This past week we took a look at why Cain offered a sacrifice to God, and why God rejected Cain’s sacrifice, but accepted Abel’s. Here is a lighthearted perspective on why Cain’s sacrifice was better…
Why Cain’s Sacrifice Was Better…
Is God Angry at Us? Kind of…
After I wrote my post about we human commit evil and then blame God for it, I found this image online. I laughed because it’s true. If God is angry at us, He is angry because we Christians keep blaming Him for everything that goes wrong in the world.
The Bible is More Violent than Video Games
In light of my series on the violence of God in the Bible, in which I said that the Bible is the most violent religious text in the world, someone sent this picture to me. It made me think… Hmmm, why do I want my children to read the Bible again?
Go here to see some more humorous Christian memes.