I have long wanted to write a weekly post where I put up some of the best blogs posts from other blogs and best comments from this blog that I have read this past week. I hope to do this regularly…but we’ll see if I can remember to do it…
Here are some of the blog posts I read this week that really made an impact on me.
- “Swanny” from Allergic to BS provided a list for why legalists make lists.
- Sam asks some really tough questions about serving the homeless in our communities.
- Nathan Bingham reminded us that as followers of Jesus, we have no special religious requirements.
- Trevin Wax posted a great poem from Ben Witherington III called “If Only.“
On Bounded Sets and Centered Sets, Dan B. from Snorting Horses wrote this breathtaking comment:
I’m less interested in getting someone through the door of some building. In fact, I have almost zero interest in that unless there’s something about what goes on in that building that really helps my friend walk more closely with God. My focus is on walking through life toward Christ with people.