It’s true what they say: all religions are the same.
And make no mistake, I am including the Christian religion in with that. All religions are the same, including the Christian religion.
All Religions are the Same
All religions have at their core the idea that God is mad at the world and people have to do certain things to make God like them again. Usually, the good things that God wants us to do involve wearing silly hats, eating certain foods, and listening to some person talk for an hour before we give him money. This is true of any religion, whether Jewish, Muslim, Rastafarian, Santeria, Moorish Science Temple, Hindu, or… dare I say it? …Christian.
If you took away the hats, the robes, the names on the buildings, and some of the titles for “God” that different groups use, you would be hard pressed to tell the difference between most of the world religions, …including Christianity.
The objection to the claim that all religions are the same is that “Christianity isn’t a religion; it’s a relationship! It’s a way of life!”
Few Think They are Religious
But do you know that this is what almost every person of every religion says? Almost nobody of any “faith group” thinks they are in a religion. If you ask the average “religious” person if they are in a religion, no matter what “religion” they follow, almost all of them will say, “No, I am not not in a religion, I practice a way of life.”
Nevertheless, almost everybody is in a religion, including most Christians. Most people believe God is mad at them for something they did or said, and they are doing certain things to try to make God happy again. The core of religion is that we can somehow pleas or appease God by our own good behavior or beliefs. If you believe that, then you are part of a religion, even you bear the name “Christian.”
Of course, I do consider myself a “Christian” in the sense that I am a follower of Jesus. I just think there is a vast difference between what has come to be known as Christianity, and what Jesus actually intended.
And when it comes down to what Jesus intended his followers to be and do, and what the religions of the world do (including the religion of Christianity), there are a few major differences. There are things that sets Jesus and His followers distinctly apart from all religious groups in history, including those religious groups that bear the name “Christian.”
What Separates Jesus from All Religions?
So what sorts of things separate Jesus followers from all other religions in the world?
Well, I will tell you one thing that doesn’t separate us…. good works. You sometimes hear Christians say, “We are more generous, loving, kind, and forgiving.” That’s crap.
Sure, it’s true sometimes. But in my experience, some of the most forgiving, kind, and generous people I know are of some religion other than Christianity. Many of them are atheists.
You can always find another religious group that is behaves better than many Christians.
So, it seems to me that the main difference between Jesus and every man-made religion in the world (including the Christian religion) boils down to one word: grace. But not the watered down grace you hear preached from pulpits and described in books.
No, the one thing that separates what Jesus revealed to the world and what we see in all religious groups is one thing: indiscriminate, scandalous, shocking, outrageous, senseless, irrational, unfair, irreligious, ridiculous, absurd, offensive, infinite grace.
If you don’t hold to this kind of grace, it might be because you are part of a man-made religion, even if you call yourself “Christian.”
I am someone who came out of the Christian religion and now follows Jesus on the way of grace.
As a reader of this blog, you are probably similar. Together, we challenge some of the ideas and practices of Christianity. We raise questions about what Scripture really teaches, what God is really like, and what it means to be the church in the world today. We look for ways to reveal the scandalous grace of God to the world, raising questions about justice, righteousness, forgiveness, and love.
All religions are the same, which is partly why I am not part of any religion. I do follow Jesus, but try to do so in a religionless way. How about you?
Yes. Unmerited grace. Unmerited grace that we receive and that we in turn give to others, whether they agree with us or not, whether they are lovely or not.
Free grace. We need not give anyone anything. Not money. Not goods. Not time. Not even attention. Grace is free.
Religion is an invention of people. Over the millennia is has provided an occupation and a living for millions of people, and a means to control the masses.
Free grace is a scandalous idea, one which does not fill the religions’ vaults with gold (I’ve seen it) or give control, power, authority or veneration to anyone.
I want to briefly say religion is in the Christianity but Christianity is not in the religion! Jesus came to die on the cross for the sins of mankind. That was is sole mission. But because those that had been freed from the sin hold needed to enjoy the new life in Christ, Jesus had to do good to them, eg healed the blind, the lepers, and all. We should realize that God never meant that our lives should survive on miracles but that miracles are a measure to correct anomaly. Doing good to people does not save us from hell. In fact Jesus will reject some religious people saying depart from me. I don;t know you! Yet they were preaching and doing astounding miracles in His name!!
True. What Jesus began is not a religion. We have made it so, but it was not intended to be a religion, but the opposite and end of religion.
Hey Jerry good article.
I have e problem not so with what you’ve said here, but in the fact that it is very easy to turn back to religion. I feel guilty a lot of the time for the sins I commit. And that separates me from God, not because of him but because of me. I can’t believe in grace so many times. So I’m just back in religion at these times. Also I’m most of the time very good at judging others to some kind of standard that I expect people to live by, meaning I want to put them into religion or at least have some kind of control over them. Have them behave and act in the way I want them to. Not trusting that grace will transform them.
I think I need some kind of breakthrough once again in this area of my life. Please pray for me.
Yes, it is very easy, and the battle against religion is constant. I battle it daily. I fear that many of my blog posts and books are written from a religious attitude… I think that the day you think you have beat religion is the day it has finally beaten you. Religion is our “default” method for approaching God and others.
Great stuff Jeremy!
When I think of God’s Grace, I think, “God loves me so…and I don’t know why.”
That is great! A wonderful description of grace.
For me the best part of the message was the link to “wearing silly hats.” I hadn’t seen that before. It made my day. Thank you. There’s no better way to start off the day than with a good belly laugh!
Maybe we could paraphrase 2 Timothy 3:16: “All religions are inspired by God and beneficial…
Yeah. If you look up some of the silly hats that religious people wear, it is a wonder that more people don’t mock us!
I haven’t been a part of organized religion for a long time. That’s not to say that I have been following Jesus in the way he wants me to. But I have no religion to “boast” of.
“The core of religion is that we can somehow pleas or appease God by our own good behavior or beliefs.” The very fist belief God wants every man, woman or child to have is that His Son will give everlasting life to those that believe In Him (Jesus) for it! Then when your knowledge grows as to who you are in your new self supplied by god, and more about Who God is then you can walk by faith and get stronger. You will to good deeds top others, how to witness to others of Gods “indiscriminate, scandalous, shocking, outrageous, senseless, irrational,unfair, irreligious, ridiculous, absurd, offensive” grace as you began to practice your new self with Gods power to His glory. May be people are promoting there own religion verses promoting Jesus who is supreme and different quality then any other! But He is also man (sinless) who is our mercy seat before God the Father! He helps me through get days of adversity brought by my own stile which is a part of my old not my new! When I continue to pray to Him and remember who I really Am He blesses me. I thank Him!!!
Good points. Of course, for most people, before they can ever believe in Jesus for eternal life, they need to have other beliefs about themselves, the existence and nature of God, and some other biblical truths. But you are right, the beginning place of treating others with love and grace is knowing the love and grace of God in our own lives as well.
“believe in Jesus for eternal life” says it all! Even a child can believe a promise from Jesus that they will never die. However for that child to grow in grace a great amount of knowledge must be obtained and then by Faith in Jesus for its for its accomplishments.
Yes, even a child can believe! It is too bad we sometimes make it more difficult.
These promises what you say are not from Jesus – they are man-made written by others. There is lot of contradiction in them. It is not so easy to enter Paradise as you christians have been made to believe. Jesus on Judgement might just say to a lot of you – GET AWAY FROM ME – I NEVER KNEW YOU.
This is not true what you say. Grace is also applied in Islam and Judaism but accountability remains. The only difference is that the condition to enter Paradise is different in Islam as compared to what you are saying and that is Belief in one True God i.e. the Creator of all things instead of believing in the creation itself like Jesus. Consider what Jesus said as one of his first words:
“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them – Matthew 5:17 NIV
You may think that all of you are entering paradise just like Billy Graham and his family portrays as though god has given them the franchise of mansions in paradise – they are issuing it free to everyone !!! The only thing they are issuing free to everyone is deception – I would be suprised even to see them in paradise. All other TRUE PROPHETS including Abraham (God called him His friend), Jesus (God called him His mightiest Prophet), Mohammed (God called Him a mercy to mankind) and including all humankind will wait till God allows them to enter paradise by passing His Judgement on the Judgement Day. While they were alive they tried their best to ‘ PASS THE TEST OF GOD ‘ and never assumed anything for granted. Consider Abrahams readiness to sacrifice his only son – and God did not allow that as a true God does not need blood for any atonement – this is a pagan way.
Look for the inner meanings and don’t take it so literally, there are seven seals like there are seven depths to the qu’ran.
I don’t understand this 7 number business
James 1:27 – “Religion that God accepts as pure and without fault is this: caring for orphans or widows who need help, and keeping yourself free from the world’s evil influence.”
The same idea is taught by many different religions.
Sometimes just letting it out like that helps deal with your own misconceptions about an ‘angry’ God. That’s okay. He can handle it.
Also you might try extending a little of that grace to others too.