Most think of Allah as the god of Islam. And yet there are many Eastern and Middle-Eastern Christians who call God “Allah.” Is this wrong? Recently a reader sent in this question:
I love your newsletter and also the freedom to comment, so that I can read others people believe too…
Anyway, the reason I sent you this email is that I would like to ask you about something. In Indonesia, there are some Christian people who are trying to tell people it is wrong to call God “Allah.” They say we should use God’s original name, YHWH. The reason they say this is because Allah is the name used by Muslim’s for their god.
Personally, I do not mind using the name Allah, since I know which Allah I am talking and praying too… I pray to the Allah who sent Jesus to redeem us…
Would you maybe talk about this? Have you heard about this before?
As with most of my attempts at answering theological questions, I want to approach this question somewhat backwards.
The Traditional Answer is NO. You cannot call God Allah.
The traditional way of handling the difficult question of whether or not it is okay to call God Allah is by comparing Christianity and Islam, and then saying that since the religions are so different, it would be wrong to name the Christian God Allah.
For example, here is an article where Albert Mohler says pretty much this very thing. Here is a quote:
“If Allah has no son, Allah is not the father of our Lord Jesus Christ…This is no mere ‘discussion and bickering.’ This is where the Gospel stands or falls,” the theologian concluded.
Then there is this informative article which shows all the differences between the God of the Christianity and Allah of Islam.
In some ways, I am in agreement with those two articles. To say that God can be called “Allah” risks causing a lot of confusion in the minds of many people. There are vast differences between the God of the Christian Bible and the Allah of the Muslim Quran.
Furthermore, can you imagine asking a Muslim to name their god Yahweh? Of course not! Imagine the outrage!
Can you imagine asking Muslims to accept the idea that Allah had a son, or became flesh in Jesus Christ? Never!
So if Muslims know and recognize that Allah and Yahweh are so radically different, isn’t it odd that some Christians are willing to call God Allah?
This is the traditional way of answering this theological question about whether or not it is right to call God Allah. The traditional answers have a lot going for them.
And yet….
My Backwards Way of Answering…
(Here we get into the backwards way of answering this question about whether or not you can call God Allah… you’ve been warned).
I often think that one of the problems with a lot of theological debates centers not around the various opinions, but in how the question itself is asked. The way a question is asked often frames the debate.
The question for this debate is asked this way: “Is it wrong to call God Allah”?
Those who say it is wrong point to all the questionable activities and commands that Allah gave in the Quran. They say that Allah could not have had a son. That Allah could not have become flesh. That Allah is not a Trinity.
So let me ask the question a completely different way, to see if we can get a different answer.
Is it wrong to call God Yahweh?
Before you answer, I invite you to think through all the violent and questionable commands and activities of Yahweh in the Old Testament. I invite you to consider whether or not a Jewish person would think that Yahweh could have a son. I invite you to consider what a Jewish person would think about Yahweh becoming flesh. I invite you to think about what a Jewish person would say about Yahweh being a Trinity.
If we are completely honest with ourselves (and with the Old Testament text), I think the answer we give to the question “Is it wrong to call God Allah?” should be the same answer we give to the question “Is it wrong to call God Yahweh?”
Can I put it bluntly? The God depicted in the Old Testament often seems more bloody, devious, and vengeful than any depiction of Allah in the Quran.
But what about Jesus? What about the New Testament? Jesus looks nothing like Allah!
Yes. that is true. But again, if we are honest, Jesus doesn’t look a whole lot like Yahweh either.
(I should say at this point that I am currently writing a book about how Yahweh looks exactly like Jesus, but only when viewed through the lens of Jesus dying on the cross. But the book is less than half-way finished… and if I cannot prove the thesis to my satisfaction, I see no way out of the dilemma about how to reconcile the love of Jesus with the violence of Yahweh other than to say that in some way or another, the Old Testament is wrong in its portrayal of God. Anyway, stay tuned for more about this book…)
Yahweh vs. Jesus vs. Allah
If we can say that Jesus reveals Yahweh to us when Yahweh looks nothing like Jesus, I don’t have too much difficulty saying that maybe Jesus reveals Allah to us as well, even though Allah looks nothing like Jesus. When it comes to both Yahweh and Allah, I would say that there seems to be both good things and bad things about both, but Jesus came to show us what God is really like… and to help us separate the truly divine nature from the blood-bathed human trappings we have clothed God in.
Does this mean that Yahweh and Allah are the same? No! Nobody can logically make that comparison. Sure, there are a few similarities, but their differences are too vast.
So while I would never ever ask a Muslim to call Allah “Yahweh,” so also, I would never ask a Jewish person or a Christian to call Yahweh, “Allah.”
Is it wrong to call God Allah?
I invite all Christians, whether they are Western, Eastern, or Middle-Eastern Christians, that when they pray to God, they picture Jesus. Why? Because Jesus is the center of our faith and practice, and (more importantly for this question), Jesus reveals God to us!
Jesus says that if we have seen Him, we have seen the Father (John 14:7). Paul writes that Jesus is the image of the invisible God (Col 1:15) and that in Jesus dwelt all the fullness of God (Col 1:19). The book of Hebrews says that Jesus is the exact representation of God (Heb 1:3).
So if, when you think about God, you picture the God revealed in Jesus Christ, but use the name Yahweh, I have no problem with that. It might be confusing to Jewish people, but we are not asking them to picture Jesus when they talk about ha shem (the way they pray and speak about Yahweh). But if they ask if you are Jewish, you can say no, that you are a follower of Jesus.
And if, when you think about God, you picture the God revealed in Jesus Christ, but use the name Allah, I have no problem with that. It might be confusing to Muslim people, but we are not asking them to picture Jesus when they talk about Allah. But if they ask if you are Muslim, you can say no, that you are a follower of Jesus.
And if, when you think about God, you picture the God revealed in Jesus Christ, but use the generic name “God,” I have no problem with that either. Most people might wonder which God you are referring to, and if they ask, you can point them to Jesus.
What are your thoughts on this? Is it wrong for Christians to call God Allah?
Note: After I wrote this post, I decided to search the internet to see what others might be saying about this topic, and discovered, much to my dismay, that violence is erupting in Malaysia because Christians want to call God Allah. I imagine that maybe this is why someone sent the question in to me…
Ironically, this changes my answer somewhat. Though theologically, I stand by what I have written above, from a practical standpoint, I am not sure calling God Allah is worth dying over… If Muslims are offended by us referring to the God revealed in Jesus Christ with the name “Allah,” but Christians feel it is our “right” to refer to God however we want, I echo Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 6:7: “Why not rather be wronged?”
Of course, having said that, many early Christians were killed and persecuted by Jewish people (Read the book of Acts) because they equated Jesus with Yahweh… but the Christians thought the risk of arrest and death was worth it… And yet, the biblical case for equating Jesus with Yahweh is much stronger than the case for equating Jesus with Allah (there is no biblical case for it).
So what is my NEW final (tentative) answer? It’s this: Follow your own conscience and the leading of the Holy Spirit and the wise counsel from other mature Christians in your local community of believers…
As I understand it, this question really comes down to a matter of language and semantics. It’s the difference between strict meaning and association.
When we use the English word “God,” we usually refer to the God of the Bible. But “god” is not a proper name. It’s a word that describes a powerful being, and it can be used to refer to other gods.
The Hebrew word “elohim” and the Greek word “theos” are no different. Even within the Bible, these are usually used to refer to the one true God, but they are sometimes used to refer to false gods.
To take this a step further, I would say that the Aramaic word “allah” is exactly the same. It isn’t a proper noun. It’s just a word that describes a powerful being.
Thus, in an Islamic context, “allah” is most often used to refer to their concept of god. However, it can also be used to refer to the true God (or any other god).
That being said, the common association of “allah” is tied to their false view of God. So I would shy away from using it to avoid confusion. However, since “allah” is just the Aramaic translation of the same word we use, there’s certainly nothing wrong with using it.
Really, really, really good clarification. I mean, REALLY good.
It makes me think I should delete much of what I’ve written, and just say, “See Chuck’s comment below.” I think I will at least include a statement of this sort in the post…. Thanks for leaving such a critically important note.
I think you navigated rough waters in a responsible spirit Jeremy. As the launching of a dangerous discussion, your approach was very responsible. And I agree with your evaluation of Chuck’s input. It is REALLY good as you say.
Thanks Chuck.
Thanks, Jeremy!
very good explanation Chuck
ELOHIM comes from the Aramic word Allah – consult a dictionary if you do not believe
Mulsims also address their God as ELOHIM and it is in Koran also
Thanks chuck. What you mentioned above is very true in nature. I just want say this simple words of Jesus. Those who denied that i am GOD’s most beloved Son whom He sent to this world, there will be no forgiveness for them in Heaven or on earth or after they died….! I believe, that this sound so much serious. My dear brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, we got to look into this thing more deeper.
Well which is it Chuck ? Not to be mean spirited but you cannot have it both ways, Our Yahweh has only one name and to call him ANYTHING else is quite disrespectful and borders on insult if not all out INSULT. There is none like him anywhere, and all the false (gods) worshipped are not the same as our ALMIGHTY Yahweh there is no comparison. I know everyone is trying to be politically correct and not offend anyone. Perhaps it is time people became offended and wake up. We must glorify Yahwehs name in this life and into eternity. He has given us so much His son, salvation and redemption back to where we were supposed to be in the first place. Our lives our homes the breath we breathe and the promise of eternal life in his family, I think and know using the name he has giving us and declared it to be his name forever is not too much to ask in return. For me and for all his creation he is the only ONE TRUE GOD (Yahweh)
Hi Raphael,
I agree with you wholeheartedly that there is only one true God and that his name is Yahweh. However, Yahweh revealed himself by many different names throughout the Bible.
Furthermore, “Allah” is not a name; it is a title. You yourself referred to Yahweh by the title “God,” but “Allah” is that same title. “God” is the English translation of “Elohim,” while “Allah” is the Aramaic translation of “Elohim.”
Here’s something else to think about. Given the fact that he spoke ancient Aramaic, Jesus probably called God by an older form of the word “Allah.”
Here again I am not being disrespectful at all, but only adhering to what Yahweh has given us as instruction for now until if at any time in the future it is so changed (doubtful) his name. He in his word has never given any name other than Yahweh for himself to be called, That is his name forever, just as Yahushua is his sons name not Jesus. To call them by any other name or title is wrong and not building Glory to their name. Again not to be disrespectful God is NOT a title who ever got that started. King , Prince, Princess, Duke, Queen, those and many more like them are titles, God is a word for a being it is in our words what he is. Even though it is a shallow attempt at describing the one and only forever entity we call a God. Man has called him other names out of so called respect or unintentional disrespect. You have told me your name is Chuck and I respect that as what you like being called, of course I can insert Charles, Chaz, Chucky, Charly, but that may in fact not be your name (root). You may really just be a Chuck which I take for granted until told different.
Well to be fair the Israelites considered the name “Yahweh” so sacred that they would substitute “Adonai” (which means “Lord” in Hebrew) and if they needed to write it down they would get rid of the writing utensil afterwards or something. So I don’t think it’s wrong to call Yahweh by a title, as long as it’s honoring and doesn’t disrespect Him. I mean like, I doubt He’s gonna get worked up over something like that. The Bible doesn’t specifically (at least in all the English translations I’ve read) say that you must call God by His true name. I may not be completely right or wrong but who are we to judge how God feels about being given a title or other name?
Thank you for sharing your perspective, Raphael. I’m afraid we’re simply going to have to disagree.
Amen! Allah is the arabic term for God. it depends on the person speaking…no one comes to the Father except through Jesus…..nice explanation….
There is only One God The Almighty the creator of the universe.God Allah Yahweh Gott Dieu Deus Dios all are the same it depends on our maternal language.As a muslim I dont mind about that as there is only One God.As I speak arabic english and french I sometimes say Ya Allah … OMG… Oh God … Ah Mon Dieu… Oh Dieu… I am familiar to that as I am confident God is listening to me!!!
I do not agree with you.
In Aramaic, the word god is only three letters, alap-lamed-he (‘ALH), NOT double Lammad (‘ALLH). In Biblical Aramaic, it reads ELAH(a), as found in Targum or in Tanakh (Danel, Ezra), While in Syriac Aramaic (Peshitta), it reads ALaH(a) or ALoH(a). It is a common noun. The suffix (a) is a definite article.
The three letters were found in many preislamic inscriptions.
I don’t think it’s possible to reconcile the violent depictions of God in the OT with Jesus, his teachings, or the cross. I have concluded – and you mention this possibility in your post – there is something wrong at times with the OT writers’ depiction of God. I look forward to reading your conclusion as you write your book. Greg Boyd is attempting to do the same.
I think I might agree with you. I will probably write a post in the next week or two that says I am giving up on my project. I tried and tried and tried, but have hit nothing but bricks walls and dead ends. The best I can say right now is what you said, “there is something wrong at times with the OT writers’ depiction of God.”
Jeremy all due respect and I am not trying to offend in any way, but we must fully understand the old Testament and its real meaning before we can reconcile Yahushua to it. There is so much we accuse Yahweh of and we just don’t understand. When people read old testament stories they do not research them or pray about them but see them as page value, this is wrong and we get a skewed picture of Yahweh. Remember his mind is above our mind, we cannot understand until enlightened. They are one in the same there is no doubt about that. Yahushua is in complete agreement with Yahweh they are one, he has said so himself. and is justified in ALL
Glenn that is good.
Atleast it proves that the OT God and Jesus are 2 different gods !!!
Here you blow the TRINITY !!!
Elohim and Allah comes from the same root word.
Khan, no, that doesn’t prove that the Trinity is untrue or that the OT god is a different god than the NT god. It only provides evidence that there is something wrong/incorrect at times with the OT writers’ DEPICTION of God. Appreciate your zeal, though.
Glenn, it is not the Old Testament writers but our poor perception of Yahweh, Yahushua himself said Yahweh and I are one, do you suppose he is not telling the truth, Yahweh forbid. We just don’t understand the Almighty his mind is above ours.
YHVH does look like Jesus. Jesus does look like YHVH. If I may, in no particular order:
1. Adolf Hitler was loved and adored by many of his people. He isn’t a bad looking fellow. Many men wanted to be him; many women wanted to be with him. And yet his face today is used as the very portrait of evil incarnate. He did both good and evil; the evil utterly eclipses the good
2. We discuss the Will of the God of Scripture, YHVH, the Father of Jesus, as being both “absolute” and “relative”. He hates sin, yet He allows sin to exist. He is working a process in space-time, His Plan of the Aions, and His relative will can appear to be in conflict with His absolute will. However, His relative will always acts in accord with, and is in fact guided by, His absolute will: “I’ve got to be cruel to be kind.”
3. YHVH does not change, but Man does change. Man changes in accord with the Will of YHVH (both “absolute” and “relative”), as expressed in His Plan of the Aions. As Man is undergoing this process of change, Man’s perception of YHVH is ever changing. YHVH is not changing, but Man’s perception of YHVH is changing. At different times in the Plan, God shows Himself to Man differently. As Man receives progressive revelation from God, as His Plan for Man is unfolded, He necessarily appears differently because Man is being changed by God’s Plan, and as Man changes and Man’s understanding of God changes, Man needs to see Him in changing ways.
4. Love and hate, love and massive violence can be reconciled and understood. In his Plan, not all Men arrive at the ultimate love, ultimate peace, sublime knowledge, wisdom at the same time. Until the time when Man puts away violence, greed, selfishness, many Men will continue to percieve a YHVH-God, and He will be showing this aspect of Himself, as this Divine-Self-Expression will remain needful. Even so, He has revealed Himself in Jesus bar Joseph becoming Christ Jesus to all with ears to hear, eyes to see. Once the need passes out of His Plan, YHVH as revealed in the OT will no longer be seen by Man. Man will see only Christ Jesus, and the Father of Christ Jesus will appear as the Son appears to the elect even now.
I like what you are saying here… I may end up concluding something similar.
Let me ask a question of clarification…. what is your view on the inspiration and inerrancy of the Old Testament? It sounds like you are saying that the writers wrote what they thought was correct about God, but they were wrong. The perceived incorrectly, and therefore, wrote about God incorrectly.
Getting back to the question. In the Old Testament God said His name was
I Am in the New Testament Jesus called Himself I Am, much to the annoyance of the religious Jews.
When Jesus prayed He said “Father” He told His disciples tk call Him Dad or Daddy.
We all know that the god the muslims folow is the original moon god from Babylon that spread all over the world.
I Am decided to reveal Himself, the true God, to the world through a chosen set of people through Abram who was “called out” which is what the word Hebrew means, called out. Abram was the first Hebrew.
When God flooded the world and restarted it again with Noah’s three sons we eventually focused on the tribe of Judah which is where we derive the name of God’s chosen people the Jews.
Abraham had two son’s Ishmael and Isaac, Isaac was the chosen legitimate son and through him came Judah and eventually Jesus.
ishmael was rebellious and his line continues to be so today through the the Islamic followers.
To even conceive the thought of calling the One true God Allah is to bring Him
into disrepute. Jesus was and always will be God, the same as Holy Spirit is
God as is The Father. Be not deceived by those who would want to elevate
themselves, that men might want to adore them as God.
Luke 21 v 8 to 33 Matthew 24 v 4 to 51
God has not changed, He is from everlasting to everlasting. Do you thimk those destroyed by His hand and those He chose to meet out His Righteousness against should have been given opportunities to change? He did over many years, but the chose to rebel and encouraged others to follow their wicked ways, do we reckon that our so called justice against murderers is superior to Gods. Shall we therefore teach God how to trest us and His world. How arrogant have we become. Do we expect to live with God when
we die because we are near enough perfect. Do we really need a saviour?
Isaiah 64 v 5 to 7 surely we don’t need to ask you for mercy, do we.
There has always and will always be one God and He shiwed Himself to the world through His one and only Son Jesus. So lets not seek for another as the pagans do, seek yee the One who save, Jesus, because there is no other name that can save. Acts 4 v 11 to 12. Amen
Just as the virgin birth id not up for debate
John 20:17, RS: “Jesus said to her [Mary Magdalene], ‘Do not hold me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.’” (So to the resurrected Jesus, the Father was God, just as the Father was God to Mary Magdalene. Interestingly, not once in Scripture do we find the Father addressing the Son as “my God.”)
John 17:3, RS: “[Jesus prayed to his Father:] this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God [“who alone art truly God,” NE], and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” (Notice that Jesus referred not to himself but to his Father in heaven as “the only true God.”)
“Interestingly, not once in Scripture do we find the Father addressing the Son as “my God.”)”
Oh yes He does:
Hebrews 1:8
8 But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.
A young mother was putting her four-year-old to bed. As usual, she instructed the child to kneel and pray first.
The young one prayed: “Dear Harold – thank you for always letting us have food, and a nice place to live, and all those other nice things. Please bless Mommy, and Daddy, and make Aunty Jane get better soon. Oh, and Harold, could I please, please keep one of the puppies that Lady is going to have soon? I promise I would love it very much. Thank you Harold, Amen.”
“That was very good,” said the mother. “But why do you call God, ‘Harold’?”
Oh, you know,” came the reply. “Our father, who is in heaven, Harold be thy name…”
God, Allah, Jehovah, YHWH, the Tao, Creator, G-d, “that which cannot be named”, Brahma, “Harold”, all refer to the same thing. It is not different gods, but different, human conceptions of that which is ultimately ineffable.
A name is just a word. Rather than arguing over differences, we would do better to try to understand how those various conceptions arose, and to focus on what is common to all.
Excellent points, Lutek. That’s a funny story too.
A name is just a word, and yet, names carry meaning and significance too in the minds of those who use them. If someone persisted in calling me “Jim” I would think they didn’t know me very well…
I’m not a theologian, but would like to direct you all to Exodus 3: 14-15 and Luke 11:2 , unless you are reading a different Bible than me ,I don’t see Harold ,Tao, Brahma or Allah in either of these scriptures.
Well, unless you are reading in Hebrew, you don’t see Yaweh” either. What about Jehovah? I think many issues are just matters of translation.
What are the etymological roots of the word “God?” It is a rather impersonal way to refer to someone who wants to be called “Papa.” O:-)
I am, more and more frequently, just saying “Papa.” That’s what Jesus told us to call him. It’s really about relationship, not rules!
It’s getting to the point I think many Christians I know think less of us who still say “Jesus,” or “God,” instead of Ywh, Hasheem or Yeshua. I like those words, but having loved “Jesus” dearly from my earliest memories, that’s rather hard to change. I know his mommy called him Yeshua, but I’m his bride, and brides often use a different name for their groom that their moms did!
When speaking with pagans, or people of a different religion, I refer to God as our Creator or Father, to stand on common ground while I build on foundational truths we share. Paul did this on Mars Hill. With Muslims, I refer to God as our Creator. They understand who I’m speaking of.
“Tao” simply means “truth,” so you’d be wrong in saying God isn’t Tao. Those seeking Tao are seeking God, who is TRUTH. God has a lot of names, even in the Bible.
I agree with you Jeremy! You may wish to change what you wrote about “Allah” to: “See Chuck’s outstanding answer below! ” 🙂
With reference to your point about the key being whether one thinks about Jesus when they use the word, Allah, I would suggest that, in line with what Chuck suggests, the big issue is what’s in the mind of the hearer.
The word Allah, although used in the past by Christians and may still be in some parts of the world, is clearly associated in many people’s mind with the Muslim god.
Likewise, the Isa of the Qur’an is an artificial construct designed to undercut the authentic, New Covenant Jesus’ sacrificial death, resurrection, and free offer of salvation to all Muslims… all of which Muslim apologists and teachers deny.
Most Christians do not know that both Sunni and Shi’te Muslims are taught that Isa (supposedly our Jesus according to some misinformed Christians and most Islam apologists) will return in the End Times.
But, He will be the assistant to, and underling of al Madi, the Muslim, end-time messiah …when he allegedly returns, then, from the “well” in which many Muslims, especially Iranian “Twelvers”, believe he now resides!
Blessings all!
I guess my reply is much in line with Chuck says in his last paragraph. It’s not so much whom I have in mind, but whom the hearer has in mind, in using the term “allah”
Before I write about Allah and the Muslim religion I want to say that I do not dislike Muslims. I am sure they are very warm and loving human beings. I would love to call them my friends and brothers. I detest their religion and philosophy though. I will write about that.
Allah is different from the Judeo Christian God in this. Allah is known even by Muslims as a deceiver. It’s fundamental to their teaching and easily studied by googling it. Jesus would rather die than mislead us but Allah is willing to lie to you. Further, because Allah is a deceiver it is natural that his followers would have similar patterns. There is an Islamic doctrine called hudaibiya. This word, I believe, is named after a city. The story of that city is that Muhammad made a peace treaty with the express purpose of buying time to build up his forces to attack at a better time. He had no intention to keep the treaty. That concept, that you make a treaty simply to get military advantage is still considered valid in Islamic doctrine.
If a man’s word is no good then the man is no good. How can you be any better than the lies that come out of your mouth? If your God is willing to lie to people, how can you respect him?
I met three guys from Jordan once. They told me two stories that Muslims laugh secretly about.
The first story. They said that Muhammad once tried to fake a miracle. He buried some bottles of water under the sand and he was somehow going to make water come up out of the earth. Pigs smelled the water, came in and rooted up the bottles and destroyed his ruse. After that Muhammad condemned the eating of pigs.
The second story. During a drunken party Muhammad’s friend was stabbed. They found him dead the next morning but did not know who killed him. When they all pulled their swords out, Muhammad’s sword was bloody. Because of that Muhammad condemned the drinking of alcohol.
I admit, I have not studied to confirm these stories. I simply heard them from three men that grew up as Muslims.
These bumper stickers that call for us to coexist do not take into account the fact that Muslim doctrine teaches them to lie to their enemies so that they can get into position to kill them.
Hey Bob,
You have got it all wrong,but may I ask that what poof do you have about what you claim,Allah is the almighty and is not a deceiver,Allah in the Qur’an in referred as the most merciful,all forgiving,creater of everything and self subsistence he does not require anyone to support him and Allah is having no son neither wife,and tell me how can a almighty supreme being have sexual relations? And Yahweh is jewish terminology is the same now that mean Allah and Yahweh are the same being but christian god is unknown I don’t know what he is,And Muhammad in the Qur’an is the last of all Prophets and Messengers and is known as Rehmat ul alimeen the mercy of the world he forgive his most bitterest enemies who tortured him and his followers for believing in one true God.Now Muhammad never try to fake a miracle,the pig is forbidden to eat even in the jewish testament and so even here bible agrees but I don’t know why christians eat pork.Secondly wine was forbidden because Muhammad’s companions saw the evil in it.So please don’t speak without having proper knowledge or Blurting out made up stories that actually have no sense,the jews call Jesus the false prophet,Sorcerer,Necromancer etc would you beieve those stories or be angry.Surely we both know the answer
Chuck’s clarification of words for God is certainly thorough, but where he writes, “ …the common association of ‘Allah’ is tied to their false view of God,” I would add, just as the common association of Jesus is often tied to a false view of God, so I would shy away from using that name as well.
I’m surprised at how many Christians posting on this site are also Islamic scholars. I assume they’ve studied the Koran as intently as they have their own scriptures, otherwise they wouldn’t write with such conviction.
As for myself, I’ve only read the first few chapters so far, and only in English translation, so I’m certainly no expert. I did google “Allah deceiver,” though. As I suspected, the debate is over passages taken out of context. That happens a lot with holy books, it seems.
The deception by Allah was not a malicious act. He was deceiving the deceivers, the enemy – those who plotted against him, and against Jesus in one case. He was beating them at their own game.
I doubt that Allah as deceiver, and insincere treaties, are “fundamental” to Islam. It would be helpful if a Muslim weighed in on this. I know there was at least one participating on this site just a week or two ago, but I haven’t seen any posts from him recently. Maybe he got put off by the sanctimonious arrogance that had crept into some of the posts.
Deceiving the enemy is common enough practice in any sort of battle, and was a big factor in the Allies’ victory in WWII.
And as for making treaties in bad faith just to gain an advantage, that isn’t exclusive Muslim territory. Just ask any Native American to tell you about that.
Most of the current difficulties with the Muslim world stem from Islamism, which is no more representative of Islam than the Inquisition was of Christianity.
I would proudly put one of those ‘coexist’ stickers on my truck’s bumper (if it would stick over the rust). I doubt that Bob is against the idea of coexistence in principle. We can achieve it. We just need to get to know and understand each other better. Most Muslims I’ve met would be all for it. Too bad they’re not the ones that make it into the news.
I’m going to get a little excited here. Answer it anyway you like. I just hate the way this religion is turning warm and loving people into terrorists as they say so boldly that God would never have a son. It would be an abomination to him. When they reject Jesus (as the son of God) they reject God’s attempt to come close to them.
Consider the violence that this religion breeds.
Tell me, do you want to take your family on a vacation trip to Mecca? If you do, I suggest you remove that “coexist” bumper sticker first because they will kill you for that. In Saudi Arabia they behead a lot of people. Google that.
Hey, let’s all get along with each other though, okay? But I notice that Muslims are killing each other in massive numbers in every country around the middle east. They don’t just hate us, the Great Satan, they hate each other too. I hate the way this religion turns warm and friendly people into terrorists.
Did you know that the Iranian leaders have very publicly said that they will cut off the heads of the Saudi Arabian royalty, which has led recently to the Saudi’s asking to buy a nuclear bomb from Pakistan so they can defend themselves as the Iranians get the bomb.
You can not get along with someone who has public said and demonstrated that he is willing to die if he can kill you in the process. Let’s not presume that the Iranian leaders are sane.
If you check the cities in the Bible, that go to war with Jesus when he returns to earth you will find that every single one of those cities is today Islamic. You can not find one exception to that in the Bible. It is not that Jesus is mad at them but he can see that they will try to kill him just like they are trying to kill everybody else, and they are.
Pardon me if I get excited about this but do you remember? Yasser Arafat said publicly that he would kill a bus full of enemy school children and Yasser Arafat was a well loved leader. Yea, right. They are afraid of each other.
I know Christianity has an evil history too. There is a difference though. When a Christian is a murder he is going against the example of Jesus. When a Muslim is a murderer he is following the example and teaching of his patriarch.
I understand and share your concern with the violence and hatred that are threatening not only Middle-Eastern nations but the entire world. My point is that Yassir Arafat, Ayatollah Khomeini, Osama bin Laden and the current leadership of Iran and other militant nations and terrorist organizations were not and are not living by the basic principles of the Koran. They focused only on the judgmental passages. They adopted beliefs and attitudes based on the Hadith, which is a collection of hearsay reports on the deeds and sayings of Muhammad and many of his companions, often contradicting what was written in the Koran.
Much of what I’ve seen of the Koran reminds me of the Old Testament concept of a God of retribution and vengeance. Islam seems to me to be a difficult way by which to come to know the love of God. But there is also a lot of emphasis on forgiveness and non-judgment, especially in contemporary understandings. See, for example, and
I believe that the majority of Muslims today are peaceful, God-loving people.
Yes, militant Islam and Islamism are a cause for great concern, but I don’t think the solution is to denounce Islam completely.
You’re right, though. I wouldn’t vacation in Mecca – or anywhere else in the Middle East.
Mr. Lutek, I appreciate your gentle approach. I woke up this morning with this discussion in my mind and I was concerned that anger might be rising between us. I also want to say I appreciate Jeremy giving us this forum for discussion.
Anyway, I must say that I am not an expert on Islam – I have only developed an interest in them the last four or five years. I have had some involvement with them though. I have been connected somewhat with Brigitte Gabriel who grew up in Lebanon and, as a child, had to live in a bomb shelter for seven years, sneaking out at night to try to get some water from a ditch or some greens to eat. She set up a web site for me that I administered for a while. I attended a lecture by Mosab Hassan Yousef whose father was the founder of Hamas. I have read the writings of Wallid Shoebat and Kamaal Saleem. I do know some of what I am talking about so I will speak.
Everything we have about Muhammad is hear say from his family and friends. He was illiterate. The Koran is not written by Muhammad any more than the Hadith. I have never heard of any Muslim group that denies the Hadith. As far as I have ever heard, they all accept it as part of their holy writings. They have a doctrine they call abrogation. That doctrine says that the later writings take precedent over earlier writings. The peaceful part of the Koran is the early part of it. By their own principle of abrogation, the later part of the Koran and the Hadith take priority over the earlier peaceful part.
You say that it is only these few Islamic leaders that are so radical. Do you forget that the Muslims themselves give power to their leaders? They loved Yasser Arafat and they elected Muhammed Morsi. The terrorists that threatened the olympics were women. Kamaal Saleem was seven years old when they sent him to smuggle guns into northern Israel.
The only free Muslims in all of North Africa are shooting rockets at the very people that give them freedom.
Cruelty and Violence in the Bible
Revelation-17:16: And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.
Power-mad, belligerent, masochistic, petty, woefully insecure, extremely dangerous and unpredictable (and seemingly not too bright) Yahweh exhibits all the worst attributes of man. — Brendan Powell Smith, creator of the Brick Testament
But Allah says that isha supposedly Jesus was never crucified that denies the whole doctrine of Christ and Christ says you don’t know God either if you deny he’s the son
That’s what a whore deserves is it not Paul says its a righteous thing to recompense us for the unjust things done. And even all the old testament god saving us from the evil cannans and wickedness all death in the old is justified god says he will rip the Jews open dash there children to pieces because they profaned his name everywhere and did much evil and abominations that God does hate. Ppl see death and they think its bad it was a good thing god helping us out
oops, a typo I did not mean to say everything from Muhammad is heresy — I meant to write here say. I hope my spell checker did not do that to me.
fixed it for you!
That heresy comment is funny to me – because I genuinely do respect heretics. I see heretics not as people who resist God but as people who do not bow to religious tradition and dogma. With that definition I am proud to say that I am a heretic.
Would you guys like to come to my heresy classes next Sunday morning? Ha Ha Ha. Hope you don’t mind if I laugh at my own jokes.
Not me absolutely not Bob,
Let me explain you Trinity. In the beginning was word with god than word was god so god the father, god the son & god the holy ghost (where it came don’t ask me) = 3 persons = 1 god = trinity (nowhere in bible). Than in AD = 0, god begat son jesus but was actually god (though had a beginning and end) because jesus was I AM before i.e. god himself. Then father god crucified son god jesus for actually father gods mistake but since he was smarter son god jesus had to pay the price. But remember trinity ??? they are actually same that means father god killed son god – NO!!! HIMSELF. And remember father god does not forgive – first he needs blood for Atonement!! (a pagan belief). Where was god the holy ghost ? Don’t ask me – may be sleeping. So jesus is half man half god – NO CANNOT BE – so jesus is full man full god i.e. hybrid (uses only unleaded fuel). Now father god is Alpha & Omega meaning with no beginning & no end. But jesus had beginning & end but was word before & I AM even before that, so what is he ??? He is son of man, lamb of god, son of god, hybrid, I AM, 3 in 1 but 1 in 3 & god himself. Now jesus also resurrected (though gods do not die) & was seen floating around (you call it resurrection!!!) to some people especially mary magdelene (could be his girl friend – wink wink).
Hey, Khan, I’m just curious.
What is your reason for posting comments here? Are you primarily interested in voicing your own convictions, or do you read and consider what the other participants have written? I think you could contribute a lot to increasing understanding among the People of the Book, if you go about it peacefully, mercifully and compassionately.
Me too Lutek – I wanted to understand trinity – on one wouid explain me so I did research and gave my results. Do you differ from them? If so where?
I would appreciate your enlightenment.
Hi Khan, I did give my views on trinity on that discussion page. I think it is more correct to consider the trinity as three aspects or facets of God, rather than three persons in one. That is my own view. I cannot speak for everyone else.
I know that the Koran says that Jesus is not God. I agree with that in the basic sense, but the issue of divinity, rather than deity, is more complex, and I won’t write about that just now.
I often wonder what Muslims believe about who Jesus was and what he taught? Perhaps you could share that with us.
Christians have debated the topics of divinity and trinity for two thousand years, but all agree that the most important thing Jesus taught was love – love God with all your heart, love your neighbor as yourself, and love even your enemies. In my view that is the essence of Christianity. What is the Islamic thinking on that? What is your personal opinion?
Jesus = messiah (christos)
William = bill
James = jim
Yeshua = eesau or issa
Yeshua = the servant messenger and messiah
Elah, allah, ilah = the Almighty Superb Creator
God is from germanic gut quite recent really relatively speaking
Christians were using word allah 600 years before the last messenger walked the earth
Christianity believed in one god in the beginning
Trinity came when Constantine paganised Christianity
Pagans have always made gods of humans
The Almighty does not look like man or anything else in the creation
Moses never heard the word jew
That came with Judah
The followers of his religion were called jews and it stuck
Yeshua never heard the word christian ( greek christos,messiah)
Man changes the word of god
Was Paul Saul of Tarsus the Christian bounty hunter?
Why don’t the people who have been blessed to believe in our creator
Christians muslims and jews see the similarities between us
Have you been so institutionalised as to only see what differences there are
Will it mean anything on the last day
May the creator be most merciful to us on on that day
And maybe we get the message and get along and be good be kind
Too much my dads bigger and better than your dad
Dear brother Khan Majeed. It seems that you are a bit mixed up on explanation of the trinity. Please… read the Bible carefully and do consult those who are well versed in the Bible k. God bless you brother Khan Majeed.
Thanks, Bob, for your insights into the severity of the situation in the Middle East. Would you say that a majority of Muslims there are militant? Maybe some of their more reasonable friends and relatives in the west (I still think there are some) will help them to see the light.
I don’t give much weight to prophecy, because it’s so difficult to interpret properly, but I heard it said that the part in Genesis where Isaac and Ishmael attend Abraham’s funeral together was a foretelling of a reconciliation of Islam and Christianity. We can only hope.
It’s not Mr. Lutek, by the way. Just Lutek. It’s a first name, a Polish variant of Louis.
Heresy classes? Sign me up! I thought of myself as an apostate, but heretic is easier to pronounce!
And so Lutek see your reasoning. In the last century WW-1 WW-2 and Stalin etc. were there any muslims involved?
Look at the case of Isreal and USA – amongst them they have killed at least 25 million palestinians and muslims (palestine, iraq, afghanistan, pakistan, iran, syria, somalia). Your own people (Jesse Ventura, Canadian Minister, etc.) say openly that World Tower attacks were organised by CIA and Israel.
By the way, a super power could not subdue Afghanies with no credible weapons after 13 years and your ass has been kicked overthere.
And this is not new. If you read Bible and Koran, God speaks of people like you who when stabbing others scream of attack on themselves. But God also promises to make you people fuel of hell fire.
I haven’t stabbed anyone, and I haven’t screamed about being attacked – though it seems you’re trying to attack me now.
If you read back, you’ll see that I was defending Muslims as being, for the most part, peaceful people. You seem to be doing your best to show that isn’t so.
Are you trying to say that Muslims haven’t killed anyone in the Middle East? Are you saying that It was not Muslims who hijacked those planes and flew them into the WTC? Are you saying that the president of Iran didn’t vow to wipe Israel from the face of the earth?
There is plenty of blame and violence on all sides. More violence will not settle anything.
I get the impression that you grew up in the Middle East, and that your life has been filled with fear and violence. I’m sorry for that. It sounds like you carry a lot of anger with you. You hurt yourself with it more than you hurt anyone else. And if you do let it build up to the point at which you lash out at innocent people, you will end up hurting yourself much, much more.
I suspect that you have been taught that all Americans and Canadians (I am a Canadian) are evil, and not to be trusted. Yes, there is evil and depravity here, but there are many more good people than evil. There is also plenty of evil and depravity of a different sort in Islamic nations.
You haven’t made any comment on Jesus’ teaching of love for God, neighbors and even enemies. Have you ever really thought about that? You don’t even have to befriend Christians to experience that if you don’t want to, though most would welcome the opportunity. I know there are mosques in my nearest city whose focus is on peace and compassion instead of anger and violence. the same must be true where you are.
I consider you to be my brother, and I hope you will come to think of me the same way. I hope you will let go of the anger and bitterness that are slowly poisoning you, and find peace in the true love that comes from God.
If the majority of muslims in the ME are militants than majority or you murderers.
Say: God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal, Absolute; God He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; And there is none comparable unto Him.
A godfather or godmother is simply a person designated by a child’s parents to teach the child to follow in the ways of God, in case something happens to the parents. It does NOT mean that the godfather or godmother actually is God.
Kahn Majeed,
I am not stupid. I do not have a pea sized brain and I am sure you are not stupid either.
I’ll try to start our conversation over with simple statements that we can agree about.
Is it true?
Allah is very distant from human beings? He is angry at us and distant form us because of our sin.
Am I right?
The Christian God, according to our belief, smiles when he looks at you Kahn and only waits for you to accept him for who he is, a very loving and caring God.
The one difference between the son of God, as in Jesus, is that he loves us in spite of any evil or any sin we might do. Allah and all the other Gods are either angry or distant from us as they wait for us to quit sinning and get it right. Jesus does not do that. Jesus continually loves and yes, likes us, even on an individual basis, without regard to any sin we have committed and without regard to any sin we might yet commit. Jesus never stops loving and liking us. All the other Gods remain angry or at least very cold towards humanity.
Jesus simply tells us to call him God and look at him as God to be saved.
Allah demands that you become good to a level that no human being can do, so he remains angry.
Yes. Of course, God in the Old Testament is pretty violent too. That is partly why I am struggling with these portrayals so much…
Hey Jeremy,
If I may offer a slightly different take, while deeply respecting the thought process you have gone through in this article, I think a lot of the “is it wrong to call the Christian God ‘Allah'” questions are rooted in a pretty hostile and ignorant attitude of Christians toward Islam, that ill-suits followers of Jesus. It is, I believe, possible to acknowledge as I do that Jews, Christians, and Muslims all really do worship the same God without claiming that all (or any) of us are actually “right” about him, or that there is no difference between the faiths, or even (as a mostly-orthodox Christian myself) without abandoning the notion that Jesus really *is* different in eternally-important ways.
In other words, we don’t have to be as disrespectful toward Islam as many Christians are, and in point of fact if we were more respectful we might actually introduce Muslims to Jesus instead of driving them away.
If I may, I offer the following further thoughts …
Thanks for the good thoughts, Dan. I do strongly encourage more genuine respect and friendship between Christians, Jews, and Muslims.
However, I don’t think we all worship the same God. The God I see revealed in Jesus Christ doesn’t look much like Allah, or, for that matter, the normal way God is taught by most Christians.
Well, Jeremy, now that you mention Christians, I certainly agree that the God I see in the New Testament doesn’t look much like the God preached by many (even most?) Christians. But does that mean that I can go so far as to say that they actually worship a false god, or a different god than I do? I’m not sure I can say that. And if I can’t say that about the Calvinist, who I am convinced portrays a God that, if true, would be downright reprehensible, then I can’t say it about Jews or Muslims who deny the deity of Jesus. I may be wrong (quite certain I am in some ways), but I hope I’m at least consistent.
One thing I really appreciate from the Muslim message, is where in the Quran it says (and this is a paraphrase) that Christians should follow the light given in their book, and Muslims should be faithful to theirs, and in the end God will show us all where we’ve got it wrong. There will, I’m quite sure, be plenty to show all of us, myself most definitely included. I frequently give thanks that God is vastly more merciful than most humans who name his name.
I pretty much agree with everything you’ve written here. I see your point about the various Christian “gods” as well. I am not certain on how to sort it all out, but God will, and as you say, thankfully He is more merciful than most humans.
The question, ” is it wrong for wrong for Christians to call God “Allah” cna be answered by recognizing who “Allah” really is. Historically, the name “Allah” is drived from the pagan god “Iliah”. Iliah was the main “god” of these pagans. He was the moon god. Mohammed, when he was trying to convert the pagans in the Arabian peninsula to Islam, forbade them from worshiping their many gods. He adopted “Iliah”, which then became “Allah”. This he thought would appease the pagans and make them more likely to convert. The moon and crescent symbol associated with Islam is due to fact that “Allah” is really the pagan moon god. Google “Iliah” and you will see ancient statues of him with a crescent moon on his chest.
So, that being said. Why would any Christian want to use the name of a pagan moon god as the name for the true God? The very creator of heaven and earth through whom salvation has come. I am middle eastern and I speak Arabic. It bothers me when I hear Arabic speaking Christians using Allah as the name for God. Many believe that it is just the Arabic word for God. Nope! The Arabic word for God , the true God of the Bible is “Rabena”. Derived from Raboni.
Is it ok to use the name of any other pagan god in place of the True God? I think not.
Just my 2 pennies.
I was not going to comment, but a voice kept prompting me to do so. Here is what I know and all who believe in the one true God (Yahweh) should know by now. And no we don’t all worship the same Yahweh, I say most all who commented on here not ALL, are working from the premise of what man calls his god (small) letters non god. All these other entities for the most part have a name given to them by man, because they are created by man. So all those names only bring shame and disgust from the one true GOD Yahweh who has told man what his name is. Now when I tell someone my name that is what I wish to be called and I know Yahweh is the same way, or else why would he have told us so. Then used it over 7000 times in his word. He is the only Almighty one who has given us his name and it is a real name. By not using it we bring dishonor to him and his being, and as you said Jeremy if we don’t know his real name we sure don’t know him very well. Yahweh wants man to use his name it is a glorious name and it is a name above all names, there is power in that name it has been declared to us by his son Yahushua. To use any other name is discredit to him and he himself says, he does not even want the name of other (gods) to be on our lips. So I dare not call The Almighty any other name than the one he wishes to be called. I think we all know God is not his name and by now that Jesus is not and was not Yahushuas name at birth. Why are we so stubborn and strong willed and steeped in mans tradition, why cant we just obey.
“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
People are often given, or take upon themselves, new names when they transpose their lives into different cultures and languages. For example, Jesus is a latin form of the Greek Iesous, which is a rendition of the Hebrew Yeshua, a common alternative form of Yehoshuah. All refer to the same person, in different languages.
God is not a name, but a noun. Judaism has more than one name for God. It’s not as simple as God saying, “Call me Yahweh.” Here’s a web page that helps explain it:
I don’t think it’s fair to assume that someone is worshiping a false god just because they use a different word or name. For example, to most Muslims I know, Allah means the loving and merciful creator God of the universe. The etymology of the name is insignificant. or meaningless to them.
We shouldn’t judge someone’s faith by the words and names he or she uses.
In fact, it’s best not to judge at all, but just to love.
I knew a fellow in a congregation I belonged to who hung up on the “Holy Names” Bible version. He was quite judgemental and defended his argument well. I found out later that he was raising and selling illegal fighting-roosters, cheated on his wife, was a drunk, pugnacious to a fault, and did not provide for his children in his house. These things disqualified his “new teaching” and the God that he worshipped was not the Almighty God of our Scripture.
Those old enough may recall the lyrics, “You can call me Ray, you can call me Jay, you can call me Johnny, you can call my sonny…” Then there is the quip, “You can call me what you want just don’t call me late for supper!”
God knows our hearts. In fact we do not even know how to pray properly, for the Holy Spirit interprets our prayers… God knows who you are, and knows who are his.
I’m called Greg, or Gregory, sometimes Grey, or George, or Gary. But my real name is written on a white stone, and I’ll learn it when I get to heaven. Jesus said, “my sheep know my voice, and they follow Me”.
Thanks, Gregory. Yes, I think Jesus knows when we are calling His name, even if it doesn’t always sound the way the rest of us think it should.
I was looking for some information I once read and now mixing the detail when I stumbled at your site. As a matter of fact, the article stated that 800 ( or so) Christians were killed in Malasia (or where) for using the name Allah for God in their translated version of the Bible.
I live in Ghana, and over the past 8 years imams during their Tafsir during the fasting month attacked one another, and just this year where truce was brokered their attention fell on Christianity, and the ‘bashing’ was just forthcoming. One of them said Christians were running away from saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ and framed up Halleluya.
In my opinion, for the sake of peace, it is better to ‘carve’ another name for Arabic speaking Christians, so that we do not see the kind of atrocities I was looking for.
A careful review of history would even reveal that ‘Allah’ is not Islamic as Muhammad’s (SAW) father (AbduLLAHI) who died some 41 year before his son received revelation had Allah in his name. Christians would not shy away fron using what is already known and is being used by the people to describe what they should describe so long as such usage would not at any time elicit opprobrium. Allah is not Islamic – it is Arabic.
Ummm…Allah means God in Arabic. All Arabs say Allah when referring to God regardless of religion. I’m Palestinian Christian and we say Allah too. It’s our language and it’s absurd for you to say that we shouldn’t say Allah when Allah means God in Arabic!
The writer of this article was not aware of the fact that Jesus Himself is the God of the Old Testament.
He wasn’t aware of the information that Jesus Christ is Yaweh:
Ye call me Lord (Yahweh) and Master: and ye say well; for so I am. (John 13:13 KJV)
— Spoken words from Jesus
I’ve been away from this for a while but I got an email response so I’ll comment again. I have not reviewed all the old posts but…
It is my hearts desire to free people from the bondage of religious institutions with all their demands and expectations. I address that issue with Christians and non-Christians because many Christians are in bondage too. We all have to decide this, do we worship a God that is angry and disappointed in us when we do wrong or do we worship a God that smiles at us and loves us even when we do wrong.
Only in Jesus as the son of God do we have a God who loves us and blesses us even when we do bad.
For many people, including many Christians, Jesus is seen as an impediment to God, an obstacle we have to get around. That’s what they hear from Christians when they say that Jesus is the only way to God. I teach it different. I say that Jesus IS God manifest. Jesus IS God’s effort to come close to us in a way that we can understand.
Islam denies that Jesus is God and furthermore, they teach that Allah intentionally deceived the observers so that they would think Jesus was crucified. So Islam denies the deity of Jesus and they teach that Allah lied to deceive people about Jesus.
I just want people to know that God is good and loving and that he wants to do good for all of us right now. God will not show himself though, until we get rid of our skepticism. God is good, right now, for you and me, even when we do bad, and it’s the appreciation of what he has done that makes us want to do better.
Muslims need freed from their bondage but so do many Christians.
Thxs and goodbye
Love the Book of Hebrews. I also love Hebrews 1:3 which you mentioned here. To get the most accurate, clearest sense of God(YHWH), look at Jesus(which for us is to understand Him as best we can through the NT).
I also love Hebrews 1:10-12
10 And,
“You, Lord, laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning,
and the heavens are the work of your hands;
11 they will perish, but you remain;
they will all wear out like a garment,
12 like a robe you will roll them up,
like a garment they will be changed.[a]
But you are the same,
and your years will have no end.”
which is a quote of Psalm 102:25-27:
Of old you laid the foundation of the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
26 They will perish, but you will remain;
they will all wear out like a garment.
You will change them like a robe, and they will pass away,
27 but you are the same, and your years have no end.
Psalm 102 is a YHWH Psalm. The author of Hebrews is making here(and it’s not just here, it’s all over the book of Hebrews)an overwhelming case that Jesus is YHWH of the OT, and He is explaining that Jesus is the best, clearest, exact representation of YHWH’s nature. The primary focus for us, if we are trying to understand what God is like, should be on His incarnation and the light He revealed as the incarnate Word of God.
In my culture we call God “Ngai”.
Ngai was my ancestral god who lived on top of my Kenya.
Now for me Ngai is the God of moses, Samuel,Daniel, Job and the father of Jesus Christ.
If that works for me, why would Allah not work or how many world cultures are we going to navigate.
The words we call Yahweh and such like were you to dig deep you would find they were borrowed from ancient deities who were not the God of Abraham.
And do not forget your months of annual Calender’s are named after Greek gods. So do you worship pagan gods every time you write the month of a date every day???
What people need to remember is that Islam was born circa 620A.D. Arab Christians were calling God “Allah” long before there was a single Muslim in existence.
Thank you God bless you ✝️
I do understand where your argument come from, I think we should not call Jesus ‘Allah’ because it sounds like I calling for the Islamic god instead. But I think there has been a bit of misunderstanding which the person who wrote the email didn’t clarify: in the Indonesian bible, ‘God’ is translated to ‘Allah’. This happen because before Christianity came, Islam dominated the whole country. The Islam faith and their culture was spread across Indonesia. Therefore there are some Arabic words that are used in Indonesian language. For example, the word word dawn in Indonesia is ‘fajar’ and in Arabic it’s ‘فجر’ which is also pronounced ‘fajar’. So they probably don’t mean that they want to call God ‘Allah’ as in the Islamic god, but ‘God’.
But, personally I think it’s okay to call God ‘Allah’ because it was just a language problem. I also think many Christians don’t see the problem with this as they still use the word ‘Allah’ in worship songs. e.g. ‘Jesus, my God’ in Indonesian would be ‘Yesus, Allahku’
Thanks for reading this comment, God bless you!
It is my understanding that Allah is the Arabic word for God. An Arab speaking Christian would refer to God as Allah. It is the same. The Holy Koran itself confirms that Christians and Jews worship the same God as do believers in the Koran.
If calling God Allah is offensive because Muslims hijacked the Christianity basis for the religion then we should also complain when Mormons say they worship God. They also hijacked Christianity and wrote fan fiction.
The word for GOD in the language spoken by Jesus peace, which is Aramaic, be upon Him is אלהא Elāhā (Biblical Aramaic) and ܐܠܗܐ Alāhā (Syriac).
May GOD guide everyone! ^^
This post seems rather ignorant. It is probably the case that Christians were calling God ‘Allah’ before Christians were calling God ‘God.’ ‘Allah’ is likely the pre-Islamic name for God in Arabic. It is believed to be cognate with Elohim… actually the singular Eloah in Hebrew… but ‘God’ in English is not.
Mormons and Hindus use the word ‘God’, but their concept of god/God is different from a historical Christian understanding. But that doesn’t mean because of those two groups, we should go around saying, “Don’t call Yahweh ‘God’ in English.” That doesn’t make any sense. Nor does it make any sense to say that Christians should stop using ‘Allah’ after 1400 or 1500 years.
And you seem to have a disdain for how God, Yahweh, is presented in the Old Testament. You need to value both God’s severity and His goodness.
I also don’t generally picture Jesus when I pray in English to ‘God’ or when I speak Indonesian and use the word ‘Allah’– the Indonesian word for ‘God’.