I have been teaching a series on the doctrine of divine election in Scripture, and so am pleased to welcome Shawn Lazar onto the show to discuss his book, (#AmazonAdLink) Chosen to Serve.
(#AmazonAdLink) In his book, Shawn shows what the Bible teaches about election, and discusses several key passages which are used to defend various views of divine election. Shawn shows us how to understand these passages in light of the rest of biblical revelation about this tricky doctrine.
When you properly understand divine election, you will no longer find yourselves in angry and heated debates about who God chose for heaven from eternity past … nor will you be anxious about whether or not you yourself are chosen by God.
Instead, you will discover the beautiful biblical truth that election is to service, not to eternal life.
By listening to the podcast episode, you will also learn how to get 50% off Shawn’s book, Chosen to Serve. Or you can (#AmazonAdLink) pay full price on Amazon … if that is what you really want.
Here are other links we mentioned in the podcast interview:
- Free Magazine signup at FaithAlone.org
- Chosen to Serve at FaithAlone.org
- Shawn Lazar on Facebook
- The discussion on Cornelius by Ken Yates is a YouTube video found here:
I would love to hear your thoughts on Acts 13:48! The Arminian and Wesleyan-Arminian perspectives fall short in my opinion.
Yes, the Arminian explanation does fall short. I agree with with Shawn says in the interview (and in his book) about Acts 13:48.
I have written on the verse here: https://redeeminggod.com/acts-13_48-unconditional-election/