This is Part 2 of our study of Genesis 2:1-3, which is the seventh day of the creation week and the day on which God rested from His work.
In Part 1, we looked at the text itself and considered various key terms and issues in this text, and also began to show how this text serves as a theological polemic against some of the religions in the days of Moses.
I left you with a cliffhanger at the end of the show, and that is where we pick up in this episode.
This study of Genesis 2:1-3 reveals something regarding the Sabbath which you have likely never heard before. If you listen, you will hear something regarding the Sabbath that will likely liberate you from all the religious rules and regulations you worry about regarding the Sabbath.
This study of Genesis 2:1-3 will liberate you from Sabbath bondage. Your Sabbath observance will be liberated from the shackles of religion, and will be brought back into the way God intended it to be. By the end of today’s show, you will be excited to observe the Sabbath, because you will be invited to observe it as God Himself does.
The Text of Genesis 2:1-3
Thus the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, were finished.
And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made.
In this discussion of Genesis 2:1-3 we look at:
- How God invited the Israelites to enter into their rest.
- How the Israelites would have understood God’s rest in Genesis 2:1-3.
- Why this text is clearly a temple inauguration text.
- Why God’s rest is not the cessation of activity, but the beginning of real activity
- How we can participate with God in His restful ruling of this world.
- Heidel, Babylonian Genesis – Amazon
- Walton, Lost World of Genesis One – Amazon or CBD
- – Helping you and your Theology Look Like Jesus
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Hi Jeremy,
The audio link on this page is not for part 2, it’s part 1. Part 2, #23 isn’t on Tunein yet, but I can’t wait to hear it, that’s why I tried accessing it on this page. I hope you can fix it.
Uh oh. Thanks!
This is now fixed, but I am not sure how long it might take for iTunes to get the correct file.
Until then, it can also be listened to at Soundcloud:
Thank you!
Thank you Jeremy.
I used to go to a church for a while that put a lot of emphasis on Sabbath observance. Even though I stopped going there years ago, sometimes I still have guilt about not being a legalistic Sabbath keeper anymore.
Your message reinforced what I have understood from the New Testament. Our Lord and the apostles tell us that the Sabbath is for us. We should use it to worship the Lord, but we have freedom in that worship and there shouldn’t be anything legalistic about it.
Also, seeing the Sabbath from the perspective of God in creation is awesome. As usual, I never thought of it that way, because I’d never heard that before.
This message, very helpful. Now I’ll have to look up those sermons on your website that you mentioned, more reading more growth.
Thanks, Faith. I am glad the message was helpful. Thanks for listening!
I am enjoying your interpretation of the creation account. Must admit I’ve never heard of much of this before.
I have a question about “rest”. In The 10 commandments listings in Ex 20 and Deut 5, this instruction regarding the Sabbath is “ to do no work”. Yet you said “rest” means to actually begin the “real work” of enjoying God and His creation. This seems to me to be direct contradictions: do no work and begin the real work. How do you reconcile this?