This is the summary episode of Genesis 2. If you have listened to all the other episodes on Genesis 2, this episode will serve as a good reminder of what we have seen.
If you have not listened to most of the episodes, or don’t have time to listen to them all, but you want to get up to speed in our study of Genesis so far, this will be a good episode to listen to.
In this discussion of Genesis 2 we look at:
- A summary of everything we have learned from Genesis 2
- The Differences Between Genesis 1 and Genesis 2
- Genesis 2 is a Temple Text
- What is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?
- Humans are made for Relationships
- Humans are made to Imitate
- – Helping you and your Theology Look Like Jesus
- Genesis 1 Summary – The Redemption of Religion
- Subscribe and Leave a Review on iTunes
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Great work on these first 2 chapters. Can’t wait for 3
Revolutionary truths? Only if you import them, and ignore the cultural gaps.