In a book I’m currently reading, I came across the following quotes. Those of you who follow the teachings of Zane Hodges, Bob Wilkin, and the Grace Evangelical Society, will appreciate them:
The phrase accept Christ as your personal Savior is not in the Bible. Even personal Savior is absent….
Having your sins forgiven is no doubt a part of (or a prelude to) salvation. But in the Bible salvation means much more than that: if anything, being forgiven is the starting line, not the finish line, of salvation.
Nowhere in the Bible is the term sinner’s prayer mentioned, and no one in the Bible ever says it — at least not in the form that prospective converts are taught to say it today. And it wasn’t until the last 150 year or so that Christian services included “invitations” or “altar calls.” Furthermore, no one has ever or will ever walk down an isle or raise a hand to “get saved.” [Read more…]