In numerous previous posts, I have proposed that churches sell their building in order to live according to kingdom principles and become more missional.
Maybe you are not convinced.
Or maybe you cannot imagine doing church without owning a building. Maybe you truly do need to own a building to carry out your God-given mission in your community. There are many churches around the world that own buildings and use them for the Kingdom to the glory of God. Maybe yours is one of them, and selling your building might actually interfere with your mission in the world.
I am not against buildings per se. I do not believe that owning a church building is necessarily sinful or wrong. Buildings are a tool, and can either help or hinder the mission of the church. There are many cases where buildings can be used effectively.
My primary concern is that for many churches, buildings are chains that hold the people back from truly ministering in an effective way in the community. With buildings come footholds of power, money, and control that hold many congregations back.
So to help make sure that the mission of God remains the primary focus in your church, let me suggest three ways that help churches redeem their buildings and protect themselves from many of the pitfalls that come with church structures.
Each of these three suggestions will be posted over the next couple of days.
- Revoke your tax-exempt status.
- Allow community groups to use the building for free.
- Double your mortgage.
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Double your mortgage? The last post in the series! We “wait with baited breath”.
Double your mortgage? You know we’re thinking you’ve gotta’ be crazy!
Hilarious. Yeah, it’s not what you think. At least, not exactly…