In a previous post we discussed the giving pattern of the early church, it was seen that those who had more sold their possessions, and the money was distributed to those who had less (cf. Acts 2:45-56; 4:32-35; 6:1). This is the true biblical model of “redistributing the wealth.” But notice what is not involved anywhere in this redistribution: the government.
Wealth Redistribution: Great Idea. Bad Practice
Redistribution of wealth is a wonderful idea, is commended by God, and we find numerous examples of it within the pages of Scripture. But wealth redistribution is not something that can be commanded, required, or legislated. You cannot create laws which are enforced by the government to take money from the rich and give it to the poor. This has never worked in the history of the world, and never will. Why? Because if the rich want to remain rich, then threating to take their riches will only cause them to hide it better, or find other ways to become even more rich than before.