When did the first sacrifice in Scripture take place? Lots of people think it happened in Genesis 3:20-21 when God gave “tunics of skin” to Adam and Eve before He kicked them out of the Garden of Eden.
The idea often taught from this is that from the very beginning, sin demands payment, sin demands sacrifice, sin demands death.
Well, I show you something quite a bit different in this Podcast Episode from Genesis 3:20-21.
The Text of Genesis 3:20-21
And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living. Also for Adam and his wife the LORD God made tunics of skin, and clothed them.
In this discussion of Genesis 3:20-21 we look at:
- Why Adam named his wife Eve
- The meaning of “Eve”
- Why it is significant that God gave clothes to Adam and Eve
- Where the clothes came from
- Why there is no sacrifice or death in Genesis 3:21
- Sign up for Newsletter
- Genesis 3:7 – The first clothes of Adam and Eve
- Hamilton, Genesis 1–17 – Amazon or CBD
- Wenham, Genesis – Amazon or CBD
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That was an awesome podcast… I haven’t heard it before shared like Jeremy Myers… blew my mind… thanks!!
Thanks for this. Also, Exodus 22:27, for their skin, as a covering for their skin.
Yep! That is one verse I used to help me arrive at the ideas I taught in this podcast.
When and where the first sacrifice took place in bible? You’re getting me confuse
I think Jeremy could answer better. It seems the first recorded sacrifice in scripture is that of Noah. But they probably did it before then to alleviate their conscience or to substitute punishment for social crimes. I don’t know much about the origins of sacrifice in human culture.
Abel was the first to give an offering of blood,which is the same as a sacrifice . which gives blood there are in the service of giving, or remembering God .
Kent, that’s right. Noah’s sacrifice is the first recorded sacrifice in Scripture, and for exactly the reasons you state. Many people think if it wasn’t in Genesis 3 (as described above) then it was in Genesis 4 with Abel. But there is no clear reference to sacrifice there either (as I will explain in future podcasts).
Concerning Abel… He brought “fat” to God. He had to kill an animal first. What would be the reason other than sacrifice (of gratitude) to God? (like saying: skin for me, fat for you). They were not eating animals yet… i think.. until Genesis 9:3.
please when you’re teaching on subjet like this sir jeremy Myers try as much as to explain it clearly give also bible refferences to help many Thanks
He does that Pastor Miki. Example, open the link above and listen to the audio tape. Click on the arrow. Thanks.
OK. Prof Kenthodge
I am learning so much from your perspective on these passages. Teaching that God loved Adam and Eve, and that he didn’t stop loving them, even though they were disobedient, is so uplifting. I know that there are consequences for sin, but losing God’s love isn’t one of them. Thanks for giving us another great podcast Jeremy.
Just a thought, Jeremy; the slaying of one sheep, let alone a lamb, would not be enough to cover two adults, would it? Not even logical. Sending them out into the world with a covering of grace is what happens to us as His Royal Priesthood in His son, so this is consistent with NT teaching, as Peter points out in 1 Peter 2:9. I wonder what Yeshua (Jesus) himself taught on this and Peter was one of His close friends, wasn’t he; interesting to speculate about.
But how are we to understand Rev 13:8 (‘the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world’) in the light of this?
Jeremiah 7:22
For I spake not unto your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings or sacrifices:
Isaiah 1:11
To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord: I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats.
Psalm 51:16
For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering.
Psalm 40:6
Sacrifice and offering thou didst not desire; mine ears hast thou opened: burnt offering and sin offering hast thou not required.
Hosea 6:6
For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
Matthew 9:13
But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.