot change your heart or nature. Only God who created you, who knows you, can do that. Yet, it is up to you to ask for that change. And it doesn’t mean gathering a group of individuals and forming a church to show them what God has done for you. You presume much, but without humility.
God created you, even those determined for destruction. Is that you? As it is said in scripture “Let the one who does wrong continue to do wrong; let the vile person continue to be vile; let the one who does right continue to do right; and let the holy person continue to be holy.”
The wrong doer, the vile, as in the first destruction of man, are sealed, and have their reward. The righteous, the holy, are sealed, and have their reward.
Now, you can prolong the destruction, attempting to maintain what is evil, or you can bring it to its end because God’s hand is once again, against you, as in the days of Pharaoh, as in the days of Noah, as in the days Sodom, and in the days of Jonah; and many more.
And what is the evil of which your heart knows to be true – hate, exploitation, lewdness, violence, arrogance, teaching ignorance, laziness, avarice, subjugation, over-exuberance, and more. One need only go to a dictionary to find every one (666) of the abominations (attitudes) which society incorporates into their actions; mixing good with evil, yet calling it good.
And yet I know this to be true. Unless God changes your heart, for you to give up what you have asked for, to ask for something different, you have no motivation to change; and that is where your destruction begins and ends.
Do you want God to change your heart? You need only ask. And asking God for that change of heart, is something only you can do for you. The truth of God’s presence is simple. Every man’s (or woman’s) word is their burden, even unto his destruction by God’s hand.
So, tell me honestly. How many words need be said to explain the simplicity of the power and authority of God? God created you. You know Good and Evil, and you have free will to do either. But because man knows good yet commits sin, God has given you knowledge – that you have to ask for Him to change your heart; and if you don’t acknowledge and ask, and continue to do evil, you are already destined for destruction. And now how many churches, sermons, biblical studies, interpretations, professors, pastors, counselors, prophets, are required to get this message across? And if God does not change a person’s soul, because they did NOT ask, can you snatch that person from God’s grasp and save them yourself?
What does it say if you are not aware of this simplicity of a relationship with God, that you continue to go to men seeking their guidance? If you do not have this simple knowledge and understanding, you are already marked along with Satan. And this is the destruction to occur within the churches; to eliminate every morsel of leaven (rhetoric, supposition, conjecture, doubt, et al) Satan’s minions, and the unclean man has brought into the assemblies. Look away from the truth, and the war comes to you; no matter how many words you use to shore up your defensive position.
Men and women are make a living off your suffering and don’t care and Satan doesn’t care. God does.
The commitment is to first stop your whining to men and God, and then asking for a personal relationship with the Father to have a Christ-like heart. You are man – created in God’s image. Live up to it.
Angel of the Abyss
I was justified and received eternal life in 1972. I contacted hiv 5 years ago. Seemed like zHoly Spirit left me. I am not gay. Do I still have eternal life? How will God identify me as a believer,
So do what do I have to believe about Jesus to have eternal life? And since we all are Graces just by being born what of those who don’t know or don’t choose to know Jesus? Do they not get eternal life?
My thoughts on this, have evolved and this is where I am currently at:
What Salvation is not and is:
“Salvation is not a legal transaction to appease a distant deity in some abstract cosmic courtroom. It is not stamping your paperwork as positionally “holy“ by the blood (if you say a prayer), whilst a legalistic god just ignorantly pretends you meet his demanding requirements by mercilessly butchering his own innocent child to pay for the mercy you receive. Forgiveness bought is not forgiveness. Love purchased is not love. Holiness pretended is unholy.
Salvation is the embodiment of the eternal Son of the Father into the heart of our darkness, vicariously curbing our broken humanity back from the verge of non-being. Through His own life of holiness, He reverses the self-destructing disease of our sin by absorbing our own inhuman wrath on the tree, defeating death by death. He did not acquire the Father’s love for us: Jesus demonstrates and enacts the Father’s unconditional love toward us by meeting and becoming us in the depth of our fallen condition, then recreating us according to His benevolent design.
The Holy Spirit is the Fire of that love, salting every one of us, burning away the delusional false self by illuminating Christ as perfect revelation of our True Selves and likewise the perfect image of His forever gracious Father.
Bowing to a false god of legal fiction only replicates within us the same powerless, pretentious veneer of pseudo-holiness. But the Spirit of Truth actuates real-life virtue within us, making us truly human by revealing the authentic heart of the Father displayed in Jesus Christ.”
I am just wondering about this because I am scared because I remember using the lords name in vain multiple times and I remember when I was doing very good in a game and I said I am a god are those unforgivable sins.
No — for a at least 2 reasons.
Firstly, taking the Lord’s name in vain doesn’t mean what we think it means today. In ancient times the names of gods were often used as spells. People would chant the name of a god as if it were ‘wing-gardium leve’osah’ to make things happen. They might write down the name of a deity — zues perhaps — on a stone (as seen in museums) and use it as a ward to keep the bad things away, or to get back at a relative, etc. To use the name of Adonai in such a way would be a sin.
Why would it be a sin? afterall god wants us to pray and to ask for things. In our modern culture, we think of taking the name in vain as uttering ‘god’ in a throwaway line. I’m not advocating doing this as it is probably quite disrespectful to the lord, but I don’t think that’s what people had in mind when they penned the 10 commandments. In reality, this commandment is more-so directed at those that try to use God to fix their problems without submitting to having an honest and meaningful relationship with him. I guess it’s like hitting up your old doctor friend you haven’t spoken to in two years because you have a weird mole on your arm –that would be using them for personal gain. A learned Christian comes to understand that God does as he chooses, at times in spite of us. The fact is that God’s plans aren’t ours, so when he ignores your prayer because he has something else in mind, you have to be prepared to be like, ‘yeah, ok. Whatever Trevor,’ and roll with the punches. This respects his autonomy as omnipotent architect of all things and shows him that you have faith.
When you try and channel him as though a spell — well, you’re trying to control him. The wizard controls the spells; God controls the wizard (and yet still gives you free will, hey.)
Secondly, the so-called ‘unforgivable sin’ is to sin against the spirit. I am not an expert on this matter, but defining exactly what the unforgivable sin means does make for some tough theology indeed, with plenty of interpretations to go around.
Most interpretations, however, centre about the idea that if you see God work in the world and have an understanding of the work of the spirit, but reject the spirit, then you are in violation against the spirit. While the specifics of this are vague, one principle remains: if you are the kind of person that is fearful that you may be in violation of the unforgivable sin, it almost certainly means that you are the kind of person that cares about the Lord enough to not violate it.
Finally, I’d argue that at the end of the day, if God’s forgiveness extends to rapists, murders, so on and so forth, I don’t imagine your statement that ‘you are god’ — even if you really meant it in some deep and disturbing way, would ever be beyond redemption. Forgiveness from god is not about some boolean state of true and false that you are trying to end up on the right side of, it’s about commitment to God in relationship with God. My tradition has a saying, ‘a person is either turning towards God, or away from him.’ That is to say that people are either actively trying to pursue God, or they are fleetingly wandering away from him. Nodody this side of death, asside from God himself, lives a perfect life and nobody has walked so far away from God so as to not be saved. I find it a helpful metaphor because it prevents my framing of the Christian state of affairs in blacks and whites that make Jesus seem like some kind of scorecard. All you have to do when you fall off the wagon into sin is to confess your sins truthfully and meaningfully and start pursuing him again by following his commandments — notably loving thy neighbour; help a stranger; love your family; respect God; and don’t, for goodness sake, plan for the next time you sin as though you have a get out of jail free card because that very idea is the golden guarantee that you don’t.
(Note that I am neither a theologian nor a teacher, so take these things with a pinch of salt. I just remember asking almost the exact same thing ten years ago and these are the things that I found helped me out back then. Perhaps they might help another.)
Jesus is the end of Religion
we should be redeemed bout bad nature’s of religion
I am happy with your teachings
they are inspiring.
may God bless you
I am Oguta George Caleb
I am Kenya
I fellowship with center fellowship of Christ
I have lead this church since 2002
God bless you
you are doing good work
I am James Schotta and I am wanting to cancel my subscription to your service. Thank you for your service.
I just want to take a moment to praise you for the amazing work they’re doing! 🙌 The ministry and the insightful newsletters they share are such a blessing. Every message is filled with wisdom, encouragement, and love that truly speaks to the heart. It’s clear how much dedication and care goes into each edition, and it’s always a joy to read. Thank you, for your unwavering commitment to guiding and uplifting the community. Your work makes a real difference! 🌟
we are blessed to have such [letter](https://supercustomtees.com)
#Grateful #ThankYouPastor #Blessed
Dear Jeremy Myers,
grace and peace to you.
My name is william getumbe, i lead grace point ministries here in kenya, that does evangelism and reaching out to the lost. as well equipping the body of Christ and reaching out in prison ministry,
we kindly request your support with the above ministry . especially with bible needs, food for the needy and vulnerable , bibles for evangelism and for prison ministry.
My paypal is la****@ya***.com
mobile money +254 720228712.
you can also gift us with bibles through purchase of the bibles from bible society online shop link https://shop.biblesociety-kenya.org/product/swahili-bible-uv-052/.
blessing to you, we look forward to hearing from you soon.