A reader recently sent in the following question about blasphemous thoughts and the unforgivable sin.
I got your book on the unforgivable sin. What advice can you give for those who suffer with blasphemous thoughts? I have not said anything but they are still upsetting. I am going through a lot of stress right now. I have been having this issue about 2 years now. Any advice is appreciated. I was told just not to accept them (or cry-which I have done). God bless you.
I am glad you got the book. There is so much more I could have said about the unforgivable sin in that little book. This is one of the questions I should have dealt with in more detail.
What is a Blasphemous Thought?
First off, I am not sure what you might consider a “blasphemous thought.” As I have had hundreds of personal and online conversations about the unforgivable sin over the years, I find that lots of people have some sort of idea about what constitutes blasphemous thoughts or actions, but which are not really blasphemous at all. The reason most people have these ideas is because they heard a sermon, read a book, or had a pastor tell them that certain actions or thoughts were blasphemous. But when we really look at the what blasphemy is, we find that most of these sermons, books, and pastors were simply misinformed or were trying to control other people to act or behave a certain way.
So, to take an extreme case as an example… I have sometimes talked with people who say that they were told that it was blasphemy to question something their pastor taught. They were told that the pastor is “the Lord’s anointed.” Often the pastor will quote Psalm 105:15 as a way of showing that to touch, harm, or question “the Lord’s anointed” is some sort of affront to God. Therefore, to question or challenge the pastor is considered to be some sort of blasphemous challenge to God Himself.
This is an extreme example, to be sure, but it does happen (more than we realize!). But a moment’s reflection reveals that in these cases, the pastor is usually just trying to control people to conform to his own desires, wishes, and commands.
However, I would say that easily 95% of the teaching out there about the “sin of blasphemy” falls into this same category. Usually, what is being taught as blasphemous is not blasphemous at all! Sure, those certain behaviors or actions might be sinful, but there is a vast ocean of difference between sinful thoughts or actions and blasphemous thoughts or actions.
But here’s the thing… I am just going to go out on a limb and guess at what blasphemous thoughts you might be having. Though there is a whole variety of things that people think qualify as blasphemous thoughts or actions, in my experience, there is one main thing that people think is a blasphemous thought.
And it is this… when most people think they have thought or said something blasphemous, it is because they thought or said these words:
F*** you, God! I hate you!
Probably there is not much worse that could be said toward God, and I hesitate even putting such a thing on this blog. If anything qualifies as a blasphemous thought, this is probably it. (Though even here, nowhere does the Bible say that such a statement is blasphemous. In Matthew 12:31-32, when Jesus accuses the Pharisees of being close to committing the unforgivable sin, this is not what the Pharisees were saying, and is not even close to anything they ever would have said…)
So the statement above is not a blasphemous thought, but is still pretty bad, but I wrote it out for a purpose.
If you are saying or thinking these sorts of things toward God, there are two things God wants to say to you in return.
God Wants You to Know He Loves You
The first thing God wants to say to you is this:
Oh yeah? So you hate me, huh? Well guess what?
I love you.
Yeah, that’s right.
I. Love. You.
No matter what, I love you.
No matter what you say or do, no matter what you think, no matter how hurtful your words or thoughts, I will love you forever. My love for you will never change, will never diminish, will never fade away.
Say what you will. Do what you will. I forgive you for all of it, because I love you.
How do we know God says this to us, no matter what we say to Him?
Because the Bible tells us over and over that He loves us no matter what. While we were yet sinners, God sent His Son Jesus to die for us (John 3:16; Rom 5:8). Love is the essence of who God is (1 John 4:8). Before you were ever born, God knew every sin you would ever commit, every word you would ever say, and all “blasphemous thoughts” you would ever say or think. And He sent Jesus to die for you anyway! Why? Because He loves you!
More than anything else, God wants to let you know that He loves you and will always love you.
The God you Hate… God Hates Too
But the second thing God would want to say to you in response for any angry or hateful thought you might have about Him is this:
Hey, I understand. In fact, the god you claim to hate is the god I hate too.
The only reason you are having those thoughts or thinking those words is because you thought I was a certain type of god, and I have not turned out to be that way. Your life is going in directions you didn’t think it would go, horrible things have happened to you in life, and you think I did these things to you. Someone told you some wrong things about me. Someone told you that I caused those bad things to happen to you. This is not true.
If I had done those horrible things to you, you would have every right to resent and hate me.
But I didn’t send this pain, tragedy, hardship, or evil into your life. I would never do that.
Remember what I told you before? I love you!
I might discipline you out of love, but when I do, I will make it clear to you what I am doing, and why.
All those evil things that happen to you are only because the world is full of sin, and the enemy is out to steal, kill, and destroy. I never steal, kill, or destroy.
Bad things happen in this world, and I am so sorry you have to experience them.
When these bad things happen, my role, my job, my task, is to do what I can to love you through them, to be with you in the pain, to suffer alongside you. This is one reason I sent Jesus. It is also why I sent the Holy Spirit.
I am not a god who sends suffering into your life; I am the God who suffers with you in life.
I am not a god who sends pain so you cry; I am a God who cries with you in your pain.
And regarding what you thought before… you know, those words you said in your head. Thank you for saying them.
Many people either try to deny the painful experiences they are facing, or they clam up about their pain and refuse to talk to me about it. But not you. You are honest about your pain and are willing to talk to me about it.
Even though your words are hurtful, they show that you continue to want to talk to me and have a relationship with me. Most people just give me the silent treatment. But you haven’t done that. You continue to want to talk. I want that too.
Telling me you hate me isn’t blasphemy; it’s honesty. It is how you feel. And I am glad you came to me in your pain.
So let me begin by showing you who I really am…
I am not sure if this exactly answers the question that was sent in to me, but in my years of experience as a pastor, author, and blogger, I have found that most people who have fears about blasphemous thoughts and blasphemous words, usually have one of two things going on in their life (and often both). People who think they have committed the unforgivable sin usually have a religious leader who is trying to control them, or warped and dangerous ideas about who God is and what God is like.
Once we can see that God is not like the angry, fire-hurling deity that is often taught in some churches and by some pastors, but instead looks remarkably like Jesus who loved, accepted, and forgave everybody, it is then that we begin to see how much God loves us, and that no matter what we say or do, His love for us will never change, never waver, never diminish.
It is not a blasphemous thought to think that you hate God.
If you think you hate God, go talk to Him about what you are feeling, and why you feel that way.
He loves to have these open and honest conversations with us about who He truly is and how much He truly loves us… no matter what.
Only once we see the love of God, will the thoughts of anger and resentment toward God begin to disappear. So if you are having blasphemous thoughts or ideas toward God, don’t feel bad about them or fear that such thoughts will make God stop loving you. Instead, take those thoughts to God, and say, “God? Do you see what think about you?” Then sit and listen to see what God says in return.
The last thing God wants is for us to shut ourselves off from Him. So if we are having blasphemous thoughts toward God, the best thing we can do is talk to God about them, so that He can show us how much He loves us, and how the God we think we hate is not actually the God He truly is.
Good words Jeremy,
My 11 yr. old son recently shared honestly with me re: his perspective on life, our family and his experience/understanding of God thus far.
Your words are similar to what I have been thinking since that conversation (I didn’t have many of them in the moment… but a listening ear was still valuable, I hope).
They (the words again) remind me of some from an “old” Margaret Becker song (a longtime favorite of mine):
“God’s not afraid of your honesty,
He will heal your heart is your speak honestly.
A humble sorrow and an honest cry,
He will not pass by.”
Just some shop-keeping now: It seems you accidentally omitted the word “not” from your sentence, “I am a god who sends pain so you cry; I am a God who cries with you in your pain.” I think you intended to start with, “I am NOT a god who sends pain so you cry;…”.
That is, if you were intending to use the same comparative style as the sentence preceding it: “I am not a god who sends suffering into your life; I am the God who suffers with you in life.”
Apologies if I’m mistaken. I’m not trying to be condescending in the least. 🙂
While I’m at it, you seem to have another word omission a couple of paragraphs later:
“They either a religious leader who is trying to control them…”.
You prob. intended to have the word “have” after the word “either”, eh? …or something to that effect.
O.K., this hack editor is done… for now!
Thanks bro.
Thanks so much for catching the typos. I truly do appreciate it when people point them out to me. Honestly. Thank you.
I have not heard that Margaret Becker son, but I like it. It is very true. So many people are afraid to be honest with God in their pain and doubt. But that is where He can meet us most.
Ha, ha! I just noticed that I had two ugly typos (in Becker’s song) in my comment to you… pointing out your grammatical omissions! Phooey.
No worries! I missed them until you just mentioned them to me… Ha!
thank you so much i been having horrible thoughts and its been 3months and cry out it hurts i always had my faith i been suffering in pain makes me down thank you for posting this
You are welcome. I am glad it is giving you a sense of freedom and joy.
hi can in get help before i knew god i was watching a lot of porn and one of the videos i watched before came in my mind and now im scared if god will forgive me for it what to do?
What about hebrews 6:4-6?
Here is a study on this: https://redeeminggod.com/sermons/hebrews/hebrews_6_1-8/
I don’t know if you will read this and reply or not.
I have suffered from this ever since I was 14. I am now 51. I have had several severe depression s due to this.
When I was 14, I suffered some type of mental breakdown. It was awful. During that breakdown, I was in Church, and read the scriptures dealing with Jesus words concern in the unpardonable sin. It scarred me and my thoughts went crazy. I feared that if I had not committed this sin, then I better not. It was like Don’t look at the pink elephant.
I was so afraid, that God had forsaken me. If hadn’t, if I had the wrong thought, blasphemous thought, then God would forever forsake me. It got so bad that one day while sitting in class I had some blasphemous words against the Holy Ghost cross my mind. I thought I heard screams of demons. It scared me. I jumped up out of my chair. Everyone was looking at me. The teacher said, what is going on? I said, I got to go. I went to the principal s office crying. He asked what was wrong. I said blasphemous thought/ words. He called my mother. She came and picked me up.
I struggle d with scary thought s. I don’t know how, but I kept going. I eventually got better. But always, was hoping God had not forsaken me. I tried not to have those terrible thought s.
Well, joined the army. I was discharged with medical discharge, with personality disorder. When got home. The blasphemous thought s hit me like a freight train. I was in such a bad shape.
I eventually got better. Got a descent job. Worked for 3 years, and out of the blue, I fell apart again. Was afraid of blasphemous thought/words. Did not get as bad. 3 years later, got married. 5 years in our marriage, I fell apart. Was jibber ing stuff, hoping to not blaspheme. Was placed on Disability. That was 10 years ago. 2 years ago, I came up for revaluation,. I was afraid of possibly lossing disability benefits. I fell for trying to use my problem s with fears of blasphemy to be reapproved. I fell to peaces. I have prayed and pray Ed and prayed that God would forgive me for the terrible thought s. I hate feeling like He has forsaken me. When will I feel better? When will I feel that He has not forsaken me? When will I feel His presence, and His assurance that He has forgive n me, that His love for me, and his grace is greater than my terrible thought s, or sins? Why have I suffered so? I want to believe His words that He will never leave us not for sake us. Because I know I asked Jesus to save as a child. I followed with baptism. I have sought Jesus and His presence most every day of my life. Why? Oh why? I hope I didn’t do some thing that He will not forgive. I hope I have not gone to far or had a thought so terrible that He will not forgive me. No one should suffer as I have over this. If any one were to ask me, what is the worst day of your life? I might have to say, The day I read the scriptures dealing with the unpardonable sin.
I just wonder how much different my life would have been, if I had never read those scriptures.
Please pray for me. And if you or anyone would reply to my comment, please do.
My friend, salvation is a free gift God and not of your own works. If you believe Jesus is Lord and that God raised him from the dead, you are saved. It’s a promise from God and God doesn’t break his promises. Trust him.
David you will be in my prayers I deal with something similar and it really comes in between the relationship we want with God and its a horrible thing but Nothing is impossible for our mighty God and just know that God loves you soo much and that may be hard to believe but he truly does just reflect on all the times that he has helped you and delivered you before and how he sent his son to die for us God is who he says he is and Iam praying that God delivers you from this.
Christianity isn’t about never falling. It’s about relying on Jesus Christ for your strength and getting back up again. God sees you, and he feels your pain.’Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”a (He.13:5 | NIV)
He is with you no matter what .
joy says
I have been suffering with this same issue since I was 21 and learned about a sin for which there was no forgiveness. I am 63 once I was so bad I was hospitalized for 6 days. I live in constant fear and shame I asked Jesus to save me when I was 11 and I was baptized. I have believed in him and loved him in my heart my whole life. After the thoughts started I felt like my life was over I was so ashamed . I know that God is merciful and good . The thoughts are not voluntary I have to believe God knows this.i know you love him because your thoughts grieve you so and I know he is with you. just don’t give up. if you read that scripture it says anyone who speaks not thinks . Maybe you are suffering from ocd or scrupulosity Google this and read about it see if this is you. I sincerely hope you find peace.
This is good 🙂 I pray that your revelation is true. Lord help my unbelieve!
Thanks for this, I remember when I said a BT, I was upset, When I said what I said, it was like the spirit left me,& it opened me up to repeat those words, please pray for me.
If you are concerned about what you said, that means the Spirit is still with you, encouraging you to go to the Father and thank Him for the forgiveness you have in Jesus Christ. He is watching and waiting with open arms.
I have Jeremy, but He seems so far away..
Hm. Yes. That does happen. A lot. Just remember, however, that He is not far away. He is always with you, all the time, no matter what. A day will come when He will make his constant presence known to you in a whole new way. It may take a few weeks or months or even years.
Thank you for the encouragement
I am so thankful for this. I have been suffering with blasphemous thoughts since 2012. I have looked up so many thins to try to help. None of them have really. I feel like I have a chance now.
There is always love, hope, and forgiveness from God! He loves you more than you can possibly know.
I need prayers i struggle with horrible blasphemous thoughts and have been praying for deliverance
Elijah stop struggling that means you are trying to overcome in your strength the word says resist the devil and he will flee from you.We resist him when we admit to the Lord that we are weak but that in his strength we are more than conquerers.As he overcome satan so do we when we believe that in him we have overcome.You are an overcomer my friend in Christ he will strengthen you by his mighty power.brentnz
Seek the truth, and the truth shall set you free. Knowing the truth will help you a lot to recover from this fear. Satan uses deception and lies to separate us from god, and make our lives miserable. The lord did not give us a spirit of fear, but of a sound mind! The devil spread lies to bring about doubts, which causes fear. Satan’s main goal is to cause a halt in our relationship with God. Knowing and researching the truth about the words of god will help you to renew your mind. Remember, Jesus is the truth, way and the life, and also the prince of Peace. No lies, doubt and fear can affect you when you walk with Jesus, who is the truth. So continue to seek Jesus, the truth, who will set you free.
Thank you Jeremy but some thing in your article is wrong and that is what ever you say i will love you and i still love you but when you commit the unforgiviable sin he will semd you to hell to suffer forever how can somebody who behaves worse than Adolf Hitler and i swear i have met a curel person who also looks much like Adolf Hitler how ever how can a god who gives such a worse punishment for that sin love us?
I have tried to answer your question in various ways on other posts. Let me try again.
Here are the basic points to remember:
1. God loves and forgives everyone completely.
2. God does not “send” anyone to hell.
3. Eternal life is offered completely free of charge to anyone and everyone who will believe in Jesus Christ for it.
4. Those who commit the unforgivable sin have decided once and for all that they want nothing to do with God and fully reject and deny the free gift of eternal life offered to them.
5. Because God respects the choices of humans, God cannot force anybody to love Him or believe in Him, and so if a person decides once and for all to separate themselves from God, God must allow them to go their own way.
That is what is going on with the unforgivable sin. God loves these people just as much as He loves anyone else. He forgives them too. They are totally forgiven. But these people have decided that they want absolutely nothing to do with God forever. And so God honors that choice they have made.
Ok but can god take away a person from hell and put him in heaven and if god loves us so much then why he doesn’t destroy satun or put him in prison forever and why doesn’t he tells the holy spirit to forgive whatever any person says just like him and Jesus i want to know thst but i noticed in all your replies except one that you were telling me everything i was asking except this in short if i say “he allows us to hate him” and i also want to know that if a person is sent in hell for his sins then will he go back to heaven after completing his punishment or stay there forever and also will any person who have commited the unforgivable sin one day be freed and allowed to go to heven or be reborn on Earth and if god has infinite love for us why don’t he force us to belive in Jesus just before dying and then as he goes to heven show Jesus to him and then give him a rebirth as soon as his turn comes and
then countinue this becaude going to heaven would be better much more than going to hell especialy for those who have commited the unforgivable sin
Can do those things, but He is respecting the freedom of the person who does not want to be with Him.
The same goes for Satan. God could destroy him, but God gave freedom to Satan as well. What kind of freedom would it be if God just destroyed Satan when Satan used his freedom in ways God didn’t want? It wouldn’t be freedom.
Then he doesn’t love us that much he just leaves it to luck like if the child is born in a good family christan family then chances are very high that he will go to heaven but to a bad family and also god knows better than me that if he destroyed satun and did whatever i mentioned in my commented the world would have been a outstanding place to live in if god can send his son to suffer then why not destroy satun or give him life sentence in hell or even better why din’t he paid attention while making Adam and Eve and even if he din’t why din’t he renoved the tree of knowlage from the garden of Eden then he woundn’t have to tell Adam and Eve not to eat any fruit from that tree
You are asking a lot of very good questions. But please know this: all of your questions are coming from a particular understanding of God which I do not accept or believe in. You have a view of God which I do not believe the Bible teaches, and all of your very good questions arise from this faulty view of God. If you develop a different view of God, you will see that these questions fade away.
The process of changing your view will be a long one, if you want to embark upon that journey. It begins by looking at Jesus, and specifically, Jesus dying on the cross. That is where God is most fully revealed to us. And if there is one thing we learn about God from Jesus on the cross, it is that “God is love.” So whenever you feel that something is unfair or unloving of God, it is possible that this feeling is coming from an incorrect view of God.
I just want to share some points.. I dont know why the abovementioned views are made. GOD LOVES US EVEN IF WE ARE SINNERS.. I pray that you’ll soon realize it..
Hi my name is alexis i’ve been fighting with bad thoughts. At first they were thoughts about cursing God but now they got worse, thoughts come into my mind that say that im god it really scares me, images come into my mind about god bowing in front of me, ifeel like God wont forgive me even though i know that those are not my thoughts things come into my head and say that thosare my thoughts ineed help!
Everyone has terrible thoughts. I often daydream about getting revenge on someone who hurt me when I was a kid. Overtime, I see that those thoughts just come from feeling impotent. When I’m having them they make me feel strong, but all I’m doing is reinforcing my impotent self belief. it’s like someone who fantasies about being famous only becoming more unhappy with their mundane life. It’s not healthy, but the good thing is you can choose what to think about. and the thoughts reduce, eventual vanish.
Every time you have one of your terrible thoughts, as soon as you notice what you’re thinking, stop. Think about something else. Concentrate on whatever you’re doing, pray, pay attention to your breathing, whatever your doing. Negative thoughts are just bad habits, don’t beat yourself up when you have one, just go cold turkey.
That being said, there is a spiritual component to all this. What I’m guessing is happening is that somewhere deep down, you’re rebelling, NOT against God, but against a misunderstanding you have of God. Yes, it can happen that we have misunderstandings. I say that because you seem to be afraid of HIm, fearful of not being forgiven, unloved, and you want to change the positions, to put God in the weak spot. You might not recognize this, but it seems to be implied in your comment. I think that that position is understandable given some of the bad theology that’s flying around. Eternal punishment, are you really save? unforgivable sins. God can appear very threatening, not just to you personally, but to your friends and family who don’t believe. I don’t know what you think about all that, but I would say that if you do buy into those beliefs, then that’s the source of your trouble.
Don’t trust me, and don’t trust the people telling you God is dangerous. Seek God out for yourself. My habit is to go to my local park, and sit near my favorite tree, and talk and listen to God. To listen, just be silent. You won’t hear a voice. But with practice you’ll find God speaks to you nonetheless. Okay, that sounds mystical. You see, were both crazy. But try to develop a real personal relationship with God, not an abstract theological one.
There’s nothing wrong with you. You just feel unloved and afraid. But you are loved, and you don’t need to fear. Don’t harm yourself. Don’t punish yourself. Don’t fear God. Clear your mind of theological poison, and start by connecting yourself with God.
Im afraid that i will stop beliving in God and start beliving in those thoughts.
You’ve been hurt or rejected haven’t you?
It happens. It happens to lots of people. It’s deeply painful, it happens.
Try to understand, there’s nothing wrong with you, nothing wrong with you.
You’re trying to protect the people who’ve hurt you. You don”t want to believe that they are messed up. So you blame yourself.
There’s nothing wrong with you.
You’re projecting your fear of rejection, the false belief that something is wrong with you, on to God. You’re afraid He’s rejected you.
But Alexis, you know that there’s nothing wrong with you.
You can’t find it, can you? You can’t find what’s wrong with you?
Some bad thoughts? That must be it. Are you crazy? There are people out there murdering, raping, impoverishing, brutalizing. Bad thoughts my arse.
There’s nothing wrong with you, except you are hurting. That’s all.
Alexis, try to find someone you can talk with. Someone mature, sensitive, a good listener, and who won’t spew out a Bible verse and think they’ve said something. Find someone who you can talk to.
I’m deeply worried that you’ll hurt yourself. Don’t. A terrible mistake.
Accept that you’ve been hurt, and that it wasn’t your fault, and that despite a few embarrassing moments, you been and still are a lovely child. And I don’t care whether you’re 7 or 70, you’re a child to God.
Have a goal. See clearly what happened and why. If there’s anything to learn, learn it, and get on with enjoying your life.
God put some tears in my eyes just now. God is very peaceful. God hides so that no one can claim Him. Everyone fighting in the name of God, claiming they know His will and you better do it. That’s why God is so shy. But think about this. if a selfish, ignorant me can cry a few tears for you, how much more does God love you?
I’m guessing, but He understands. I don’t know you, but God has watched you growing up from a baby in a cot, and through all the experiences you’ve had, bad and good.
All I can say is try to create a real relationship with God by making time to talk with him, not an abstract relationship based on reading a book. Knowing the Bible isn’t knowing God.
Alexis, you are God’s treasure, His child, the centre of His heart, the love of His life. He hasn’t abandoned you. He won’t. But He’s very shy because we mis use His name.
I’m sorry for writing so much. I wish I could see your face and listen to you talk, to listen to your story. Please, please, I’m begging you Alexis, stay safe, find a good friend. Sometimes we hurt too much.
Tell me your good qualities. If I were able to get to know you, what do you think I would like. No false modesty. You’ve got some good qualities. What do you think God loves about you?
Matt 12:32-32
If you said something so Dreadful/Awful in your head…talking to God but you didn’t speak, words that the bible clearly say…you should not say….is that blasphemy?
This is a reply to Tish. If you confess to God that you’ve had blasphemous thoughts toward Him and that you hate those thoughts and do not want to have them, don’t you think that He would recognize that your heart is penitent? It’s one thing to have evil thoughts, recognize them as such, and cry out to God for mercy. It seems like that’s your situation.
It would be entirely different if you were to verbally express those thoughts that were internal, and not recognize them as evil, nor cry to Him for forgiveness. Sadly, there are people whose hearts
are so hard that they are in such a condition. They
need to repent before it is impossible for them to do
God does forgive you, and in fact, has already forgiven you! He loves you more than you can possibly know.
Remember, if God send His one and only Son to die for you before you ever even knew Him, then there is nothing God will not forgive now that you do know Him.
NIV 9 The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him. Let’s get out of our problem, Alexis. Let’s stay strong wih the help of the Lord.. :)) Thank you, God.. ♥
I’ve had these thoughts and at once it felt like I thought it purposely and don’t feel that way at all and all of a sudden the thoughts just vanished away , like I’m sssoooo scared that God or Jesus has given up on me because of that thought that I felt like iv’e thought purposely
Hi Alexis,
You describe thoughts about cursing God, and then thoughts that you are God.
You don’t mention your religious background, but I can see how such thoughts could be quite scary for someone with a traditional religious upbringing.
But are you really cursing God? I’m guessing, as Willow implies, that you are subconsciously rebelling against an image of a threatening, fearsome, judgmental, vindictive and hurtful god, a false god; because you know somewhere deep inside that God is nothing but Love, and that you were created and born from that Love; no matter how painful the personal world may have been, may still be, into which you were born.
There’s nothing wrong with thoughts of cursing a god of anger, pain, fear and retribution. We should all be repulsed by such an image. That is a god that you are truly above; a god that really should bow to you. Don’t be afraid of not believing in such a god.
Yes, you are God.
I can feel the shock waves from people’s “blasphemometers” reverberating wildly as they read that sentence, but it is true. You are God. So am I. So is everyone else. Spiritually we share the Mind (we are the image) of God. Physically, everyone and everything is the embodiment of God. Your subconscious is trying to remind you that you are not separated from God. Each of us is God, though obviously none of us could possibly be fully God. We are bits of God at our own particular places and times, but we are not individual gods. It is all the same God. We are the eyes, ears and hands of God, wherever and whenever we are.
So what about all the thieves, abusers, rapists and murderers? What about Jim Jones, David Koresh and the other false messiahs?
Yes, spiritually they are God, too, but they misperceive or deny that spirit, choosing to live by their human, physical nature instead. They have deluded themselves that they are separate from God, or that God doesn’t exist, or that they themselves are gods.
It is not God that causes pain and fear, but separation from God – sometimes your own separation, but usually someone else’s. It seems so unfair, but it’s the only way we can all have that individual freedom which we seem to value even more than life itself. The consolation is that for each person that causes you pain and grief, there will always be far more people who want to comfort and help you, to cry for you and to share in your hurtful burden.
When you know that you are in God, and God is in you, there’s really nothing to be afraid of.
There’s a time for theological discussions on the nature of God, and a time when all you need do is wipe a tear.
Alexis, God loves you. He created you. You’re His wonderful child.
Yes, but Alexis complained of feeling guilty over her thoughts about God. Simply saying, “God loves you” or “God forgives you” doesn’t seem like it would be much help.
Alexis, I hope I didn’t come across as being too theological or preachy, but my point is that you need not feel guilty. Those thoughts might be leading you to a better understanding of God.
I have been suffering from this for over a few years. I feel like I am losing my mind, and I am so ashamed of myself. Sometimes I wonder if I have messed up so bad God has given up on me. I read the Bible, I pray, and most times, I am repenting throughout the day. It does not stop, especially when I am anxious.
You have not messed up so bad that God will abandon or ignore you. He loves you and will always love you. Keep going to Him no matter what. He wants to be with you through your pain, fear, and uncertainty.
Do you think if you had a blasphemous thought but didn’t tell anyone when you were thinking it but then told someone later what you had thought, but didn’t believe anymore that it would still count as the unpardonable sin? Blasphemy is speaking right? But is it only speaking what you actully believe when you believe it?
No, that would not be the unpardonable sin.
But even if you had said it when you were thinking it, and even if you believed it at the time, God knows our hearts and knows our thoughts, and there is no sin we can ever commit that God has not and will not forgive. The unforgivable sin is from a human perspective. It is a sin which causes a person to never want anything from God again, and never even think about God, and never desire forgiveness from God or a relationship with God.
You clearly want these things, so you clearly have not committed the unpardonable sin.
Isn’t the unpardonable sin thinking that Jesus is a worker of the devil? If I had thought that, or maybe something like it, would that count. I didn’t say it at the time i was thinking it. But then i’ve told people verbally and written later. I’m terrified! I know God is real and true. I know I’ve been born again! But did I go to far? Did my faith fail?
If only the world could know how much God loves them! That the Gospel of redemption is really Good News, the BEST news we could ever hear
Yes! So true. It is amazing that we spend so much time trying to prove that God does NOT love us.
Being angry at God for something you believe is His doing is not the same as accusing God of being Evil.
Right. God wants us to be honest with Him.
we have to forgive god for what he has let us go thru
This is an extremely important topic we are discussing. Try googling the terms “obsessive compulsive” and blasphemy, or similar terms, and you will find many personal accounts
of individuals struggling with thoughts like the ones discussed above that they do not want to have, “intrusive thoughts”, as they are sometimes called. Other “intrusive thoughts” include unwanted sexual and violent images and impulses. Ministers and mental health professionals both are aware that a certain segment of the population is afflicted by such a condition.
So having such thoughts is a spiritual problem, no doubt about it. But it is also
recognized as a mental health issue as well. Consider the implications of that! The solution to this spiritual/mental health crisis, is, I think, getting to know God. God who revealed Himself in the person and work of Jesus the Christ. That’s what life is all about, the reason and purpose of our time here on earth, my friends. Thanks for this forum for discussion, Jeremy.
Hi everyone. Mine has never been thinking that God is Satan or something like that.. Recently, Ive been close to not having any bad thought.. However, today I am almost back at my problem.
God, I know you love everyone of us. I will believe that the way you love will not reject us (sinners of such blasphemous stuffs) when we already overcome this.. We love you, Jesus!
I’m really hoping that my thoughts will be totally out of my mind. I need to work on something to keep it busy.. I know God is working on me just like everyone in this same situation.. Let us not lose hope and never let Satan make us believe that God hates us right now.. BECAUSE HE IS GREAT AND HE LOVES US ALL..
I hope I have seen this thread earlier.. I had talked to God (on mind) like cursing Him and also I had think bad and obscene stuff about Him.. I’m so afraid but still holding to FAITH that the good Lord will never decline my apology because HE LOVES me and US..
When I first became a Christian 2 years ago, I was plagued by these blasphemous thoughts. After going to church and praying consistently, those thoughts have lessened. My advice is to never give up. EPHESIANS 6:12-16 — “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.”
This is very helpful. I also go through the same issues and bad thoughts. It makes no sense to me. I ask myself what do I have against the Lord? Who goes around fighting thoughts like this all the time.
Life circumstances causes us to think God is punishing us, which then causes us to resent God. But He is not punishing us, and wants to show us how much He loves us… To listen to Him though, we need to be talking to Him, so go ahead and talk to Him when you are angry at Him.
Thank you so much guys for the help. I do not ask for these thoughts. To say the least, I hate very one of them. I do not want them. If it does occur, I call upon the name of Jesus. I am getting anxiety attacks and have cold sweat over this. What is the mental reason for this? I do not know. I wanted to see a Physiatrist and use medicine. I am crying allot over this as I do not want to miss heaven and be with Jesus. I love him so much! So much!
I will take your advice as I have listened to everyone’s outcry over the same experience. I need to know I will be forgiven. Otherwise why will I go on then if I’m doomed. We have a God, which is love. He sees my heart as I it is. I needed to hear it and I know what to do. I need to step up knowing Jesus for who He is. It’s still good going through this. Thanks guys.
Let us get real for a moment. NOTHING happens outside God’s will and awareness. Therefore, all suffering is known to Him, and, since He is omnipotent, is able to be ended by Him. Saying sin exists because there is evil in the world is like saying bread exists because there is flour, yeast, etc. in the world. The statement is correct, but unhelpful. If a cop watched a woman being beaten and raped, and reacted by saying, “Well, there’s evil in the world” would we think him a good cop or a bad one? Mutatis mutandis God. There is absolutely NO reason, other than his will, for God to wait to stop ALL suffering and evil, which indeed He has promised to do SOME DAY. Well, why “SOME DAY” when many more are perishing, and all of us are suffering? What does the delay accomplish, at least that is good?
Please please help me. I have been searching for the truth and I just cant find any redemption.
My problem is:
I have these thoughts which come out from noway (especially when I am about to sleep). They will blasphemy against God. I would try my best to stop them but I just can not control my mind. I will struggle with my thoughts till I find a distraction (like a novel).
I have stopped praying and going to church because I think my sins are unforgivable sins.
Is there any hope for me?
Are these really sins I commit in my mind?
Please, I want to be saved. Help me.
That’s what the enemy wants you to think. Anything that isn’t good, doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, doesn’t come from our heavenly Father. It comes from the devil. He wants to hurt us, to kill us, just because he hates us.
Thank you so much for this website, O most sacred heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you, I have been praying to cast away these evil spirits from me, they are the ones who cause bad thoughts to enter your spiritual body.
I don’t want to alarm anyone but if you listen to alot of songs in the music industry, they are very misleading for alot of impressionable youths and this leads them to sin.
Gnarls Barkley’s song Crazy, one of the lines is ‘ you really think you’re in control’ preceded by the image of a horned gnarls barkley representing the devil.
I have been sick for the last 3 days with high fever, taking paracetamol tablets when last night I had the urge to pray consistantly without medication, my fever left me within 1 hour of praying.
For the devil goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour, the bad thought’s that were intrusively entering my mind were causing me to be sick.
Don’t trust cps, they are involved because God led me back in his love and I had a dream that these entities put fear into me concerning an asteroid then proceded to suck the life/soul out of me and as I cried out to Jesus I woke up. This left me with alot of confusion and as a result I couldn’t sleep which led to a hospital admission for myself.
They claim to be working for the welfare of my children, but God already said that we cannot serve 2 masters, God blessed me with my children, they said that praying caused my illness, no
it didn’t, the enemy caused my illness because I was letting God back into my heart.
Good day guys. thank your for shedding some light on this as I am also suffering from the same type of horrific mind experiences. I have a open mind on this now as I am stressing over this you cannot believe. I get anxiety attacks, cold sweat when it happens. I literally beg Jesus to forgive me with tears, every every night when it happens just before I sleep. Lets pray for all of our friends in the same position, who do not know of this site. Thank you once again! A lack of knowledge can do allot of harm.
Hello Jeremy,
I have been having horrible thoughts about God and not understanding why he lets certain things in life happen . These thoughts drive me crazy and I’m almost positive it is an OCD mental disorder or something . I had a moment of weakness and thought about harming Him and while although the thoughts are intrusive and pop up in my head , I with my own freewill agreed with the thought and now I feel like I will never be forgiven. I have researched for the past few days and your stuff is amazing. I feel like God will never forgive me and I am cursed. Please help
I wasn’t feeling angry, or mad against the Lord. However I was hearing those words play in mind like a broken record of F-God (Father this is just for the sake of letting someone know, not an announcement.) And I was learning about spiritual warfare, and how Paul says taking every thought Captive. Put on the full Armor of God, The Helmet of salvation and the Belt of Truth. Yet I was still hearing it for the past week, and today I had a Revelation, and I thought to myself, Lord I have been walking in total fear, and doing things because I believe they please you, not coming from a genuine place of loving others. More so a place of if I dont do this, Im going to Hell. Then I thought about what Jesus said about helping a woman on the Sabbath, when the Pharisees accused him, and he confronts them, telling them you water your ox, therefore you work, as if to say sorry I cant help you its the Sabbath, and I have to honor God. Yet the very least you do for others, you have done to God. Then I said Lord, im sorry, I have been attacking this all wrong, and to think I could do it on my own strenghth. If its predestined that I know you, then you knew all Sin I would commit, and trials and tribulations I would go through. And I called out to you from the Grave and you heard my cry. You loved me when I was the lowest person I have ever been, to myself and others. And you still showed me mercy and grace. You kept me alive through all the near death experiences when I was completely lost and blind. If through all that you could love me, and still draw me in to be saved because I have known you before I was born, then how could you hate me now? Especially when I am clinging to you begging for mercy for words coming through my head. Thats fear straight from pits of Hell from the enemy, trying to make you feel condemned. The only one who is Judged right now is Satan. Then I felt happy and it stopped. Then I came here and saw this article. I agree with it, that Gods love is unfailing, and he said if you can make it so night cannot follow day, only then will I stop loving you. But I dont think the Good lord says my role, my job, my task, or to say Im sorry bad things happen to you. This is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I dont think he needs to prove anything, or try to appease us. Its about Glorifying him, bring all Glory to the Lord. When bad things happen, its because we’ve sinned, or we’re being purified. Like Job. God allowed him to suffer, because in the end Jobs faith did not waiver, and he praised the Lord, and said what did I do cause offense to you. He gives grace to the Humble, and opposes the Proud. I believe this attack, was only to help me get to this revelation. Even when I sin, and I feel horrible, it only brings me calling back to Lord, and has me seek him more. So it serves a purpose. Through Faith you are healed. But other than that Brother, I liked what you had said. Bless you man.
Hello and thank you for your ministry.
Could you please pray for me? I often get angry and frustrated, but I also have a habit of blasphming God’s name when I get angry. I feel bad about this habit because I ama christian and am frustrated that I don’t know what to do about it. It saddens me. No matter how hard I try I can’t change.
Thanks and God bless
Hello, I also suffer from blasphemous thoughts but they are not directed at God but the holy spirit. It terrifies me and the more I try to tune them ouť the more they come. Am I doomed to hell? This has been happening for more than 10 years. I have been hospitalized twice because of them. Please help
I am so sorry to hear that Drew. I too, have dealt with blasphemous thoughts against the Holy Spirit, so much, in fact, that I actually began to resent the Holy Spirit for even existing, because the very mention of him in the Bible would fill my mind with terror over blaspheming Him and thereby fearing unforgiveness and eternal punishment in hell. I believe I have even slipped on occasion into actually wanting to say or think bad thoughts against the Holy Spirit out of my frustration, agony, and fear, and fell into a very severe depression last year that almost resulted in suicide because of this issue.
I am still on a trajectory, though, of healing and recovery. Every time I feel unforgiven, I intentionally remind myself that, if God is love – and I believe He is- then God knows that I struggle with an anxiety disorder and that my heart desires to be in fellowship with Him. I simply have misunderstood His character for many years, but I must realize that He is a loving Father and that He is extraordinary generous in mercy and grace. Even, at times when I truly begin to feel intensely guilty for my thoughts and fear punishment, I remind myself that God even has mercy towards Satan, the very enemy of God, by not utterly and completely destroying his existence but given him free will to operate in this world and to do evil. I can comfort myself by knowing that if God can have mercy on Satan who utterly detests God and has no desire to be reconciled to him – then God can certainly have mercy and compassion towards me, a woman who desires to be in fellowship with God and who wants to think good, wholesome, pure thoughts towards him.
I, too, have struggled immensely with blasphemous thoughts and intense OCD for many years. I used to fear, from childhood, that God would take things away from me that were very valuable and precious (for example, my own family, my parents, or small but precious things that I loved deeply, like a gift a friend game me or my guitar). For some inexplicable reason, I feared that the things dearest to me would be taken away from me and that God was responsible. This, in turn, intensified the blasphemous thoughts I had towards God and actually made me angry, fearful and resentful towards God that I found myself wanting to say bad or blasphemous things against him, out of bottled up frustration and fear that I didn’t know how to get rid of. Often, swear words against God and the Holy Spirit were on the tip of my thoughts every single day. Even now, I deal with blaphemous thoughts, though not as intensely as I have in the past.
It has taken a very long time for me to realize that God does love and forgive me, and that the God I have hated for so many years, because I feared he would take things so precious to me away from me, is NOT God and does not deserve to be loved. Rather, the God who truly exists and loves me is radically different from the one I imagined. I still need to be encouraged, though, from time to time because sometimes intense feelings of guilt assault my mind and heart and I begin to feel unforgiven, which, in turn, reignites the cycle of bad thoughts that build in my mind. Praying for continued healing on this issue
I’ve been having troubles with my OCD lately. After I’ve learnt of the unpardonable sin, I’ve been having blasphemous thoughts, with the ones being the worst is a swear word towards the Holy Spirit.
I myself am a faithful Catholic and I am afriad of eternal damnation. I put my faith in the LORD Jesus himself, and the Divine Trinity. I myself do NOT consent towards these thoughts, and they just keep popping out of nowhere, and so I am very scared that I had commited the unpardonable sin.
I am thinking to repent in near time, to confess my sins, but I’m very afraid that these thoughts keep coming back and God will eventually punish me for this. Is it true?
Please help!!
Hey, thank you so much for this. I thought i was the only one. I definitely have OCD and intrusive thoughts. To be more specific, I think i have blasphemous intrusive thoughts, and sometimes I feel like i no longer deserve to be a christian. For example, i read the bible and i read the passage that is about God punishing people that made mistakes. Then i start to wonder why is God so cruel? Then i think is God evil? That obviously is not the answer. Jesus Christ and god is not evil. Then i start to pray that i thought of this weird thought. Then I feel released from something evil. Then this same mind pops up again and again and i pray every single time for forgiveness. This is definitely a mental illness or devil trying to separate me from God. I literally pray thousand times every day and now I can’t stand it. I have many other thoughts like that that is opposing to God that i don’t mean. Are these thoughts a sin? Do i have to pray to every single time for forgiveness? Please help
Hi Jacob,
You, and a lot of people on this thread, are clearly talking about OCD (as you say).
You are having the ugly/filthy/blasphemous thought PRECISELY because you hate them. (Nobody ever can’t get “Oh you look look lovely today” out of their head, because that’s not a stressful thought. There’s no such thing as “nice” Tourette’s.) It’s no sin. It’s an anxiety mechanism that becomes pronounced in certain people for whatever neurobiological reasons.
Everybody has weird/disgusting/unpleasant thoughts. Most people just think “that was odd” and brush them aside. People with OCD get caught in a loop.
The human mind cannot simultaneously remind itself not to think a thought and thereby not think it. It’s impossible. We can climb mountains but we can’t to that. We aren’t equipt for it.
I’m not terribly religious but I’m no atheist. I know as surely as I know anything that God isn’t hurt by your ugly thoughts. He knows you don’t mean them. And don’t get all involved with “the devil is sending me these thoughts”. I suppose in some sense that might be true, but in some sense it also might be true that the devil causes cancer, or any bad thing. It’s not terribly useful. We have complicated psychological mechanisms for dealing with shame and guilt and this is just a potential downside, humans varying a great deal in their wiring.
My advice is to say something as simple as “bless me” when you have a “blasphemous” thought and then just let it go (which is basically what non-OCD people do as a matter of course). If that doesn’t work then exposure therapy is the way to go, but try something a little simpler and more DIY first. After you get over the first stress – as I say, not performing elaborate prayers, but just asking God to help – you’ll probably be surprised at how quickly it becomes liberating. Obsessive ritual prayer is surely not something God disregards, but it is more ritual than prayer, and not optimal.
He’s not mad at you. He knows you have OCD. He wants you to be healthy.
Hello, I’m Jeff
i have had intrusive blasphemous thoughts that target Jesus for years now. I love Him, I love God and want to be closer to Him and go Home when I die but these damnable thoughts are killing my soul. i have lost so much happiness and been in some very dark places through the years. Multiple times during the day i am accosted by these thoughts. It is awful and i always pray and beg His forgiveness. I have trouble believing that the Devil exists, i believe in God’s love more but i swear ot feels like someone else in my head is saying all this but they are doing it in my voice to make me think it is me.
i have OCD , many many types of it and anxiety issues/panic attacks. i used to see a counselor and a psychiatrist but they did nothing bit lighten my wallet.
i am so envious of people who have joy in the Lord, i just feel dead inside spiritually.
Sleep used to be the only place i coúld find rest from these thoughts but not anymore.
i havent been diagnosed but i think i have depression too
i would be happy to hear from anyone who has suggestions or words of encouragement.
Oh, quick follow up.
i have reached out to members of the clergy for help and mostly i have gotten dead air , no response. i am very discouraged by the lack of spiritual support. there have been one or two people who have offered help but i really wish i could have a back and forth discussion instead of the one time emails i have gotten although i am grateful for them.
i really want to kñow if Jesus/God forgives me for,these thoughts. i cant stop them, i dont want them, i didnt ask for them, i want them to go away. it hurts me to hurt Him. i kñow you cant hurt God but you kñow,what i mean
Hey jeff, I have definitely been down a similar road of having conflicting thoughts to what I really feel. It’s a lonely struggle, especially when those who should have helpful input just don’t seem to have it. All I can say is what has helped me is to trust god, don’t worry about the thoughts, and know that god loves you regardless of whether or not you have bad thoughts about him. I also looked upon people strangely who always showed so much joy in The Lord. I thought something was wrong with me. But I realized that my joy in The Lord isn’t a mandated daily habit we need to practice at all times. It’s something that comes with patience and the power to overcome, which we have in us. I think maybe your struggles with your thoughts can be linked to your joy. Try to pretend that the bad thoughts are just static in between stations on the radio. Sooner or later the right thoughts will come through more clear and the bad thoughts will be just passing noise. You will find joy. Maybe not as much as you’d like right now, but eventually, in this life or in what lies beyond, you’ll find the peace you long for. Also, I was on antidepressants for a while and I had less comfort than I do now. Watch out with things like that. Sometimes we need to fight through the depression and search for the happiness we deserve even through the darkness we are facing. I’m not saying to not take them, just try to be aware that they don’t necessarily help. I hope all this helps. I see you posted this a while back. if you are still struggling or if you want to chat. Take care brother.
I’ve been troubled that I’ve committed the unpardonable sin. It all started back when I was 17 when I read a book about hell. I wanted a closer walk with the Lord, so I decided to read it. After I read it, I began having obsessive thoughts that I’d committed this sin and about that book which led to a serious anxiety disorder. Obsessively, I began trying to understand what this sin was, and if I committed it or not. Intrusive thoughts began harassing me tremendously, and I got to the point where I’d hold my head, cry, and withdraw from everyone, everything. I was grieving everyone around me to point where I was avoided, even the church/ministry did too. I felt like nobody understood, because after all, it’s very easy to tell someone to pay it no mind, or it’s the devil, etc. when they’re not the ones being tormented with these thoughts due to OCD. I was so depressed, fearful, and permeated with these horrible thoughts about the Holy Spirit, and one night alone in my room I was watching one of videos of the services at church, and there was a woman who was moved by the Spirit (didn’t realize it, but I thought it was her acting on her own), and I lashed out in frustration of the nonstop intrusive thoughts, because I wanted them to go away, and said “that’s so stupid, and you are too Holy Ghost.”
Ever since that night, I’ve been in fear and uncertain. I would NEVER keep people from or hinder God or His Spirit–especially His power. He was my everything, my best friend, and now I’m so depressed, fearful, and incomplete. I’m 32 now, and I live with this guilt.
A few weeks ago, I had a major depressive episode concerning this which was sparked by someone speaking to me about the context of that book I read when I was 17. I became very anxious and deeply depressed due to the intrusive thoughts about this sin and hell restarting, and I accepted I did it. Then I had an intrusive feeling that struck my heart about desiring to die, etc. Those thoughts/feelings are NOT who I am.
I love the Lord, His word, His Spirit, and I miss Him. I’m so saddened, and I feel hopeless, helpless, empty, and devastated. My moral conscience was always alert and feeling, and since this episode a few weeks ago I feel unfeeling and as if I don’t care. I was once a person ablaze for God and His word, and now this.
Is this a reprobate mind? So confused and scared. Sorry for the book.
If there’s any insight, please help.
Sorry for my English it is not my native language. I Speak french
IT is the same thing for me.
I must know that everything is contextual.
You must know that there are many Jesus.
We have The Lord Jesus Son of God
We also have other Jesus which are not Son of God but are antichrist Jesus
You must go toward God and say him that Lord Jesus, I knew you through the Bible.
And according the bible, you are not what I am thinking.
So I attribute these thoughts to those Jesus who are not my saviors, who are antichrists and differents of you.
I don’t want to attribute it to you.
Help me Lord.
Wow! Beautiful piece! God bless you richly! I mean it ❤️?
I have blasphemous thoughts. Day and night I’ve prayed. God hasn’t stopped them. I cry I plead yet nothing. Changes I guess I am way unforgivable and God has given up on me. Is how it seems.
No Leslie, God hasn’t given up on u. I’m here BC of the thoughts too and I’m worn down from shame of them to my heavenly Father. Im struggling too, so I don’t know everything, but what I can tell you is that He has not given up on you. He knows u and understands u. You say you plead, yet nothing happens but He leads you to places like this article to reassure u of His awesome love. He’s answering you here through the post and the comments. I hope you’ve found peace from this as I haven’t yet. Taking it one day at a time, fully dependent on my Lord.
Hi, I need help. I have anxiety and I keep having bad thoughts. Today, I remembered that in the Bible the pharisees said that Jesus was ” the prince of demons” and it hasn’t been able to get out of my head. Now every time I think of Jesus, I think of that. I sometimes voluntarily say “Jesus Christ is not the prince of demons” but that gets me thinking horrible blasphemous thoughts all over again. Will God forgive me ?
Of course. He already has. You are completely loved and forgiven. Talk to God about what is going through your head. He can handle it.
I too suffer from this. I have been for the last 7 years. It all started when I read the scripture about the unforgivable sin. I went through a terrible depression because of it. This also coincided with a long term unemployment due to the economic downturn the country experienced. I had to convince myself through talking with others than God still loved me and God forgives. One thing I learned throughout all of this is to not go by thoughts or feelings but by what the bible says. Hold onto your faith. That’s the only thing that works for me. Faith in Jesus Christ and faith in Gods love. I don’t believe Gods mercy has any limits. If the thoughts become so bad they always plague you, keep repeating Jesus’s name in your head and ask him to help you. Hold onto your faith. The devil can attack your mind and try to mess with your emotions. It’s like psychological warfare. The devils objective is to psych you out, so that you wont want to talk about God. You wont want to go to church. You wont want to pray. He wants you to be afraid of God. To doubt God. And to curse God. The devil wants you to stay in a state of mental despair. You are not alone. I know this isn’t a very common thing, but you’re not alone. Even to this day I still suffer from these thoughts. It’s not as bad as it was 7 years ago. But some days it can get bad. But like I said, the only thing that works for me is faith in Jesus Christ and how much he loves us all. Not some lie the devil wants me to fall for.
Thank you for making this article, I suffered OCD religion and as a Christian I’m scared I’ll go to hell. But your words help me every day to get closer to God, thank you and I hope the bt will go away soon.
No that is not the worst blasphemous thoughts. I have them. I will be just waking up but not awake. And thoughts come up as I try to rebuke evil the thoughts turn to rebuking the Lord. Things you would normally do to keep evil away switches to the Lord as tho evil was using a mental mirror and deflecting it to Jesus or or worse… the Lord rebuke you becomes the Lord rebuke —d but it is not angry it is separation by accident. The heart dies in that moment. I have to turn it around and ask forgiveness for things that are not even my thoughts or my true heart because there is a satanic hold oppression there.
I’m a born-again Christian and I asked Jesus to come into my life, even though I don’t feel so because I’m not sure as God hasn’t given me any relatable signs to let me know.
Even before I submitted my life to Jesus, I have been angry(and I mean furious) at God many times.
I have grown up hating God, since childhood.
It is recently that I had decided and given my life to Jesus but it feels God doesn’t seem to take any interest in my salvation.I prayed a lot to God for my deliverance by completely freeing me from the bondages of sins and all my addiction.I tried self deliverance a lot,but no chance.
But Its like he’s too busy aving a nice time in heaven. The very first reason I wanted to leave my addictions was for God and he acts like he’s least bothered. I realize there might be some reason for him to delay answering my prayers but he doesn’t even hint anything. HE ACTS LIKE HE DOEN’T EVEN EXIST.
I tried my best to love him.And I’m tired of trying.
Now could u give me some reasons I should continue to pray when I know he is going to do his will and won’t even let me know what it is?
And about the free will u talk about that God has given us, why did God harden the pharao’s heart.Also why did he sent evil spirit to King Saul to torment him?
this question makes God look like a racist to me.
Deuteronomy 7:10 just says a different story about the ‘love’ of God???
He forgave David for his sin, but if it would have been someone else, he would have instantly killed him,right?
It feels like he just has some favorites like David,etc and the rest are destined for hell.
No. No. No. Stop thinking like that. He loves you. Drop the pride. Don’t take advantage of his patience. So what if he is quiet. Live a holy life. Look up for him. God doesn’t look at you doing this or that. He looks at thew heart, the heart and mind. So you are provoking him. Stop. Stop. Read the bible, the Gospel. Love people.
Good day. I also have those thoughts and bad ones about Jesus but I love God. I don’t question him. I read the bible and I cry to him. Sometimes I don’t sleep but I will never ask God why because I love him. I told God that the thoughts are not mine and I will never say such things and I will feel better. I will never curse him or disrespect him. I love him and I worship him even when I’m passing through. This God is my savior. I always say to my self you are a good person, the thoughts are not yours, you are a child of God, that’s why they are attacking you. I love God. I know he loves me and he loves you too. Don’t worry. God is good all the time. Don’t lose hope. I am also fighting with this but I always read the bible and say God I’m proud of your works. Trust me. I teach myself to not find any fault in him. I live a righteous life and I help people a lot. I believe those things are making me a better person. I love people. I am always there. I love my Jesus and what ever stones the devil is bringing in me I don’t fear because my life is all about Jesus. I cover my life by the blood of Jesus and I thank God for every thing he has done for me. God is good. God is love and I am his offspring. Believe him. He has been kind to me with these thoughts so he will be kind to you too. Read the bible, print out scriptures and paste on your wall. Always say hey Jesus I am in love with you. All thoughts are not mine. Cry if you want to weep pray and fast. Become the better person. God loves you and the evil one has been defeated.
I had a blasphemous thought on purpose because I was trying to feel something. Blasphemous as in what the Pharisees thought. Not because I believed it, but because I was suffering bad thoughts already due to fear of the unforgivable sin. And I felt my heart had harden and i didn’t have any emotion. So my dumb butt decided after trying music and such things to purposely have a blasphemous thought. Something like “ God works through Bezelebub”. That opened the spiritual realm inside me like you wouldn’t believe.
Though God has pretty much held me together and put me back together for the most part, and this hasn’t ever been my true belief and I never spoken anything blasphemous I feel very guilty and doomed to hell.
I don’t know what to think of my salvation if any. It’s been a horrible experience. Am I forgiven for stupidity?
I watched a certain youtube video on the same issue and the one addressing this issue said that the sin can only be commited if we say it with our mouths.
Is this true?
Thats the thoughts are just a way that the devil tricks us into thinking we committed this sin.
When I was a young boy of seven, I went forward and asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins and save me. Later on when I was 16 at a church camp and after hearing a message, I was under great conviction that I needed to be saved. I was confused and didn’t go forward to be saved. Since then I’ve asked Jesus to save me many times because I just don’t feel saved. It’s like I had that one chance and didn’t respond and it has made my life miserable. I’m asking for help. I’ve asked God many times for mercy and to give me peace and it may stay for awhile but it doesn’t last. I’m desperate to feel saved. I would appreciate any help.
I’ve been dealing with bad thoughts for years. I was about 14 or 15 when a pastor came to a revival at a church I was going to at the time. He was telling a story about a young girl and a boy who was with the girl during him preaching at a revival. The girl was a Christian I believe but the boy wasn’t and the pastor tried to talk to the boy at the end of the week and asked him if he knew God and the boy said no and I’m only here with my girlfriend and pastor said do you want to know God boy said no! I don’t believe in God! I don’t need God and pastor said he cursed God and pastor said be careful son! You can get into trouble for cursing God and pastor said the boy was very ugly I can’t remember word for word I’m 57 years old now but pastor said the boy died the next evening he was hit by a car or train. Pastor said that He blasphemed the Holy Spirit.
That scared me so bad it scared me! I said to myself why would anyone want to do that? Then I started thinking bad thoughts not about f $&@k God but thought about the hold Spirit. And my mind went back and forth on those thoughts and I was like why am I doing this? Why is this happening to me? Am I trying to test God ? I’ve prayed about that for years but the thoughts are still there at times they rush through and I say well they are only thoughts but I still try hard to push them out. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi Regina I dealt with the same think thankfully God led me to a video that was a podcast and it was talking about can Christians blameshy the Holy spirit and they said no they cant because we feel bad and ask for forgiveness but when other people that dont know Christ say it and mean it then I think that would be blamesy, but that video helped me alot to know that us as believers we want to ask for forgiveness because we know that we truly love God and his Holy spirit and even if you dont truly feel it its okay your feelings arent always true just ask the Holy spirit for guidance and you will surely get it. I still get thoughts like that whenever i hear the name Holy spirit, but that is the God we serve a very merciful one and what also helps is just to ask God to change your perspective on him and the Holy spirit, and also ask to know the fullness of who he is and he will guide you. I hope this helped and you will be in my prayers God bless.
Thank you God Bless that helps and thank you for praying for me.
Good evening…I have a question about the unforgivable SIN…I suffer from a brain injury, so these thoughts come at me more than I want and realize…I can be in the greatest of moods or feelings, then all of a sudden I might see, hear, or think of something out of the blue. Then those sinful thoughts like GD especially, hits me like a ton of bricks and I keep thinking that same word sometimes for hours on end. I try my hardest to stop thinking it by looking or hearing something else to make me think of that instead of my sinful thoughts…I pray about it asap…Even then I get bombarded with sin…my question is, will GOD forgive me or did I just set myself up for damnation…how can I train myself to have pure thoughts ???????
Thank you
I have struggled with this off and on for years-blasphemous thoughts either about Christ or Holy Spirit which are not my own! I try to cast them down if they happen and not become upset-that is what the enemy wants I also bind the spirits of blasphemy and profanity. I think the closer you try to get to the Lord the harder the enemy tries to harass you!
thank you sooo much for this!! you may not even realise how much this helped me!! i am ten years old trying to deal with blasphemous thoughts and was feeling afraid that may not get into heaven and scared that God was angry with me. but this showed me God’s love for me that even when i do something wrong God will never be angry for that and love me no matter what or how. thanks a lot for this may God bless allll of you!! i want to see you guys in heaven! 💞✨
hey can you help me dude recently I started tryna get closer to God and reading the Bible but just last night these negative thoughts about Jesus and the holy Spirit started randomly popping in my head I wasn’t even controlling these thoughts theses thoughts were me saying “F*** Jesus” or F*** the holy spirit” and it just kept popping in my head and again I wasn’t even controlling these thoughts and I was scared that I committed blasphemy and that I’ll never get the holy Spirit I kept saying the Lord’s prayer over and over to stop it but it just kept coming up
Hey I need help because in my head out of nowhere someone said they rejected the Holy Spiri5 I feel very scared please help
Oh sane has happened to me before…it will use a singular phrase “i” not we……and backmail you….that’s satan for you I know how he works his just a foolish bastard trying to make you hate God…don’t ever give up…God loves you…
Thank you so much. This is so helpful and I want to keep on serving god. This article reassured me that everything was ok and it would be ok. Thank you so so much. Also one question, Can christians eat snacks throughout the day ? Thanks again
Hi Jeremy,
I want to thank you for your blog. I have been struggling with this for a very long time. It’s very painful when those thoughts cross my mind. Although I never come out and say any of those thoughts out loud, I also thought I was crazy and insane and probably the only one in the world that could think such things. It feels like every time I try to get close to God the enemy tries to bring me down. I pray that Jesus will send his Holy Spirit upon me to give me peace.
I was just reading the scriptures and came across Mark 3:29 “Whoever speaks evil of the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven”. I became so upset that I googled the meaning and then I googled blasphemous thoughts and that’s how I came across your blog.
Thank you my brother! I ask for your prayers as I will pray for you and everyone of your readers.
2 Corinthians 10:5 Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. God understands these thoughts and He wants us to practice casting down vain imaginations and keep our minds on Him. Submit to God resist the devil and He will flee.
I had the lowest moment of my life and questioned God’s existence for a bit. Someone asked me if I still believed and I said yes but had a moment of “no, I don’t know etc”. I felt like I couldn’t feel him with me. Since then, I have been overwhelmingly depressed I cannot be forgiven for this.
I had the lowest moment of my life and questioned God’s existence for a bit. Someone asked me if I still believed and I said yes but I had I thought of “no, I don’t know etc”. Since then I have been overwhelmingly depressed with a thought that I cannot be forgiven for this and will not be with my Savior in eternity. I read things in the Bible that seem to support us. Am I not understanding? Will I be forgiven?
The blasphemous thoughts I hate it so much. I Excepted Jesus Christ As Lord and Savior of my life. They the thought came into my head
Thank you this article has come at the right time in my life.
Right now in my thoughts I am cursing God Jesus the Holy Ghost despite being a devout Christian who really loves God.
I believe I am suffering from some form of religious OCD and will be going to see a Christian counsellor.
Thank you for letting me know I am still loved by God.
Thank you for this article. I have been struggling w/ blasphemous thoughts & voices saying bad things against the Holy Spirit for a long time, and having other horrible images pop in my head when I try to pray to The Most High. When I go drink some water out of my fridge, or grab food, I hear voices say “Drink to (the enemy)” or “Eat to the (enemy)” or I will have a curse word against God pop in my head, and then another thought saying “Let’s eat to that.” It’s just absolute torment. I don’t have any peace like I used to in the past. I feel like Jesus isn’t able/doesn’t want to forgive me when I try and get on my knees to repent of my sins. I never feel God’s Presence anymore when I pray to Him, like I used to, when I used to feel Him very strongly and that would give me so much joy. I miss the old days of my walk w/ God, it was so much more peaceful. The enemy has really ruined my life the past year, and I see him screaming at me to “eat some food” or “go to the store”. Whenever I have to do anything, I see him yelling at me to do it. It really makes me mad. I also have something really not good in my stomach (I know because I ate uncooked food at an iHop while I was being gangstalked; they mess with/undercook your food on purpose) so it might be a parasite but I believe it might be a demon. I really need deliverance. I have tried water fasting for 5 days, 4 days, even longer than both of those, and still, no deliverance. It’s just been really hard. I do not want to fall away from the faith though, and I continue to pray everyday. He shows me through animals and other blessings that He is still with me, so I am thankful for that. Thanks for reading my comment.
Keep believing and preaching that god loves everyone.
God has never trust man since the beginning and to say he is love is a crock.
He says trust him, yet he never trust us.
He protect the wicked and curse those that are faithful.
Scripture states of the great joy of the sinner that repents and nothing of those that are faithful.
He is a POS.
But keep preaching, maybe someone will believe uou
I feel lost. When I was posessed. Spirits through me saying the HS was Evil Satanic and Demonic.
I feel I’m forever lost
But I still read the Bible and pray so I’m confused
I’ve even heard a voice tell me I didn’t commit the Unpardonable Sin but it was Satan speaking through me
have blasphemous thoughts , feel guilty and condemned. Am in huge debts and distress feel no courage even to die. How can god help a 70 yearold sinner like me.My 70 years of sin cannot disappear in my present situation, is there a miracle for a lost soul of mine.
So ive been struggling with the topic of hell. Hell scares me and causes great anxiety and i start having blasphemous thoughts about God because that topic is so scary if its true that people are tortured with no end. I don’t know that its true because Jehovah’s Witnesses read the same bible and they don’t say that. They say you perish and die just like God told Adam and Eve. He didn’t say if you eat that apple i will torture you and burn you forever. He just said that they would die which they did.
Anyway Christians read the same bible and they say you are burned and tortured eternally with no end no mercy and that’s horrifying and that’s when the bad thoughts start and i can’t stop thinking about it. I pray but ive been dealing with this for almost 4 years now and its scaring me because i fear my heart hardening towards God out of the horrors of hell. I don’t think it has but i fear that.
So im tormented by these thoughts where ill start saying in my head blasphemous things and i start questioning how can God torture his kids when we were put in a fallen world through no fault of our own? If true we were never given the opportunity to be perfect and holy and on and on and on but its due to OCD mostly and it may be due to fears that may or may not be true because im not sure God tortures his kids. Where am i going wrong? Im afraid of losing salvation over my stupid mind. I don’t mean to question God but im disturbed by this topic.
I’ve been reading a lot of comments and they are helpful. I’m 23 years old married and with a new child in the picture. I am having blasphemous thoughts against God and I try to switch it immediately towards Satan! I’ve prayed so has my wife but they seem to always pop up especially at night. Jesus is lord is what I typically say to block out any thought that appears. It’s a constant fight and I’m tired of battling I just feel as if God is sometimes allowing it to take place. I don’t want to think harsh things about my lord and savior Jesus Christ. Please pray for me and for freedom of my mind. My thoughts include cursing, and perverted images of Jesus. I often faced harmful thoughts about my newborn baby and I know I would never harm her. Where are these thoughts coming from and how can I get them to STOP for good?
Jeremy, I appreciate your article. However, I’m still struggling…Bad. I say perverted and blasphemous things about God the Father, his Son Jesus, as well as the Holy Spirit. Things like them having sex with one another, me having sex with them, and other horrible things. I’m not sure, but I think I’m trying to get the Holy Spirit to call me back to God. when I was 17 I was saved. I knew it from the moment I went to the alter. I had this indescribable feeling, and after I was Baptized that feeling grew into one unlike no other. I knew if I had died on the way home from Church I would be in Heaven with my Lord and Savior. Over the years I could feel the Spirit dwelling in me. Now, not only do I not feel him, I’m filled with this hatred. ALL I want is to feel his presence again. I mean BAD!!! I need him so much and I’m afraid I will never feel him again. I ask for forgiveness, but to no avail. I actually feel like I am possessed by a demon, and that is why I say and think the things I do. Is there anything I can do to really come back to him? Please advise me Brother. Thanks!
What about if a person curses God or Jesus, but immediately rejects it? But keeps having recurring thoughts like that, sometimes accidentally, sometimes purposely, but not feeling any animosity at the same time?
I have the same problem. I did a chiropractic treatment for peripheral neuropathy using electromagnetic infared therapy. I beat myself up everyday because it caused this OCD problem. I use a journal to write my prayers and I know He looks at the heart. I appreciate His sacrifice so much more. I think of I am just one person with so much sin and still He died for me. He knows every hair on your head and everything you think. When I get the intrusive thoughts, I immediately ask for forgiveness and rebuke the enemy. He understands what you are going through. The unforgiveable sin is a walking away from God and not even trying. In my journal I give Him all .my struggles and feelings about everything. I am physically ill now. Ultimately you have to decide to trust Him and it takes time. I have been struggling for 6 months now. Deliverance may help. Feelings can be dulled due to this illness. Don’t go by your feelings go by trusting in faith for your salvation. I have been saved for many years. And then this happened. I don’t feel the Holy Spirit in the same way as I did, but I trust He is still there with me. I also try to figure out a way to minister to people daily. Because that is what we are supposed to do. So I do it on these kind of sites when the opportunity presents itself. I will never give up. Something that might also help is asking God to baptize you in the Holy Spirit. Maybe attend a church that believes in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. People get set free when the gifts start flowing. It could be helpful! Blessings!