It has been about three weeks since I published a post on the book I am writing, When God Pled Guilty.
In case you are wondering, I haven’t forgotten about it!
To the contrary, I have been working on it like mad! And even when I am not studying, researching, reading, and writing on the topic, I am thinking about it. As they say, “A writer is working even when he’s staring out the window.”
So why haven’t I written any posts on the book for three weeks?
It is just that… well… I ran into some snags. Or maybe I should say that I ran into A snag.
What snag is that?
The biggest snag of all… Scripture!
I think many of you were predicting this! And no, I am NOT doing this to my Bible:
You see, up to this point in When God Pled Guilty, I have only been writing “theological theory.” I built a hypothesis that I wanted to test against Scripture. Though I have been a student of Scripture all my l life, I have always had difficulty with the violent passages in the Bible, and how to reconcile them with the loving portrait of Jesus in the Gospels. I felt that something was amiss, but could never put into words exactly what was wrong.