If you have a doctrinal statement, do you believe it represents truth?
Of course you do, or you wouldn’t believe it.
Your Doctrinal Statement is Not the Truth
But we must be careful. While truth can be found in doctrinal statements, they themselves are not the source of truth. They point and witness to the truth, but are not themselves “the truth.”
Let me put this another way. Everybody who has a doctrinal statement believes that their doctrinal statement accurately represents the teaching of Scripture. But since not all doctrinal statements agree, this means that not all doctrinal statements accurately represent the teachings of Scripture. Some points on some doctrinal statements must be wrong, and we must not be so arrogant to think that our chosen doctrinal statement is 100% accurate, while everybody else is in error.
It should be pointed out that the same goes for Scripture. When we say that our doctrinal statements just follow the teachings of Scripture, what we really mean is that our doctrinal statements follow our understanding of Scripture. Yet our understanding of Scripture may not be the actual teachings of Scripture in every case.
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