[Note: This is a post from a few years ago… but it is appropriate for this year as we near the celebration of Halloween.]
I really want to like the institutional church. Honestly, I do. I want to see all the good it does for people and for the community.
But it seems like every time I give traditional church another chance to reveal Jesus, I get the opposite instead.
Here is what happened:
Tonight was Halloween
We take our girls Trick-or-Treating tonight. We stayed conservative, so no big witch hats or anything scary. Just 3 innocent cow-girls. If you condemn that sort of thing, you should probably just stop reading here. Or you could go read this post about why Christians SHOULD celebrate Halloween.
Here is a picture of my girls before we left:
And though there is six inches of snow on the ground, and it was only 35 degrees, we planned on going to two locations:
First, we went Trick-or-Treating in the neighborhood of a friend of ours. After that, we went to a “Trunk-or-Treat” at a megachurch in town.
Think of it as a competition between the secular version of Halloween and the Christian alternative…
Here is how both went:
“Secular” Trick-or-Treating: Warm Smiles, Lots of Candy, and Free Pizza
We met Monica and her daughter at her house at about 4:30.Β She instantly introduced us to several of her neighborhood friends and their kids, and together, we all walked around the neighborhood, chatting, laughing, telling jokes, meeting people, and petting dogs, while our girls got handfuls of candy from almost every door.
We did meet some ghouls and goblins, ghosts and witches, and even Satan’s bride, but none of them tried to kill us, convert us, or even cast a spell on us (that I’m aware of).
We got pretty cold after about an hour, so Monica invited us back to her place for pizza and hot chocolate. We tried to offer her some money, but she refused.
While we waited for the pizza to arrive, Trick-or-Treaters continued to come to her door. She knew about half of them by name, and chatted with several parents while giving out handfuls of candy to their kids.
At around 7:00, we were planning on going to the church Trunk-or-Treat, and asked Monica if she and her daughter wanted to join us. They are not “Christians” and so we thought maybe this might be a good opportunity to introduce her to church. But she said she had a night class she had to go to, and so we said our good-byes, andΒ left for the megachurch and their Trunk-or-Treat.
How glad I am that she did not come!
Church Trunk-or-Treat: Night of the Living Dead
A Trunk-or-Treat, in case you don’t know, is where a church offers an alternative to Trick-or-Treating. The church gets a hundred people or so to park their cars in the church parking lot, and then they hand out candy from the trunks of their cars. Usually, the church also has games and other activities for the kids.
At this church, here is how the Trunk-or-Treat worked: They had about fifty cars in the parking lot all of them weare covered by a cheap van insurance, and at about half of them, you had to stand in a line for about 10 minutes while kids played little games. When you finally got up to the car trunk, and played the game, the church members standing there gave each kid one piece of candy.
Yes. You read that right. One piece of candy.
And not snack-size candy bars, or little individual-size boxes or bags of candy, but a single piece of candy. Like a single Jolly Rancher. Or a single, individually-wrapped Lifesaver. Or a Dum-dum. Or one of those tiny Tootsie Rolls. The most substantial item was probably the Hershey Miniature bars. Not the Snack Size bars. The Miniatures. Like this one:
But of course, every single car had a “Jesus Loves You” sign next the candy. And I think we got invited to church about four or five times. We also received several Gospel Tracts along with the tiny piece of candy.
This whole time, remember, it was 35 degrees. We were freezing. So we went over to where they had some food like hotdogs and hamburgers, but they were selling these for $2 each. We didn’t need to warm up that bad, and so went inside the church gymnasium where there were supposed to be some better games where kids could win some bigger pieces of candy.
As we entered, there was a little booth where church members invited us to “sign up” for the church newsletter so they could contact us and invite us to their church. They also had a “Donations Accepted” box. I refused to sign up for junk mail, and refused to give a donation. I couldn’t help remembering that Monica had given our cold children free pizza and hot chocolate, and when I tried to give her money, she refused.
We went in to the church and discovered that at least in here, the pieces of candy were bigger. They had the actual Snack-Size pieces of candy at these games. So the girls stood in line for the first game, which required them to drop a penny into a fish tank. If the penny landed in a little glass dish on the bottom, they won a piece of candy.
Kahlea, our youngest daughter, went first. She dropped a penny into the fish tank, and the penny did not land in the glass dish. So the church lady looked at my five year-old little girl and said, “I’m sorry. You didn’t win. I can’t give you a piece of candy.”
My wife and I looked at each other in disbelief. WHAT?
So our other two daughters gave it a try, and both of them were able to get a penny onto the dish. They both got a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup. I looked at Kahlea. She was about to burst into tears. Thankfully, the lady behind the fishtank noticed this and gave Kahlea a second try, and much to my relief, Kahlea got the penny on the dish and got a Peanut Butter Cup.
At the second game, they had to toss some large rings made of straw onto a bale of hay which had some little stakes in it. To win a piece of candy, they had to get a ring around a stake. At this game, only Kahlea was successful, and so only she was given a piece of candy. The older two girls were not given a second chance. They walked away looking disappointed.
At the third game, they had to toss some stuffed pumpkins into a basket, which had been turned sideways and was already half-full of pumpkins. None of the girls were successful here, and so nobody got candy. I was starting to get frustrated. I wanted to yell, “Just give the kids some damn candy!” Hmmm… Maybe that witch from the neighborhood did cast a spell on me…
Then we noticed a large crowd of parents and children at a big game table in the center of the Gymnasium. We walked over there, and on the table sat every child’s dream: buckets and buckets of candy. There were three tables set up around a “Wheel-of-Fortune” spinning wheel, and on each table sat four buckets, each one overflowing with candy. This looked promising.
I should not have got my hopes up. I forgot where I was: In the land that promises much, but gives little.
The game was a Roulette type game. Six children got to play each round, two at each table. Each one was given a little beanbag pumpkin, and set it on a number from 1 to 12. Then when all six children had made their choice, a church lady spun the wheel, which also had the numbers 1 to 12 on it, and if any child had chosen the number which the wheel landed on, they got to pick one piece of candy from the overflowing buckets.
We waited in line for five rounds before our girls got their turn. In those five rounds, not a single child won a piece of candy. The odds of winning here at the megachurch seemed lower than the odds of winning in Vegas. Not surprisingly, when our girls got their chance, nobody won again.
At this point, Wendy and I decided to leave. Before we did, she took the younger two girls to the bathroom, where two church ladies yelled at them for “cutting in line” when, by all appearances, there was no line.
As I waited for her to come out from the bathroom, I overheard two mothers talking about how disappointed their children were at not winning any candy.
Yes. Mine too.
On our way back out the car, my wife looked over at me and said, “Well, at least it’s better than the crusades.”
We had a good laugh.
Happy Halloween
Look … I don’t care if your church wants to host an alternative to Halloween, such as a “Trunk-or-Treat” or “Harvest Party” or even a “Hallelujah Party” (gag).
But if you do, try to make your Halloween alternative better than anything the world has to offer.
If you have “Jesus loves you” plastered on every vehicle at your Trunk-or-Treat, you better be giving out truckloads of candy. If you have silly little games, fine. But don’t ever make kids walk away from them empty-handed.
If you think Halloween is some sort of contest between Jesus and the devil, just think of candy as the way children keep score.
Hmm….possible subtitle: What Happens When Following Jesus Becomes A Business Proposition Run By Committee
Okay…really, it looks like just another stark example of appearance over substance…
Yes, the whole time I was trying to imagine how they came up with this way of doing things. I imagined a big huge committee where everyone shouted out ideas, and nobody got told, “No.”
I didn’t mention it in the post, but there was even a guy parked in the very middle of the parking lot…in his Yacht. He was sitting in the back of his Yacht, dropping little pieces of candy to the kids down below with the bags wide open. He missed more often than not, and so the poor little kid had to scramble around in the dark among a dozen other little kids, looking for his piece of candy on the ground. It was bizarre.
what the hell were they saving all that candy for?? themselves? Buncha cheapskates …
Yeah, I wondered the same thing. We left about 8:30. Supposedly, it was over at 9:00 pm. I wonder if right at 9:00, they just handed over all the candy to whoever was there.
On the other hand, when we entered, they gave us a little plastic “gold coin” which was used to vote on whose car was best decorated. Maybe whoever won got all the leftover candy?
P.S. Your girls are adorable!
Yuck…What a terrible experience. The good news is there are churches that don’t do a crappy job of those kinds of events. I hate that you ended up at the First Church of Stingy. π
Oh yeah, your girls are tooooooo cute!!!! π
Yes, our girls are cute! Thanks.
And yes, when we were in Texas we went to several Trunk-or-Treats, and they were very well done. Top notch. The best we saw was First Baptist Church of Grapevine, TX.
That megachurch probably knew that roulette is the worst odds in the house, so nobody would be “raking in the candy”.
At least at a casino they would give you free drinks.
Cute kids btw.
I think there might have been free hot chocolate. I saw people walking around with it, but never did go over to see if it was free or if they were selling it.
I am with you brother. I want to give local churches a chance, but I too have been disappointed EVERY time I have tried since I left the “institution”.
It saddens me.
You are always welcome at our home for food and drink.. and I will even shower your kids in candy!
I probably shouldn’t complain about the church too much. We don’t actually let them keep all the candy they get on Halloween. Ha! Last year, we only let them keep 7 pieces.
This year, we let them keep 30….
I would love to hand out with you some day. If you and your family are ever north of NYC a bit, let us know!
This is the first year we let our kids keep all their candy. Before that it was rationed.
We travel for BMX races a lot, so if I am up that way next spring or summer I will sure look you up.
I know there is a race it Pottstown, PA next year.. how close are you to them?
3 hours north of there….
Hey, ain’t it great that girls take after their mother? Unfortunately, I have 3 boys!
Still, I hope you’ve been budgeting to purchase a nice big rifle/shotgun to mount over your doorposts in a few years… to keep the wild animals away (eg. my 3 sons). I’d say you might be safe from them, since they now live in Canada… but the Lord lured my darlin’ all the way from Pennsylvania!
Currently, according to my boys (ages 11, 9, 7) the last thing to cross their minds is chasing girls… the girls are more the chasers at this point (prob. not yours though, eh?).
Yours will always be “Daddy’s little girls”, right? When my wife used to head out on a date (pre-my time, of course) with all the foolish little boys of her youth, her father would always remind her to: “Remember whose girl you are!”
I think that was a great security and assurance to her, especially in times when she needed that extra confidence in his love for her (and a reminder of her Heavenly Father’s too).
Along these lines have you seen that Courageous movie? By the Georgian makers of Fireproof, etc. There’s a great scene of a father taking his teenage daughter out to a fancy dinner and expressing his commitment to continue to care for her in powerful love… if she so chose.
Peace Jer., Mark
Yep, I’m going to get a big sign that says, “I’ve got a shotgun and 30 acres, and I’m not afraid to use both.”
My little girls are not into boys either (thank God), but they do dream about getting married, and make believe about it all the time. Of course, when I ask who they are marrying, they all say, “Daddy!”
I haven’t seen Courageous. It sounds good. I will have to check it out.
I was going to ask what possessed you with the idea of going to a mega church anything, but then I read your comment about having good experiences with something similar in Texas.
Too bad you don’t live near here. Our neighborhood Halloween event included lots of candy for the kids, and a firepit, cider, chili, homemade cookies, hot chocolate and more for everyone. Sorry, no yachts or roulette wheels. (Apparently we don’t have the knack on how to be properly religious!) I’ll try to write about it on Graceground later (I’m painting the trim on the house) and post a link here.
You always throw the best parties in your neighborhood, Sam. That’s the way it should be! Of course, being the church as you are, you don’t have to pay for gigantic buildings, state-of-the-art sound systems, 17 pastoral staff members, and carefully groomed landscaping on a 150 acres of tax-free church property.
There are many things I could say about why it is never a good idea to offer bad Christian alternatives to pop culture, but the most important thing is that you got a GREAT story out of it!
Great stories redeem every bad experience! Ha!
LCL, you reminded me of CCM. (Contemporary Christian Music)..which 9 times out of 10 is a bad alternative to secular music π
I’m so sorry. That was the exact opposite of how it went for us. We go to Calvary Baptist for their Harvest Festival. Like you, its in a big gymnasium, they have had rides, and they have “everyone wins” games..shuffleboard, basketball, fishing game,etc. Loads of stuff. And they have SACKS of candy they just give away. We brought hoe a hefty garbae bag of candy, and unfortunately my daughter ate 10 bags of M&M’s so she was jacked up on sugar till midnite π Then the kids voted on best costume, and they all voted Aria. She won a glass challice filled with candy, which she promptly broke. The pastor is a young guy, and besides everyone asking me to come 8 times, I probably would if the people who were nicd to use there, would have had the same demeanor during the rest of the week π
They’re a cute little church w/ maybe 200 each service (they have 2 morning services) I tried to have her go to VBS, but they wanted the parents to go to a Bible study instead of with them, so I bowed out of that one.
That sounds really great. We will have to check that one out next year.
Why on earth did you take them to a megachurch? What did you expect?
Yep. Sam had the same thought above. We had great experiences at some Megachurches in Dallas, TX when we lived there.
I, too, am often disappointed with the institutional church and the ways it fails to be like Jesus Christ. I have struggled hard with my own bitterness, grudges, and hurt. And yet there is truth that I often have to remind myself with: that that disgustingness that I see so clearly lives in my own heart ( that I don’t see clearly, but others and God certainly do). That it is the institutional church and many of its members that I owe so much of the development of who I am ( the great things) to despite their failings to me later. That the ultimate mark of a Christ-like follower is the ability to love that which is disgusting and to sacrifice self in order to share truth with those that are ungrateful and disgusting.
Mary, I completely agree. What we judge in others is often just a reflection of the darkness in our own hearts. I know this is true of me.
Haven’t you heard ? Sugar is now considerred by some scientists to be a ‘toxin’. π
Yes. But it is a delicious toxin!
LOL at my former church, they NEVER ate candy until they came to my house in the days after Halloween. It was like a drug that turned them into zombies, and they fought over it. They didn’t watch television either. Victoria went out but really never ate candy, and one year I brought it to church, we were yelled at from the pulpit. Geez Louise.
Oh, please don’t do the “I will kill you” thing to the boys. It demeans the girls. Teach them what is acceptable behavior and they will expect that treatment. Girl power!
I’m sorry that happened to you and your family. Our church has always handed out a handful of candy. We don’t do games since it usually rains and the parking lot is small haha I know this was a bad experience but I hope you get to check out another one. God bless!
Planning our first ever trunk or treat, this was a VERY helpful article, practical advice. We need to make sure we’ve got truckloads of candy cause at the end of it all thats what the kiddos are there for…and never let a child walk away from a game with nothing…common sense. Thanks for the post.
It would be great if every church was like the one you went to.
Where safe costumes. And Jesus loves you signs were next to the candy bowls.
Unfortunately , most churches are probably not so.
We took my children once or twice to a few different churches searching for the “the safer ” Trunk or Treat only to find it wasn’t.
As some of the churches do put out. Please no scary costumes in their program. People still do so with no reprimand or change.
Unfortunately , children are still seeing evil celebrated at churches with Skeletons, monsters and even , yes Demons.
Me and my wife did leave the scene in search for a more spiritual safer Halloween with no success.
We decided to just frustratingly leave the issues alone and pray.
We also just attended an Easter egg hunt with about 5 huge bunnies hoping around the church with no whisper of what Jesus did for us.
Should churches leave out secular holidays. Been thinking allot about this.
I’ve been noticing more and more how churches are leaving out real Christian issues in today’s world and especially to our children’s lives, and conforming more to worldly questionable practices for the “Good” of helping the community.
Churches today are being packed out to capacity and can’t help my curiosity of knowing why the sudden change?
I say this all just for concern for the future of Christians , not to raise any issues or arguments.
But just as Jesus didn’t have a big fan club, neither should we be looking for more acceptance from the world.
We should keep our lamps burning brighter for Christ, not dimmer to be accepted.
What would Jesus our KING say about ; TRUNK OR TREAT ; at churches, or even Paul? I believe they would say ;NO! My church and another church has the samething. Ive been there and enjoyed it, but now i need to question them not to have it.
You must not know any ex occultists who was delivered from witchcraft! My advice: you tube John Ramirez Halloween Warning. You Tube Jenny Weaver Mommy why dont we celebrate Halloween? You tube Julie Lopez. Hear from thise who came out of the occult. And are on fire for Jesus.
I Praise the LORD Jesus the Christ today! I am a disciple of Jesus Christ.
I really enjoyed your article, really, I laughed at “..just give the kids some damn candy!” I am very sorry for your daughters experience, it seems it was more “frightful” than the regular Halloween. Thank you again. I appreciate your writing.
Thats cause you went to a megachurchπ my local orthodox church would never have you pay for food lol. Thats a protestant thing. Also, theyre giving out small amounts of candy because it teaches kids not to be greedy and to be thankful for what they have.
Wow, what a terrible experience. π Thanks for sharing so churches can avoid this foolishness.
Our church has been doing a trunk or treat event that I call “Gospel Trunk or Treat” or “candy through the Bible” for the last 12 years.
Personally I think we do it right, and it’s way different than this.