This is from a 2008 post by Perry Noble. I thought it was good then, and it’s still good today.
I had some “what if” thoughts the other day that I wanted to share…
- WHAT IF the church really believed that Jesus was as powerful as Scripture says that He is?
- WHAT IF we were not afraid to BEG GOD for ridiculous things, knowing that He is able?
- WHAT IF we REALLY believed that Acts 2:41-47 was actually the starting point of all that God wants to do through the church and NOT the watermark?
- WHAT IF we really believed that a life dedicated to Christ means that we are completely His…not just on Sunday?
- WHAT IF every church became a cheerleader of other churches and not critics?
- WHAT IF we really believed the church existed to CHANGE the world and not just to “meet my needs!”
- WHAT IF we really believe that teenagers and children are worth the investment and poured resources into them instead of making them sell doughnuts in front of department stores?
- WHAT IF we really believed God’s Kingdom should grow through the church instead of being stagnant?
- WHAT IF we were willing to lay aside our personal preferences for the sake of reaching those who are far from God?
- WHAT IF we refused to participate in slandering and tearing down another person?
- WHAT IF we sought to embrace God’s plan for our lives (and churches) instead of trying to get Him to bless ours?
Those are just some of the things I’ve been wondering.
Amen!! Jesus IS powerful, Acts 2:41-47 IS our model, Christian life IS dedicating all of you to God, always. And so on. Great blog post!