Yesterday I introduced the idea that the ten plagues were primarily a way for God to reveal His power over and against the impotence of the Egyptian deities. In this post, we want to consider the tenth plague in more detail, and specifically consider the question about who killed the firstborn sons of Egypt.
The Tenth Plague
First of all, it is helpful to remember that the tenth plague is not the first plague. That is, no matter how we understand the events of the tenth plague, it is critical to remember that God did not start with this plague of death, but rather, this plague followed nine specific warnings and clear demonstrations of power.
God did not just send Moses to Pharaoh and without any warning, have the firstborn sons of Egypt struck dead. No, there was a whole series of events that led up to this terrible disaster in Egypt.
Furthermore, it should also be noted that the tenth plague was not God’s idea, nor was it the idea of Moses. The destruction of the firstborn sons of Egypt was something that the previous Pharaoh had visited upon the people of Israel 80 years earlier when the Egyptian army killed all the newborn sons of Israel two years old and younger (Exodus 1:16). This is an example of sin cannibalizing itself, so that the sins of the fathers fall upon later generations.
But beyond even this, after the ninth plague, Pharaoh told Moses that if Moses came before him again Pharaoh would kill him (Exodus 10:28). In a way, then, it was Pharaoh who had given the ultimatum of “win or die.” Pharaoh had lost every confrontation against the God of Israel, and so now Pharaoh decreed that the contest was over and even though he had lost, he would still not let God’s people go. The only way forward, then, was to finally and ultimately break Pharaoh’s pride.
Did God Kill the Firstborn Sons of Egypt?
In Exodus 11–12, the text indicates that God decided to kill all the first-born sons of Egypt. This is explicitly stated in various locations, such as in Exodus 11:1 where God decrees that He will bring one more plague against Egypt.
In the following verses, God states that He Himself will go into the midst of Egypt to slay the firstborn sons (Exodus 11:4-5). God later says that it is He who will kill the firstborn in the land (Exodus 12:12). To protect themselves, the Israelites are to put the blood of a lamb on the doorposts of their house so that when death comes, it passes over their house and goes on to those homes which are not protected by blood (Exodus 12:23).
Yet something strange happens in the text.
There seems to be a bit of a transition in Exodus 12:23. There is a peek behind the curtains to what was really happening when the death of the firstborn sons of Egypt occurred.
On the surface of the entire passage, it seems as if God is the one who is doing the killing.
While Exodus 12:12 “suggests that since the Egyptians’ sinfulness had gone too far, God personally executed their firstborn … the Bible contains some specific references to the plagues which hint of something very different occurring” (Campbell, Light through the Darkness, 58).
For example, Exodus 12:23 says that when God passed over the doors of the houses which had been marked with the blood of the Passover lamb, He would not allow the destroyer to enter into the house to kill the firstborn of that house.
So it was not God who struck down the firstborn sons of Egypt, but a being referred to as “the destroyer.”
If Exodus 12:23 provides some clarity with what was going on, it appears that God’s primary activity in the tenth plague was not in killing the firstborn sons of Egypt, but in protecting people from the destroyer that had come to kill all things.
In this way, the “passing over” of the Lord is not so much the action of God in skipping a house, but in covering the house with a hand of protection so that the destroyer could not enter that house to kill the firstborn son. Exodus 12:23 indicates that there were two beings involved in the death of the firstborn sons of Egypt: There was God, who put a hand of protection over certain houses, and there was the destroyer, who sought to destroy all, but who was thwarted from doing so by the protective hand of God over certain homes.
So just as with previous violent portrayals of God in the Bible, it seems that when the actual violence occurs, it is the destroyer who destroys, and God’s primary activity is in the arena of protection and deliverance.
Tomorrow we will look at how to understand the tenth plague in light of Jesus Christ dying on the cross. It seems that by His actions on the cross, Jesus affirms the idea that God was the deliverer in Exodus 12; not the destroyer. Until then, what questions, comments, and objections do you have to this approach?

These are the sorts of questions we discuss and (try to) answer in my online discipleship group. Members of the group can also take ALL of my online courses (Valued at over $1000) at no charge. Learn more here: Join the Discipleship Group I can't wait to hear what you have to say, and how we can help you better understand God and learn to live like Him in this world!
Beautifully expressed. I’d quite forgotten about Pharoah giving his ultimatum.
The only thing I would add to that is that no one needed to die that night. All they had to do was believe the warning and act on it. God’s protection was there, if only they had accepted it.
Very true. The protection was even offered to the Egyptians.
Exodus 7:3-5
3″But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart that I may multiply My signs and My wonders in the land of Egypt. 4″When Pharaoh does not listen to you, then I will lay My hand on Egypt and bring out My hosts, My people the sons of Israel, from the land of Egypt by great judgments
God is still responsible for the deaths of the children of Egypt, before the plague takes place it is God who releases the plague and forces pharaoh to decline letting them go, thus, making an excuse to unleash death upon innocent children, making God a child killer
Exodus 11:9
9 The Lord had said to Moses, “Pharaoh will not listen to you. This is why I will do more amazing things in Egypt.” 10 Moses and Aaron showed Pharaoh all these amazing things. Yet, the Lord made Pharaoh stubborn, so he wouldn’t let the Israelites leave his country
you need to take in considiration that pharaoh on the begining of exodus ordered killing of all male israel newborns and in genesis God promised to abraham that he will bless all who bless him and curse all who curse him so by not keeping his promisse he would be not of his word.
secondly egypt first borns died in middle of the night indicating they were sleeping and are not drown awake like israel babies and thirdly God give his first and only born son Jesus to cover for all sins if you belive and repent.
you need to know that God created us and his will and thinking is waaay above ours and everything he does is right.
it’s like a policeman who gives a fine if person is driving to fast because its right but if you would stop someone for same thing and try to fine them it would be illegal
Yet in Exodus 8:32 it says that Pharaoh hardened his own heart. God did not force Pharaoh to do this. God’s message was a message of mercy. Anyone would be spared the destruction from the Destroyer (Satan). The message of mercy hardened Pharaoh’s heart because of his ego. Charles Spurgeon once said: “The same sun which melts wax hardens clay. And the same Gospel which melts some persons to repentance hardens others in their sins.” Now, is it the sun doing this or is it the ingredients in the wax and clay reacting to the sun? The sinful heart of Pharaoh was hardened by the way it reacted to a righteous God.
“For we are to God the sweet aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one [rejecter of God’s love], we are an odor of death and demise; to the other [receiver of God’s love], a fragrance that brings life.” ~ 2 Corinthians 2:15-16. (see also, 2 Corinthians 3:6).
This is correct. There is no getting around God mass killing the Egyptian children.
silliness. always making excuses for your murderous god.
Apparently none of you remember the part before the plagues where God tells Moses to demand freedom fot the Israelites. Moses asks, “Why would Pharoah listen to me? I’m just a slave.”
Then God says, “Oh, he’s going to say “No”. “For I will turn his heart.”
God admits he will effect the Pharoah’s Free Will in order to enact REVENGE against Egypt. God didn’t SAVE anyone. He was vengeful and retaliatory.
It does make me shiver to think that the pride of one man or woman can bring a nation to its knees. In the case of Ninniver the action of the King saved them. Sixty years later it was the inaction of a king that destroyed them.
Today we can see the same action of pride destroying nations and bringing others to the brink of a Third World War
Great points, Clive. The pride of kings and rulers has rippling effects over all the people under their rule. So troubling!
Politicians need another 10,000 reincarnations, to learn to become human beings.
Thai proverb
A thief accomplishes more to attaining Nirvana in one lifetime, than a politician does in ten thousand lifetimes.
Buddhist proverb.
Hi Jeremy,
Who sent the destroyer? If you hire a hitman, and then he kills everyone except those you tell him not to, you are also guilty.
Considering that in the previous chapters God talks about sending the tenth plague then to me it’s clear He is the one who killed.
Right. If God sent the destroyer, He is just as guilty as if He had done the killing Himself.
And yes, the text seems to indicate that either God did the killing, OR God sent the destroyer.
I do not believe that either actually happened, and my basis for this belief is what we see in Jesus Christ.
I’d say that it is god who was both the destroyer and the defender here. It’s not like god didn’t kill the first-born Egyptians, is just the he kept the promise of not killing the hebrews.
You say that
“it appears that God’s primary activity in the tenth plague was not in killing the firstborn sons of Egypt, but in protecting people from the destroyer that had come to kill all things.”
Protecting people? Protecting Hebrews you mean. In this case, God’s main activity was to kill first-born Egyptians and protect Hebrews (not people.) Is not like god is a crazy schizo who first says he’ll kill and then becomes a defender from his own intention. He is both the protector and the executioner, but in your article you want to acquit him of the latter and proclaim him as 100% the former.
I think that god was a product of the conscience of that time, and that’s why is so barbaric and tyrant. My point is that maybe the bible needs reinterpretation for more present times (and is not a perfect work that will hold true always), because how am I going to argue with a woman who wants to abort that tells me that the god in the bible has also killed babies?
Well if we bring this case to present times, the Egyptians not only the pharaoh were guilty of mistreating, killing and have the Hebrews as slaves, and any court of law Would Have found Them Guilty And Maybe Put Them On Death Row. God Is Just Always And He Was Nice Enough To Give Them 9 Warnings But To No Avail. This days we want to pretend to be more rightgeous or holy than God himself, but unfortunately we are not. When you are guilty you get the sentence for your crimes. If we read the whole old testament and not bits and pieces here and there we will be able to understand the justice of the Almighty. It is not the same to kill a child for no reason than pay for the crimes committed, in Egypt’s case idolatry was their Maine crime the whole nation not just the pharaohs. Ninive repented and Was Forgiven Egypt Didnt.
I find it hilarious that you’re justifying murder because it’s rightful punishment for a similar crime. I’m sure most Christians would disagree with you there.
In this story, God basically takes revenge on these Egyptian children for their leader murdering another people. The article attempts to justify it as God actually trying to protect children rather than allow them to be murdered. It’s not an easy thing to believe in when it’s clear what the story is really about.
Please remember the “firstborn” means the oldest son.We are not reading about God killing off young children as some are saying here.Some would have been in 30s.40s.50s at least.
You just said the quiet part out loud. You want to re-write the bible or re-interpret it to fit your agenda. That is exactly how it has been for thousands of years.
Sadly, that is also how religion can be used as justification for violence, wars, immoral and unimaginable horrors. Often for political gain.
The churches interpretation of the bible is intentionally taught in a way that anything can be justified. When there is not a good or valid explanation for something you will simply be told things like “God works in mysterious ways” or “You must have faith in the Lord”.
Religions are false, made up and written by humans. Possibly intended for the greater good of societies although exploited as propaganda for political gain.
Alas, it is embedded within cultures throughout the years. After all, how many Christians are born and taught by their parents from day one that they must believe in god or they will go to hell? If that is not grooming children than I don’t know what is.
I refuse to lie to my children and force them to believe in fairy tales. I am a committed atheist although I do align to most of the moral teachings of many religions. I don’t see a need however to lie to my children or worship a god to behold these morals.
Children are born innocent with compassion. They follow our examples and the examples of the environment for which they live. Adults do the same. We must all set an example, love each other, be honest and true and then we could have world peace.
I have no problem with those whom do believe and I welcome everyone to believe what they wish. Just do not force it on me and do not use it to justify evil and horrific acts.
Interesting, what is happening in the middle east today is not much different than what is written in Exodus.
“I do not believe that either actually happened, and my basis for this belief is what we see in Jesus Christ.”
“My point is that maybe the bible needs reinterpretation for more present times”
Neither of you are real christians. There is no “interpretation”, The Bible is either gospel or fiction. There is no in between. You can’t cherry pick what you personally want to believe is “truth” and what is “interpretation”.
There is nothing about the Lord hardening the Pharaoh’s heart when he decided to kill the male babies of Ancient Israel. That alone was Pharaoh’s choice. It’s not as if the people of Ancient Egypt are lost forever. No one can care or love them more than God because he made them. God is not “guilty” of anything. He has the right as our creator to decide how we are dealt with. There is no human on Earth as “fair” as God Almighty.
I agree, which is exactly what I wrote in my book “The Re-Justification of God.”
Why do I see comments like this?
Right. If God sent the destroyer, He is just as guilty as if He had done the killing Himself.
God is not “guilty”. In all his wisdom he decides what to do even if we may not comprehend at times.
I may not have understood or read enough but it seems to me that you are beginning with the wrong premise. we all deserve death because of our sin. God is just and right to give us what we deserve. it will come naturally because he created it too be so or it will come prematurely (in our eyes) because God intervenes. there is much that can be said about this but you get the point.
God is not “guilty” of anything. God is God the Creator and the Boss.
Right. But on the cross, God “pled” guilty. Which is strange, considering that fact that He isn’t (and wasn’t) guilty.
Where does it say “God pled guilty? We are guilty and he bore our sins in his innocence.
God pled guilty by submitting Himself to crucifixion. And again … let me reiterate … God is NOT guilty. But He did allow Himself to be crucified as a guilty criminal, to make Himself appear as a guilty sinner dying on the cross.
I noticed you didn’t give me a option to reply at your last comment. Why?
You just did reply…
You just did reply
No under some of your responses there is no reply option just like under that response. Oh and I can answer your homosexuality question how Jesus did answer in a sense.
I had never considered before a connection between the slaughter of the Israelite babies and the firstborn of the Egyptians. Thanks for pointing it out!
Not original with me! I learned it from someone else… which is how most things go.
You have forgotten Exdodus 4:22 and 4:23
“Then say to Pharaoh, ‘This is what the LORD says: Israel is my firstborn son,”
“and I told you, “Let my son go, so he may worship me.” But you refused to let him go; so I will kill your firstborn son.”
This took place right after the burning bush as Moses prepares to leave for Egypt.
But Exodus 9:12 says “And the Lord HARDENED the heart of Pharaoh”.
So that means god WANTED to kill the first born. If god were omnipotent and omnibenevolent he would have swayed the Pharaoh’s heart to FREE them, avoiding ANY bloodshed.
Or it could have been done this way to show Pharaoh’s heart what a hardened heart can do to others like he had when the former Pharaoh killed Israelite babies. And the pain that Pharaoh caused those families. He had to have known about this act. Like I said these babies and young childrenare not lost. Nobody loved them more than God. Taking their lives young may have saved their souls. And there is nothing indicating the firstborn of Egypt died a painful death. And it wasn’t just babies whose lives were taken.
“this plague followed nine specific warnings and clear demonstrations of power. ”
So this mass murder is justified as “He warned you!”
“The destruction of the firstborn sons of Egypt was something that the previous Pharaoh had visited upon the people of Israel 80 years earlier when the Egyptian army killed all the newborn sons of Israel two years old and younger”
So this mass murder is justified as “Revenge”
“In a way, then, it was Pharaoh who had given the ultimatum”
So this mass murder is justified as “The Pharaoh gave him no choice”
“So it was not God who struck down the firstborn sons of Egypt, but a being referred to as “the destroyer.””
So god only “commanded” this mass murder, just like Hitler did of the Jews.
“but in protecting people from the destroyer that had come to kill all things.”
So what did the “firstborn of all the livestock” do to prevent the freedom of the jews and why did he allow their murder? They were genuinely innocent and had no possible way of knowing or following the passover instructions.
“God’s primary activity is in the arena of protection and deliverance.”
When in fact GOD is DIRECTLY responsible for the mass murder because per Exodus 9:12 he MADE THE PHARAOH REFUSE THEIR RELEASE.
No matter how you try and spin it, god either directly murdered innocent children or he commanded the murder of innocent children.
All this proves;
God is NOT omnipotent or omniscient. If he were, none of this would happen. Period.
God is EVIL. If he were omnibenevolent murder of innocents would NEVER be an option.
Lance N wrote:
All this proves;
God is NOT omnipotent or omniscient. If he were, none of this would happen. Period.
God is EVIL. If he were omnibenevolent murder of innocents would NEVER be an option.
It might make you feel good to speak absurdities as if they’re fact (ie. all this ‘proves’), but you’ve proven nothing.
you wrote:
God is NOT omnipotent or omniscient. If he were, none of this would happen. Period.
Rubbish. Period. See. Anyone can be dogmatic. It’s pretty easy, but isn’t very convincing.
You seem to think that convoluting God’s righteous judgements and repeating ‘mass murder’ or similar phrases repeatedly, that somehow this somehow makes it true. Not so.
you wrote:
God is EVIL. If he were omnibenevolent murder of innocents would NEVER be an option.
You think God is Evil. I praise Him as righteous, perfect, good, and glorious. I praise Him that He is exactly as He’s described in the Word. Personally, it blows my mind that anyone could look at mankind, of any sort and refer to them innocents. It seems the mind that says that is not in touch with reality. Every single human on the planet deserves hell and death. Humans, all of us, including myself, are desperately depraved, selfish, wicked and worthy of hell. It is only by God’s amazing and shocking grace mercy and love that He allows me, you, or anyone else to continue to breath his air.
we have already charged that all, both Jews and Greeks, are under sin, 10as it is written:
“None is righteous, no, not one;
11 no one understands;
no one seeks for God.
12All have turned aside; together they have become worthless;
no one does good,
not even one.”
13“Their throat is an open grave;
they use their tongues to deceive.”
“The venom of asps is under their lips.”
14 “Their mouth is full of curses and bitterness.”
15“Their feet are swift to shed blood;
16 in their paths are ruin and misery,
17and the way of peace they have not known.”
18 “There is no fear of God before their eyes.”
The Passover covenant promises deliverance from bondage for an enslaved nation of God for the simple condition of selecting, sacrificing, roasting and eating the paschal lamb. One condition; you must consecrate your firstborns for deliverance from bondage from a king or prince, and that requires a payment to be made; slaves must be purchased, not stolen. Stealing is a sin. A ransom must be paid for the nation to be legally acquired, and with blood representing the life of a person, lives are given in exchange for freedom. All firstborns belong to the Lord to do as He pleases.
Slaves must be redeemed.
When Jesus gave up His glory to enter into the physical creation, He took on the form of a slave. In order to escape the confines of the physical creation with it’s laws that pertain to everything consisting of matter, as a spiritually firstborn son of the Most High, He too has to be redeemed by the Passover covenant. His body (disciples) need to continue in the Passover covenant so that they can be redeemed, purchased from this world to enter the heavenly realm.
Luke 22:19
19 And when he had taken some bread and given thanks (on the eve of Passover), He broke it and gave it to them, saying, “This(Passover Dinner) is My body (Passover Lamb) which is given (sacrificed) for you; do this (keep Passover) in remembrance of Me.”
No one simply “earns” heavenly life or life eternal. You must be redeemed, and as the body of a firstborn, the only promise for a firstborn to be redeemed comes from the Passover covenant…
There is not problem that God killed all the first-born males of Egypt.
About a million of them.
He has the right for He is a Just God.
Rev 19:21 The rest were killed with the sword coming out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh.
Here we see God killing more – 200 million die in the army of the Beast and an additional up to 3 billion around the world from the sword in the mouth of Christ in a single day.
“He has the right (to kill children) for He is a Just God”.
Technically justifying murder makes one complicit in the act. It gets Christians branded fanatic, or insane.
How can anyone justify the murder of hundreds of children. Blame pharaoh, blame Egypt all you want. Those children were innocent and did not deserve to suffer and die. No matter what your religion! And for goodness sake these were children! Not the ones deciding the fate of the Hebrews.
And the “children” probably went to the bosom of Abraham. You act as if they went to “hell” or something.
The “firstborn” were obviously “children” of their parents but in terms of age would have been in 30s,40.50s…etc.It does pay to read scripture carefully or we will lead our own minds and maybe others,astray!
Through the years, the bible has lost much of the plain and precious parts of the truth. History shows that the Egyptians at the time threw male children of the slaves into the Nile and the standing of the firstborn is very important. The first born male could have been any age, for example, my first born son is over 30. Nowhere that I can find does it say they were all babies or children. Neither can I find anywhere the way the destroyer killed the firstborn. It could have been many ways. As to the Lord hardening Pharaoh’s heart, all people have free agency. I believe that Pharaoh hardened his own heart. God hardening his heart would be a denial of free agency. The choice for every decision of Pharaoh’s was his alone. Modern archaeology is starting to substantiate the stories of the Bible. Be patient and science will match the proper translations of the stories of the Bible.
They needed strong slaves, ergo male slaves, so why would they kill male children? The Bible specifically says that God is hardening Pharaoh’s heart, not that he is doing so himself. It also says that God sent his destroyer to kill the firstborn sons, regardless of their age. Had Pharaoh been a firstborn son he too would have died. Not that I believe in any of this nonsense. But it is interesting to see otherwise intelligent people tie themselves up in knots over the fables of their faith.
WOW. Thank you for sharing this. Such a revelation “the Lord will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to slay you”
If this destroyer was out to kill everything, why did it stop at first born sons?
Why not just kill Pharaoh? Why kill innocent children?
As you have noticed throughout this discussion, nobody has been able to offer a good or acceptable answer to this question. Instead, just cult like justifications and dogmatic replies. This is one reason why I am a committed atheist. I don’t need to worship a god to be a good person. I am not afraid of hell, there is no such thing. I believe in love, compassion and I know right from wrong. I contribute to society and lead by example. I am honest, truthful and I want to help everyone I can. I wish for world peace. We will never have it as long as there is religion.
All this is doing is trying to make God not look like it actually did the killing. But what is the difference if God created someone that under direct orders from God killed or God did it himself. No deference God is still a murderer.
Remember that all the othe plagues must have killed at least half population that were directly done by God.
God is a murderer that killed by drowning babies and children and everyone else. Then he brunt kids to death with a firs storm.
The fallacy in your statement is here: “… under direct orders from God …”
There were no direct orders from God Himself for any of the killings. Nor did God Himself perform the killings.
But 12:29 says At midnight THE LORD struck all the first born in the land of Egypt.
Totally amazing post Jeremy. I just love it when people look at the fine detail of scripture and work it into the whole story for proper interpretation. Claaaaaas!! Just on the topic of plagues I have my own wee story. As usual eh!! Lol. I was driving to my little holiday home in Donegal from home. Me and family. 125 miles. As I drove along a road which ran alongside a river didn’t thousands of frogs come off the hillside of the road crossing the road to the river side. Totally amazing!! Thousands of the wee blighters. Carnage ensued obviously as I made my way along the road. Sorry. In hindsight I maybe should have stopped. But it was raining, getting dark and we were on a mission to get there. So there right before my eyes was a mini version of one of the ten plagues of Egypt!! Nature or supernature? Or both being one? So the real question is. Who was the destroyer. History knows the answer!! Might be in that big chamber they just found at the pyramids eh!! Jeepers everyday is a revelation in this world. Claaaaaaas!!
It’s a coincidence I had to read this …when I see the things happening today especially this year 2020 we can relate everything to the bible..the covid 19, locusts in Africa, fire in Australia , and the explosion in Beirut…whereby they had been sent messages and decided to ignore it and it had to cost them bizarre of Nitrate explosion … I find bible so interesting to read more than any novel..
2023 and Hamas attacks Israel horrifically killing innocent children because they hate Jews. Israel rebels by bombing Palestine killing more innocent children and civilians.
Not much different than Exodus two thousand years ago.
This folks is the result of religion which is based upon lies. Written by men to be used and exploited to control the mases and gain power.
Was Jesus any different than Joseph Smith? Simply a man who proclaimed to know the word of God and gained followers? Could the Romans possibly of been correct in stating that it was blasphemy? What about David Koresch or Jim Jones? What is the difference other than Jesus lived thousand of years ago.
Pretty simple.
But 12:29 says At midnight THE LORD struck all the first born in the land of Egypt.
According to the scriptures it was indeed God that ordered all the first born sons to be murdered. This is not a plague, This is the murder of newborn infants because of there race or nationality..Some scholars have estimated God has killed 15-20 million innocent men ,women, and chimdren..And that horrific Lord of the underworld…about a dozen, and God hot him to kill them…No wonder the Isrealites were worshiping a golden calf..!
Not to mention that several more millions have been killed by man in the name of God over the years. It is still happening today as I write this.
I always ask God why he kill Egypt all innocent firstborn born not covered by blood…..
but I think God only did these
1) Protect God’speople- they are spare destruction hiding in blood marked house.
2) Egyptian first born killing.
From number 12: 29 we can clearly see God only kill the paraoh and those criminals in dungeon, their first born right. No where mention he kill ALL first born. Else this 2 groups will not be needed to mention in number 12:29.
God do not the pleasure in killing innocents babies !!
Also the population grow of Egypt clearly shown God didn’t kill all their first born.
“And at midnight Jehovah struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of cattle.” (Exodus 12:29)
Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.
Isaiah 54:16-17 KJV
The problem with us human beings is we think God thinks and acts as we do. Or He should think and act according to what we deem to be right or wrong. God is God. He is righteous, just, kind and gracious. He is wisdom itself, He is love and He is justice. So that’s all we need to understand and accept. You cannot argue with Him or try to reason out His actions. He remains the monarch of this universe.
That is exactly how cults are formed. Just worship him and trust him because I told you so. Please give me money and recruit as many others as you can to join our church also.
You cannot justify mass murder for revenge or because of race or religion. Therre is no explanation and there is no justification. It must be condemned. Racism, violence and hatred must be condemned not justified.
The inspired Psalmist says God killed the firstborn….
Psa 78:41 Again and again they put God to the test; they vexed the Holy One of Israel.
Psa 78:42 They did not remember his power— the day he redeemed them from the oppressor,
Psa 78:43 the day he displayed his signs in Egypt, his wonders in the region of Zoan.
Psa 78:44 He turned their river into blood; they could not drink from their streams.
Psa 78:45 He sent swarms of flies that devoured them, and frogs that devastated them.
Psa 78:46 He gave their crops to the grasshopper, their produce to the locust.
Psa 78:47 He destroyed their vines with hail and their sycamore-figs with sleet.
Psa 78:48 He gave over their cattle to the hail, their livestock to bolts of lightning.
Psa 78:49 He unleashed against them his hot anger, his wrath, indignation and hostility— a band of destroying angels.
Psa 78:50 He prepared a path for his anger; he did not spare them from death but gave them over to the plague.
Psa 78:51 He struck down all the firstborn of Egypt, the firstfruits of manhood in the tents of Ham.
Who struck down all the firstborn of Egypt? God did. The Bible says so in explicit terms here.
my opinion and I don’t know for sure this is why I’m asking: the first born could have been of any age like I have two sons and my first born if I live back in those times even though he is now an adult and if he was an adult back then he would still be slain correct? wasn’t talking newborn babies it was actually talking the first born child of the households no matter the age is the way I understand it am I correct?
What a relief! I was under the impression that the destroyer was created or purposed or permitted to destroy by Yahveh. Can we tell from the text the identity of the other God who operates outside Yahveh’s control?
I am now in the process of reading the entire Bible, word for word, from beginning to end. Fascinating. I refer to this passage in Exodus. Here it says that “the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt”. This statement is absolutely clear in its meaning and I have to disagree with your suggestion the perhaps “the destroyer” killed the firstborn in Egypt and not “the LORD”.
“26And it shall come to pass, when your children shall say unto you, What mean ye by this service? 27That ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the LORD’S passover, who passed over the houses of the children of Israel in Egypt, when he smote the Egyptians, and delivered our houses. And the people bowed the head and worshipped. 28And the children of Israel went away, and did as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they. 29And it came to pass, that at midnight the LORD smote all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sat on his throne unto the firstborn of the captive that was in the dungeon; and all the firstborn of cattle. 30And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead. 31And he called for Moses and Aaron by night, and said, Rise up, and get you forth from among my people, both ye and the children of Israel; and go, serve the LORD, as ye have said. 32Also take your flocks and your herds, as ye have said, and be gone; and bless me also.”
Your conscience is telling you deep down you know that God is cruel, but your conscience is struggling with cognitive dissonance, so you created a convenient excuse in your mind to make it seem like God really didn’t murder anyone and it was really the human beings’ fault. It’s sad that so many people brush off this brutality as justifiable even at the cost of innocent children.
If God did not harden pharaohs heart. Murdering children was not required.
Exodus 1:16 does NOT say that Pharoah ordered all the boys 2 years old and younger to be killed. You are mixing that with Herod ordering the boys of Bethlehem killed when Jesus was born.
I really enjoy how religious zealots and Biblical purists interpret The Holy Bible to fit their own agenda.
Most Christian religions accept that The Holy Bible – at least part of it – is The Word of God.
That said , It’s ridiculously naive to think that His Words have not been altered in the ions since they’ve been written, be it by intentional or natural means.
In Exodus 20:5 and Nahum 1:2, it is written that God is a jealous, vengeful and wrathful God. We can all make exceptions to what is meant by this because we are all flawed sinners, but the bottom line is He is exactly that. It is written.
Spin it anyway you’d like, but if God was so loving and forgiving of His creations, there would be no need for Jesus Christ.
William Kiefer