It is sometimes taught in Christian circles that when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ, God will replay all of our sins and mistakes before the entire mass of other Christians who are there as well.
I have heard the judgment seat of Christ described as though there will be a big movie screen and as we are all gathered together on judgment day, God will show a movie of all our sins, mistakes, and failures for everybody to see.
Have you ever heard something like this taught about the judgment seat of Christ?
I was reminded of this idea recently when I saw this picture:
This guy cheats on his girlfriend, and so to teach him not to do this anymore, she makes him stand at the mall wearing this sign. He shouldn’t have done what he did, but at the same time, I am not sure that this is going to get him to love his girlfriend more…
Some people view God this way. We sin. He gets angry. So He tries to punish and shame us into obedience. Ultimately, when we all get to heaven, the first thing we have waiting for us is the worlds longest horror movie ever of everything bad we have ever said, done, or thought. Not every sin is sexual, but the sexual sins alone would make a XXX-Rated movie millions of hours long. Then you have all the violence, murders, anger, slander, gossip, greed, hate, jealousy, etc., etc., etc.
I cannot imagine a worse way to start eternity….
We Must All Appear Before the Judgment Seat of Christ
I suppose the idea is that since none of us want our deepest secrets and darkest sins revealed to the whole world, this sort of idea is to keep us from committing sins. There are even a few verses which seem to back up this idea. For example, 2 Corinthians 5:10 says that we will all appear before the judgment seat of Christ to give an answer for the things done in the body, whether good or evil.
So the teaching is that at the judgment seat of Christ, Jesus is going to call us one by one before His throne and replay our life for us, pointing out in excruciating detail all the things we did–both good and bad–during our life. And since everyone else is going to be there too, well, they are going to overhear what Jesus says or be able to watch the movie of our life along with us.
Again…. this is NOT a good way to start eternity…
Thankfully, I don’t think this is the best way of understanding these sorts of texts, and more than that, I don’t think that this type of explanation fits well with the God revealed in Jesus Christ or everything else we know about how God treats us as our loving Father.
Let’s put it this way. If you have friends over to your house for dinner, and you pull out some family videos about your children, are you going to show clips of all the times they misbehaved, threw fits, wrecked the car, got in fights, failed classes, came home drunk, and every other bad thing your children did while they were growing up?
I hope not!
This is not what good parents do.
Good parents, parents who are proud of their children and who love them, show the highlights of their children’s lives. They show the winning shot at the buzzer. The ballet recital. The times of laughter and hilarity. The smiles, the joy, the beauty, the kindness, the fond memories, the vacation trips, the best of show. Proud parents show love by boasting about their children.
So also with God.
I think that if there is some sort of public broadcast at the judgment seat of Christ, it will be similar. God is proud of us. He loves us more than we can ever imagine. He is the best father and the proudest parent. He has no desire to shame us in front of others. There is shame, for sure, but Jesus already bore all that on the cross into death. Shame has been done away with.
So what does a verse like 2 Corinthians 5:10 mean? I can think of three possible explanations.
The Judgment Seat of Christ might be Private
First, maybe the accounting of what we have done in the body will be an intensely personal and private discussion with Jesus. Note that 2 Corinthians 5:10 does not say the accounting will be public.
If this is the way of reading this verse, it would be like Jesus pulling Peter aside after Peter had denied Jesus six times, and having a personal one-on-one discussion (Luke 24:34; 1 Cor 15:5). It would be like in the movie, “The Chronicles of Narnia” Aslan takes Edmund off to the side to speak privately and quietly to Edmund about his betrayal. Afterwards, it was never to be spoken of again.
Sins at the Judgment Seat of Christ will remind us of God’s Grace
Second, maybe the bad things will be publicly broadcast, but they will no longer appear “bad.” Oh, I know… we all think of the terrible, evil things we have done and think, “That’s not possible. I did some bad things. I don’t want anybody to see them.” Right. But remember that in our redeemed, glorified bodies, we will also have redeemed minds. We will see sin and rebellion against God in a different light. Those things will still be terrible, but they may not invite shame and sorrow into our lives as much as they will inspire wonder, awe, and worship at the grace and forgiveness of God.
So if the bad things are publicly declared at the judgment seat of Christ, our response will not be, “Ugh! You did that! Disgusting! How could you, you sick bastard!” Instead, it might be, “Wow. You did that and God STILL forgave you? Incredible! His love and grace truly is amazing!”
I have a real hard time imagining that this is what will happen though…. I just cannot see it. So I go with the third option….
There will be no Sin at the Judgment Seat of Christ
The best option seems to be that when the accounting is done, there will be no bad things to report. When it comes time to give an account for the things done in the body whether good or bad, it will be discovered that there is no bad to report. Those pages in the book have been wiped clean. Those scenes on the movie of our life have been scrubbed, deleted, washed away.
This fits with what Paul says later in 2 Corinthians 5:21 that Jesus was made sin for us. He took our sin upon Himself and gave us His righteousness. So maybe, when we stand before the judgment seat of Christ, the only thing left to report is all the wonderful things we have done. It truly will be the “highlights reel” from our life, so that all other believers can celebrate with us in the kind words we have spoken, the sacrificial love we have shown, the generosity we practiced.
If we tell God that He missed a few things from our life, He will look at the books and say, “Hmmm…. I don’t see anything else here. There was something written here, but Jesus erased it. Hey, Jesus, what do you know about this?”
And Jesus will smile back with a twinkle in His eye and say, “There was a minor recording error there, but I took care of it. Now shush! I love this next part in the movie. Watch how she defends her neighbor to the religious leaders. It is so loving! Her actions remind me of Someone….”
Though we will all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ to give an accounting for the things done in the body, there will be no shame; just glory, love, and celebration. Though we have all done things in our life we are not proud of (and we will all do many more), when we stand before Jesus we will discover that we have nothing to hide.
I think you mean 2 Corinthians 5:10. I agree, though. I don’t see any biblical support for the idea that our sins will be displayed for the whole world.
Yes! That was strange how I got the other reference in there throughout. Thanks for noting this. The refs are all fixed now.
Amen, Brother.
I look forwars to this type of judgement!
God is proud of us!
I am not proud of god
Religion says look at yourself. Grace says look at the Lord Jesus Christ. Religion says look at your works. Grace says look at the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ for our sins. Religion says you must give God your life. Grace says God gave you his life, just receive. Religion says you must love God. Grace says God loves you. Religion says God comes and goes based upon your behavior. Grace says once saved I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. Religion says sin can remove you from salvation. Grace says once saved you are a purchased possession sealed by the Holy Spirit of God. Religion is dead and cannot give life. Grace is the Lord Jesus Christ and all he gives is life! <3 Salvation is not an earned reward but a free gift from God <3 we do not deserve Ephesians 2:8-9 1 Corinthians 15:1-4;1:18, KJV <3 ✝<3 It's not what we do, but what Christ has done for us that saves us. If you’re trusting in anything other than the finished work of Christ then you’re trusting in yourself instead of trusting in Christ alone. Salvation is not based on what we're doing for God, but what God has done for us. Our performance doesn't merit salvation. No amount of works can contribute to salvation. Satan tricks people into thinking that they're saved based on their behavior, the problem then becomes is that people trust in their ability to save themselves or keep themselves saved. No one can keep themselves saved, only Jesus does. Many people want to play a part in their salvation by trying to do their best, when in reality, our best could never be good enough. It comes down to this, either you trust in Christ's finished work, that He died to pay for your sins by shedding His blood was buried and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures for your justification or you trust what you’re doing. What Christ did was enough. IT IS FINISHED the question is. Will you receive it? Believe the gospel ALONE. Romans 4:5King James Version (KJV) "But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness." Titus 3:5King James Version (KJV) "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;" Ephesians 2:8-9King James Version (KJV) "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." Galatians 2:16King James Version (KJV) "Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified." 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 King James Version (KJV) 3 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" 1 Corinthians 1:18 King James Version (KJV) "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
Thank you Jesus for using this amazing Sister to reveal the understanding of what God’s grace is really about! I will never be the same. I finally see your great mercy Lord!
Right on. Words to believe in.
Amen!! It is all and only JESUS
Is God going to show everyone In Heaven all of our sins?
Why not, he’s given you everything, and even when times are tough, you should still love him.
I meant that toward Annie.
Me too! This makes so much sense and it indeed relates to the God I know whose essence is Love, unconditional Love.
Psalm 103:12 ” As far as the East is from the West, so far has he removed our transgressions from us”. Also Hebrews 10:17 quoting Jeremiah 31:34 “And their sins and iniquities I will remember no more”. These and many other promises would be meaningless and false if God replayed our sins and shamed us publicly in heaven. He is our advocate now, why do people teach that He will be our accuser later? For the unbeliever,those who reject and mock God’s forgiveness, they will condemn themselves by refusing the only gift that could save them.
The word for “bad” in 2 Cor. 5:10 means “worthless”. In other words, we as Christians do some works that are worthless and unrewardable (the wood, hay and stubble of 1 Cor. 3:12), and some that are praiseworthy (the gold, silver, and precious stones). I don’t see it talking about our sins here, they were dealt with on the cross. And I love the promise in 1 Cor 4:5: “and then every man shall have praise of God”. So all of us will have praiseworthy works done through the Holy Spirit to rejoice in, because we will have done God’s will. I’ll bet the thief on the cross probably thought he wouldn’t have much of a highlight reel, but how about all the people who come to faith at the very end of their life because of his story and testimony?!
Excellent insight, Vince! Love the connection with 1 Cor 3:12. Yes, our sins have been dealt with at the cross! Gone forever, as you point out.
I don’t know what sort of praiseworthy items God will find in deathbed conversions, but maybe He will praise things they did before they were believers?
Maybe some of those things would be final acts of the heart rather than specific deeds. From their hospital bed maybe they decide to forgive and love someone against whom they held a grudge all their life. Or like the thief who answered the other thief who was cursing and attacking Jesus,, they might stick up for what’s right when they may never have had the courage to do that before.
Very true.
I also wonder if there is some ongoing benefit in the lives of others we influence before death. So maybe if a doctor hears or sees the change in the person on their deathbed, and then that doctor later becomes a believer, and then they support missionaries, or something like that, maybe the person who believed on their deathbed is someone seen as helping the doctor.
Who knows? But thankfully, we know God will work it all out.
I believe that a public admittance, not shaming, will help to cleanse your soul, as well as first, a confession to God.
Exactly my thoughts!! Thank you for sharing.
I know my comment is a stretch, but I wonder if even our “worthless” and “bad” works are cast as far as the east is from the west when we repent, so that we never have to worry about being ashamed of them or lose any rewards at the end. I definitely think so. Based on what I’ve read in the Bible, the root of worthless works is sin. I think worthless works are sins, too. It seems like the wood, hay and stubble in 1 Cor 3:10–17 are all about wrong ways people could minister to others. Things like bad doctrine, arrogance, judgmental attitudes, misinterpretations of God, and so on. They’re either sin or rooted in sin, which means they can be forgiven and recycled by God Himself, remade into good and precious works.
Same for 2 Cor. 5:10. If we ask God to show us if we’ve done anything for Him that may be worthless and bad, I believe He is willing to point it out, forgive us, recycle it, and work everything for His glory in our lifetimes (Rom. 8:28). And He blots out the original sin for His own sake and will never think of it again (Isaiah 43:25), so the only thing on the record is everything good God did. Some preachers would say this kind of belief would inspire people to sin. I disagree. It encourages me to obey and serve Him, filling me with joy, love and peace.
God’s Spirit empowers His people to do great things—things made of gold, silver and precious stones. He never calls us to do things that will be burned up and considered worthless. We can ask God to get rid of anything in our hearts that could lead to bad, worthless works: It’s just a simple heart check He performs day by day. When God’s Spirit lives in a person, He wants to shape our lives so dramatically and powerfully that He makes every little thing we do precious and eternal. All we need to do is ask, obey His leading, and enjoy His love, and we become more like Him every second of every day. We’ll still drop the ball, though—we’re human, after all. When we make a mistake or do something worthless or bad, we can repent, receive His forgiveness, and trust Him to do what the song says: “make beautiful things out of dust.” And we get back up again and do what is good and precious.
I don’t know what judgment will look like exactly, but I truly believe Jesus died so that there would be positively, absolutely, infinitely no reason for a believer to lose rewards or be ashamed of anything at the judgment seat. I believe Jesus has called us all to be gold medalists, and He longs to help us all be gold medalists.
Again, I know this comment is a stretch (and a huge blot on the comments page). Whether or not I’m off on my comment, I still want to say: Great post! Really great post. I can’t tell you how much your illustration of a highlights reel has encouraged me.
I don’t know if it’s a stretch. I think you might be right.
I used to think that we would be shamed at the judgment seat, but in recent years have begun to rethink my old position, and am coming to something much like what you have presented here. I like your idea that Jesus wants all of us to gold medalists.
I really enjoyed your comments on this important subject. How could God promise that He would be merciful to us by forgiving and Forgetting our sins if He planned to bring them back up in the future? The bible says that whoever belives in Him will not be put to shame. Jesus hang naked on the cross as soldier’s threw dice for His clothing. He suffered all my shame once and for all. Praise His name.
Thanks for this encouraging word. I have been both good and bad and now I am struggling with many sins. I know Christ is my best hope. He is the One true Son that brings redemption. Such a great love as the love of God causes me to think that the Judgement Seat of Christ is “present” when I sin. I always stand before Him and I suffer because I love Him, like when I fail a friend.
I’m thinking a good example is the Prodigal son…….when he returned home, a huge party was thrown. Amazing.
That’s right! When we understand Middle Easter Mediterranean culture, this would have been a shameful thing for the father to do, but he did it out of his great love for his son. It was shocking and outrageous, but this is the way God is toward us! Truly amazing.
Hi Jeremy!
Great article and I pretty much agree with your perspective. However, I was wondering how 1 Cor. 4:5 would square with this view. This one verse seems to indicate that our sins may be brought up at least to God Himself, if not made entirely public. Just curious about your thoughts on that. I enjoyed reading this!
Great, great question. I also think that the “weeping and gnashing of teeth” as mentioned in Matthew refers to profound regret at the Judgment Seat of Christ (not to hell). That also sounds like shame, right?
I think maybe the difference is between public shaming and being personally ashamed. I am ashamed of much that I have done, and I am sure there are some things I have done which I am not ashamed of, but maybe I should be. I think maybe 1 Corinthians 4:5 is referring to some sort of private conversation with Jesus where we go off and we talk about some things….
I am not certain though. What do you think?
That certainly sounds like a strong possibility…similar to the scene in ‘The lion, the witch and the wardrobe’ as you mentioned. I do believe it would seem uncharacteristic of God to publicly display all our sins on one big screen. But I also look at verses like the one I mentioned and Gal. 6:6-7 which seem to indicate a ‘payday‘ for those believers who live in persistent sin. I think your solution seems like a definite possibility. Also, even if sins aren’t the issue at the JSC per se, there’s no doubt sin would keep a person from serving and at least indirectly lead to forfeiture of rewards & shame. Interesting topic that I’m finding out a lot of ‘free grace’ people disagree on.
I believe those who live a very nominal Christian life are receiving a life of shallowness now . God has so much more for us to aspire to as we see each day as an opportunity to give glory back to Him and share His amazing love with others. God’s wisdom will sift through all of our hidden motives and weaknesses to reveal His perfect future plan. We want Him to find us faithful when He returns not to try to earn His love or forgiveness, but because we love Him so much.
this all sounds great about our judgment not being made public to shame us, and I agree that our sins were dealt with on the Cross; and yet, there must be some element of justice not only for those who have hurt Christians but even when other Christians have hurt Christians, and for whatever hurts, slanders, lies, defrauding, etc. I would actually want my fellow Christians to know the truth, as in my case my own family who profess to be Christians have slandered me and I have lost much. I know God is just, but so are you telling me that all those injustices will be wiped away, never considered or spoken of again? Doesn’t that kind of leave me hanging as far as “clearing my name” so to speak? Does that sound selfish? I don’t mean it to be. I just want my family to know who I really am and not the lies that were said about me. It just seems to me that God would address these types of issues with the perpetrators and make things right again.
I partly agree with your proposition that our sins at the Judgment will likely not be public so as to shame us, and that our sins were dealt with at the cross — but only in the sense that our Salvation has been assured. But the end time Judgment is about our WORKS while in our earthly bodies, not our salvation. That is what 2 Cor 5:10 refers to: … “For we must ALL appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad”.
I believe God is just and there must be an accounting. I find it hard to believe he will just “brush our sins under the rug” so to speak. It would seem more likely that sins such as lies about others would be made known so the truth can be revealed. I would not want people thinking that God in his mercy forgave me of something that someone claimed I did, when actually I never did that thing. I believe that the truth of things is always itching to be told, so it seems that perhaps some things would be made public, or at least include all parties involved. Otherwise, where would be the justice? And God is just.
To answer your question directly – No. It will not be played before all to see. We will feel ashamed when the sins are played back before our perfect God.
When we are tempted by our own desires we always have the choice of sinning vs doing Gods will (fleeing in most cases). So choosing to sin means you deny obeying God – its that simple.
The amazing part is that repenting and believing in Jesus means that His blood cleanses us and wipes the sins out of the book – Justifies us before the father.
Our heart then changes from pursuing our own desires to putting God and His will first. ie – hating sin. God gives us the power to live this godly life (1 Peter 1:3) … but it does take “every effort” from our side to walk after Jesus (2 Peter 1:5-8)
This life is to have a clear conscience toward God. (1 Peter 3:21)
As we mature as a Christian the Holy Spirit will reveal more things in our life that are not from God, pride, anger etc that we are to overcome with His power.
Jesus forgiving our sins is not a license to continue doing evil (Jude 1:4)
I can encourage those looking for more answers to listen to anointed teachers that speak the whole truth – Francis Chan, Zac Poonen, Paul Washer, David Wilkerson
God bless you on the path!
I like your answer. Just wanted to add.
God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit already know our sins. Our lives have already been written for us. We are given choices, and even our choices are known.
I believe all God wants from us is to love and except his son with all of our heart, mind and soul. All we have to do is accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior. Repent, ask for forgiveness, live your life right. Do good things, help people, animals all that take space large and small on Earth. Be kind.
I know the Lord, he is my best friend…he walks with me, talks with me, laughs with me and makes me laugh…helps me every second of the day. So I believe when we ask to be forgiven we are forgiven, I believe we will stand in front of God and he is going to ask us “Why did you do these things?”
Pray for our world, the abominations are astounding…we are going to have to answer his questions soon.
Do you believe in eternal security?
I’ve just lost my wife and was hoping to see an “instant” appearing of her to God and Jesus and that she would be “walking on streets of Gold.” And then, I Read all of this and about even St. Paul probably seeing God at the Great Resurrection.” But then I remember that when we’re saved, our sins are something to the effect of being cast into the deepest sea (or something like that) and that God will remember them no more. So, if that’s the case, then how can there be a “review” of our life in God remembers them no more? Just Wondering… Maybe it’s like the saying in the military, “It’s above my pay grade.” On the “soul sleep” kind of thing, I remember when I was about 19 or so talking to a physician, off duty, and saying that it must be terrible for someone in a coma to wake up after a long coma and somehow being aware of this long time where they only had their brain and no connection to the world. I thought, like, “really boring and only having our thoughts for that time.” The physician then advised me that people in comas have no recollection of being aware of anything, especially the passing of time. To them it’s like they fell asleep and don’t know if it was 5 minutes or 5 years. Perhaps it’s like that and to us we died, and the very next thing we know, we’re in our Lord’s presence. I read somewhere that St. Paul may have believed that he would “fall asleep” and “wake up” to see the Lord on Judgement Day. Perhaps, to us, if that’s the case, it will seem like a moment between when we die and then see our God, our Lord and the glories of Heaven with the streets of Gold, etc. Again, above my pay grade. 🙂
I’ve been unfaithful on several occasions when i was dating my now baby’s father. I have repented so many times but everytime i get accused i deny it completely.
I cheated on him without thinking even though i think i did it out of anger. Because he was trying to have sex with another girl. I love him so much now back then i lost feelings for him after finding out what he tried to do. I love him so much and i cant imajine telling him and loosing our bond, his trust our lil family and maybe even his respect and our relationship. What should i do? I have confessed to God repented over and over and begged him not to take him from me. I dont think i will ever have the courage to tell him i dont want to shatter his heart. Will God reveal this on judgement day and could this cost me eternal life in hell?
No, God will not reveal it publicly on judgment day. God is not interested in shaming His children publicly. You are completely loved and forgiven. Just understand that behavior like this in the future will likely cost the wonderful love you have found with this man, and might even tear apart your family. The reason we should not sin is because sin had devastating consequences in this life. It will not keep God from loving you, forgiving you, nor will it cost you eternal life.
Will this be revealed to him on judgement day?
I would like to know is are sin gonna be on screen for everyone to see I hear that God gonna judge everyone on the day of jugdement but I never hear it a big screen for every one to see I think that everyone gonna hear are sin an like that person being judge will see there sins that they done but not for everyone to see idk if I’m wrong or right
I am confused so if i am a believer will i have to answer to my sins at judgement day and if i do does everyone know?
What does it matter when we die what is important is what we do with our life now.The struggles people find themselves is because of living a sinful lifestyle you cant play with fire and not get burnt there are consequences.Jesus wants to bring forgiveness and healing and remove the guilt and shame that you are feeling.Ive have been there i was just as guilty i dont believe theres a big screen that replays our life if it is it,it will be about what we have done for God as our sins are covered under the blood of Jesus.The judgement for christians is that we must give an account of what we did for Jesus while we were here did we make the most of opportunities given to tell others to reach out others with his love.Mat 25:14-30 the Parable of the talents talks about judgement and for me it is all about what we do for Jesus the ones who are faithfull in the small things are set over much.The one who didnt use his talent that God gave him was punished for his lack of faith.So for those who are struggling with sin and life Jesus loves you and has a plan for your life just trust him to help you and he will.To be fair its wont be easy you will have to make some hard choices but he promises to help you through its all about choosing him over choosing what we think best because he knows whats best for us.Its important the choice you make as it will impact your life for eternity.brentnz
I used to believe that all our sins would be broadcast to everyone on Judgement Day, but upon getting to know God more and more throughout the past 8 years, I’ve come to believe this is terribly wrong.
From my understanding, there’s two separate Judgements; one for those going to hell, and one for those going to heaven (Also called the Bema seat of Christ.) I was taught we’d all be at the same judgement, whether saved or unsaved, which is apparently incorrect.
At the Bema seat, we will be rewarded for works done in the Spirit. So, maybe God moved you to comfort a crying friend one day; you didn’t do it because you wanted to do a good work and get the reward later, you did it because God helps you to be kind to others, because He’s been kind to us.
The other works that aren’t sins or good works, the hay and stubble, will be burnt up. That time you played Pokemon for seven hours straight? Neither good nor bad. It won’t be there. All that will be mentioned is the good.
Sure, maybe we won’t get certain rewards. Some of us aren’t martyrs, so we’ll miss out on that crown. Sometimes we’ll not get a reward because we just failed to do that thing that would’ve gotten us it. But it’s not shame, not sin, just not getting the reward.
Think about it this way- you’re in the Olympics. You make it into the top 3 scorers of an event. You go up on the pedestal to get your reward. First place gets gold, second gets silver, third gets bronze. All of you won; just like everyone at the Bema seat will be going to heaven. But not everyone there will get the gold or silver.
Maybe we’ll be ashamed because we could’ve used our lives better to serve Christ more, and get those rewards. We’ll be casting all of them at His feet, anyways, not keeping them for ourselves.
So maybe there will be shame over losing out on rewards, but not anything else. Our sins are covered. Jesus blotted them out with His blood; and God sees us THROUGH Jesus, like looking through a metal screen in a window, and sees no sin in us.
I’m not claiming to know everything, so I’d pray on it real hard before believing anything I say. ;p
I don’t know if this helps, but once in church years ago, I had a panic attack. And after communion, I felt the most love and peace I’d ever felt, and Jesus said to me, “I’m sorry we didn’t get to spend our time together in peace.” I didn’t notice “Oh, wow, He’s so holy and I’m a sinner!” and feel embarrassed or frightened; instead, I felt comfortable and loved. But I did look at myself and say “Wow, I’m a dork, I’m a teenage girl who likes Pokemon and is a total nerd”, but then I felt comforted by the love of God, and saw that God saw me as a nice young lady. So I presume it’ll feel the same on Judgement Day; we might feel ashamed, but the love of God trumps everything.
I know yours is an old post now but – Wow, “I’m sorry we didn’t get to spend our time together in peace.” hit me like a ton of bricks. What a revelation, thank you for sharing. I know that I have spent all my years as a Christian struggling with my inability to be Christ-like and have even wanted there to be no Heaven because of the ‘big screen reveal of my sins’, but you are so right, that Jesus wants us to walk with Him in peace. I realise now that my view of judgement day and the big screen deal has been a lie of the enemy to rob me of the peace that I could have had in my life of serving the Lord and marveling in His forgiveness, instead of dreading my upcoming shame on judgement day.
Praise God!
I am very happy for you.
Plain and simple, unfaithfulness is a sin of omission, and sins of omission were paid for on the cross. Jesus presents us “Blameless” before the father. All the laborers in the vineyard got the same reward, and we are promised “Every spiritual blessing” in heaven, and we are “Co heirs” with Christ. I love the prodigal son story as well. It can easily be argued that we will all receive all the crowns and then cast them at His feet.
I have read 1 Corinthians chapter 3 backwards and forwards, and if you really dissect it, the fire in vs 13 is ON EARTH not in heaven. But, traditional rewards doctrine people say this fire is in heaven at the ceremony where our works will be tried by the fire. The passage clearly puts this fire on earth, because the hypothetical man escapes THROUGH the fire on earth, and he is ultimately “saved” in heaven. It goes on to say his temple was destroyed, so his temple couldn’t have been destroyed at the ceremony “bon fire” in heaven that people always make reference to. His temple was destroyed on earth.
I think TJSOC is perhaps our daily sanctification before we go to heaven. The bible speaks of how we should judge ourselves and that judgment starts NOW with the household of God.( 1 Peter 4:17) Will we be judged again in heaven?? Wouldn’t that be double jeopardy?? With TJSOC being only mentioned twice in the bible, I think way too many doctrines have been falsely derived from it. If the Lord doesn’t specifically elaborate on something in His word, I don’t know if that much weight should be behind it. I look forward to meeting my savior, and I don’t think there will be any fear or shame when we are finally in the presence of Jesus. “In His presence is FULLNESS of JOY!” ( : Psalm 16:11
I thought there were two judgement seats the white throne judgement (Revelations 20:11-15) for unbelievers and the mercy seat of Christ or the Judgement seat of Christ(1 Corinthians 3:10-15 .) but I could be mistaken.
The saying God forgives and God forgets is thrown around so loosely but its not biblically correct . The bible says God forgives and he remebers no more Heb 8:12 , Isiaha 43:25. There is a huge difference between forgetting and remembering no more . If i forget my wallet my wallet is on my mind all the time so it stays in your mind not he same with remeber no more . If we confess our sin God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sin 1 John 1:9. He removes our sin as far as the east is from the west Psalm 103:12. That means if i truely repent and confess my sins ( not Roman Catholic , a dirty rag cannot wash a dirty car clean) to God he removes it forgets it, so what is there to show on judgment day. That is why Paul says in Rom8:1 There is no condemnation for those in Christ
I’m so tired of Christians living a fear based life. So consumed with living their everyday life so perfectly in order to not stand shamefully in front of God. In church people are repeatedly taught not to sin and not to do things that might be consider bad or sinful because if they do they will be judged for it. Which leads to constantly questioning our every actions and thoughts to the point of exhaustion and ultimate failure. The Bible says God will remember our sin no more and that all that is bad will be burrnt up. So what does that leave to judge… leaves all that we have done to love one another. Perhaps even the kind gesture of mowing your neighbors lawn or just letting them borrow your landmower. So…basically we will be judged and receive our reward based upon how we fulfilled the new covenant of loving one another. Which leaves me to this analogy….are you gonna live your life selfishly and end up in the “nosebleed seats” or are you gonna live your life in such a manner that you are somewhere near the front of the stage.
“there will be no bad things to report. When it comes time to give an account for the things done in the body whether good or bad, it will be discovered that there is no bad to report.”
The Bible says some things that contradict this view.
1 Corinthians 3:14-15 If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.
1 John 2:28 And now, dear children, continue in him, so that when he appears we may be confident and unashamed before him at his coming.
Though we must conclude sin was paid at Calvary, the judgment is concerning things done in the body. Let us agree, it is a judgment.
“Suffer loss”, of what?
“Shame”, how long will it last, and shame from what?
“there will be no bad things to report. When it comes time to give an account for the things done in the body whether good or bad, it will be discovered that there is no bad to report.”
That conflicts with 2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may receive what is due us for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.
I find it interesting how we would like to explain away verse that reveal the Bema Seat Judgment. Correct we will not answer fr our sin, but we will answer for how we lived our life since we have been saved. Will there be shame and tears over a life spent like Lot, sure their will be. 1 Jn. 2:28 ¶ “And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.” John makes it clear that one way we can be ashamed at the Second Coming of Christ is to teach incorrect doctrine. Rev. 21:4 also makes it clear that people will have regrets for living a sinful life, ” Re 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Preaching that makes people believe that God will not hold us accountable for the way we live life might sound good, but that is not truth.
Jeremy, how do you reconcile Ecclesiastes 12:14 and 2 Corinthians 5:10(which says that God will judge our bad works) with verses like Micah 7:19, Hebrews 8:12, and Isaiah 43:25(which says that God blots out our sins, remembers them no more and throws them into the depths of the sea)? Will God reach into the sea and bring our sins back up on Judgment Day? Not remembering our sins sounds like they will never be brought up again. I am very confused because I read an article by a preacher that said confessed sins will not be brought up(based on 1 John 1:9) , but I have also read some articles that said that God will openly reward our works(including secret sins, based on Matthew 6:6), and that we will have to make up with people we have hurt in this life(based on Romans 12:19 and 1 Thessalonians 4:6). Also remember that verses like Mark 4:22 and Luke 12:1-3 say that everything will be revealed on that day.
I am currently questioning Christianity, and I am starting to see some things in the Bible that look like contradictions. I thought that there are no contradictions in the Bible. I believe that God is just, but I also have a big problem with every bad thing I’ve every done(and I’ve done quite a few things I’m not proud of) being revealed to all my friends, family and the rest of humanity. Any input from Jeremy and the rest of the people who commented on this article would be greatly appreciated. Have nice day.
Hi Jessica, I’m sorry that you didn’t get a reply. I came to this article looking for a verse. I scrolled down pretty quickly and saw your post. Just want to let you know, I’ve found that the Bible, and life, are full of apparent contradictions; some call these paradoxes. For example: we are temporal (we will die) / we are eternal (we will live forever); we are predestined (saved through grace alone) / we have free will (we choose grace); Christ is the prince of peace / Christ did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Many others.
The Bible says “if you seek me you WILL find me if you seek me with all of your heart”. I can tell you are a seeker. Don’t give up seeking. Faith is a paradox too. You will eventually find that the things that appear most ‘real’ in this life are actually the most illusory. Have peace and don’t give up.
I pray you will be blessed on your journey.
Thank you for explaining! I couldn’t quite understand forgiveness and judgment of the believer. Thanks again for explaining.
Jessica, I so understand what you are going through. There seems to be a paradox, (a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true). But there really isn’t. God is all loving, but extremely Holy, which is hard for our finite minds to comprehend. Jesus humbled himself because we could not get to him by ourselves, because our hearts are too black and took on our sins, (which is another hard concept to understand) When we surrender and trust Jesus for our Salvation, (not just from hell, but from ourselves), he starts the sanctifying (purifying) process, (which can be painful), but it will get us to a place to be able to be used by Him for His glory. ONLY IF WE ABIDE IN HIM. We can’t do ANYTHING worthwhile for God without being in His word, (which I see you are doing), prayer and worship. The Bible shows the scales of God, we see his loving and merciful side, but we also see that he has to punish sin, because he is completely and purely Holy, (our little minds cannot understand this at all, we usually just compare ourselves to people who do worse sins than us, but ALL sin is wrong). Remember when Jesus said that it is the “narrow road” that leads to life. This means that the road is not easy, but Jesus also says, “my burden is light”. Now to reconcile this, we can see that this life is going to be hard, but if we abide, he will do the heavy lifting, we just have to be faithful. To make a simile, it is like the leaf of a tree, the leaf is connected to the tree. It isn’t doing anything really, just looking pretty, but if it does not get nourishment from the tree, it falls off and dies. Also, if it is picked off, like from Satan, it will die. Don’t walk away from Jesus, you will eternally regret it. Jesus has forgiven you, if you have repented and turned away from that sin. Also, we have to trust in Jesus, for Salvation and EVERYTHING in our lives. When we say turn away from a particular sin, I mean you have to HATE that sin. Jessica, what has helped me, is to pray for His thoughts to be my thoughts. Jesus will reward that prayer, then the sanctification process can continue and God can use us. Through my agonizing search for truth, this is what I have found.God bless you dear sister.
April, thank you for your comment. I enjoyed reading it. Do you personally believe that people’s sins will be displayed at the judgment seat? I couldn’t tell from your comment. I have read articles on both sides of the issue. I am still a Christian but this still really bothers me. I just read an article by Jack Cottrell(It was called “Degree of Rewards in Heaven”) that says our sins will be displayed on judgment day. He says that Hebrew 8:12(“their sins and iniquities I will remember no more”) means that God will never hold our sins against us again, not that God literally forgets them and will never mention them again. I have also read another article that said since God will judge our good and bad works, all of a Christian’s sins, both confessed and unconfessed, will be brought up at the judgment. I’m sorry, but I have a big problem with that. It sounds like God forgives but still keeps a record of our sins. That doesn’t make sense to me. And I’m also confused because I looked up the Greek word for remember in Hebrews 8:12 and it’s “mnestheo” which means to remember, recall, call to mind, or mention. How can people still say that God will bring up our sins at the judgment? I am confused. This teaching is really hurting my faith. Any help or feedback would be appreciated. Thank you.
I too have been wondering about having to give an account at the Judgment Seat of Christ when He said “our sins are forgiven in Christ and yet we must give an account to God on the last day for how we’ve lived. I believe that sin was judged at the cross. The Judgement Seat of Christ deals with our REWARDS not sin. Therefore, giving an account on how we’ve lived our lives as a Christian believer, to me means that God will probably show us where we could have helped someone who was struggling (Christian or not) that was in need and we did nothing. The Bible says, To him who knows to do good, and does not do it, to him it is sin. I now think God will show us where we failed, but still love us. To me, this is why some of us will be ashamed that we didn’t to better when we could have. Hope this helps someone else.
Maybe the good will be our confession that we trust Christ alone for righteousness and the bad that we trusted in out own righteousness for salvation. Every person will give an account.
Thank you for your article. It made me laugh tears of joy. I most recently had been condemned by a Christian friend. I told the person 2 sins I committed. I had no shame, having been forgiven already, until I shared it. Afterwards,
I searched my heart and the scriptures being as honest as possible with Jesus about why I sinned, as I could not stop ruminating, and still struggle a bit, with what the person said to me. The person made me feel ugly and worthless. A highly educated and degreed secular counselor would totally understand that my sin was connected to 40 years of marital abuse. I was “perfect” the entire time until the very end of my relationship with my abuser. (Not justifying what I did.) I have reason to believe my accuser threw “rocks” at me. And was seeing my sin against what they suffered from, and not in the light of scripture. Don’t know. Anyway, this person wants nothing to do with me. I tried making amends and even told them that any restitution to be made for my sin is taken cared of. They don’t seem to care. I read about 5 other articles, on line, today, to help me. I know I am clean in God’s eyes, I don’t feel it yet, but I have to walk by faith and not by my feelings.
Thank you, Jeremy, for this good explanation of the judgement seat of Christ. Good post.
It has been 8 years since you published this article. I was wondering if you had anything more you would like to say about this subject of our standing before Christ at the Judgment seat? The truth is I am terrified because I really have been a horrible Christian. I try to repent but sin again in the most sinful ways. I ask for forgiveness but can’t seem to shake it off. Especially my thought life. I can only hope it is as you have said in the article. Then there are verses like this also.
Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. Luke 12:3
Then there are verses like this:
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more. Hebrews 8:12
I sincerely dread having to make an account of my life. I fear the church also and have found that I can’t be real, that people are judgmental and I find no advantage in going to a church thus I am set adrift. Yes I need prayer and need to be helped.
Does he forgive people that molest children are hurt them tom
Does he forgive people who hurt children or sexual abuse
Does he forgive people that harm children physically sexually I don’t understand
Gods forgiveness is not limited by our sin. That’s the beauty of the cross. When we are faced with our sinfulness or that of others who have harmed us we find equal footing at the cross. We have the desire to know and please God because of the great , unrepeatable debt He has payed for us. This is what drives us to repentance and the courage to walk with the Spirit though we will often times fail. If someone is dealing with a sin pattern they need to bring the sin to the light. Sin and shame grows in darkness. Find someone you trust to talk to who will walk with you and not be judgmental.
Thank you for this..My heart and mind is always filled with fear that Jesus will reject me in heaven because of my sin.I now feel that there is hope that I’ve been forgiven and that one day I will get to see and be with the Savior.
I think the book “Your Eternal Reward” by Erwin lutzer addresses this quite well.
I believe you are correct. I was raised to think that my sins would be projected for all to see. This is contrary to Scriptures. Jesus took upon Himself the full weight of my sin and shame. I believe just standing before Him will cause my heart to be so filled with wonder at what He did for me I will be like Isaiah .. undone.
Tonight I have wept twice. The first because I thought that judgement day would go exactly as first stated in the article. I talked to God and cried, telling Him that as much as I love Him and Jesus, that I couldn’t bear to have family, friends and others know the wicked things I’ve done in my life. I told God that I would rather be sent to hell than face the humiliation. I asked Him to let me know if He had a message for me or something He wanted to tell me to please show me, to say it loudly so I would hear. Something told me, a voice inside me said to do a Google search about judgement day. This was the first article that I read. God heard my prayer, He saw my tears, He felt my despair, He has answered me, He spoke loudly to me. I know now that I have nothing to fear and that He is a loving and forgiving Father. My body, mind and spirit can now rest easy for God has spoken to me tonight and His message is crystal clear. In the name of Jesus I give thanks, glorify His name and say Amen.
When we obey God’s plan of salvation, given by Peter on the Day of Pentecost, to repent, be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for the remission of our sins, endued with power from on high by being filled with the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in another tongue, as the Spirit gives the utterance, we become sons of God through His death on Calvary. The works we do throughout our lives, walking in obedience to His Word, being led by His Spirit within us, will be what will be judged by the Lord. The motive we did the good works is what matters. If we have done our alms before men to gain their praise or to make ourselves rich, if our works cannot last through the fire, but will be burned up because we did not do it for the glory of God, we can yet be saved, but our works will be worthless. We can feed the hungry, clothe the naked, give our lives to
good works, yet without the love motive, but for selfish purposes.
If God forgives our sins why would He bring them up on Judgement Day? Please be kind I am new Christian. Thank you for any help.
Is God going to show everyone In Heaven all of our sins?
my thought is…
We will both know the what’s the why as we bow before Him. so I will know my truth and lack of rewards. We will all wish we had done more. We will understand God’s love for us.
Thank you so much for your explanation. I always found it hard to believe that God would hurt our hearts by shaming us when we get to heaven.
Thanks to Jesus for his sacrifice on the cross that we are forgiven and he took our shame on himself.
I like the idea of only the good being shown.
I am not so sure though, my thoughts are that people who are in the Bible have thier sin exposed to the whole world written for anyone to read about whenever they like.
but my hope is that in the new heaven and earth it will be forgotten about at least.
First of all, the “screen” is a creation of the mid-20th century when TVs came into existence. And while I get the idea that eternity is timelessness (totally incomprehensible to me) that still seems to be an awful lot to get through with the billions of people (unless someone suggests the ‘lost” are off the hook for standing before judgement).
I honestly believe, that the judgement has already occurred: at the cross.
I do get the point that victims might feel cheated if those who have hurt them don’t have to have their sins viewed in public. But I don’t see any indication that our sins will be enumerated and displayed for all to see. I would think all victims and victimizers would be made whole and completely healed of trauma and the need for vindication.
That’s just my opinion–it’s all above my our pay grade anyway!
The Judgment Seat of Christ has nothing to do with Sin. Christ paid that price on the cross. When we repent and ask God to forgive us, He does and remembers our sins NO MORE (Hebrews 8:12).
This judgment is about the “good works” we did “AFTER” salvation (no works grant salvation). When you were saved, what did you do to GLORIFY GOD in your life? (the righteous deeds of the saints, (Revelation 19:7-8). Did you teach your children? spread the gospel? Paul speaks of this in 1 Corinthians 3:10, Christ laid the foundation, we are to build up the church. There are 5 crowns church age saints can earn. The church is raptured and goes to the Judgment Seat of Christ. The elders probably represent the church (Revelation 4:10…They cast their crowns before the throne…). The Bride is in heaven during the Tribulation, the wedding of the Lamb is in Heaven, (Reveation 19:7-8…for the marriage of the Lamb has come and his Bride has made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure – for the fine linen is the RIGHTEOUS DEEDS OF THE SAINTS). Which we receive at the Judgment Seat of Christ! Blessings!
is not the judgement on the motivations for the works we do in the body of christ ?
I am a born again Christian who loves the Lord, however I once fell into sin. Although I have repented, I have worried that my sin will be broadcasted at the Judgement Seat of Christ, which might hurt other Christians. Thanks for your article, you have given me some peace.
I truly enjoyed reading your take on the Judgment Seat of Christ. I agree completely with your view. I’d like to add a couple of other points. While it’s called the Judgement Seat of Christ, Christ is also our advocate.
Also, throughout the Bible there are numerous verses like Hebrews 10:16-17, where he adds, “I will remember their sins no more.”
In addition, He will complete His work in us so that by the time we are called home believers will have not only been Justified, Sanctified and Glorified. Praise God for his calling and gift of faith through His grace alone.
Your quote: ‘And Jesus will smile back with a twinkle in His eye and say, “There…”
Is that what the ‘terror of the Lord’ in the next verse after 2 Corinthians 5:10 means?
2 Corinthians 5:11: “Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God; and I trust also are made manifest in your consciences.”
We continue to do online seminars about the Judgement Seat of Christ. Interested brethren can connect at ha*************@gm***.com for current timings.
PS: A study of scriptures show that it is a private affair to start with, but it’s end is nothing according to the ‘private interpretation’ mentioned above.
I cannot can’t comprehend your post in light of scripture. Christ’s judgment will be a review of our deeds “good or bad.” Are you saying the bad deeds won’t be brought up because He already forgave us? The scriptures are the Word of God and perhaps that’s all I need to know. But because I believe every word of, I have trouble understanding why I will give account of what I’m already forgiven for. I understand whatever is my reward is by His grace, and I’ve no standing to question anything related to His promises. That is sinful on my part. My ugly thoughts are on me and no one else. I get that, but still I want that part of scripture clarified. You’ve not done that. My precise question is: why are the forgiven to appear for judgment? If you say it is to verify what portion of salvation I inherit by His grace, was that not already decided? Please don’t think I question anything Christ teaches; I do not. But cannot we all seek clarity? I need to get the reality of that in context with His other promises, teachings and promises.
I agree!!! With what you said about God being a “father” and “the best father.”
Your explanation of the Judgement Seat Of Christ reminds me of the time when I received
ABBA LOFT from a sparkling blue Angel in a Dream, but a Dream in the biblical sense.
The Angel gave me the Name of my Band. But I don’t have a Band yet.
So, what happens with the verse that says when we ask forgiveness he casts them as far as the east is from the west, to remember them no more? Am I correct in thinking if He casts them to remember them no more then we will not be judged for them on judgment day?
I have been told that the judgement seat will be a time of tears, but not tears for past sins, rather tears for wasted years. I know I will shed many, but He will wipe those tears away. Let me tell you a story of a wasted life. I spent my life in serious sexual sin and hidden addiction to pain pills that lasted 28 years, how my sin destroyed a family, a testimony, of utter shipwreck. I hid homosexuality from my wife of 33 years, a horrible, sick addiction to pornography that became darker literally by the day. Two years ago, my body actually shut down due to liver and kidney damage from the abuse of pain pills. When I went in the hospital, I was immediately put on life support that I was on for five days. I should have died, but in His Mercy, He spared me, because we were just getting started. Six months after coming out of the hospital, my pride was brought low….I wouldn’t give the LORD the glory that my addiction to pills literally vanished, like I had never abused them. Next came the sexual sin and the pornography. I was brought down, my sins were exposed before the church. I thought I could never show my face again. When this all came out, my next step was going to be suicide, I could not bear the shame of my sins. My church set me up with an organization called Pure Life Ministries, an organization that deals exclusively with serious sexual sin. My counselor, a precious brother in the Lord told me I was nothing but a hypocrite and a Pharisee, and he told me I was planning on taking my life, he could not have known that. This was the real deal. Come forward two years, I am walking with the Lord. Yes, my past haunts me and there are consequences to sexual sin, but I am forgiven. So, I will shed tears before my Savior, but He will wipe those tears away, and hold my hand on the way to the table, the King’s table for the marriage supper of The Lamb!
Is this movie type thing for the unsaved ones or will the sinners have to have it all shown? I think that is the question most unsaved ask.