
My Blog Conversation with God

I have a love-hate relationship with blogs. I love reading what others are doing, and the insights they have on church and ministry, but at the same time, I sometimes get depressed by what I read. Not because it is bad, but because it is so good. I wish I was the one who had written it. I wish I was the one who had that many followers, or that many comments, or that many re-Tweets.

I get depressed at all the books other bloggers are writing, the conferences they are attending and speaking at, the interviews they are doing, and the opportunities they are getting. It’s most depressing when I read a blog by someone who is doing what I have always dreamt of doing, and they are ten years younger than me. [Read more…]


Best Blogs of the Week

Here are some of my favorite blog quotes from the week. Enjoy!

Bill, at NT/History Blog writes about the history of pastoral ministry:

Historically, the institutionalized practice of Protestant Pastoring is based on the traditionally pastoral duties of Catholic Priesthood. Which is fine. But neither Peter, Paul, Timothy, Titus, Priscilla, Aquilla, nor even Apollos engaged in the daily activities of Pastors/Priests as we know them today. Jesus’ brother James comes the closest, in Jerusalem, but where do we see him (or anyone else) preach once a week? Preside over the sacraments? Legally preside over all administrative business, while being supervised by an elder “board”? Etc…

Jamie, the Very Worst Missionary, sprinkles some great thoughts about discipleship in a post that has nothing to do with discipleship:

In the past week, as I’ve responded to email inquiries about our work here, I’ve probably used the word “discipleship” about 600 times. It’s one of those funny words that really loses all meaning outside of Christian circles. I hate words like that. I hate it when we “fellowship” instead of hang out and I hate it when we “break bread” together instead of just, ya know, eating. I hate it when we try to distinguish the lines between what is spiritual and what is not. As if it’s even possible to separate the parts of our day into moments which include God and moments which don’t. I mean, that’s just silly. Nevertheless, I believe in “discipleship”…Ok, I usually just call it “friendship”, but whatever.

Felicity Dale compares spiritual leadership with parenting. This is a great (and biblical) parallel:

A good parent will not do something for their kids that they could do for themselves. They assist their kids towards maturity in every area of life. Their goal is that their kids don’t remain dependent on them any longer than necessary, but that a healthy interdependence results. In a healthy family, the kids will leave home and start their own families.

Everything from Brad Brisco is good, including a great reminder about “What is missional?

I would argue that those who believe missional is merely an add-on to current church activities, or perhaps even a passing craze prevalent only among church leaders, have simply not fully grasped the magnitude of the missional conversation. While it may sound like hyperbole; the move towards missional involves no less than a complete and thorough recalibration of the form and function of the church of Jesus.


Want More Readers? Read More Blogs

I am a guest blogger today over at

Here is an excerpt:

Every blogger wants to be read. While some of the keys to attracting readers include writing valuable content, having error-free text, and using a clean blog layout, one of the most overlooked elements in getting people to read your blog is being a good blog reader.

I then provide five tips for being a better blog reader. I try to live up to these on my various blogs, but have also seen them put to use by many of my favorite bloggers, including Alan Knox and John Saddington.

So head on over there to join the conversation. I will respond to every comment there.
