As I look back over 2012, I want to thank all of you who read and comment on this blog.
There are numerous reasons I blog, and you are one of the main reasons. I wish I could give you all a big hug… or maybe a good firm handshake for you super-masculine types…
Another reason I blog is that for me, writing is the only way I can think. Blogging regularly is one of the primary ways I discipline myself to think and study.
As a result, I am always amazed when people read my (sometimes) random meanderings and musings about life, Scripture, and theology.
2012 Blogging Year in Review
When it comes to blogging, writing, and life in general, 2012 was a tough but good year.
One of the most difficult aspects of it was that Obama got reelected. I’M KIDDING! Obama’s reelection was not the end of the world…. that happened on December 21st. Oh… wait…
No, the real challenge of this year for me was a cross-country move. We moved from eastern New York to western Oregon. Over 3000 miles. With three kids, two cats, and pulling a U-Haul trailer. It was quite the adventure. And during this move, many of you helped out by sending in guest posts to publish on this blog. Thank you for that. You are part of what happened on this blog this year.
And what did happen?
Well, not that stats are everything, but here they are:
2011 Statistics

2012 Statistics

Not too bad…
Other Statistics
My email newsletter list when from about 100 to just over 1000. Part of that is because this year, I published 5 books. Four of these were my own personal ebooks, which were distributed for free to everyone on my email list. The fifth book was Finding Church, published by Civitas Press. None of these were great sellers, but again, I don’t write to make money, but to think through ideas.
I have BIG publishing plans for 2013, but more information on that will have to wait for future posts. I do, however, plan to put out another 4-6 free books to newsletter recipients. One of them will be a full-length commentary on Jonah. So if you still haven’t signed up for the free email newsletter, make sure you do so today.
Along with writing 5 books, I also read over 50 books, and plan to read about the same number in 2013.
My Greatest Accomplishment in 2012
But all of this is rubbish compared to what I feel is my greatest success of the year: I believe that my marriage and my family is the strongest it has ever been. We are not a perfect family (not even close!), but all five of us have grown together as never before.

Not only that, but we have begun to find tangible ways in our new community in Oregon to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the people in our neighborhood and to the poor and homeless all around us. We are also are working on ideas to help young girls caught in the booming sex-trade industry of Portland.
So far we have been doing much of this by ourselves, but we are making great strides in finding others with whom we can join as we seek to follow Jesus into the world. If you happen to live in the Salem, Oregon area, let’s connect!
Thanks for a great 2012, and I am looking forward to what God has for us in 2013. See you then!
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